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What's the most times you have played out a class story and which one was it?


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Not including the toons over the last six years that I played through the story and subsequentely deleted, I currently have 177 toon across 5 accounts, and the vast majority of those are jedi consulars.


It's not so much that I prefer the consular story (dealing with Yuon Paar is tedious, and the male consular's portrayal is as bland as a dead fish), but I like playing good guys more than bad guys, and force wielders more than pistol wavers, which leads me to play the knight or the consular. I prefer ranged over meelee, so there you have it: Jedi consular.


There are definitely class stories that I think are straight-up monotonous and avoid strictly for that reason, such as the bounty hunter (here, take yet another piece of paper and kill whoever's name is on it, then come back and I'll give you another piece of paper).


I do have some fun playing an evil sith sorcerer, and I have my share of gunslingers, but for all those toons, less than 5 bounty hunters.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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Consular. My main is a Telekinetic Sage. In total I have, on Star Forge on my main account, two TK Sages, two Balance Sages, two Infiltration Shadows, and one Serenity Shadow. On Satele Shan on my main account I have another TK Sage. On my secondary account I have another TK Sage and two Infiltration Shadows. So, 11 total Consulars.


The Consular story is my favorite and, to me, is the much better Jedi story. You are a healer who saves the Jedi Order from a devastating attack (if you have ever chosen the dark side option at the end of Chapter 1 you know what I mean). You are a diplomat. You broker a peace agreement on one world and liberate another from Imperial occupation. You lead an entire army to the defense of the Republic. The Consular explores Jedi mysteries, philosophy, and history; literally from your first mission of Tython. There are a number of elements that focus on the responsibilities of the Jedi and the role of a Jedi within the Republic. Overall, I think that throughout the course of the story the Consular has much more growth than the Knight. I also think that the Consular story ties in with more of the planetary stories than the other classes.

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I've done the Smuggler story 4 times. First time was way back in the early days when I made a Scoundrel. Then later, I made a female Gunslinger. I liked the GS so much, I made a male GS to act as my "main"**. About a year ago i made a third GS just to level up a Twi'lek to unlock the species.


In no case was this due to a particular liking of the Smuggler story. 🤔


** I turned my female GS into my GTN/CM specialist, and because of that and the addition of outfits, which led to "Space Barbie", my female GS is basically my main at this time, but subject to change.

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Consular. My main is a Telekinetic Sage. In total I have, on Star Forge on my main account, two TK Sages, two Balance Sages, two Infiltration Shadows, and one Serenity Shadow. On Satele Shan on my main account I have another TK Sage. On my secondary account I have another TK Sage and two Infiltration Shadows. So, 11 total Consulars.


The Consular story is my favorite and, to me, is the much better Jedi story. You are a healer who saves the Jedi Order from a devastating attack (if you have ever chosen the dark side option at the end of Chapter 1 you know what I mean). You are a diplomat. You broker a peace agreement on one world and liberate another from Imperial occupation. You lead an entire army to the defense of the Republic. The Consular explores Jedi mysteries, philosophy, and history; literally from your first mission of Tython. There are a number of elements that focus on the responsibilities of the Jedi and the role of a Jedi within the Republic. Overall, I think that throughout the course of the story the Consular has much more growth than the Knight. I also think that the Consular story ties in with more of the planetary stories than the other classes.


Well, that perfectly encapsulates pretty much every single point that I was about to write down, so now I don't need to do it anymore. Kudos.


Only matter left would be the amount of time. I have 128 characters across 4 servers with each class/gender/combat discipline/alignment represented in equal amounts, so that would make 16 Jedi Consulars. I skipped the class story on 2 of them though and one is not entirely finished yet.

Edited by Phazonfreak
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I've played through every class story, from beginning to end, between 10 and 40 times, as a conservative estimate. I enjoy the trooper story the least, but even that one I've done at the very least 10 times, probably more. I couldn't tell you for sure how many times I've played any specific one, but I'm pretty sure it will have been Warrior that I've completed the most. I wouldn't even say that I like it the best (I can appreciate all class stories), but it just seems to have turned out that way.


I don't care much for FE/ET (I liked the first 9 chapters of FE on a 'token character', but on any character with an established story it just makes no sense to me), but the original class stories still entertain me, so I've done them a lot, and will keep doing them a lot.

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I have 45 chars across two servers.


The most played class story is SW, I have 7 of those, plus two more that were deleted. I like both the VAs and the class story is imo one of the best, endless variety and not just LS or neutral: Try a DS SW who mains Vette but never takes her collar off, or a DS SW who ends up with a LS Jaesa and manipulates tf out of her.


The others I've played on average 5-6 times. I tend to dislike inquisitors the most, because of the storyline. The irony is that I greatly prefer SI mechanics over SW.

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Jedi Sentinel, 5 and counting....


When I first started SWToR I tried many classes. But when I saw a class with Dual Light Sabers I knew that was it.


Prior to SWToR I had been playing EQ2 for some 15 years and I loved the Berserker.... Why? That is simple Dual Swords high DPS, fast combat attacks and all the Monk like moves. So when I saw that the Sentinel used DUAL Light Sabers I was Hooked....


The Sentinel is the Berserker of SWToR only the Sentinel is a lot squishier than the Berserker of EQ2. But I have learned to manage their squishiness, not by using a Healer companion, but rather by using a Tank companion instead.

Its a little harder but a lot more fun trying to keep your character alive without a healer.


Using a Healer Companion is the EASY way to play SWToR anyway.

Try playing without a healer.... you want challenge? That's the way to do it.

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