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Why I quit back then - Now Returning Player (short feedback)


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Galactic greetings, Please don't read this too negative,


A FYI, why I quit back then. (FYI: I JUST RETURNED, I am here now!, Thanks to the refer a friend feature and reading the game gets updates, thus giving the game another shot...)

Let me start with: This game is quite quite good in general, and you can see very good quality, but how do you say: "The chain is as weak as..."


Before I start writing too much here are the quick points of..

Why I quit back in times past:

- Bugs: Camera Bugs and missing features See link in signature. This was extremely noticable in PvP playing a Melee. Camera bug Guess what: My main was n Imperial Agent/Saboteur (melee build)

- PvP-"Bugs": Not a bug, I accept it's a design decision, but at least time was when...: Invisible characters are revealed by AoE. This meant that vs good (somewhat organized) players in a group pvp it was nearly impossible to utilize invisibility that much. At least it was often ending in an unfun death, of course with patience you could net sweet kills, but not thaaat fun to wait and not efficient. Guess what: My main was an Imperial Agent/Saboteur (melee-invis-build)

- Enemies: Android, androids, Endroids (what we called it in the guild), the endgame was all about those: Despite the nice combat mechanics at some point (again, quite goo quality game), it was the FIRST game where I actually got bored of just the enemy type: Just same and same android-type enemies all over - you don't notice their differences anymore. Some with that nice reveal invisible units... Guess what.


Those are the 3 main points (again I don't want to start an essay, I could write about the heal-agent back then, which for named reasons I gave a chance to swap to.., etc).



Take it with a grain of salt, since I am still returning, but I thought I'd be nice and write now that I feel like:


FYI, now..

I don't see that much difference in those regards:

- Only: More camera options, good but normal.

- Camera bug still persisting Guess what: My main was n Imperial Agent/Saboteur (melee build), I notice it almost each session, see link... now that might not seem not too important, I don't pvp atm, still a noticable flaw. As written in the link, first game where I stumble upon that. And 8 years mind you. :rak_02:

- At least on my new class that I'm trying... androids endroids.

- (I won't test my old invis class)

Even slightly downwards:

- The crafting system hasn't been touched really (still hearing the same recommendations, no new crafting-professions), Then, these days I have been excited about trying Cybertech this time (grenades and stuff, before I got the big bummer, it isn't updated/unscaling to 700). ok...



General Notes

- Not that it bothers me personally, but I might as well note: No new class that I notice or that would motivate a returning player that tried several ones.

- General feedback about the MMO/single player design I know&respect that's just the game type (you might call it genre): Game is called MMO.. but Imho seems very single player'ish , more now than ever (which at least now could be seen positive), in an actual MMO you are forced to help each other, more or at least actually... (copying a certain game's housing is supporting that even more)

So why could that bother anyone: You play a single player game, but you pay for an MMO server cost (monthly fee)! I might give a very very small hint towards Ev* *nline (1000 ships in an area/combat possible, same subscription fee, cough cough), and there are many big multiplayer titles with no ..., thus with all respect my fair feedback is they should be slightly lower. (...) I want to point I'm all for paying for quality (which this game is..), but I put some comparisons up. Again I didn't test the game in 2020 fully, so always take it with grain of salt.

- Galactic Shop Overview: I have an extremely hard time to get an overview in the g-shop, being new to this mind you. If you want to profit of this better, you should put a new design to it, some sub-rubrics etc. The search doesn't help here much if you don't know the exxact name. I was looking for summer-shorts appearance gear.., just one little example of what I tried.



OF COURSE there are also many cool new things, that I didn't discover yet, that I'm curious to test, so looking forward to, however this is a feebdack post: (again "a chain is only as strong as its weakest link").

- I see you update PVP, that's probably the most reason why players stick with a game (...) (among good pve), really good, despite I'm not planning to do any PvP.


Thanks for reading, and please have a good time in this otherwise wonderfully game. &All Respect to the players who like the game a lot and to the developers.

Edited by HottesIce
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The game has unmatched voice acting and story driven material for a MMO, I doubt it will ever be surpassed in this regard. I believe SWTOR to be a true pioneer in the way they built this game with so much focus on voice acting!


Beyond that, I have nothing good to say about SWTOR, especially how the game has been managed by BW.


Basically the best parts of the game are still the parts that were created before launch... The original chapters of SWTOR are what keeps players repeating it. If it were not for the original dev work and direction with voice acting this game had taken this game would be nothing because everything that has been clumsily attached to the game since it's launch has been inferior worksmanship.


The only exception I must make is the artwork of the character outfits. I'd not be honest if I didn't mention that part of the game, whoever does the art work on the outfits and mounts, just the overall inner canvases within the game, whoever does this stuff really has done an excellent job staying within the confines of the game's natural original motif. I find the outfits very imaginative and they grant an immersion to the game it would not have if it were not for the constant addition of new and improved outfits over the years.


The only thing I can say negatively about the game's art work is the most recent additions BW started adding to "beautify" older graphics in the game. Like the mailbox's new garish mailbox icons, totally not needed and the color scheme on the new icon does NOT match anything in the old game! It's a total mismatch! Same with the new bar, it really looks like a new addition to the UI, you can see just by how it looks it was tacked on as a last resort-kind of thing... Very poorly done when you compare it to the rest of the UI which mostly is smartly done.

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The game has unmatched voice acting and story driven material for a MMO, I doubt it will ever be surpassed in this regard. I believe SWTOR to be a true pioneer in the way they built this game with so much focus on voice acting!




Long post, so I didn't repeat it, but i agree with it all, especially the last bit about the icons over vendors, which ruin the look of the game, especially s/h's were some people put a lot of work in to. And the UI bar.


I've never quit, or taken a break from this game in the last 8 years, been a constant sub & staunch supporter, but certain things that have happened in the last couple of months that have made me wonder why. I've always wanted to be here when the servers shut down, as I missed it on SWG :( How much straw does it take to break a camels back , and can the herder stop piling it up before it does break....

Edited by DarkTergon
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Basically the best parts of the game are still the parts that were created before launch... The original chapters of SWTOR are what keeps players repeating it. If it were not for the original dev work and direction with voice acting this game had taken this game would be nothing because everything that has been clumsily attached to the game since it's launch has been inferior worksmanship.


Perfect summary.

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The game has unmatched voice acting and story driven material for a MMO, I doubt it will ever be surpassed in this regard. I believe SWTOR to be a true pioneer in the way they built this game with so much focus on voice acting!


Beyond that, I have nothing good to say about SWTOR, especially how the game has been managed by BW.


Basically the best parts of the game are still the parts that were created before launch... The original chapters of SWTOR are what keeps players repeating it. If it were not for the original dev work and direction with voice acting this game had taken this game would be nothing because everything that has been clumsily attached to the game since it's launch has been inferior worksmanship.


The only exception I must make is the artwork of the character outfits. I'd not be honest if I didn't mention that part of the game, whoever does the art work on the outfits and mounts, just the overall inner canvases within the game, whoever does this stuff really has done an excellent job staying within the confines of the game's natural original motif. I find the outfits very imaginative and they grant an immersion to the game it would not have if it were not for the constant addition of new and improved outfits over the years.


The only thing I can say negatively about the game's art work is the most recent additions BW started adding to "beautify" older graphics in the game. Like the mailbox's new garish mailbox icons, totally not needed and the color scheme on the new icon does NOT match anything in the old game! It's a total mismatch! Same with the new bar, it really looks like a new addition to the UI, you can see just by how it looks it was tacked on as a last resort-kind of thing... Very poorly done when you compare it to the rest of the UI which mostly is smartly done.


Paradoxically, many of the issues we see today stem from the development that occurred long before the game launched, most specifically the development environment and core game engine, which are total trash and have caused nothing but issues throughout the game's life.


So on one hand, the game's original designers succeeded in creating one if not the best story driven and immersive MMOs ever, while on the other, they also failed spectacularly from a technical perspective.

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The only exception I must make is the artwork of the character outfits. I'd not be honest if I didn't mention that part of the game, whoever does the art work on the outfits and mounts, just the overall inner canvases within the game, whoever does this stuff really has done an excellent job staying within the confines of the game's natural original motif. I find the outfits very imaginative and they grant an immersion to the game it would not have if it were not for the constant addition of new and improved outfits over the years.


Yes, the way they add bulky shoulder pads to everything is truly masterful.


I guess what I like about the game [this will sound very cliched] is more choice. In comparison to the old devs style, I mean. Suppose this game didn't flounder out the gate, they didn't fire the devs, and the game continued as it began with unmatched story...keeping everything else the same as at launch .


That is, there's a brilliant Act IV SW story...if you're a Cyborg, pureblood, or human. Species are still locked by class. Legacy doesn't exist. Warriors all have to wear the same Darth Marr style outfit. Companions only do one role. Taxis have to be manually unlocked. Groups have to be put together in chat because GF barely exists. And the 1-75 story will take approx 700 sidequests to level through, no shortcuts or extra sources of xp available.


Great storylines...CRAPPY gameplay.

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