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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Nico Okarr and Shae Vizla Cartel Market Unlock


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When KOTFE was out, I remember purposely staying subscribed for like 8-9 months even though I wasn't playing much so that I could unlock Shroud of Memory, which also resulted in the ability to recruit Z0-0M. However, afterwards I took a break from the game and wasn't subscribed in April 2018 when Shae Vizla and Nico Okarr were given as subscriber rewards. Recently, a chapter unlock was made accessible on the cartel market for those that weren't subscribed at that time. I'd love to see a purchasable unlock for the recruitment missions for Nico and Shae. Is that something we can see sometime soon? :D:cool:;)
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Nico was one of the earliest rewards running up to the release of KotFE. That's why you don't have him. What you're referring to is when they ran the promo again as a cross promotion with the Han Solo movie. They've not rerun Shae though.


In addition, I'd like to see Nico's blasters and duster available. They were some of the earliest subscriber rewards during this time..

Edited by Tofu_Shark
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Already have all the companions, but how many threads is it going to take?!


[Just add this stuff to the CM already, or at least put it in with another sub reward.]


To deny players companions who are in the game's opening cinematics, meaning: when from this game began (Shae has always been this game's poster girl, since pre-launch), is just a cr@p move on principle.

Edited by Willjb
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  • 3 weeks later...
In addition, I'd like to see Nico's blasters and duster available. They were some of the earliest subscriber rewards during this time..

The blasters already existed well before. Black Nebula Heavy Blaster is what it's called. Check the GTN on whatever server you play. It dropped from the crime lord's cartel pack. His duster was also a subscriber reward so it exists in game already.

Edited by Darth-Addonexus
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No, not the blasters from the cinematic, his new blasters that he comes armed with. They were a subscriber reward as well. I'm asking the duster and the blasters be offered on the CM. The Black Nebula is his old blaster, but with that eyesore holo-gunsight they seem to like to put on premium weapons. Edited by Tofu_Shark
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I definitely want Nico Okarr and Shae Viszla I also want option to buy Master Ramos too.


Normally I really dislike posts that seem to serve no other purpose than to tear down someone else's idea, but I feel strongly enough about this one to put my two cents in. I actually agree with most of it, so my response is mixed.


Let me start by saying that as someone who has been a subscriber since launch, and who started the game experience with the Collector's Edition, I have pretty much every single promotional item the game has put out (I think the only ones I don't have are the Razer ones). I mention this only to say that I completely understand where some people are coming from when they say that it took real money investment and a lot of player loyalty to get those promotional items, but even so, my feeling is that if an item took real money to get at some point in the past, I don't see any issue with bringing it back again for another real money cost (with very rare exceptions).


For this reason I wasn't too fussed about them releasing the Shroud of Memory chapter (even if it is cheaper now than the subscriber requirements were at the time of release, it's still a hefty price tag), and it's for this same reason that I see no real issue with bringing back promotional companions like Nico or Shae, as long as they continue to have a real money price tag attached to them. For those promotions, I believe you only had to be subscribed at a certain date (IIRC), so one month's subscription fee ($15) seems a pretty reasonable cost.


However, I am 100% opposed to making Master Ranos purchasable with real money, and I sincerely hope this doesn't happen. Note that I am not opposed to making her available again entirely, but I think the cost to acquire her (in this case, in-game achievements) should be the same as it was before, much like we expect to pay a commensurate real money cost for previous real money promotions. Master Ranos was not easy to get; it took a lot of effort, time, and a long slog of coordination with other players to get Master Ranos. (I coordinated all of these activities for a whole guild, I remember very clearly how much work and time it cost.) I would be very salty if she could be acquired just by dropping some money; some achievements in games still are matters of pride for actual in game accomplishments. It's like saying that people should be able to just buy Reputation rewards with money instead of having to actually earn the Reputation for them in game.


If they were to bring back the requirements of the DvL event such that Master Ranos could be earned again, that would be totally great and I think it would be a good opportunity for folks who missed her the first time around. Maybe they could bring back the activities of the DvL event and just make an event rewards store for those who achieve them, with Master Ranos as one of the purchasable options.


In short: If it was a purely digital item that you could buy before with $$$, for the most part I think there's no reason we shouldn't be able to guy it again for $$$. But if you had to earn it before, you should still have to earn it now.

Edited by JediBoadicea
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  • 3 weeks later...
The feeling for some who got promotional items at the time, with all of their requirements, is feeling like going through 12 years of medical school, internship, residency, peer review, board cert, license cert, only to find out the guy next to you is now practicing medicine with zero experience and all he did to reach that point was pay a state fee in cash the previous day.
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Ok So I have no issues with bringing back these rewards as general subscriber rewards ie players staying subscribed for the same length of time that the original recipients had to go through to get them.


Same for master Ranos, if someone does the exact same as what people had to do to reach the eternal tier of the DvL event, nothing less infact I think it should be greater like the change in requirements for Darth Hexid, one you could have picked it up for 3 group content now you have to do 20.


Never should these be released for money on the cartel market unless Okarr and Vizla's cost is several months worth of subscription.

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