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Lets open up PVP a little more. My suggestions. Rewards for regs!


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I believe rewards shouldn't be exclusive to ranked arena's.

Offer decent unique seasonal rewards for regular players or open up ranked for a 8v8 so it won't be as toxic and you won't be singled out as much.

The rewards don't have to be as good as ranked rewards but offer some kind of incentive to queue up and be good at regs.. custom mounts, skins, weapons, toys, decos.. come on use your head a little bioware. Make even better rewards for ranked as it gives them an incentive to queue up.

4v4 is too toxic especially to new players trying to earn some cool rewards. Maybe have three different types of warzones, one beginner, one intermediate, and one advanced. Better rewards and harder challenge as you go up in rank.

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OK, but what are the rewards *for* in regs? That's not "why do we want them?", but "what do you do to get them?". If there's a ranking, then it's just big-ranked and little-ranked, and you're back to toxicity again.


So, what are the criteria for receiving the rewards?

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I view this as part of the "PVP problem" as a whole, that being PVP offers a lack of rewards for time invested when compared to all other gaming activities that are group oriented.


1. PVP ought to offer more tech frags overall.


1. Ranked PVP ought to offer crafting mats for rewards again.


3. A new added loot feature for the completion of PVP matches could be added. This special "PVP box" could even have the beloved RNG included.


PVP Treasure Box, and what is it?


This special "PVP Treasure Box" would be awarded after EVERY PVP match. It would offer an additional chance at getting a gear set piece or other legacy bound gear pieces needed for BiS. The point of this is to add more supplemental gear rewards for PVP due to the severe time investment and inefficiency of the PVP reward system right now. For the time invested, the reward in PVP is 1/10 of that of PVE activities and I feel this ought to be a bit more fair for those who PVP and would like to gear up via PVP versus the present way which is to grind the fastest FP spacebarring it as fast as possible. Surely this isn't really what the devs want.


Seeing a 8v8 match can take 10-15 minutes, I don't understand why they can't add additional loot chances for those who like to PVP rewarding them for the amount of time they spend PVPing.




@Bioware: You could add all kinds of things to these PVP only loot boxes. I am just proposing gear set pieces because right now, PVPers sorely lack a way to gear up except one way; grind Hammer Station FPs, over and over and over, and over. Any added loot however you guys add it would be welcome!

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I view this as part of the "PVP problem" as a whole, that being PVP offers a lack of rewards for time invested when compared to all other gaming activities that are group oriented.


1. PVP ought to offer more tech frags overall.


1. Ranked PVP ought to offer crafting mats for rewards again.


3. A new added loot feature for the completion of PVP matches could be added. This special "PVP box" could even have the beloved RNG included.


PVP Treasure Box, and what is it?


This special "PVP Treasure Box" would be awarded after EVERY PVP match. It would offer an additional chance at getting a gear set piece or other legacy bound gear pieces needed for BiS. The point of this is to add more supplemental gear rewards for PVP due to the severe time investment and inefficiency of the PVP reward system right now. For the time invested, the reward in PVP is 1/10 of that of PVE activities and I feel this ought to be a bit more fair for those who PVP and would like to gear up via PVP versus the present way which is to grind the fastest FP spacebarring it as fast as possible. Surely this isn't really what the devs want.


Seeing a 8v8 match can take 10-15 minutes, I don't understand why they can't add additional loot chances for those who like to PVP rewarding them for the amount of time they spend PVPing.




@Bioware: You could add all kinds of things to these PVP only loot boxes. I am just proposing gear set pieces because right now, PVPers sorely lack a way to gear up except one way; grind Hammer Station FPs, over and over and over, and over. Any added loot however you guys add it would be welcome!




AFK'ing (or half arsing) PVP provides little to no rewards.


4v4 maps go into separate queues and are less rewarding.


PVP boxes only contain PVP sets (there should be sets that have bonuses which not only are more attractive for PVP, but only affect PVP).


Mats in PVP are the same as mats anywhere else - no to the 'must run ranked for crafting mats' crap we had last expansion.


They find better solutions to deal with people who quit matches while not penalizing people who get back-filled.


I agree gearing up via PVP can and should be improved, but they need to be careful with changes such that we don't end up with everyone afk'ing / bot'ing / half arse'ing PVP, or players feeling like they must PVP to gear and / or craft.

Edited by DawnAskham
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AFK'ing (or half arsing) PVP provides little to no rewards.


4v4 maps go into separate queues and are less rewarding.


PVP boxes only contain PVP sets (there should be sets that have bonuses which not only are more attractive for PVP, but only affect PVP).


Mats in PVP are the same as mats anywhere else - no to the 'must run ranked for crafting mats' crap we had last expansion.


They find better solutions to deal with people who quit matches while not penalizing people who get back-filled.


I agree gearing up via PVP can and should be improved, but they need to be careful with changes such that we don't end up with everyone afk'ing / bot'ing / half arse'ing PVP, or players feeling like they must PVP to gear and / or craft.


Yeah in my sig I outlined more detailed ideas on this actually. I added that winning has to be a proponent to the rewards.

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Yeah in my sig I outlined more detailed ideas on this actually. I added that winning has to be a proponent to the rewards.


That's good, because I was reading this thinking "Oh my, participation trophies for PvP". In a 16 man Op, that covers what, 3-4 PvP matches, one player is rewarded, not the entire team. How does your system cover that for team play? Everyone on the winning team gets rewarded? That's certainly a balanced approach, eh? What happens if a team is caught out win trading? Do they have all the rewards they've earned removed, ever, or are we just going to assume that they've only done it this one time, and they'll be better next time? With the caveat that I have no idea how rampant that really is. If it's really a "time spent" issue, Ops players are always going to get the short end of that particular stick. Are the winners then going to have to roll for the rewards, as happens in Ops or FPs?

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I view this as part of the "PVP problem" as a whole, that being PVP offers a lack of rewards for time invested when compared to all other gaming activities that are group oriented.


1. PVP ought to offer more tech frags overall.


1. Ranked PVP ought to offer crafting mats for rewards again.


3. A new added loot feature for the completion of PVP matches could be added. This special "PVP box" could even have the beloved RNG included.


PVP Treasure Box, and what is it?


This special "PVP Treasure Box" would be awarded after EVERY PVP match. It would offer an additional chance at getting a gear set piece or other legacy bound gear pieces needed for BiS. The point of this is to add more supplemental gear rewards for PVP due to the severe time investment and inefficiency of the PVP reward system right now. For the time invested, the reward in PVP is 1/10 of that of PVE activities and I feel this ought to be a bit more fair for those who PVP and would like to gear up via PVP versus the present way which is to grind the fastest FP spacebarring it as fast as possible. Surely this isn't really what the devs want.


Seeing a 8v8 match can take 10-15 minutes, I don't understand why they can't add additional loot chances for those who like to PVP rewarding them for the amount of time they spend PVPing.




@Bioware: You could add all kinds of things to these PVP only loot boxes. I am just proposing gear set pieces because right now, PVPers sorely lack a way to gear up except one way; grind Hammer Station FPs, over and over and over, and over. Any added loot however you guys add it would be welcome!


Agreed. All of this, plus a tonne of other things both of us and many others have suggested in the last several years. ie, make lowbies viable for lvling with incentives to play. And make winning the main requirement to get most of the good rewards. But also make playing to win a requirement, so even if you lose, you can still get some rewards because you played to win.


So without going into all the things we’ve repeated to Bioware on these forums too many times to count, let me just say I endorse some positive changes to pvp.

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We had rewards for Team Ranked, it was fun, even pve'rs did it for those rewards, it wasn't toxic environment.


There were teams doing it for fun and mats and there were teams doing it for ELO but BW "played their way" and killed Team Ranked for good.


The rest is history.

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We had rewards for Team Ranked, it was fun, even pve'rs did it for those rewards, it wasn't toxic environment.


There were teams doing it for fun and mats and there were teams doing it for ELO but BW "played their way" and killed Team Ranked for good.


The rest is history.


We? Who is this 'we' you are talking about?


The 'we' I know did not have fun; 'we' experienced toxicity, and 'we' neither wanted the mat farmers in our matches if pushing rankings, nor wanted to be a mat farmer getting farmed for mats.


Removing mats from ranked was a good move on the part of Bioware.

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I view this as part of the "PVP problem" as a whole, that being PVP offers a lack of rewards for time invested when compared to all other gaming activities that are group oriented.


1. PVP ought to offer more tech frags overall.


1. Ranked PVP ought to offer crafting mats for rewards again.


3. A new added loot feature for the completion of PVP matches could be added. This special "PVP box" could even have the beloved RNG included.


PVP Treasure Box, and what is it?


This special "PVP Treasure Box" would be awarded after EVERY PVP match. It would offer an additional chance at getting a gear set piece or other legacy bound gear pieces needed for BiS. The point of this is to add more supplemental gear rewards for PVP due to the severe time investment and inefficiency of the PVP reward system right now. For the time invested, the reward in PVP is 1/10 of that of PVE activities and I feel this ought to be a bit more fair for those who PVP and would like to gear up via PVP versus the present way which is to grind the fastest FP spacebarring it as fast as possible. Surely this isn't really what the devs want.


Seeing a 8v8 match can take 10-15 minutes, I don't understand why they can't add additional loot chances for those who like to PVP rewarding them for the amount of time they spend PVPing.




@Bioware: You could add all kinds of things to these PVP only loot boxes. I am just proposing gear set pieces because right now, PVPers sorely lack a way to gear up except one way; grind Hammer Station FPs, over and over and over, and over. Any added loot however you guys add it would be welcome!


Hey bud !!


*** I don't do PvP. Frankly at my age I can tell every time I come up against someone that's 40 yrs or less (which is more frequently than I'd care to admit to). I can still hold my own in master mode PvE from time to time … but find myself reverting back to story mode now from time to time. Hey … it happens !


*** I really do appreciate the fact that you are trying to carry out a reasonably good discussion on how to improve the situation. IMO … that is what is needed more than anything. Trying to get enough people to agree will be hard enough as it is. BUT... this is one of the better posts on the subject and you should be commended for it ! KUDOS bud !!


*** I have said it before … and I'll repeat it : a well rounded MMO community will support BOTH PvE AND PvP. That is a must.


I like what I've read so far. I can't really add to or take away from it since I really have no right to do so since I'm not directly involved with that area of the game. I do wish you the best in bringing the PvP part of the game up to speed !

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Hey bud !!


*** I don't do PvP. Frankly at my age I can tell every time I come up against someone that's 40 yrs or less (which is more frequently than I'd care to admit to). I can still hold my own in master mode PvE from time to time … but find myself reverting back to story mode now from time to time. Hey … it happens !


*** I really do appreciate the fact that you are trying to carry out a reasonably good discussion on how to improve the situation. IMO … that is what is needed more than anything. Trying to get enough people to agree will be hard enough as it is. BUT... this is one of the better posts on the subject and you should be commended for it ! KUDOS bud !!


*** I have said it before … and I'll repeat it : a well rounded MMO community will support BOTH PvE AND PvP. That is a must.


I like what I've read so far. I can't really add to or take away from it since I really have no right to do so since I'm not directly involved with that area of the game. I do wish you the best in bringing the PvP part of the game up to speed !


Thanks I revised my original thread I created with this topic.


The issue is people write, but rarely read on the forums. Instead of supporting others, people are either too lazy to bother, or due to some personal opinion of a poster people might choose to not respond or support their ideas just because they don't like them personally, it has nothing to do with their thread or post.


I am used to hearing crickets so-to-speak and it's not just on threads or posts I create. It's generally any thread or post written in support of a specific niche. People seem unable to concern themselves with things they personally are not directly involved with. Even if others enjoy something, that doesn't matter either. You know, empathy and stuff. It's a lost trait apparently in the human species. :(


Truth is I don't expect anything to be taken from the forums and used in the game, honestly it's just cathartic writing and interacting with people the topics don't even really matter to me lol. I just like to have a place to put my mind when I want it somewhere else.

Edited by Lhancelot
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Thanks I revised my original thread I created with this topic.


The issue is people write, but rarely read on the forums. Instead of supporting others, people are either too lazy to bother, or due to some personal opinion of a poster people might choose to not respond or support their ideas just because they don't like them personally, it has nothing to do with their thread or post.


I am used to hearing crickets so-to-speak and it's not just on threads or posts I create. It's generally any thread or post written in support of a specific niche. People seem unable to concern themselves with things they personally are not directly involved with. Even if others enjoy something, that doesn't matter either. You know, empathy and stuff. It's a lost trait apparently in the human species. :(


Truth is I don't expect anything to be taken from the forums and used in the game, honestly it's just cathartic writing and interacting with people the topics don't even really matter to me lol. I just like to have a place to put my mind when I want it somewhere else.


I wish it was easier to find/sort all the threads and posts we’ve all made over the years so I could list all the great ideas we’ve all made in the last several years.

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I wish it was easier to find/sort all the threads and posts we’ve all made over the years so I could list all the great ideas we’ve all made in the last several years.


lol. I can't even begin... I have created so many large sweeping threads more so years back for changes to the game, and so many others have, too over the years.


It's not just a matter of needing to be heard, it's a matter of simple acknowledgement by BW and they never have done that consistently or appeared to care even the last few years it seems change is just lip-service by BW because, we still see the same issues we have seen for years now.


The only difference I see now are far less passionate posters on the forums who actually care about the game. It seems to be, mostly suggestions are aimed at making one's only activities better, not the game as a whole better and that's the failure of the players.


So, it's a cycle of poor management on BW's behalf as well as a fairly awful response by players supporting the game and one another. Instead, you see bickering here now just as it was 5+ years ago why we find many of the same problems in existence as we seen during launch and shortly after so many years back.


People blaming bad features of the game on other players, not the devs who create the design changes or whoever is responsible for said changes. You know, it's PVPers that whined and made BW change the game for them! No no, it's stupid RPers never wanting added content and instead just stories that's why we got a bunch of bad stories and no game play changes! No no, it's the dumb PVE crowd! Constantly complaining they need to make more FPs and Ops! Now, nothing is added to stories or PVP! Yeah! Dumb players!


Right.... :rolleyes:


I don't care much now. I log in, play my sorc healer like I used to play my sage healer, hit some matches if they good I can play for an hour or so. When the matches go south, I just log out. At least the class I like best is playable in PVP. I have shifted my thinking to be like everyone else's btw. At least MY main class is good! That's all that matters!

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