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nerf ap pt


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I'd say both DPS PT specs need to be adjusted but AP in particular right now is just stupid*. The Powerlode tactical does way too much for just a tactical....it makes Energy Blast auto-crit EVERY SINGLE USE, gives 4 full stacks of Energy Lodes after popping Power Yield AND gives you one energy lode stack after getting critically hit (benefits which can also be gained if that PT takes damage while guarding someone).


I get that AP PTs didn't perform that well prior to the buff, but from what I recall, they had certain passive buffs with the 6.1 patch aside from the Powerlode adjustment. IMO the autocrits for Energy Burst should only happen during Explosive Fuel, not all the time.


*Talking strictly from PVP, no idea how they perform in PVE.

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The problem isnt PT, its guard.

PT is the glass cannon. massive damage with short TTL. The TTL is expanded with guard.

For me the answer is really simple.... in DPS specs guard should be a short term buff you have to apply manually and re-apply costing GCD... not a click and forget mechanic.

Tank, classes fine, the way it works is good, but DPS classes it needs to be something they have to think about and has a cost in resources and lost DPS.

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I'm all aboard the nerf AP PT train, although knowing Bioware they'll probably massacre it again. With lightning, deception, concealment, and lethality all getting nerfed in 6.1.1, some more substantially than others, what's going to be left to compete with AP that's getting minor buffs?
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The problem isnt PT, its guard.

PT is the glass cannon. massive damage with short TTL. The TTL is expanded with guard.

For me the answer is really simple.... in DPS specs guard should be a short term buff you have to apply manually and re-apply costing GCD... not a click and forget mechanic.

Tank, classes fine, the way it works is good, but DPS classes it needs to be something they have to think about and has a cost in resources and lost DPS.


Why is it none of you mentioning guard ever mention taunting? Just this morning I out-protected a tank in a 4v4 without using guard once. (Coincidentally, neither did the useless tank)

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The problem isnt PT, its guard.

PT is the glass cannon. massive damage with short TTL. The TTL is expanded with guard.

For me the answer is really simple.... in DPS specs guard should be a short term buff you have to apply manually and re-apply costing GCD... not a click and forget mechanic.

Tank, classes fine, the way it works is good, but DPS classes it needs to be something they have to think about and has a cost in resources and lost DPS.


No the problem is burst. Guard is a whole different issue. It's burst has to be toned down. This is worse than decep sin.

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No the problem is burst. Guard is a whole different issue. It's burst has to be toned down. This is worse than decep sin.



The other issue is the 30SEC of tank-like mitigation if it was just the burst that one thing it that they are tank-like in how much they mitigate for 30 SEC. Being they need D cooldowns they need to tone down the burst. Just out of reg match where 1/2 of the people were playing PT the FOTM train never ceases to amaze me. AT least when sniper was breaking all the rules it took a bit of skill to squeeze the most out of it, this one just hit the button that lights up

Edited by Kinsal
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Why is it none of you mentioning guard ever mention taunting? Just this morning I out-protected a tank in a 4v4 without using guard once. (Coincidentally, neither did the useless tank)


Simple, taunt, unlike guard, is a active skill. Which is to say you have to actually press a button and lose that GCD and DPS to use it. This is how i feel guard should be for DPS specs. Or simply remove guard and have Taunt take over that function. Guard is press and forget, taunt is not.

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Simple, taunt, unlike guard, is a active skill. Which is to say you have to actually press a button and lose that GCD and DPS to use it. This is how i feel guard should be for DPS specs. Or simply remove guard and have Taunt take over that function. Guard is press and forget, taunt is not.


Taunts are off the GCD and has absolutely zero repercussions for use. It's a flat damage reduction essentially to everyone not yourself that can be spammed on cd with no consequences, not even to your damage dealt because it's off the gcd.


Guard on the other hand means you're taking additional damage. It's far riskier than taunting, and by the way, far easier to work around, because taunting doesnt kill the person doing it. Guarding can because the damage you are doing doesnt magically go away (like it does with taunt)a it is redirected to the person doing the guarding.


I suppose yes, you have to press the taunt button every time its ip. That said it's off the GCD.


As I said elsewhere, I dont care what they do with taunt for dps. If it means my guardian dps can finally get some form of anti-focus take it away. I just feel the misinformation being spread on this subject is huge.

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Sins are being nerfed, look at the PTS forum


Woah, they're adjusting the 4-piece bonus. What a big nerf. :rak_03:


What about the ridiculous damage of backstab/shadow strike that makes it completely unneccessary to use any other damage ability because it is enough to get an opponent with 3 strikes to 40% health? (You seriously don't need any other dps ability to kill someone). Or the ridiculousness of 2x resilience? Or being immun to everything for 5(?) whole seconds, even stuns when popping deflection? Or having a stun that reaches 20 yards for 4 seconds on a ridiculous cooldown of 15 seconds + shadowstep? :D


Its no wonder assa/sin is the most played class since 6.0 (and even before). It's so laughable easy to kill someone because the abilitys are overpowered as hell.

Edited by Jesseriah
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Woah, they're adjusting the 4-piece bonus. What a big nerf. :rak_03:


What about the ridiculous damage of backstab/shadow strike that makes it completely unneccessary to use any other damage ability because it is enough to get an opponent with 3 strikes to 40% health? (You seriously don't need any other dps ability to kill someone). Or the ridiculousness of 2x resilience? Or being immun to everything for 5(?) whole seconds, even stuns when popping deflection? Or having a stun that reaches 20 yards for 4 seconds on a ridiculous cooldown of 15 seconds + shadowstep? :D


Its no wonder assa/sin is the most played class since 6.0 (and even before). It's so laughable easy to kill someone because the abilitys are overpowered as hell.


Well, the way you describe them make them sound like they definitely need a nerf. This post convinced me to jump on the #NerfSins bandwagon!

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Woah, they're adjusting the 4-piece bonus. What a big nerf. :rak_03:


What about the ridiculous damage of backstab/shadow strike that makes it completely unneccessary to use any other damage ability because it is enough to get an opponent with 3 strikes to 40% health? (You seriously don't need any other dps ability to kill someone). Or the ridiculousness of 2x resilience? Or being immun to everything for 5(?) whole seconds, even stuns when popping deflection? Or having a stun that reaches 20 yards for 4 seconds on a ridiculous cooldown of 15 seconds + shadowstep? :D


Its no wonder assa/sin is the most played class since 6.0 (and even before). It's so laughable easy to kill someone because the abilitys are overpowered as hell.


I think that's what the 4 piece nerf is trying to nerf... I dont pretend to be an expert on sin dps however.

Edited by KendraP
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Maybe the burst damage is a problem at the highest levels of PVP, but I'm just not seeing a problem when I queue for war zones. Most PT players die a lot and as a consequence have some low damage numbers. The damage of AP is good but nearly all the other classes have better defenses that can outlast a PT. I very rarely see somebody playing the class in PVP and only a small handful of those players would I actually recognize as masters of their class. It's the 5% of players here making it work. I think this may be balancing problem if damage gets nerfed too hard. It was a useless spec at 6.0 start because pyrotech totally overshadowed it in damage and defensive passives.
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Fixing it is simple.

Step 1 : only the first EB is an autocrit

Step 2 : make Emergency Power set purchasable with tech fragments (set is ridiculously long to obtain if you dont do dxun and i've heard that even if you do it, its still uncommon drops). The difference between an AP PT with this set and one without is huge.

Step 3 : do something against class stacking, like it has been suggested for ever

Edited by roupe
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Fixing it is simple.

Step 1 : only the first EB is an autocrit

Step 2 : make Emergency Power set purchasable with tech fragments (set is ridiculously long to obtain if you dont do dxun and i've heard that even if you do it, its still uncommon drops). The difference between an AP PT with this set and one without is huge.

Step 3 : do something against class stacking, like it has been suggested for ever


They will nerf the gear set into oblivion don't worry, essentially killing the spec indefinitely.

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Powertech deserve having best damage in game and its out of a question. I think the real problem is underperforming burst tacticals of other specs


For example, Deception`s Blade of Elements, its very weak compared to Powerlode

It gives autocrit on reaping strike, and reduces its cd, but it does not have any help with generating 2 critical stacks for it

I think it could generate 2 critical stacks after low slash for example


Arsenal`s Burning Bright

It could use some autocrit on double-damage priming shot, and/or heatseeker missles. now it makes no sense using it over Priming Ignition


Rage`s Syn`s Second Amulet

Imo, this tactical is closest one to Powerlode. It provides great burst damage. but, it does not provide autocrits. I would make retaliation (with this tactical) generate 1 rage instead of refunding it, and make your next Furious Strike autocrit.


Fury`s perservation

This tactical is decent, and it already gets 20% buff for 2 secs after obliterate. I think its decent one


Lightning`s Eyrin’s Haste

Well, this tactical is werid. I have not really tested it, so I cannot say much


Marksman`s B-0 Differential Targeting System

This tactical is werid as well. It sometimes works on PvP, but roll cd is longer than ambush one. I don`t really like its playstyle and I use Agitating Energies instead.

Maybe changing abillity that makes ambush instant with more damage to other than roll is solution

Maybe under Entrench?


Conc`s Volatile Strike

This tactical is decent and I don`t think it needs changes

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You are and this thread is beyond stupid. Least mobile class, worst dcd's ever, worst winning rate in solo ranked last season, first to target, melts under focus, first to die, needs to kite, needs to lso, needs a guard or a pocket healer to survive,

but yea LET'S NERF THEM!!!!


You are not going to get a class balance for team ranked or regs. It's just not gonna happen. With the latest adjustments to sins, sorcs and ops, this is the best balance we got so far for pve and pvp alike.


Both spec's of pts needs to be no1 at dps even when they die before anyone else. If not the whole spec will be pointless again like in 5.X. Giving uninformed and biased comments like this and then crying for dev's not listening.....

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You are and this thread is beyond stupid. Least mobile class, worst dcd's ever, worst winning rate in solo ranked last season, first to target, melts under focus, first to die, needs to kite, needs to lso, needs a guard or a pocket healer to survive,

but yea LET'S NERF THEM!!!!


You are not going to get a class balance for team ranked or regs. It's just not gonna happen. With the latest adjustments to sins, sorcs and ops, this is the best balance we got so far for pve and pvp alike.


Both spec's of pts needs to be no1 at dps even when they die before anyone else. If not the whole spec will be pointless again like in 5.X. Giving uninformed and biased comments like this and then crying for dev's not listening.....


And giving half baked comments without fully understanding the facts or situation, I would argue is even more detrimental.


News flash guys: Both powertech specs do the highest dps in PvP. AP pt out dpses all other burst classes, and out dpses dot classes as well. Pyrotech is considered one of the best dot specs in the game, only comparable to lethality.


Pyrotech powertech in a group ranked game earlier this week: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/625109210103021601/693271091023577108/Screenshot_21.jpg


AP powertech in a regs match earlier this week: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/625109210103021601/692308976515153970/ADFSDASFASFDAS.png


You don't know the capabilities of powertechs. You don't know the damage potential because quite frankly you probably play with bad players that just stick to the most obvious op specs: conc oper, decep sin. But after the nerfs to both, AP pt will be the only thing standing. And I am telling you now, you will be dicked down faster than you can dick it down. Don't listen. It's fine. You will learn soon enough.

Edited by septru
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Ok, nice trolling keep it up. Let's balance according to the dead content. How about H2+? Do you wanna balance that too?

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