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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

For Night Guilds & players: Ilum Stronghold: night planet with the best night skyline


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Many of us are night time/ late night players. Please create an Ilum stronghold, as there are no night time strongholds on dark planets. It's a bummer. My guild & I would love a night time stronghold, please.


Saying Ilum, because it has the best skyline of any night time planet (if not the best skyline of any planet), it's very impressive. That combined with Ilum's various native adegan/ color crystals, it's be a great stronghold,with hopefully some crystal cavern(s) and a great scenic balcony or something with a viewscape.

Edited by BlackSilverFire
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An variant on this would be a suggestion made a long while ago: Have a toggle to set time of day in a given SH (twilight/dusk (partial lighting); mid day (full lighting); night (...))


Oh, and while at it, make an option to toggle effects like RAIN on/off (seriously, its been raining on DK for 9 years now)

- and expand the rain/snow/fog/etc to also affect visibility conditions (adding a twist for those that like to do SH PvP)

Edited by Kaveat
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Oh hell yes, this would be dope.


I've never even thought about it, but it's true--we need a night-time SH. The closest we have is kind of Dromund Kas...and that's just dreary, not night-time.


or maybe even a toggle, that can switch your s/h from day to night. If possible, no idea if it can be done with the code restrictions as they are at the moment

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^Definately want this stronghold. Need a night one, especially for Guild.


Ilum is by far the best night planet in game, one of the top planets period for beauty, and should get its due (not to mention its old dailies should come back, finally).


+1, Mega-Signed: Absolutely

Edited by Willjb
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