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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PvP is a mess (imo)


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Why it's a mess? The thing that annoys the hell out of me is how long it takes to kill a player, a player that is not even in tank spec. I see it often, one dude running around causing mayhem while 3 or 4 players wailing on him despite having 306 gear, and they can do nothing about it, since it's his abilities that made him a freaking terminator. Some classes can down a player fast, like a sorc for example, everyone knows how squishy the sorc is, so I won't go there.


I play sorc by the way, 306 gear, fully augmented, now I don't consider myself a bad player when it comes to dealing damage, before swtor I played WoW and had high rating in the arena, so I think I know my games. My point is, it doesn't feel like I am making any impact, yes I see the damage I am doing, but it is so small that it bores me, it is so bad that in some fights I just zone out, out of boredom. I have a sin max level also, fully geared, same story, a bit better, but still, it is very boring.


The game is awesome, I like the story, I like the scenery, I like music etc. But PvP? Eh, it sucks....


What I am asking devs to do, is to make players die faster in PvP, not the sorcs though, they are already at the bottom...



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  • 5 weeks later...
If you say sorc die fast and you dont feel impact thats definetly skill problem and with that sentence you made it clear to everyone you re a beginner and thats why you say TTK is too long. sorc have one of the best survivability and kiting and one of the best dps, it can kill players pretty fast all force dmg and some of them internal dmg abilities for lightning and many for madness. Surviving needs skill and this game is good because there is a difference between good and bad players. go in a ranked match and you can see how fast players can be killed! Don't give false feedback to the developers because simply you are ignorant! its not ttk problem, its skill problem. Edited by Faltun
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Thats a matter of opinion.

Time to kill on a player isnt a standard, some think it should be short, some longer. I personally dont think its that out of line at all, but, when that person has guard on them or a healer backing them, yeah, it gets a bit much... BUT, again, it should shouldn't it with said backup?

The issue for me is that guard shouldn't be available to pure DPS specs, and healing should not be as strong in PvP as it is. But that, is still opinion.

I personally dont like one shot kills or the possibility of people being globaled without even a chance to react. When youre focused by a team of course TK is going to go down substantially thats not a game problem, thats just logical.

I guess in short what im saying is PvP has issues, but TTK IMO isnt one of them.

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