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The Unofficial Appearance Customization Thread


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right, because it is soo much fun to unplug 36 mods and keeping multiple outfits in your backpack.


Even if it costs me 800k to click a single button to change my outfits, I would rather do that then play with mods and multiple sets of gear.

Advice don't waste your time arguing with him. He's a fine guy but he likes painful features.


Actually the kind of person thinking managing your inventory is a fun game play feature ;)

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Advice don't waste your time arguing with him. He's a fine guy but he likes painful features.


Actually the kind of person thinking managing your inventory is a fun game play feature ;)


Nah, I just think that if you have to manage your outfits in your inventory, then you're doing it wrong. :p

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Got to change my gear somewhere's. Plenty of planets have cargo hold kiosks, that doesn't make much sense having access to my cargo hold so far away from my ship but it's convenient, so alright. I can change my mods outta my custom orange gear in a few more places than just on my ship & I don't have to hold too much orange gear in my regular inventory.


There's options, man, s'all I'm saying.

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Got to change my gear somewhere's. Plenty of planets have cargo hold kiosks, that doesn't make much sense having access to my cargo hold so far away from my ship but it's convenient, so alright. I can change my mods outta my custom orange gear in a few more places than just on my ship & I don't have to hold too much orange gear in my regular inventory.


There's options, man, s'all I'm saying.


Exactly! No reason to carry your outfits around with you in your inventory.

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Hence, I think we need to refocus the thread to broaden the current system to accomodate more choice. Maybe a limited appearance tab, with only a handful of choices.


Before you go deciding to refocus the thread, keep in mind that mods will still more than likely continue to merge most other appearance customization threads into this one.

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Exactly! No reason to carry your outfits around with you in your inventory.

Well depends how you play.


I'll take LotRo as example if you don't mind.


  • When I'm travelling around on my horse I use a travelling set.
  • Then, when I step down to adventure on dangerous areas I switch for more efficient gear. (Note I do adapt the gear color/set depending on the area to fit in, playing a rogue)
  • Also when I meet a guild mate I usually put on the "guild gear"
  • Finally when I'm spending some time in cities I use different gears depending on the occasion.


All in all I need at least 3 full sets at any time without being obliged to run back to a bank. In LotRo I can do that instantly with a hot key. Just imagine the pain to do that gear/mod switching in TOR plus the inventory management.


(edit) Never said obtaining the gear and completing fine looking sets was easy in LotRo. We both know it isn't.

Edited by Deewe
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Well depends how you play.


I'll take LotRo as example if you don't mind.


  • When I'm travelling around on my horse I use a travelling set.
  • Then, when I step down to adventure on dangerous areas I switch for more efficient gear. (Note I do adapt the gear color/set depending on the area to fit in, playing a rogue)
  • Also when I meet a guild mate I usually put on the "guild gear"
  • Finally when I'm spending some time in cities I use different gears depending on the occasion.


All in all I need at least 3 full sets at any time without being obliged to run back to a bank. In LotRo I can do that instantly with a hot key. Just imagine the pain to do that gear/mod switching in TOR plus the inventory management.


(edit) Never said obtaining the gear and completing fine looking sets was easy in LotRo. We both know it isn't.


Interesting. Out of curiosity, how do you roleplay changing your clothes outdoors? In LotRO, I suppose you could plausibly explain that it's magic that instantly outfits you for various scenarios...

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Well depends how you play.


I'll take LotRo as example if you don't mind.


  • When I'm travelling around on my horse I use a travelling set.
  • Then, when I step down to adventure on dangerous areas I switch for more efficient gear. (Note I do adapt the gear color/set depending on the area to fit in, playing a rogue)
  • Also when I meet a guild mate I usually put on the "guild gear"
  • Finally when I'm spending some time in cities I use different gears depending on the occasion.


All in all I need at least 3 full sets at any time without being obliged to run back to a bank. In LotRo I can do that instantly with a hot key. Just imagine the pain to do that gear/mod switching in TOR plus the inventory management.


(edit) Never said obtaining the gear and completing fine looking sets was easy in LotRo. We both know it isn't.


In LoTR you can do a lot of non combat related tasks.


In TOR... you have combat, there is no real purpose to RP, the devs didn't make TOR with roleplaying in mind (sadly).

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Well depends how you play.


I'll take LotRo as example if you don't mind.


  • When I'm travelling around on my horse I use a travelling set.
  • Then, when I step down to adventure on dangerous areas I switch for more efficient gear. (Note I do adapt the gear color/set depending on the area to fit in, playing a rogue)
  • Also when I meet a guild mate I usually put on the "guild gear"
  • Finally when I'm spending some time in cities I use different gears depending on the occasion.


All in all I need at least 3 full sets at any time without being obliged to run back to a bank. In LotRo I can do that instantly with a hot key. Just imagine the pain to do that gear/mod switching in TOR plus the inventory management.


(edit) Never said obtaining the gear and completing fine looking sets was easy in LotRo. We both know it isn't.


So basically, you just need more access terminals to your ship's hold spread through out the maps.


I think it would be neat if you could send a companion to retrieve items from the hold like how you have them sell off grays. It would probably be fairly easy to work out using existing featured in the game.

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...the devs didn't make TOR with roleplaying in mind (sadly).


I flatly disagree with that statement and imagine the devs would too.


I'll chalk that up to differing concepts of what RP is. I view it as stepping into a character and playing out the path before them as that character would react to what he is faced with. I am assuming you view RP as something closer to performing in-character scenes. In my version, I can RP with other character or alone while I think your version might have more of a focus on how it appears to those viewing it. Both are valid, just different but, it speaks to why I want my gear to be what it is as opposed to a costume that looks a certain way.

Edited by Matte_Black
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They had something unique when you could mod any item, it meant you could look however you wanted and the gear was still useful. It was something different than just purple gear = best. But they dumbed it down and made it more wow-like just before launch, because they assumed people would be too dumb to understand it.


But now we are slowly moving back to a system more like in beta, which everyone wanted to begin with :/

Edited by Sireene
use of retarded - PM'd
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They had something unique when you could mod any item, it meant you could look however you wanted and the gear was still useful. It was something different than just purple gear = best. But they dumbed it down and made it more wow-like just before launch, because they assumed people would be too dumb to understand it.


But now we are slowly moving back to a system more like in beta, which everyone wanted to begin with :/


Lots of systems were pulled right before launch because they needed more work. The mod system was DEFINITELY one of those.

Edited by Sireene
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Lots of systems were pulled right before launch because they needed more work. The mod system was DEFINITELY one of those.


The upper levels of moddable gear were pulled becuase of potential exploitation and the chest matching got pulled because it was not working as they wanted it to. Now that they have been tuned-up they are getting added back in. Who knows how much of the other functionality of the mod system got put on ice because it was intertwined with either of those?

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Interesting. Out of curiosity, how do you roleplay changing your clothes outdoors? In LotRO, I suppose you could plausibly explain that it's magic that instantly outfits you for various scenarios...


I don't mean to answer for the target of this post, but here is my answer to how I would "roleplay changing clothes outdoors". Ok, here goes: I reach into my backpack and pull out a shirt and put it on. Wow, that was difficult.


Maybe next time I'll cast a spell instead... or maybe I'll run the same instance 10 or 20 times to get the mods I need to make that new shirt as good as the other shirt I've been wearing all this time.


You keep telling us all time and again how the mod system is as good or better than an appearance tab system when it's simply not. I'm glad you have 4 full outfits with the best mods in them. Bully for you! Congratulations! But for new players or players that don't have the time to grind out all that gear for 4 sets, it's pretty terrible.


Once again, they could add an appearance tab leaving the current mod system alone and it will not affect you. You can still grind away every time you find a new piece of gear, meanwhile I will simply put it in the appearance slot and do other things with my time.

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But now we are slowly moving back to a system more like in beta, which everyone wanted to begin with :/


I was there for that. It seems too many people remember that beta system with rose-colored glasses. I, however, do not. It was broken, left out the crafters, and was already destroying the economy.


The system they're putting together now provides just the same flexibility, but is infinitely better for crafters and the economy.

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I don't mean to answer for the target of this post, but here is my answer to how I would "roleplay changing clothes outdoors". Ok, here goes: I reach into my backpack and pull out a shirt and put it on. Wow, that was difficult.


What were you doing walking around without a shirt on?


I asked Deewe that because I was genuinely interested, okay? Back off...

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So basically, you just need more access terminals to your ship's hold spread through out the maps.


I think it would be neat if you could send a companion to retrieve items from the hold like how you have them sell off grays. It would probably be fairly easy to work out using existing featured in the game.

1) Not even close to be as good as LotRo Wardrobe


2) Yes transporting things between your ship and your characters would have made a great legacy feature, especially allowing you to browse the GTN and emails remotely and have items picked up from and shipped up to your space ship.

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I hate to say this, but there is nothing in TOR that is NOT Star Wars. Just because people are stuck on the movies doesn't mean that anything outside the movies is not Star Wars. Darth Krayt, anyone? Like it or not, it's Star Wars canon.


C'mon, Jeramie. Darth Krayt was one dude, who had the specific background story of having been infected with Yuuzhan Vong bioarmor. Citing him as an example of typical Sith garb is really not the best example. There are a few other Old Republic Sith people who had spikes on their armor, so they'd make a better example. But the vast majority used more simple looking garb.


Not with 1.2, especially, it's not. On my Smuggler, I have 4 different outifts, one with a fur coat-looking outfit for Hoth. All with purple endgame mods. And it didn't cost me much at all.


Seems like you have a lot of time you can invest into the game, which I don't.

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Before you go deciding to refocus the thread, keep in mind that mods will still more than likely continue to merge most other appearance customization threads into this one.


The day I get to decide how the internet works will be a glorious one, indeed!


But otherwise I am much more prone to make proposals, like I did in the post you quoted. Although I am the new "author" of this thread, I don't think I got any decision power over where it goes... I can just try to gently steer it.

Edited by magnuskn
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I posted many designs I like in the 'Which is your favorite armor design.' I can't seem to copy and paste in this thread. :o The ones I posted should be more simplistic and color coordinated to sith or jedi, but the designs are all sleek and good looking. :D BW please make these for us! :cool:
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C'mon, Jeramie. Darth Krayt was one dude, who had the specific background story of having been infected with Yuuzhan Vong bioarmor. Citing him as an example of typical Sith garb is really not the best example. There are a few other Old Republic Sith people who had spikes on their armor, so they'd make a better example. But the vast majority used more simple looking garb.


Yes, I cited one dude. Do I need to do the homework of citing all of them? Or was my point that the comic book genre has to have a place in this game, too, sufficient?

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