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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Step It Up BioWare and return Old Content back in game to stay (for good this time)

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Step It Up BioWare and return Old Content back in game to stay (for good this time).


Return missing dailies areas (seen enough threads on those to know where they are), old ranked PvP color crystals, old decorations (and fix the better looking ones, and take out the old bugged ones that are visible and stuck in our decorations collections).

Return old sub companions, as they aren't a big deal to come back and just keep on the CM, like HK-55 and The Shroud.


The pace at which things like this gets done in ToR is worse than a sit on your hands and get paid bureaucracy.

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This would only serve to benefit their development schedule/pace since it takes so long for new content----just restore all the stuff they've taken out. That'll give players more to do while they develop new stuff.
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Step It Up BioWare and return Old Content back in game to stay (for good this time).


Return missing dailies areas (seen enough threads on those to know where they are), old ranked PvP color crystals, old decorations (and fix the better looking ones, and take out the old bugged ones that are visible and stuck in our decorations collections).

Return old sub companions, as they aren't a big deal to come back and just keep on the CM, like HK-55 and The Shroud.


The pace at which things like this gets done in ToR is worse than a sit on your hands and get paid bureaucracy.


I am confident they removed all these old quest lines and they where hardly used and just created bloat.

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First things first, fix the bugs, both the game breaking ones and even more importantly the enjoyment demolishing ones, like the one which made 90% of all the people who play female characters practically stop playing altogether.
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I also wish they would add back in the quest they took out some of us liked those quest that were removed . like the undercover sis agent on Coruscant next to the spaceport and the injured guard that was at the bar [that quest was funny]. I hope that they will add back in the quest they took out
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I also wish they would add back in the quest they took out some of us liked those quest that were removed . like the undercover sis agent on Coruscant next to the spaceport and the injured guard that was at the bar [that quest was funny]. I hope that they will add back in the quest they took out


I'm pretty certain that you are describing quests that are still available (Agent Nuris Yorksin at the fountain of the Senate Plaza and Officer Anstiss at the entrance to the Dealer's Den cantina) but are classified as exploration missions and are deactivated by default.


Open your map and have a look at the lower left. Above the big button that opens the galaxy map you will see the option "Show Exploration Missions". Check that box and you will be able to do all the side quests marked with a small plus sign next to the quest symbol. It's several years ago now that BioWare decided to classify some side quests like the ones you are describing and all area quests as exploration missions and you need to check that box on your map for each of your characters to make them available to them.

Edited by Phazonfreak
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I'm pretty certain that you are describing quests that are still available (Agent Nuris Yorksin at the fountain of the Senate Plaza and Officer Anstiss at the entrance to the Dealer's Den cantina) but are classified as exploration missions and are deactivated by default.


Open your map and have a look at the lower left. Above the big button that opens the galaxy map you will see the option "Show Exploration Missions". Check that box and you will be able to do all the side quests marked with a small plus sign next to the quest symbol. It's several years ago now that BioWare decided to classify some side quests like the ones you are describing and all area quests as exploration missions and you need to check that box on your map for each of your characters to make them available to them.


a lot of people complain missions are missing, but they've forgot (or didn't know) to click the 'show exploration missions'

I've done it myself, been looking for a particular mission, unaable to find it, or click the persson, then I remember to click the option...lol

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a lot of people complain missions are missing, but they've forgot (or didn't know) to click the 'show exploration missions'

I've done it myself, been looking for a particular mission, unaable to find it, or click the persson, then I remember to click the option...lol


Well, tbh it is not particularly intuitive to have them deactivated by default and get no indication whatsoever that they can be switched on again on the map. I am certain that there are quite a lot new as well as returning players that play through the game not knowing about this rather hidden option and make them miss some funny little stories and voice acting, which would normally open up the quest variety immensely and make the planets feel a bit more alive.


It's rather frustrating that they still try to hide this after all those years, when it would be much better to have a window pop up when you start a new character explaining to you how to enable these missions. Or better yet to have them activated by default with the option to deactivate them. This is still one of the most self-injuring design decisions they have made when it comes to questing in this game.

Edited by Phazonfreak
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Well, tbh it is not particularly intuitive to have them deactivated by default and get no indication whatsoever that they can be switched on again on the map. I am certain that there are quite a lot new as well as returning players that play through the game not knowing about this rather hidden option and make them miss some funny little stories and voice acting, which would normally open up the quest variety immensely and make the planets feel a bit more alive.


It's rather frustrating that they still try to hide this after all those years, when it would be much better to have a window pop up when you start a new character explaining to you how to enable these missions. Or better yet to have them activated by default with the option to deactivate them. This is still one of the most self-injuring design decisions they have made when it comes to questing in this game.


Or better yet, have it on by default, so people who don't want to do it, just click them off and ignore it. Would be less confusing for newer players.

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Even with the "Exploration" missions enabled, there are still some older missions that have disappeared. I recall a 3-stage mission (bonus?) in the transport station on Taris that doesn't appear any more. There are a few 3-stage bonus missions that have disappeared on various planets. The Taris one is just the one that came to mind.
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The republic one inside the transport station is still there if you get the quest looking for the Promised Ones, but the imperial one outside the spaceport is gone.


It's still nothing compared to the old Tatooine planetary story quest that eventually leads you to the Czerka facility on both the republic and imperial side. It's pretty straightforward nowadays and you only need to take the elevator to get to the final room for the confrontation, but it used to be a giant labyrinth with several interconnected pathways that was housing a multi-staged bonus objective and loads of enemies.


In that instance I am actually quite happy that they shortened it because it was quite ridiculous in its size, which made the already long-winded Tatooine storyline even longer.

Edited by Phazonfreak
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Or better yet, have it on by default, so people who don't want to do it, just click them off and ignore it. Would be less confusing for newer players.

More relevantly, make it a legacy setting, not a character setting, since the number of people who want it on or off depending on the character is surely much smaller than the number who want it on all the time or off all the time.

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More relevantly, make it a legacy setting, not a character setting, since the number of people who want it on or off depending on the character is surely much smaller than the number who want it on all the time or off all the time.


that's true...lol

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^OP: +1 Signed and Supported. Yes, this is the time when this game needs all the content it can get MOST AND MORE THAN EVER.


RETURN [all] the striped content and put it back in game and never touch it again unless it's an update in loot or fixing a bug.


*sigh, when will BW learn; they probably have a hamster in charge of the forums

Edited by Willjb
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