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Scapper- feels resource starved and clunky?

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Im tryingg to wrap my head and fingers around trying to play this class.


1) I always seem to have a lack of Upper hand resourse

2) energy is lost very quickly


Ive gotten him to 75 so far, but no set bonus gear.


typically this is wht ive been doing



back blast

skank shot

blood boil

upper cut

sucker punch


then I have downtime as I have no Upper hand to use

so I typically do

lacerating blast

thermal grenade.


some mobs/players I cant reposition to get back blast off so Im out of upper hand.


Im pvp I see operatives and other scappers making unending sounds upper cuts and whatever is the operative equivalent. People seem to have a limitless supply of that resource.


Any help is much appreciated.


Also-- tactical? what the best all around tactical?



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Use the utilities lower CD on Disappearing Act and the short Trick Move cooldown (which grants Upper Hand).


Use Disappearing Act + Blackblast for extra damage + Upper Hand. Trick Move when you need an extra Upper Hand.

Make sure you have Vital Shot on the target so you can get an extra Upper Hand back once and a while. And of course, as the guy above mentioned, make sure you use Bludgeon.

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Use the utilities lower CD on Disappearing Act and the short Trick Move cooldown (which grants Upper Hand).


Use Disappearing Act + Blackblast for extra damage + Upper Hand. Trick Move when you need an extra Upper Hand.

Make sure you have Vital Shot on the target so you can get an extra Upper Hand back once and a while. And of course, as the guy above mentioned, make sure you use Bludgeon.


i do use bludgeon, i think i renamed it into one of those other abilities i listed.


I think a large problem, perhaps not with the this class, but in general, is that this game seems to be driven by gear.


Gear plays an overwhelmingly large aspect into how you will perform.


That being said-- I dont have any set gear, but I do have many tactical ive picked up thru boxes.

I think that once I get my hands on the set gear (Tactician?) Ill be ok.


right now it's a spam fest of buttons because i do not hit as hard as many geared people I play against and trying to keep up with their damage leads to energy mismanagement.

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Don't excuse everything with gear.

Scrapper is one of the specs, that can shine without much gear symply because of it's toolkit and on demand immunitys.


Are you using Vital-shot? Having a dot on the target will refund 1 UH every 10 sec when using Sucker punch.


Learn to read enemys and roll thier burst. That's a key attribute that separates the casual from the good player.

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Don't excuse everything with gear.

Scrapper is one of the specs, that can shine without much gear symply because of it's toolkit and on demand immunitys.


Are you using Vital-shot? Having a dot on the target will refund 1 UH every 10 sec when using Sucker punch.


Learn to read enemys and roll thier burst. That's a key attribute that separates the casual from the good player.


the vital shot advice-- is that a utility for the class? or is that a passive that is as stated without having to spec into it?


Ill disagree with some statements


1) reading enemies actions in BGS: 9 times out of 10 your never 1v1. There are multiple enemies targeting you from lord knows where so actively using defensive abilities is a dice roll.


2) gearing: all I can say is this. If hit hit someone for 10k on average IE and Im getting hit for 15k IE there is definitely a disparity somewhere. Ultimately if you cant do the same amount if damage back to someone, it then becomes a measure of attrition.


tacticals: whats the go to? i have them all and use the one that makes blood boil explode immediately.

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I am far from an expert when it comes to Scrapper Smuggler, and I don't do OPs or PVP so I don't know how helpful my advice will be from that standpoint, but I do enjoy playing mine. Here's some advice that may help you.



Get the Bulge (Masterful): Tendon Blast will now grant an Upper Hand. If you're having trouble maintaining Upper Hands this will allow you another way to get one.


I may not be using the most optimal rotation, there may be a higher DPS rotation and others may correct this, but this is what I use for my rotation for single target priority. I'll give you the ability to use and why.

  • Back Blast - opening shot must be done from stealth and from behind to grant an Upper Hand.
  • Blood Boiler - as per the description of Blood Boiler, target needs to be damaged by one of your bleed effects (Vital Shot) for it to explode. Hot and Ready (lvl 68 Scrapper Passive) causes Blood Boiler to mark the target, which allows your next Back Blast to be used from any position as if from stealth.
  • Vital Shot
  • Shank Shot - another DOT.
  • Sucker Punch twice - Round Two (lvl 20 Scrapper Passive) regrants an Upper Hand if Sucker Punch is used on a target with a bleed effect on them (once every 10s), which is why you need to use Vital Shot shortly after opening with Back Blast and before using your Upper Hands to Sucker Punch.
  • Bludgeon - grants Upper Hand.
  • Sucker Punch
  • Back Blast - should now be off timer and can be used from any position and functions as if in stealth (Hot and Ready Passive), so gives 1 UH.
  • Blood Boiler
  • Vital Shot
  • Shank Shot
  • Sucker Punch


You basically just repeat this. After the first round I'll often have to add in a Tendon Blast (if you took Get the Bulge this will give an UH so you can throw in another Sucker Punch) or Quick Shot thrown in as a filler. The important thing is to always follow up Blood Boiler with Vital Shot in order to trigger the explosion and the buff to Back Blast. I also use the K.O. utility (Masterful) so that Back Blast knocks down the target. Always apply Vital Shot before you start Sucker Punching so it will regrant an Upper Hand. Basically, keeping Vital Shot up is imperative to a Scrapper's rotation.


Can't offer advice on which tactical to use. I'm currently focused on my Sages and haven't really looked at the Scoundrel tacticals.

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