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@LFG tool haterz


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You know why people talked in groups in Everquest? Because you were stuck, unmoving, in one room in a dungeon waiting for the 2 or 3 mobs you were camping to respawn. What else were you going to do besides talk? You couldn't craft. You couldn't wander. You couldn't fight an empty room. You couldn't leave or you'd lose your spot.


People seem to forget how crappy that game was and WHY people talked nonstop while playing it. Screw going back to that.


Good point, and that's what they want for this game, too. They would rather we sit in town unable to find a group than to group with someone cross-server all for the sake of community. Sorry, the game should be fun first and foremost.

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You seriously don't see the difference in interacting with your server's community to find a group and hitting a button to be randomly thrown into a random group with random people?


You don't see the difference?


You mean the difference between hitting a button and getting to play the game vs. playing watch/spam the scrolling text box?


That difference?


And you're not seriously calling 'LFG <insert instance name here>' interacting with a server's community are you?

Edited by Sendrel
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You mean the difference between hitting a button and getting to play the game vs. playing watch/spam the scrolling text box?


That difference?


And you're not seriously calling 'LFG <insert instance name here>' interacting with a server's community are you?


You know, there's quests you could be doing...


Flashpoints aren't mandatory, and don't seem to be emphasized as heavily as dungeons did in WoW.

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You mean the difference between hitting a button and getting to play the game vs. playing watch/spam the scrolling text box?


That difference?


And you're not seriously calling 'LFG <insert instance name here>' interacting with a server's community are you?


But it is especially when the follow-up is <gasp> actually talking to people who are also looking for a group.

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there is already a lfg tool in the game, you can even mark yourself and write a comment about your spec and what stuff you want to run.


it just needs a bit more improvment.


also i dont have problems finding groups, just talk with some people ig

Edited by Sheneria
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First of all, i would like to state that i am totaly against a lfg tool, Wow did it and it got the worst community i ever seen... And no i wasnt that bad before lfg tool.

Rift did it after launch, and lo and behold people started acting like freaking morons there aswell, and yes i dont play that anymore either.

So no if KoR get a LFD tool, i will quit this game aswell.


With that being said, how often do people actually expirence not being able to find a group in this game?? i mean seriously, i done all flashpoints and heroics up to my lvl(30) and i think i have used at most 10 minutes putting together a group so fare, only once i had to give up finding a group(search and rescue) since we needed a tank and none was avaible, so i went and did some other stuff and did it a few hours later... Same with the flashpoints, if u want a damm group go to the fleet, that place is always crawling with people dying to do them:)


Imo i wouldnt hate a lfg tool, that was 1 server only for flashpoints.. Not sure what the difference would be in that and just asking in general chat, but i guess people atleast could do something els while the group got formed??

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You know, there's quests you could be doing...


Flashpoints aren't mandatory, and don't seem to be emphasized as heavily as dungeons did in WoW.


Pretty sure the answer to this conundrum isn't to advocate skipping the flashpoints because getting groups the old fashioned way is a giant pain and actually detracts from your ability to play the game though either.

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Current system works, it's just no one is giving it a shot and/or they don't know how it is supposed to work.


  • There have to be leaders. Those who will take the initiative to set a group up. Usually it's a tank or healer.
  • Those players who are LFG have to flag themselves as LFG and type what you want to do.
  • Those leaders have to know that typing "LFG" into the box on the search screen will bring up a list of all those players who are LFG, no matter what world they are on.
  • Players must be patient and wait for a tell. The more people who use the system correctly, the shorter the wait.
  • Those players who do not behave properly in groups will not receive a tell for a group until they reroll and correct the behavior that got them blacklisted.


Try it before changing it.

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It is not a LFG per se that is the problem.


It is a cross-server LFD that breeds a coarsening of the community. In a cross server LFD, you are far more likely to be grouped with people you will never see again. That anonymity doesn't enforce accountability, so people tend to act like jerks. They can just return to their home server without any consequence to their rude behavior.


If they can find a way to do LFD but within the server, I'd be ok with that.

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It is not a LFG per se that is the problem.


It is a cross-server LFD that breeds a coarsening of the community. In a cross server LFD, you are far more likely to be grouped with people you will never see again. That anonymity doesn't enforce accountability, so people tend to act like jerks. They can just return to their home server without any consequence to their rude behavior.


If they can find a way to do LFD but within the server, I'd be ok with that.


If you make it same server only the queues are going to be ridiculously long. Sorry, but I'll take the bad with the good. I want to get into flashpoints in a reasonable amount of time.


Besides, there's no need to be on anyone outside your guild's good side. Instancing itself took care of that, not LFD. I don't think people care whether they're on your server or not like you think they do.

Edited by Shillen
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Sorry, but I don't want this to turn into a lobby game with people just standing around waiting for their instance to pop so they can mindlessly rush in to break their loot pinata and get their freebie epics.


It already is. the lobby is called the fleet.

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Bored at work, been poring over the forums. One point of contention I've run across frequently is the idea of a LFG tool, wether or not it should be implemented. I'm in the pro-LFG tool camp myself, but the argument goes that somehow the tool destroys player community, makes people less social, etc.




Do you consider it socializing to ask (or spam) people in general chat (or whispers) if they want to run an instance? Is it the time spent before the party is filled out? I'm just looking for a more in-depth explanation of what people mean when they claim dungeon finders ruin a server's sense of community. I've played MMOs with and without LFG tools, and for the life of me, I can't ever recall those without having this vaunted sense of belonging the anti-tool camp purports.


The best answer to this will give you wow.


While at vanilla one of the best MMO´s ever, also because of its community - it was one of the worst at WOTLK until today, due things like addons, dual spec, LFG and whatever else.



If you have to talk to people before, during and after a dungeon then yes this will build a community. You obvisly dont know what talking really means... For you it seems to be "spamming dps meters, insulting members or so" - well yes this is not socialising but this is exactly what you get with such a tool.

Edited by RachelAnne
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First of all, i would like to state that i am totaly against a lfg tool, Wow did it and it got the worst community i ever seen... And no i wasnt that bad before lfg tool.


You know I'm not even going to read the rest of your post after this sentence- let me stop you right here.


It was always bad. Always. Vanilla WoW had sleezy 40 man guild drama, politicking, 'e-boy/girlfriend' favoring, loot council favoritism, ninjaing, the works. People thefting Felstriker(Deathstriker) was common, and boy, what me and the boys called a 'Stratholme Hootinanny' was when a Deathchargers Reins dropped. A Druid was roasted in trade chat for a grand total of one hour before everyone moved on and people got over it. No, not every guild had this. No, it wasn't easy seeing the dirty laundry on the clothesline.


LFD did nothing to the community. All it did was put more people in contact with more people in groups and it gave people a larger share of idiots to deal with on other servers- with the upside of them actually getting groups to get stuff done.


In fact, the only glaring issue that LFD in WoW has is the atrocious kicking system where griefers are actually protected by the system if they are kicked too many times.


In the end, this issue is solely ego. People want to be recognized and see their whisper window flooded with group requests from people they 'awed' by showing basic comprehension of their class mechanics. LFD diminishes that by throwing people in with other good tanks, and by God we can't have that.

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The best answer to this will give you wow.


While at vanilla one of the best MMO´s ever, also because of its community - it was one of the worst at WOTLK until today, due things like addons, dual spec, LFG and whatever else.



If you have to talk to people before, during and after a dungeon then yes this will build a community. You obvisly dont know what talking really means... For you it seems to be "spamming dps meters, insulting members or so" - well yes this is not socialising but this is exactly what you get with such a tool.


No matter how many times i say this, it seems no one understands.


correlation does not imply causation.


the WoW community was horrible from the start. It only got worse as it got more and more popular.


LFD wasn't the cause of the horrible community, it was a symptom, caused by servers being so horrible no one could find groups outside guilds anyway.

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You dont have to browse these forums for long to see that comunity in this game is no better than WoWs. Dunno about in game community since i hardly never meet anyone in the dead world. Only socialising seems to be general chat spam from LF healer or than for this and that.
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You dont have to browse these forums for long to see that comunity in this game is no better than WoWs. Dunno about in game community since i hardly never meet anyone in the dead world. Only socialising seems to be general chat spam from LF healer or than for this and that.


Forums are a lot more volatile for sure and to be honest are not an accurate representation of the game in question.


If you read the forums you'd think everyone is a mindless 4Channer, while on servers it's not even close to that, with the odd troller in Trade thinking he's clever with Thunderfury item linking.

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LFG tool would allow players to do dungeons that some might be lockout of . I remember in wow after assembling a full group . We would just let the tool choose a dungeon. Sometimes it was those that were on lockout . Which gave everyone a chance at drops they were after instead of having to wait until the lockout expired.
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LFG tool would allow players to do dungeons that some might be lockout of . I remember in wow after assembling a full group . We would just let the tool choose a dungeon. Sometimes it was those that were on lockout . Which gave everyone a chance at drops they were after instead of having to wait until the lockout expired.


Which is labeled socialism, of course.

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Also, the forums are a perfect example of people NOT CARING ABOUT REPUTATIONS.


We post as forum names, not on characters. So theres no real alias unless you have multiple accounts. You can go through every post, and you know which are mine by the name alone.

People still troll, no one cares if tehy get a "reputation", its not because there are no consequences, its because the community, as a whole, is pretty horrible.

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I fall into the Anti-Tool category myself. While I have praised the feature in past MMO's, I strongly disagree with the notion that the absence will break this game. I could comment on each individual argument as a reason the LFD would be a good thing, let me cover the basics.


1. We need the LFG due to time constraints when playing. First if your time is limited during a session group based content may be best avoided. Best case and you can rush through it. Worse case you have to leave mid quest, flashpoint, or operation. Either way due to the limited time frame you will spend less time socializing overall. Essentially this means you are missing the best aspect of grouping which is the socialization. An LFD tool encourages this behavior as it makes it acceptable to disappear mid content with the justification that the group can always re-que and find someone else.


2. We need the LFG because its hard to find a group. Its funny but I don't buy it. I imagine some people have difficulty finding groups, but personally I haven't had any trouble. Of course I try to avoid spamming the generic LFG in general. As a person who likes to start groups, I generally avoid comments like this as well. Taking the time to say Healer, looking for group versus Healz LFG goes a long way.


Lets face it folks, people lost the desire to socialize because its no longer necessary. In the good old days MMO's came with allot of downtime. Any caster or Camper in Everquest will relay, you spent more time getting to know other players that fighting. Because of the excessive downtime's, you had to. As games decreased overall downtime and sped up game play people have tossed social interaction to wayside. Which to be honest is a shame. The point of playing an MMO is to have access to other players.


But to be honest I will concede to those requesting the LFG on two conditions. First any tool implemented should be server based. Cross Server grouping for Flash Points an Operations leads to bad things. Second players using the tool should not gain social points. I think Social Level should be awarded to players making the effort to locate groups. Because the LFG is a Pandora's box, once implemented makes it harder to find open groups. To encourage open socialization, Social points should be reserved for those who make the extra effort.


With those two concessions, I would support a LFG system.

Edited by Son_of_Liberty
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No matter how many times i say this, it seems no one understands.


correlation does not imply causation.


the WoW community was horrible from the start. It only got worse as it got more and more popular.


LFD wasn't the cause of the horrible community, it was a symptom, caused by servers being so horrible no one could find groups outside guilds anyway.


All the rude people on the internet playing MMO's only played wow?


Come on.....


ToR is not immune to those kinds of folks. Just look at these forums. They will not all dissapear after the 30 days is up either. Just watch.


LFG on its own server will still create community and maintain accountability thru reputation on said server.

Edited by Halacs
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Like many have already posted out the only difference between a "general" chat LFG and a tool, is that it reduces the time to do the dungeon.


The problems with a chat based LFG is that it will take place in a major city, people will sit in chat and spam LFG this and that. It also brings another bad side effect, you won't be able to quest/pvp since if you do you're no longer in the chat.


People barely speak anyway, it's people, it has nothing to do with having a tool to help them get a group. If you have a "social" problem with a LFG tool that probably means you're a really old player from back in the late 90's or early 00's. People were different then, mmo's only appealed to a certain type of player. With WoW and the "new" mmo style they appeal to everyone. You'll have ninjas, rude players and what not with or without the tool. I sure run into all kinds of rotten players regardless of having it in swtor. It just takes more time to find/make a group for a dungeon. Something that could be better spent actually enjoying the game rather than occupying the general chat with your LFG/M spam.

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