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horrible frame rate issues in warzones.


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so, after getting back into the game, i've noticed that i have terrible frame rate problems in warzones, no matter what my settings are on. i have absolutely no idea how i can better optimize this.


outside of warzones, i can run at 60 fps no problem. inside? it's somewhere between 15-30 and keeps jumping everywhere. if it was a steady 30, it wouldn't be so bad, but the constant stuttering and frame pacing issues makes it a chore to play.


is there anything i can feasibly do to help with this?

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As the previous poster said, the game is cpu heavy, but other factors have to be considered. From a lot of recent posts, WZ's appear to be laggier then normal PvE, plus with the massively higher internet usuage, that has also caused a lot of isues too. Not saying that's what's causing your issues, just to be aware of it seems to be affecting other users :) Edited by DarkTergon
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annnd, it didn't. well, i guess i'll just have to deal with it, then. i wouldn't think an i7-7700HQ would have a problem running an 8 year old game, but i guess it is what it is.


it shouldn't, but unfortunately it does, I've heard of a few people with i7's, who have a problem with it.

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Its a CPU thing. Game is CPU intensive, try running it Fullscreen not Fullscreen(Borderless)/Windowed. That helps alleviate some fps issues.


It's not a CPU thing. It's a game engine thing. It was already outdated when the game launched and so much of a heavily modified version of the Hero Engine that fixes can't even be made to it because that original team is gone. It's the single biggest oversight of the development of this game in my opinion. I actually just cancelled my sub the other day for the first time ever (primarily because of lack of content) but secondarily because of the abysmal performance that I'm just tired of dealing with all these years... the few things I still like doing in the game (Ops and WZs), I can't enjoy because of the game engine's failures.

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annnd, it didn't. well, i guess i'll just have to deal with it, then. i wouldn't think an i7-7700HQ would have a problem running an 8 year old game, but i guess it is what it is.

SWTOR is very CPU intensive and it likes high clock speed and good IPC (Instructions Per Cycle). The i7-7700HQ, being quite new, has a good IPC, but the base clock frequency is relatively low (2.8GHz) and even the boost clock is only 3.8GHz. SWTOR likes 4GHz+


And just to clarify, this problems is because of the engine's performance, but it's your CPU that bears the load.

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