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'Horizon's Perfection on Onderon' bugged


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Yep, and the Nightlife event is still broken too. Not sure what they hell they're playing at lately. Unbelievably incompetent.



BW is a ****ed up team...period. I can't even call it an incompetence.... I have no idea who's paying them for such a crap they lately deliver...

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1. Blatant Becks Perfection is not bugged - there is just hard-to-see barrel on top of another barrel - I will be making a video shortly.

2. Horizon is, and shame befall both lame devs & non-existant QA for this. We reported it back last event, BioWare confirmed it, so what the hell?! If I did my job as dev/qa this well in company I work for, they would've fired my sorry *** like 6 years ago, earliest. No excuse.

3. They at least fixed the Mek-Sha Screaming story quest with non-responsive item interaction - but still, fixing one minor issue by one?! As some before said - yeah, fixed by 19th anniversary...

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1. Blatant Becks Perfection is not bugged - there is just hard-to-see barrel on top of another barrel - I will be making a video shortly./QUOTE]


I know the spot you are talking about in the tunnel, and I hit all both the low and high one, complete the bonus, finish with time to spare, and it does not flag the cheevo

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1. Blatant Becks Perfection is not bugged - there is just hard-to-see barrel on top of another barrel - I will be making a video shortly./QUOTE]


I know the spot you are talking about in the tunnel, and I hit all both the low and high one, complete the bonus, finish with time to spare, and it does not flag the cheevo


Knowing the spot & doing it properly are 2 different things (not saying you don't know what you're doing). Game, for whatever reason (my guess is really poor object collision calculation & server location positioning) is sometimes counting that you hit the lower twice - so my advice is this:

On that specific part of route, hit 2 on keyboard (break), hit both targets twice each (don't worry, you will have sufficient time), then release brake and proceed onward. Let me know if that helped.



P.S. Apparently, BioWare devs also need help on closing down PhP tags when someone uses quote. Hilarious.

Edited by All_Destroyer
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Hi all,


Concerning the "Horizon's Perfection" Achievement on Onderon, our team is still investigating this bug.


For now, there is no additional information. We'll update you when we have more information.


Seriously?! You had weeks to find out why the achievement doesn’t trigger correctly :(

So now we can only hope that maybe it will be fixed when the next swoop event happens... or the one after that... or after that :(

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On that specific part of route, hit 2 on keyboard (break), hit both targets twice each (don't worry, you will have sufficient time), then release brake and proceed onward.


I'll keep trying, but the fact we have to do this imo counts as a bug that needs to be fixed

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Hi all,


Concerning the "Horizon's Perfection" Achievement on Onderon, our team is still investigating this bug.


For now, there is no additional information. We'll update you when we have more information.


I can understand that your focus now is on influx of players from Steam (seriously, it's money, and no one ever says no to money), but what about a modicum of respect to people who have been paying & playing this game for years? Either our money counts to nothing (which I seriously doubt), or someone's appetite has grown out of proportion (which I seriously DON'T doubt). Either way is bad business model. As I stated before, if me & my PM would be performing this way, goodbye both within 2 weeks tops since the customer complaint. SW:TOR is still VERY popular MMO, so if you are under-staffed, some PM needs to take a closer look - or get fired. Simple as that.

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Hi all,


Concerning the "Horizon's Perfection" Achievement on Onderon, our team is still investigating this bug.


For now, there is no additional information. We'll update you when we have more information.


This achievement is blocking many other achievements. This should have been priority #1. Why would I grind and farm at this event like we are supposed to if I can't rely on achievements actually triggering? I unsubbed from this last patch, will not sub again until you make this an MMORPG again. The new gearing is childs play, new events are singleplayer...it's depressing and embarrassing. I have no problem giving my $15 to Ashes of Creation for the next 10 years instead.

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And I cannot even complete Blatant Perfection on Onderon :(


Little tip, as soon as you arrive at the starting line and the objectives trigger you can start firing at that first set of barrels. You can hit it 3 times before you pass it if you do this which means you can afford to miss 1 or 2 of the harder to spot/target barrels later in the course.

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To be fair, they never actually said that it was going to be fixed for this event.


Imagine how low we've adjusted our standards, that we can accept that as an excuse nowadays. :p


I can understand that your focus now is on influx of players from Steam


What focus do you mean? Aside from some marketing for it, devs don't do anything extra for that. Or do they? :confused:


For you guys trying to get the Blatant Perfection on Onderon: At least you get the reward for finishing the race? I have the problem, that I cross the finish line and then I get the message that I didn't finish the race. On Tatooine I tried 5 times in a row with my Sith Warrior. No luck. On Onderon, I gave up after one try with my Smuggler. (And yes, I do everything properly and in time, the bonus mission gets done. I could farm that bonus mission like that, but I'd prefer to get the course completion reward.)


If you encounter this issue, too: Workaround seems to be to abandon the mission, do a different race, and then try the Bek's mission anew.

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Little tip, as soon as you arrive at the starting line and the objectives trigger you can start firing at that first set of barrels. You can hit it 3 times before you pass it if you do this which means you can afford to miss 1 or 2 of the harder to spot/target barrels later in the course.


Yeah I got it now, but I still miss the achievement for the run where I collect all orbs :(

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Imagine how low we've adjusted our standards, that we can accept that as an excuse nowadays. :p




What focus do you mean? Aside from some marketing for it, devs don't do anything extra for that. Or do they? :confused:


For you guys trying to get the Blatant Perfection on Onderon: At least you get the reward for finishing the race? I have the problem, that I cross the finish line and then I get the message that I didn't finish the race. On Tatooine I tried 5 times in a row with my Sith Warrior. No luck. On Onderon, I gave up after one try with my Smuggler. (And yes, I do everything properly and in time, the bonus mission gets done. I could farm that bonus mission like that, but I'd prefer to get the course completion reward.)


If you encounter this issue, too: Workaround seems to be to abandon the mission, do a different race, and then try the Bek's mission anew.


Just a tip - had a same issue before I realized I am missing one of the gates. You can deviate from the race track as long as you pass all the gates (orange banner of them, if I am not mistaken). Since I started hitting all the gates, I did not encounter that issue and got 2 more perfections done. Now only 3 to go.

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I can confirm that the Onderon Horizon's Razer Perfection isn't being granted. I got the bonus for getting all 20 Orbs, crossed the finish line with just over 3 seconds left on the timer and got no achievement.


The Pit Screamers, and Blatant Beks I was able to get on Onderon.


Apparently for this week's event the bonus has been reduced to needing just 18 orbs. Problem I am having is that there are only 17 orbs on the course making the achievement impossible to get.


Do your QC Bioware!!!

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Apparently for this week's event the bonus has been reduced to needing just 18 orbs. Problem I am having is that there are only 17 orbs on the course making the achievement impossible to get.


Do your QC Bioware!!!


As with the other achievements i guess its about taking some orbs more than once, but then u lose time and wont make the time limit. I collect enough orbs, but still dont get the achievement.

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