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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Outragious Prices for Training


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I am finding the Prices for Training and Things like Speeder Training are just too extreme. Crew Skills are hard to make any money with when it cost 700 - 900 Credits to get a few things that only sell for 500 - 600 credits on the Trade Markets.


Not everyone has time to go out and farm etc to make credits to pay for training.


Lower the Prices a Little Bit Please.

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All I read is: "It's too hard to do, I don't want to earn things, I want them handed to me for instant gratification."



Is that about right?



If you "don't have the time" that other people have to do, oh well. Life's not fair, and shouldn't give you something when you do half the work that someone else did for the same thing. I guess it takes longer for you to get your speeder, oh well? Why does it matter that much?

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All I read is: "It's too hard to do, I don't want to earn things, I want them handed to me for instant gratification."



Is that about right?



If you "don't have the time" that other people have to do, oh well. Life's not fair, and shouldn't give you something when you do half the work that someone else did for the same thing. I guess it takes longer for you to get your speeder, oh well? Why does it matter that much?


Pretty much this. That's all I read on these forums -- and to be honest -- it's making me extremely annoyed.

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While I agree that the cost for learning the piloting is expensive, it is not a necessity. You don't have to have a speeder, even though the extra burst of speed is nice. It's not a game breaker.


I'm only level 29, and I can make a decent amount per day, so yes while it does suck to pay high prices, it's part of the game, and you have to earn your way, just like with anything else.

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While I agree that the cost for learning the piloting is expensive, it is not a necessity. You don't have to have a speeder, even though the extra burst of speed is nice. It's not a game breaker.


I'm only level 29, and I can make a decent amount per day, so yes while it does suck to pay high prices, it's part of the game, and you have to earn your way, just like with anything else.


Totally agree to that, I am even lower level than you and I do earn a decent credit per day for fighting mobs, selling items, doing quest, mission etc so i dont see the issue of low credit for per usage...


sometimes hardwork do pays haha

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Amount of credits you get in this game can pretty much ensure you can get your speeder training/trainer abilities every time its up. Just don't waste all your credits on buying pointless gear and maxing out your crew skills early on. Edited by Keling
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I don't understand how people are having issues with credits. I am now level 30 and after getting all of my skills I have right around 150k. My crafting skills are generally above my level as well. Do quests, sell grey and green items to vendors, use the GTN for decent blues (vendor the bad ones) and above, vendor schematics unless it is above blue and maybe even then still vendor it.


The key is to know when to not use the GTN. You can waste a lot of time and money on the GTN when your stuff does not sell. And most stuff doesn't sell. I figure in 10 levels I will have around 500k+ credits available to me.

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Skill training costs seem a bit high to me, but more as an intentional money-sink than an overlooked imbalance in the rate of level progression/wealth acquisition. I'm not sure how much mathematical analysis the devs undertake in deciding how much money a player should be able to accumulate at any given time. My personal experience so far: a well equipped level 35 toon and all crew skills ~300, doing mostly solo quests and occasional FPs, living with perpetual, threshold bankruptcy. Perfect.


I've occasionally had to skip buying non-essential skills, pick them up a level later. Just a matter of easing up on those companion quests while I'm adventuring. That's one thing players seem to forget... you won't cripple yourself by not training a skill you hardly ever use.

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How anyone is having any problem with credits is completely beyond me. I have not touched the GTN (buying or selling.) Just been selling everything to vendors. Anything I craft gets reverse engineered and reused if possible, or sold to a vendor if not. Now, I also have not bought more cargo holds, or more than the first inventory upgrade, but I had more than enough for all my training, and my speeder at level 25. I am 39 now, and I have more than enough for my next speeder upgrade. I will no doubt have ample money for the final speeder as well. Training? Psssshhh... I just click it and forget it. It doesn't even make a dent.


You see, if you choose to buy stupid stuff that you really don't need, you wont have money for the stuff you do. More inventory and the GTN can wait until 50. Speeder upgrades are a must for me, and they are top priority, so I budget for them.

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I think it's just the big numbers people see make them think it's high when in actuality it's pretty standard.


In your 20s in WoW you might make 3 gold a night from questing and then you go to the trainer and spend 1 gold. In swtor you make like 30k credits and spend 10k on training. It's comparable but 10k just sounds like a lot.


If you're also buying items off the market and sending your companions on missions (particularly gathering missions like scavenging, bioanalysis and archaeology) then you're going to be out of credits all the time.

Edited by Shillen
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My level 39 assassin has 400k, I actually sent over 200k to my 45 Warrior to buy his 40 mount skill training, he was at 0, by 45 he was back to 100k with all his training paid for (which gets expensive)... not sure why people complain about cash. And no I am not slicing.



Did I mention hes maxed out Artifice, Arch and Treasure Hunting?

Edited by masterprtzl
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