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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sweeping Blasters should activate on current target


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I think Sweeping Blasters should just activate and center on your current target.

I feel like having to set the area of effect is an unnecessary step.


I hate this ability not only can I be pointed away from the area it's firing but at times it's damage is laughable. I care for it less and less every time I use it.

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I maybe use this ability like 2-3 times a level, its pretty unpredictable with damage done, and I'm with you, I don't like the targeting.


I rather tab target and missle down the remaining hp on mobs after using Death From Above, rather than trying to use sweeping blasters.

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I disagree, it's great for knocking players out of stealth in PvP, when assassins realise they lost and try to flee by vanishing.


...and I can't target what I can't see, so your suggestion would make the skill worthless for me.


Agreed it is a great filler skill and has interesting utility in pvp. As the poster above pointed out you can use it to knock people out of stealth. As a pyro merc I also find it useful for covering capture points when there is a big melee brawl going down. If your other more powerful AOE is on CD you can use this one. It also has a chance to proc the DOT that is associated with Combustible Gas Cylinder on all those targets. I make it a point to get a DOT on as many players as possible when I am being ignored. It makes it easier for everyone else to do damage and it prevents interaction with capture objects.




I would like to say that the animation needs to be fixed. It does need to point in the direct you are firing. Right now it just aims in the direction that you are facing, which can be totally wrong. Even more so in PVP. I often target the edges of elevated platforms in pvp. Not only does it look retarded, but it gives me an unfair advantage. Players can not see where the damage is coming from.. Since I appear to be firing on an entirely different plane.

Edited by Jnaathra
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I disagree, it's great for knocking players out of stealth in PvP, when assassins realise they lost and try to flee by vanishing.


...and I can't target what I can't see, so your suggestion would make the skill worthless for me.


I agree, it shouldn't be targeted only. I use it quite often when clearing AOE weak packs when DFA is on cooldown. I'll do fusion missle and then finish the group with 1 or 2 sweeping blasters rounds. By then DFA is back up for the next group.

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I disagree, it's great for knocking players out of stealth in PvP, when assassins realise they lost and try to flee by vanishing.


...and I can't target what I can't see, so your suggestion would make the skill worthless for me.


That's an interesting point i hadn't considered.

I think you have changed my mind.

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sweeping blasters is too clunky to use and difficult to target properly.

Its use is reduced to just verifying the position of a player. It's an ability that should be a highlight of mercenary as its one of the few pistol animations, and isn't pistol use suppose to be a characteristic of mercenary?

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I disagree, it's great for knocking players out of stealth in PvP, when assassins realise they lost and try to flee by vanishing.


...and I can't target what I can't see, so your suggestion would make the skill worthless for me.


While I hadn't considered that utility, we do also have a skill specifically designed to do that. Those lil' nano bots do wonders in hutt ball for me, and they last for a good 10 seconds or so.

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I don't mind the ground target. My only beef would be not being able to swivel while shooting to move the target ala Flamethrower. This would also fix the busted animation of shooting in the wrong direction. Exposive Dart + Power Surge + Thermal Sensor Override + Fusion Missile + Death From Above + Sweeping Blasters = a whole bunch of dead targets in around 10 seconds or less. I don't use SB often but when I do, it does insane damage for my level and gear. I use it quite a bit in Voidstar to defend/attacks clusters on doors.
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my biggest problem with it is that if you begin firing it, you cannot select it again to reuse it


while firing, if you select the skill again, when the first round stops, your targeting reticle drops and you have to select the skill again (a 3rd time)


this is an issue with the timing since it has such a long channel time


if i could just push the button while channeling and than cast it again, this would be great


im not saying do double damage, but we should be able to refresh its channel time (at full cost of course) so that we can do these non stop (until full heat which is only 3 in a row)


as it is, the ending of the first cast breaks you from casting it again, which leads to a rediculous time gap between casts that should not exist

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  • 2 weeks later...
I fully agree, as much as I would love a cone version I would not want to sacrifice the utility of the targeting reticle. That being said the inability to use the move again, despite being off cooldown, until the animation completes is an annoying and intrusive problem that needs to be fixed. I think fixing that would alleviate a lot of peoples complaints about the "clunky" feeling of this move.
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While I hadn't considered that utility, we do also have a skill specifically designed to do that. Those lil' nano bots do wonders in hutt ball for me, and they last for a good 10 seconds or so.



small area, long cooldown, while the skill isnt useless it is only usefull for about 10 sec out of every min.

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Agreed, i loathe targeting circles, they are bad design and hurt the fluency of the class in combat. Typically, there is no need for them either which is more frustrating than anything.


Death from above is kind of ok as it is, but still, if i had to chose i would never go with a targeting circle over an ability that works on a target.

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No, for obvious reasons...




Just trying to boost your post count or do you actually have reasons?


I'd say no to changing it to a targeted ability. At first I was really clumsy with it, but after a bit of experimenting I got the hang of it. I would like to see the animation fixed and point in the direction of your target (including height differences), and the AoE icon doesn't feel right for the actually area that's affected. The same goes for DFA. The icon isn't right there either. I prefer an accurate representation of the splash damage range.

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I think if I have someone targeted it should just use the area that I pointed at if I don't have anything targeted I think I should be able to place it. Perhaps I am asking to much but i sometime find it tiring and stops the flow of gaming when I have to stopplug in the area then wait for it to fire.
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Sweeping Blasters are somewhat superfluous anyway. If I'm looking for crowd control, not much is left standing after DFA followed by fusion missile and explosive dart.


Sweeping blasters is the AOE to be used after all that, and in the unlikely event that anyone is still kicking after the aforementioned conflagration, its one guy with 2 points of health that I can just finish off with rapid shots.

Edited by inquisitorshadow
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