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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How to Make SWTOR Better Again


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1. Bring back all the PvP instances. Teaches people to play properly again and brings back ways to do the PvP achievements without making people have to farm for them.

- BW, worried about harassment from players against other players ingame and in chat? You could try actually enforcing your rules.

- If you honestly just can't even handle doing PvP only instances at least do something to encourage more use of the PvP nstances, such as increased rewards for missions, give Valor and higher RXP rewards.

-RPers can learn to RP in a real environment instead of being lifeless blobs on the Fleet and filling the channels with useless orange chat.


2. Make all NPCs killable. Make this a real MMO and not some single player junk. We joined for the MMO for multiplayer content not for this single player garbage.


3. Stop nerfing the classes. You've made Carnage, Sins and Sorc heals suck. Let's be honest, BW, you're completely biased for Juggs. The rest can basically suck it.

- Balance doesn’t mean reducing the specs til they are trash. It’s ok to actually increase stuff on classes, make them playable again.


4. Bring back PvP gear to balance out PvP, instead of forcing every crappy decision made into PvE on the PvPers.


5. Stop catering to the advice and whims from garbage players, players who barely play the game and players who absolutely do not speak for the rest of us.

- If BW's devs actually played the game they would know what crappy class changes they keep throwing at us.


6. MAKE MORE CONTENT QUICKER. And no, I'm not talking about the crappy flashpoint "content", actual content like Operations and longer stories instead of these few minute missions.


7. Fix the constantly bugging out decos, heck, fix all the bugged out everything.


8. Fix the disappearing guild bank item bug.


9. Give back my freaking guild's rename token.

Edited by valligurl
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4. Bring back PvP gear to balance out PvP, instead of forcing every crappy decision made into PvE on the PvPers.

Curiously, there are plenty of people who dislike PvP(1) who would agree with this, but so that PvP balancing stuff doesn't mess up PvE.

5. Stop catering to the advice and whims from garbage players, players who barely play the game and players who absolutely do not speak for the rest of us.

*You* don't speak for the rest of us either.


(1) PvP is not a defining characteristic of MMORPGs, and in fact in most MMORPGs it is a poor shadow of what PvP would be in a game designed from the ground up around it.

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There is no more guild rename token??


Lol no, my guild had purchased a rename token and a dead guild with our original name (ever since the freaking server merge we lost it to some randos who never play) and when we dissolved the dead guild and used the rename for our guild it refused to let us rename our guild to the original. I contacted customer support and they basically told me to suck it up and there was nothing they could do.

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Curiously, there are plenty of people who dislike PvP(1) who would agree with this, but so that PvP balancing stuff doesn't mess up PvE.


*You* don't speak for the rest of us either.


(1) PvP is not a defining characteristic of MMORPGs, and in fact in most MMORPGs it is a poor shadow of what PvP would be in a game designed from the ground up around it.

It works both ways, honestly. PvE shouldn't screw with PvP and vice versa.


It actually is a great characteristic of MMORPGs, besides the great stories that SWTOR had (at first) it's what drew me to the game in the first place (besides loving Star Wars) and literally every other MMORPG has PvP (unless you just never noticed and are living under a rock).

Also, hun, you definitely don't speak for us either. :rolleyes:

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I agree that they should make more content and fix the bugs.

Hell I would pay just so that they finally fix some annoying and year old bugs.

They should do it like ESO (a big expansion that costs extra). They would have more money and the players more content.


I don´t have an opinion on the rest of your suggestions.

I rarely pvp anymore and I joined the game because of the storymode/RPG :)

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1. Bring back all the PvP instances. Teaches people to play properly again and brings back ways to do the PvP achievements without making people have to farm for them.

- BW, worried about harassment from players against other players ingame and in chat? You could try actually enforcing your rules.

- If you honestly just can't even handle doing PvP only instances at least do something to encourage more use of the PvP nstances, such as increased rewards for missions, give Valor and higher RXP rewards.

-RPers can learn to RP in a real environment instead of being lifeless blobs on the Fleet and filling the channels with useless orange chat.


2. Make all NPCs killable. Make this a real MMO and not some single player junk. We joined for the MMO for multiplayer content not for this single player garbage.


3. Stop nerfing the classes. You've made Carnage, Sins and Sorc heals suck. Let's be honest, BW, you're completely biased for Juggs. The rest can basically suck it.

- Balance doesn’t mean reducing the specs til they are trash. It’s ok to actually increase stuff on classes, make them playable again.


4. Bring back PvP gear to balance out PvP, instead of forcing every crappy decision made into PvE on the PvPers.


5. Stop catering to the advice and whims from garbage players, players who barely play the game and players who absolutely do not speak for the rest of us.

- If BW's devs actually played the game they would know what crappy class changes they keep throwing at us.


6. MAKE MORE CONTENT QUICKER. And no, I'm not talking about the crappy flashpoint "content", actual content like Operations and longer stories instead of these few minute missions.


7. Fix the constantly bugging out decos, heck, fix all the bugged out everything.


8. Fix the disappearing guild bank item bug.


9. Give back my freaking guild's rename token.


If there is anyone who is not a designated representative for the community at large … it's YOU !!!


Elitisms (ists) and the obvious reflection of such (particularly calling other players you don't care for "garbage" ) …. No thanks !


I'll take my chances with the game as it is over this sort of degrading and demeaning diatribe !

Edited by OlBuzzard
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If there is anyone who is not a designated representative for the community at large … it's YOU !!!


Elitisms (ists) and the obvious reflection of such (particularly call other players you don't care for "garbage" ) …. No thanks !


I'll take my chances with the game as it is over this sort of degrading and demeaning diatribe !


agreed. Some people do not understand that not everyone likes what they do but yet want everyone to play the same. There is nothing that would get me to PVP. If my darling boyfriend can't get me to do, what chance does anyone else has?

Edited by casirabit
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OlBuzzard & casirabit if you guys think that's elitism to want something better than the garbage changes that BW has been forcing up us then you guys are part of the problem and yes, are on that list. :jawa_tongue:


Elitism is a player who thinks only what they like is important and mocks anyone who doesn't agree them.


You obviously like open-world pvp, the near-zero population of pvp instances proves that you are in the minority there. Even pvp players prefer warzones to open-world pvp. You won't get more players to do open-world pvp by trying to force them into it; so just stop with those kinds of suggestions.


SWTOR started off as an MMORPG with an emphasis on single-player storylines. There are group activities and pvp, but that does not give anyone the right to look down on solo players or rp players, as somehow lesser than the HM ops/PvP players.


(FYI plenty of RP players also do the harder group content, one does not preclude the other)


*as to more content, I don't think any player disagrees with that. More story, more flashpoints, more operations, more warzone maps, more of everything would be nice.

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Elitism is a player who thinks only what they like is important and mocks anyone who doesn't agree them.


You obviously like open-world pvp, the near-zero population of pvp instances proves that you are in the minority there. Even pvp players prefer warzones to open-world pvp. You won't get more players to do open-world pvp by trying to force them into it; so just stop with those kinds of suggestions.


SWTOR started off as an MMORPG with an emphasis on single-player storylines. There are group activities and pvp, but that does not give anyone the right to look down on solo players or rp players, as somehow lesser than the HM ops/PvP players.


(FYI plenty of RP players also do the harder group content, one does not preclude the other)


*as to more content, I don't think any player disagrees with that. More story, more flashpoints, more operations, more warzone maps, more of everything would be nice.

Not a mock of them just a fact. If they didn't bother reading the rest of the post they are part of the problem. I only mentioned PvP in the very beginning because that is a big part of the game. All the server merges and making of PvE only instances practically killed any incentive to be in the PvP instances. So, basically the PvP side of the game got screwed (I won't even mention how much aids it is in regs or ranked).

And only people who think that one opinion and observation is "elitism" obviously doesn't understand what that even means.

These are suggestions not demands. Though, they would definitely help the game improve by 99%.

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Elitism is a player who thinks only what they like is important and mocks anyone who doesn't agree them.


You obviously like open-world pvp, the near-zero population of pvp instances proves that you are in the minority there. Even pvp players prefer warzones to open-world pvp. You won't get more players to do open-world pvp by trying to force them into it; so just stop with those kinds of suggestions.


SWTOR started off as an MMORPG with an emphasis on single-player storylines. There are group activities and pvp, but that does not give anyone the right to look down on solo players or rp players, as somehow lesser than the HM ops/PvP players.


(FYI plenty of RP players also do the harder group content, one does not preclude the other)


*as to more content, I don't think any player disagrees with that. More story, more flashpoints, more operations, more warzone maps, more of everything would be nice.


^^^ Much closer to the truth.


What some folks don't realize is that have always supported the PvP part of the community. NO … I don't do that sort of thing any more. I use to … and got to where I could hold my own in group participation scenarios !


Yes … there are some things that need fixed ! In PvE and PvP both. Honestly, unless you were either new to the game or just living under a rock the last 8 years ANYBODY can see that.


NO !! that does not open the door to slanderous allegations of the game or other players who do not "measure up" .


Difficulty levels … I'll have to dig up one of my responses back from several months ago. It was one that several players liked. So much so that I received several PM's asking for more information and details … ( Yeah I know … I was more shocked then than most of you are now !! ) For now let me suggest that a part of the idea is already being used in the game ( or at least it was). It's pretty affective too ! It allows for solo mode / multiplayer raids … etc ALL with the ability to select a difficulty level that's already being used !!


At any rate:

Also: at least 3 or 4 times a week I run across former WoW players that are now new to the community.


They are looking for more material in the following areas :

1. PvP maps

2. Raid groups


Without fail …. they already like the game as it is ( bugs not included) … love the separate stories.... REALLY like the companions … and can't wait to see where this is going to happen next.


That said :


IMO …. PvP players … you may not always like PvE (whether RP or not) … PvE players you may not always care for PvP gaming. BUT from everything I've seen the last 15+ years we all need each other as a community.


There is room for BOTH !!!


Condemning each other because you don't like a particular style of gaming is outright foolishness !!


IMO this is not an indictment … but rater a message for all of us … my self included !


We want this game to continue .. then we need solutions that build and NOT messages of damnation!

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These are Suggestions:


Bring back all the PvP instances. Teaches people to play properly again and brings back ways to do the PvP achievements without making people have to farm for them.

- BW, worried about harassment from players against other players ingame and in chat? You could try actually enforcing your rules.

- If you honestly just can't even handle doing PvP only instances at least do something to encourage more use of the PvP nstances, such as increased rewards for missions, give Valor and higher RXP rewards.


3. Stop nerfing the classes. You've made Carnage, Sins and Sorc heals suck. Let's be honest, BW, you're completely biased for Juggs. The rest can basically suck it.

- Balance doesn’t mean reducing the specs til they are trash. It’s ok to actually increase stuff on classes, make them playable again.


4. Bring back PvP gear to balance out PvP, instead of forcing every crappy decision made into PvE on the PvPers.



6. MAKE MORE CONTENT QUICKER. And no, I'm not talking about the crappy flashpoint "content", actual content like Operations and longer stories instead of these few minute missions.


These have no bearing on anything other than calling players names


2. Make all NPCs killable. Make this a real MMO and not some single player junk. We joined for the MMO for multiplayer content not for this single player garbage. (This might have been a suggestion but you turned into a name calling for solo players)


5. Stop catering to the advice and whims from garbage players, players who barely play the game and players who absolutely do not speak for the rest of us.

- If BW's devs actually played the game they would know what crappy class changes they keep throwing at us.

-RPers can learn to RP in a real environment instead of being lifeless blobs on the Fleet and filling the channels with useless orange chat.



These are bugs: (has nothing to do with suggestions) These have been reported constantly in the bug section (other than your guild's rename token-which by the way we haven't had a problem with.


7. Fix the constantly bugging out decos, heck, fix all the bugged out everything.


8. Fix the disappearing guild bank item bug.


9. Give back my freaking guild's rename token.




Maybe if you would have read your posts you could see where people come to the conclusion that you are an elitist. As far as the comment about people playing the game, most of the individuals that have responded on this topic do play the game. Maybe you could stop attacking people and calling names and read your forum post and see where the problem lies.


As someone already said most of us want new content but I for one would not stoop so low to call other players garbage or any other name as I am smart enough to understand that will create problems in getting my ideas across.



I for one have always supported the game, sure I am not a fan of pvp, but I know there are those that like it, my boyfriend for one, so I would never say not to do anything to help pvp but not at the expense of those of us that don't like pvp.

Edited by casirabit
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These are Suggestions:


Bring back all the PvP instances. Teaches people to play properly again and brings back ways to do the PvP achievements without making people have to farm for them.

- BW, worried about harassment from players against other players ingame and in chat? You could try actually enforcing your rules.

- If you honestly just can't even handle doing PvP only instances at least do something to encourage more use of the PvP nstances, such as increased rewards for missions, give Valor and higher RXP rewards.


3. Stop nerfing the classes. You've made Carnage, Sins and Sorc heals suck. Let's be honest, BW, you're completely biased for Juggs. The rest can basically suck it.

- Balance doesn’t mean reducing the specs til they are trash. It’s ok to actually increase stuff on classes, make them playable again.


4. Bring back PvP gear to balance out PvP, instead of forcing every crappy decision made into PvE on the PvPers.



6. MAKE MORE CONTENT QUICKER. And no, I'm not talking about the crappy flashpoint "content", actual content like Operations and longer stories instead of these few minute missions.


These have no bearing on anything other than calling players names


2. Make all NPCs killable. Make this a real MMO and not some single player junk. We joined for the MMO for multiplayer content not for this single player garbage. (This might have been a suggestion but you turned into a name calling for solo players)


5. Stop catering to the advice and whims from garbage players, players who barely play the game and players who absolutely do not speak for the rest of us.

- If BW's devs actually played the game they would know what crappy class changes they keep throwing at us.

-RPers can learn to RP in a real environment instead of being lifeless blobs on the Fleet and filling the channels with useless orange chat.



These are bugs: (has nothing to do with suggestions) These have been reported constantly in the bug section (other than your guild's rename token-which by the way we haven't had a problem with.


7. Fix the constantly bugging out decos, heck, fix all the bugged out everything.


8. Fix the disappearing guild bank item bug.


9. Give back my freaking guild's rename token.




Maybe if you would have read your posts you could see where people come to the conclusion that you are an elitist. As far as the comment about people playing the game, most of the individuals that have responded on this topic do play the game. Maybe you could stop attacking people and calling names and read your forum post and see where the problem lies.


As someone already said most of us want new content but I for one would not stoop so low to call other players garbage or any other name as I am smart enough to understand that will create problems in getting my ideas across.



I for one have always supported the game, sure I am not a fan of pvp, but I know there are those that like it, my boyfriend for one, so I would never say not to do anything to help pvp but not at the expense of those of us that don't like pvp.


The fact that most of the people who have commented on this post don't PvP just shows what I'm talking about. I'm calling out the ridiculousness and bias of BW. You look at it as namecalling but it is in reality a fact that garbage players and garbage devs are the reason this game has practically died quite a few times and if they don't take care to actually CARE for both sides then it will die because people lose interest. You can't have one without the other because choosing either one will burn you out. That's why a lot of only raiding guilds and only PvP guilds die out so quickly. Lack of content and being burnt out.

I don't care if you want to solo play, good for you. There's enough content in the game for that to do so. However, it is an Massively Multiplayer Online game. Not just a single player game.

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The fact that most of the people who have commented on this post don't PvP just shows what I'm talking about. I'm calling out the ridiculousness and bias of BW. You look at it as namecalling but it is in reality a fact that garbage players and garbage devs are the reason this game has practically died quite a few times and if they don't take care to actually CARE for both sides then it will die because people lose interest. You can't have one without the other because choosing either one will burn you out. That's why a lot of only raiding guilds and only PvP guilds die out so quickly. Lack of content and being burnt out.

I don't care if you want to solo play, good for you. There's enough content in the game for that to do so. However, it is an Massively Multiplayer Online game. Not just a single player game.


Lol, I have always hated PVP since I was introduced to it when I was playing SWG. It is not something I enjoy, it is not a big deal to me. I can live without it and have done so in all the games I have played. I enjoy other group activities, such as operations, flashpoints, etc. I also enjoy doing things solo as well.

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Lol, I have always hated PVP since I was introduced to it when I was playing SWG. It is not something I enjoy, it is not a big deal to me. I can live without it and have done so in all the games I have played. I enjoy other group activities, such as operations, flashpoints, etc. I also enjoy doing things solo as well.


That's just it …

Even for me... my fondest memories of ANY on line game came from one which was set up for (believe it not ) ALL THREE.

*** Individual (solo) style against AI ships only.

***Group (up to 6 players) all against an assortment of AI (gauged by the primary individual drafting the other players)

***PvP in an assortment of scenarios.


YES this from an old game that (more than likely) can't even be loaded and played today. That old community still has a forum board to this date.


I participated in all three forms of game play. Although to tell the truth I was just learning about computers... and could barely figure out more than how to log in and fly the ships … let alone engage in PvP. BUT... we did learn (eventually).


It should be noted that the next version ( the 3rd of the series in fact) of that game did not fare as well... One part was eliminated: sharing missions with your friends.. That was only available through PvP. That version dried up within a couple of years. Many others continued playing the second version for a long time afterwards.


Before the next version of the game was released I began to do 3-D modeling. My son had become good friends with one or two of the original development team. Permission was secured to do a "modded" version of the 3rd game. Two of my models were used.


Frankly I would not be doing 3-D modeling today if that connection had not been made back then.


Good games … good friends … good memories. And yeah a few bad apples in there too... always seems to be for some reason. But I try not to focus on the negative so much. (though admittedly its a struggle at times)


I guess my dad is right … "Life is what you make it" … And I try to share it with friends !!

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1) I don't quite understand. There are already PvP instances, what does this mean, "bring them back" bring back forced PvP instances? NO. better rewards for the current ones? sure, doesn't bug me as I don't play PvP. Is there something wrong with tthe current design of the PvP instances? if so, then I'd support changes to those. No changes to PvE instances Please.


2) NO. Just no. do whatever you want in those PvP instances of yours, but don't touch PvE instances.


3) I'm all for balance changes. If I'm reading your comment here correctly, your talking about the baseline heals that the heals classes used to have even as DPS builds? I do agree. I thought it was simply retarded to nerf things like that, it's almost an insult to have it in our skills listing now, even in PvE. If they want to kill the self heals, then there needs to be other Defensive buffs to compensate. The one thing I would like is for them to stop making nerfs/adjustments to classes for one aspect that affect the other (a.k.a. PvE changes affecting PvP and vice versa). I really would like to see different skill sets for each. Even if they're the same skills, different effects the second you hop into a PvP situation. Then they can adjust each set separately, and One wouldn't affect the other.


4) I think this would be a good idea. Though I don't play PvP, it seems bad that you don't have your own specialized sets to work towards.


5) I'm not sure who you are intending to direct this comment at. Who qualifies as a garbage player? anyone who disagrees with you? your thread would have been great if you had just left this comment out, as It sends a bad message.


6+ I agree with the rest. I personally stopped playing PvP in most my games years ago. It's just not my thing anymore. But In my opinion, if your going to put something into your game, then do it right.

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1) I don't quite understand. There are already PvP instances, what does this mean, "bring them back" bring back forced PvP instances? NO. better rewards for the current ones? sure, doesn't bug me as I don't play PvP. Is there something wrong with tthe current design of the PvP instances? if so, then I'd support changes to those. No changes to PvE instances Please.


2) NO. Just no. do whatever you want in those PvP instances of yours, but don't touch PvE instances.


3) I'm all for balance changes. If I'm reading your comment here correctly, your talking about the baseline heals that the heals classes used to have even as DPS builds? I do agree. I thought it was simply retarded to nerf things like that, it's almost an insult to have it in our skills listing now, even in PvE. If they want to kill the self heals, then there needs to be other Defensive buffs to compensate. The one thing I would like is for them to stop making nerfs/adjustments to classes for one aspect that affect the other (a.k.a. PvE changes affecting PvP and vice versa). I really would like to see different skill sets for each. Even if they're the same skills, different effects the second you hop into a PvP situation. Then they can adjust each set separately, and One wouldn't affect the other.


4) I think this would be a good idea. Though I don't play PvP, it seems bad that you don't have your own specialized sets to work towards.


5) I'm not sure who you are intending to direct this comment at. Who qualifies as a garbage player? anyone who disagrees with you? your thread would have been great if you had just left this comment out, as It sends a bad message.


6+ I agree with the rest. I personally stopped playing PvP in most my games years ago. It's just not my thing anymore. But In my opinion, if your going to put something into your game, then do it right.


Well said !!



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1) I don't quite understand. There are already PvP instances, what does this mean, "bring them back" bring back forced PvP instances? NO. better rewards for the current ones? sure, doesn't bug me as I don't play PvP. Is there something wrong with tthe current design of the PvP instances? if so, then I'd support changes to those. No changes to PvE instances Please.


2) NO. Just no. do whatever you want in those PvP instances of yours, but don't touch PvE instances.


3) I'm all for balance changes. If I'm reading your comment here correctly, your talking about the baseline heals that the heals classes used to have even as DPS builds? I do agree. I thought it was simply retarded to nerf things like that, it's almost an insult to have it in our skills listing now, even in PvE. If they want to kill the self heals, then there needs to be other Defensive buffs to compensate. The one thing I would like is for them to stop making nerfs/adjustments to classes for one aspect that affect the other (a.k.a. PvE changes affecting PvP and vice versa). I really would like to see different skill sets for each. Even if they're the same skills, different effects the second you hop into a PvP situation. Then they can adjust each set separately, and One wouldn't affect the other.


4) I think this would be a good idea. Though I don't play PvP, it seems bad that you don't have your own specialized sets to work towards.


5) I'm not sure who you are intending to direct this comment at. Who qualifies as a garbage player? anyone who disagrees with you? your thread would have been great if you had just left this comment out, as It sends a bad message.


6+ I agree with the rest. I personally stopped playing PvP in most my games years ago. It's just not my thing anymore. But In my opinion, if your going to put something into your game, then do it right.

1) The PvP instances are so barren barely anyone runs in them. How on earth are people supposed to get their planetary PvP achievements? Even if they weren't all made to be PvP instances something should be done because they got screwed when they introduced PvE instances even in PvP servers. There's nothing to even induce people to come in the other instance (unless they are farming mats as a stealther). Even loot dropping from a player would be awesome (copied from their gear/etc) like some other games do. Something.


2) They could even have the option to be able to kill NPCs like in some of the other MMOs, would be fun.


3) BW is constantly bipolar when it comes to class changes. They buff and nerf, buff and nerf. They never actually fix the problems with the class they just screw around with others.


4) PvP gear used to be separate and it was really nice to have (a pain to have 2 sets but really, everyone already makes 2 sets of gear for PvE and PvP anyway) plus it would make a gap for those that are actually interested in doing ranked.


5) BW only listens to a select few about gear changes and even operation changes. It's like when the NiM changes happened recently only a few people knew it was coming because it wasn't even made public and then they snuck it in the changes (sure they forgot to mention it in the patchnotes :rolleyes:) A lot of the changes they make make it seem like they don't even play the game. And I am not the only one to think this.

I say garbage because the changes are garbage just like the set bonuses for sin tanks and sorc heals. Like, who even makes these up?

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1. Bring back all the PvP instances. Teaches people to play properly again and brings back ways to do the PvP achievements without making people have to farm for them.

The fact that the PVP instances are mostly empty is a pretty good indicator that the vast majority of players don't care for open world PVP.

Also, the game engine doesn't handle large scale PVP very well (or large scale anything for that matter: The fleets were added when it was discovered that having players hang out on the capital worlds created too much lag for the folks trying to level).

- BW, worried about harassment from players against other players ingame and in chat? You could try actually enforcing your rules.
Enforcing rules requires resources (employees to monitor the players) that this game doesn't seem to have.

- If you honestly just can't even handle doing PvP only instances at least do something to encourage more use of the PvP nstances, such as increased rewards for missions, give Valor and higher RXP rewards.
Why? This is a casual PVE game at its core.

-RPers can learn to RP in a real environment instead of being lifeless blobs on the Fleet and filling the channels with useless orange chat.
RPers hang out in populated areas because that's where the other RPers are: Not certain why you expect them to go elsewhere...

2. Make all NPCs killable. Make this a real MMO and not some single player junk. We joined for the MMO for multiplayer content not for this single player garbage.
This would probably kill PVP, as once one faction becomes somewhat dominant, no one will want to play the other faction and struggle to find a mission giver who isn't being farmed for the lolz.

3. Stop nerfing the classes. You've made Carnage, Sins and Sorc heals suck. Let's be honest, BW, you're completely biased for Juggs. The rest can basically suck it.

- Balance doesn’t mean reducing the specs til they are trash. It’s ok to actually increase stuff on classes, make them playable again.

Balance issues are pretty much unavoidable, right up there with Death and Taxes

4. Bring back PvP gear to balance out PvP, instead of forcing every crappy decision made into PvE on the PvPers.
PVP gear is a big mistake, as you either have to give it to everyone to keep things fair (which makes it pointless) or you discourage new players from PVPing because their better geared rivals will just farm them while they try to earn their own gear.

5. Stop catering to the advice and whims from garbage players, players who barely play the game and players who absolutely do not speak for the rest of us.

- If BW's devs actually played the game they would know what crappy class changes they keep throwing at us.

I hope the irony of asking for all these changes while decrying 'players who absolutely do not speak for the rest of us' isn't lost on you.

6. MAKE MORE CONTENT QUICKER. And no, I'm not talking about the crappy flashpoint "content", actual content like Operations and longer stories instead of these few minute missions.
If EA had to choose between giving this game the resources to do this or pull the plug, I bet the servers would go down before you could say 'may the force be with you.' Simply put, the profits aren't there to support this.


Also, I don't think operations are all the popular, which is why we go entire expansions without a new one.

7. Fix the constantly bugging out decos, heck, fix all the bugged out everything.


8. Fix the disappearing guild bank item bug.


9. Give back my freaking guild's rename token.

Bugs. Nothing new here. It would be nice if they fixed them all...
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