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@LFG tool haterz


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LFG in its current incarnation is already a lobby.


that lobby is called the fleet.


WoW lost subs because its 7 years old, people got tired of it. But also the quality of content of ANY product slowly goes down.


No it isn't. I quest while i talk in general to see if anybody wants to run flashpoints, works wonders socializing.


Heres a timeline for you.


WoW hits peak mid wrath-LFD introduced-WoW subs decline-LFR introduced-many furious no signs of subs increasing.


see where im going with this?

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Sorry, you're posting contradictory statements here. You claim you have a lot of trouble finding groups and experience long wait times to find groups and can't effectively find groups without a LFG tool, but you say you can't have a conversation in general chat because it's being FLOODED with LFG messages. Now wait a sec, which one is it?

when you're a dps, and everyone only needs tanks, it can be both.

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No it isn't. I quest while i talk in general to see if anybody wants to run flashpoints, works wonders socializing.


Heres a timeline for you.


WoW hits peak mid wrath-LFD introduced-WoW subs decline-LFR introduced-many furious no signs of subs increasing.


see where im going with this?


Yes, i do.


Pirates also helped fight global warming. I can prove it. There are no longer anymore pirates, and there is global warming, there for, if we bring back black beard era piracy, global warming would stop.

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Yes, i do.


Pirates also helped fight global warming. I can prove it. There are no longer anymore pirates, and there is global warming, there for, if we bring back black beard era piracy, global warming would stop.


Nice strawman.


P.S. other Pro LFD people should read your link and realize they are using the same thing when they say "If this game does not put in lfd soon it will fail"

Edited by Jimmc
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Here you demonstrate not even a basic knowledge of how sharding works. IT DOESN'T EFFECT FINDING GROUPS AT ALL! because general chat can be see on EVERY SHARD if you're on the same planet. That means -everyone- on the fleet can see what everyone -else- on the fleet sees, regardless of shard.


How do i know this? Because there are times i've joined a group, and had to switch shards, there are times i've invite people, and they had to switch shards.


Actually you demonstrate even a basic knowledge of how to find groups. When I run heroics, I find many of my groups near the entry point of the heroic area. On other objectives or certain difficult spawns, I have teamed up with nearby players. I wouldn't end up teaming with these players if they were in a different shard. I often leave my general chat turned off because it's usually full of drivel and that's not how I even usually find groups. Clearly you're limiting yourself to spamming general chat to find groups and there are much more creative and better ways to find groups.



Personal experience, my server is heavy/full, still has a lack of healers/tanks, sorry. also even if you force everyone to one server, while the ODDS that more healers/tanks will come, its no guarantee.


Then there's no point to a LFG tool. A LFG tool isn't going to change people's classes and create more healers and tanks....and they aren't even as necessary to 90% of the game as you seem to be implying. Moreover, there's no guarantee you'll even up with a healer in your group with a LFG tool. You could end up with a totally mismatched group.

Edited by JimG
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Its the same logic you're using.


The community sucks, and they put in LFD, there for, LFD caused the community to suck.

Subs declined after they implemented LFD, there for, LFD must be the cause.


It obviously contributed otherwise me and many others wouldn't of quit wow for this game because of it.


Edit: The thing is it is obvious the community went down the drain after the lfd tool was implemented, when you had to group with people on your server you had a reputation if you were hated you were blacklisted nobody would group with you, once the lfd tool was implemented that all changed suddenly you had no reputation you could just simply click that tool for a clean slate and you know what *you could be as hateful as you wanted in that run because you would probably never see those people again*

This resulted in a high rise of ninjas, trolls, and overall bad feelings in the community.

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It obviously contributed otherwise me and many others wouldn't of quit wow for this game because of it.


SWTOR's questing is amazing but WOW is superior in instances, raids, BGs and Arena. They give co-op that works and is accessible.


The lack of LFG or the AH are not SWTOR's strong points.

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SWTOR's questing is amazing but WOW is superior in instances, raids, BGs and Arena. They give co-op that works and is accessible.


The lack of LFG or the AH are not SWTOR's strong points.


Sorry but you can't be serious rofl. SWTOR's flashpoints and operations are superior because they are actually difficult, the pvp i agree with only because in SWTOR you have lag delay.

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when you're a dps, and everyone only needs tanks, it can be both.


Again, people rarely "need" tanks or healers. Unless you're talking about an end-game operation or something. I've run several 4+ heroics with 3 sentinels and a healer. just fine We needed no tank. I've run them just fine with a tank and 3 dps. I've also run heroics fine with 4 dps. We all have medpacs and stims and some buffs. Sure, it's easier to have a tank spamming aggro and a healer spamming heals and 2 DPS standing there spamming attacks. But that is not a required method for success. Too many people are stuck in the WoW/trinity method of gameplay and have convinced themselves they can't blow their nose without a tank and a healer. If you insist on only playing the game one way, then you're going to have more trouble finding groups than others. If 20 DPS players are spamming general chat and desperate for a group but no one will take them because they require a tank or a healer, then a LFG tool will be useless. Those 20 players go into the LFG que and you end up with 5 teams of all DPS. Is the LFG tool supposedly to magically create tanks and healers for you?


Sorry, but you're talking in circles and everything you're saying comes down to the truth - you want a LFG tool to make it easier to find groups. Easier to find groups. It's not a game-breaking issue. If people are playing on low population servers, then a LFG won't add more people to the server, there are other ways to fix that.

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Think of it this way.


WOW LFG = Group found sucessfully! co-op content accessed. A player has left! Replacement successfully found! Co-op content access not disrupted. Co-op content has been successfully cleared!!


SWTOR = Group formation is difficult. co-op content difficult to access. A player has left! Replacement is difficult to find. Co-op content access disrupted. Logistics has caused you to fail to clear co-op content!!

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Think of it this way.


WOW LFG = Group found sucessfully! co-op content accessed. A player has left! Replacement successfully found! Co-op content access not disrupted. Co-op content has been successfully cleared!!


SWTOR = Group formation is difficult. co-op content difficult to access. A player has left! Replacement is difficult to find. Co-op content access disrupted. Logistics has caused you to fail to clear co-op content!!


WOW LFG = Community destroyed. trolls,ninjas, and bad feelings all around


SWTOR = Community in tact. Socializing is great. Trolls and ninjas are blacklisted and hated.



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now you're using an entirely DIFFERENT logical fallacy..


"I did it for that reason, so thats the reason everyone else did it"


Tell me something. You want cross server lfd correct? What makes you think you're the majority? The forums are a very small minority of the community. It is very more likely that you are in the vocal minority. So why try to implement a feature the majority don't want?

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People need to realize that the WoW community started out crappy. It was never good. Some servers had more decent people but ninjaing, trashtalking and general antisocial behavior have always been the norm.


The DF simply allowed you to witness just how terrible the community actually was because before the tool you made an effort to not invite the most retarded people.

Edited by FerrusPA
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Tell me something. You want cross server lfd correct? What makes you think you're the majority? The forums are a very small minority of the community. It is very more likely that you are in the vocal minority. So why try to implement a feature the majority don't want?


I never said, or meant to imply i'm the majority. But heres the difference.


If you put in LFD, i can LFD, and everyone who doesn't want LFD can happily go on life without ever using it again.


If you -don't- put it in, we're forced to do things how YOU want too.

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People need to realize that the WoW community started out crappy. It was never good. Some servers had more decent people but ninjaing, trashtalking and general antisocial behavior have always been the norm.


The DF simply allowed you to witness just how terrible the community actually was because before the tool you made an effort to not invite the most retarded people.


So basically you're saying: *The community was better before the lfd tool because once the lfd tool was introduced people could act like jerks with no consequences*

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So basically you're saying: *The community was better before the lfd tool because once the lfd tool was introduced people could act like jerks with no consequences*


No, hes saying.


You could see how bad the community as a whole was from the start because you saw more of it, you're not confined to your little corner of the world.

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So basically you're saying: *The community was better before the lfd tool because once the lfd tool was introduced people could act like jerks with no consequences*


No, I'm saying the automation made you group with ******* because the player base is made up of *******. A-Holes had ways of getting through the game and even into the endgame just fine before the DF. Heck, entire guilds formed around the concept of being an A-Hole to everyone else.

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So basically you're saying: *The community was better before the lfd tool because once the lfd tool was introduced people could act like jerks with no consequences*


I think it's hilarious that people believe there were no ninja-looters and jerks before LFD.

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I never said, or meant to imply i'm the majority. But heres the difference.


If you put in LFD, i can LFD, and everyone who doesn't want LFD can happily go on life without ever using it again.


If you -don't- put it in, we're forced to do things how YOU want too.


Why should bioware cater to a vocal minority and spend countless resources on a game that is doing just fine without the feature?


the gogo crowd really needs to settle down and realize bioware doesn't want a cross server lfd tool. they have said it countless times.

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I am against cross-server and instant teleport. However, a simple server only LFG tool would be fine.


As for game with or without, City of Heroes has had no such LFG tools in its 7 years, instead the devs gave us the ability to create player made server wide custom channels. These channels help us to organise everything from groups, taskforces, flashbacks, costume contests and even hide n seek (large currency prize). In turn I personally feel the game has the most fantastic and helpful community I have ever came across. Alot of which is due to these channels as opposed to WoW style LFD tools.


The TOR devs have also gave us the same tools to create our own SERVER WIDE channels and I suggest people set them up and give them a chance.


#1 How to create custom server wide channels - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=695020#post695020.


#2 Anyone on Ahto City EU - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=665853#post665853 the one we have setup.


Hope some find this useful.

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Why should bioware cater to a vocal minority and spend countless resources on a game that is doing just fine without the feature?


the gogo crowd really needs to settle down and realize bioware doesn't want a cross server lfd tool. they have said it countless times.

You're forgetting a rather LARGE Part of teh population.


those who don't care either way. They're fine without LFD, but they'd happily use it if it was implemented. Both those actively for it, and actively against it are the minority.


bioware didn't say anything about them not wanting it, they said they don't want to implement it YET, but they probably will in the future.

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