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Please can you increase the guild ban list limit


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It's his guild, he has that freedom as much as the troll has the freedom to continue alienating everyone around them. Conversely why does it harm you if you're not a troll that a guild is banning other people for whatever reason? If that offends you why would you want to be in that guild? If you're not a troll then the ban wouldn't harm you. I don't see why adding an integer to the ban limit code would so adversely affect someone to so strongly fight against it (again, especially if you had nothing to hide)


I've noticed the tendency, at least on Satele Shan, to move away from general chat and form groups mostly using an elite chat channel that most players don't even know exist. I don't know if this practice will last or not, but it makes it hard to participate in many activities without being one of the select few.


The thing is, most of the players using this channel belong to or are friends with one of the biggest guilds on the server. The one that tops conquest every week, with none coming close.


However, there I've also noticed a tendency to call out players of a few specific guilds. These guilds are not invited to participate in activities, and players belonging to them are kicked out of groups immediately. Just for being part of those guilds.


The hilarious thing? I have alts in all of them. I routinely get invited to dps, heal and tank in the main guilds, but when I'm playing my alts in the others, players kick me instantly. However, I still belong to those guilds because I have some friends there and they lead conquest on smaller planets for achievements.


Like any tool, guilds being able preemptively ban a person's entire legacy can be very useful and very dangerous. What happens when only a small group of officers in 2 or 3 of the main guilds can decide who gets to participate in endgame for the entire server? Do you really understand the effect of a large guild preemptively banning 1,000 LEGACIES? Not characters, legacies. How large a population do you think the game currently has on each server, lol?


And before you say, trolls deserve it, remember that guild officers can also be trolls and very immature at times. No vote is required to eliminate people. It's possible for a single person to get rid of an entire legacy's participation at a whim. How long before it becomes a tool of harassment and threats?


Disclaimer - I am a very nice person. I was raised to treat others with respect. I do not troll people. I currently have not been removed or banned from any guild. However, I do stick up for my friends if someone is calling them names or obviously trolling them. That has landed me on the wrong side of guild law in the past (because of one person on each occasion) so I know what's at stake here.

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It's his guild, he has that freedom as much as the troll has the freedom to continue alienating everyone around them. Conversely why does it harm you if you're not a troll that a guild is banning other people for whatever reason? If that offends you why would you want to be in that guild? If you're not a troll then the ban wouldn't harm you. I don't see why adding an integer to the ban limit code would so adversely affect someone to so strongly fight against it (again, especially if you had nothing to hide)


He has the freedom to do as he likes, but he should not keep on demanding tools to do as he likes. I do not want to be in that guild as there is no need. Some time ago there were far less guilds and players in the game and stuff was hard to do, only in big guilds. That changed now, there is no need to be in SMW as there are many other big guilds out there.


As for the coding, I am not a studied IT guy, but I am the generation which experience the birth of the computer for private people and know a bit more than the kids here. I also have basic in C++ programing etc. You need to distinguish various changes to the game. There are cosmetic changes that do not bother the game as much and then there are indexing changes that deal with information gathering which are more demanding. Its not easy to explain, but I can tell you that increasing limits like these do take a toll on the game. So if the GM wants more of such limits broken he is basically ruining the game for the rest just cause of his selfishness and inability to keep trolls out of his guild.

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Like any tool, guilds being able preemptively ban a person's entire legacy can be very useful and very dangerous. What happens when only a small group of officers in 2 or 3 of the main guilds can decide who gets to participate in endgame for the entire server? Do you really understand the effect of a large guild preemptively banning 1,000 LEGACIES? Not characters, legacies. How large a population do you think the game currently has on each server, lol?


And before you say, trolls deserve it, remember that guild officers can also be trolls and very immature at times. No vote is required to eliminate people. It's possible for a single person to get rid of an entire legacy's participation at a whim. How long before it becomes a tool of harassment and threats?


Those two paragraphs nail it.


Someone told me, they have been banned from a guild they had never had been in. He found this out by asking for a guild invite. I didn't believe it, as I didn't know it is possible to ban random people preemptively. His sense of humor is something that could be interpreted as trolling, especially if someone is looking for reasons to get upset. He is really a nice and funny guy when you get to know him and he is not out there to hurt anyone, it's a role he is playing.


Anyhow, I inherited a guild in a past, so I decided to test it out myself. Pre-emptive banning is one issue. A bigger issue is that it will show in the guild member management log, and reveals the person's legacy name to everyone in the guild. Not only the officers and guild leaders, but everyone. I would call that a huge violation of privacy, and great tool for stalking and harassing someone.


Regarding that, BW should either remove the information from member log completely, or at least prevent guild leaders from banning people who are not even in the guild. That way, whoever wants to keep their privacy, can keep it by not joining a guild.


In the meanwhile, when you encounter bigotry and whatnot in general chat, do what normal people do: report it to BW. It's their business to deal with it. They are the "police" of the game.

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using an elite chat channel that most players don't even know exist


This has been indeed the practise for a long time. The advantage of such channels was that people simply didnt even know that there is such an option in the game. On the other hand, once the people got to know the channel there are no admin rights to remove people from it or so.


The issue is as you mentioned, like for example you have such a channel with friends and one starts being a d*** and leaves. Then you join a guild and he is officer there and you get banned.... so yeah kinda sucks to have such a tool.


Like any tool, guilds being able preemptively ban a person's entire legacy can be very useful and very dangerous. What happens when only a small group of officers in 2 or 3 of the main guilds can decide who gets to participate in endgame for the entire server? Do you really understand the effect of a large guild preemptively banning 1,000 LEGACIES? Not characters, legacies. How large a population do you think the game currently has on each server, lol?


This is exactly what I wrote before. The game population is not THAT big, its mostly the same people that stick around and the new people come and go. ATM the population is fine, there are many big guilds and its all going well I would say. There is really no need for such extreme meassures like unlimited lists for guild bans, the guilds should rather focus on their recruitment and guild management. I have been playing solo for like the past 5 years, I have my own guilds on rep and imp side, always reach the conquest objective of 500k etc. Besides I have my toons in big guilds on different servers and its all without issues.

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I am a member of this guild.


I think it is very good if they could increase the guild ban limit to atleast 500 or perhaps even 1000.


There are so many players that express themselves in a very bad way or act in a very bad way, I do not want to have anything to do with these players. I log on with general chat disabled, even vicinity from time to time. It is my choice to exclude those that write in a very bad way and I am happy to not encounter them in the guild.

Edited by Icestar
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Someone told me, they have been banned from a guild they had never had been in. He found this out by asking for a guild invite. I didn't believe it, as I didn't know it is possible to ban random people preemptively. His sense of humor is something that could be interpreted as trolling, especially if someone is looking for reasons to get upset. He is really a nice and funny guy when you get to know him and he is not out there to hurt anyone, it's a role he is playing.


So your friend role plays as a troll and then gets upset when people don't want him in their guild for being a troll :rolleyes:


We have pre-emptively banned people from guild for years even before the in-game ban list. As with many guilds, we have our own out of game ban list and we check all new invites against it. Even with the in-game ban system we still check names against our own list. The in-game list is a great improvement as it prevents those who rename characters and legacies from sneaking back in as we have seen people try several times over the years.


We hold guild members to quite high standards as we aim to be a positive force within our server community. That does not mean gear, experience, etc but instead we expect them to be civil and where possible helpful. Our one guild rule is simply "don't be a ****". That pretty much covers everything. If we get reports of guild members trying to spoil the game for others from either within or outside then we investigate it, usually asking for screenshots or videos to back up claims. By pre-emptively blocking outsiders we do no more than hold them to the same standards as we do our own people.


There are plenty of guilds that do not care what their guild members do in the slightest so those are the places for those people who are so eager to share their offensive opinions and troll attitudes with more people than they do on fleet and Dromund Kaas chat.


In the meanwhile, when you encounter bigotry and whatnot in general chat, do what normal people do: report it to BW. It's their business to deal with it. They are the "police" of the game.

It's their job to handle players in general. As guild leaders it is our responsibility to manage the people within our guilds and part of that is deciding who can and can not join.


It's nobody's business to tell us or any guild how to run their affairs. If a guild is doing a terrible job then it will collapse as hundreds have before it.


A bigger issue is that it will show in the guild member management log, and reveals the person's legacy name to everyone in the guild. Not only the officers and guild leaders, but everyone. I would call that a huge violation of privacy, and great tool for stalking and harassing someone.


Regarding that, BW should either remove the information from member log completely, or at least prevent guild leaders from banning people who are not even in the guild. That way, whoever wants to keep their privacy, can keep it by not joining a guild.

I 100% agree but the point of this thread was to get the simplest change implemented which is changing a single number. I highly suggest you create a new thread to ask them to remove that data from the log for the very reasons you stated.

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I’ve have some honest questions


First, why would you want to be in a guild that doesn’t want you or bans your character?


If you got banned, why would you try and sneak back in on another character to begin with?


Which begs the question, if you keep going back after you have a character, banned, is it the guild or officers that have the problem, or the person who keeps trying to get back in?


To me it sounds like the system Bioware put in place was to stop disruptive trolls from trying to get back into a guild after they have been banned.


But it also sound like there is opportunity for it to be abused like every social tool in this game can be.


Which means it’s a no win situation arguing with each other about it. And those that need to get banned from the guilds are probably some of the the ones here saying the limit is fine and crying they keep getting banned.


Im going to give the OP the benefit of the doubt and think they just want to run a half decent guild with as least amount of drama as possible. The best way to do that is prevent trouble makers and trolls from stirring up trouble. Which means their request is a legitimate one to help them do that.


Of course that doesn’t mean every officer the guild or in any guild doesn’t or won’t exploit the ban feature for personal reasons.

I’ve seen much worse abuse in this game and other games to realise how childish and stupid people can act when they get a bit of power or have a personal grudge.

I’ve seen guilds ripped apart from infighting and friends become enemies.


I can see how this tool can be abused. But it comes down to the individuals policing it and not Bioware.


I think the ban list should be increased. If the guild leadership is over zealous and bans the wrong people or too many innocent people, the guild will fester and become toxic and will either die or only those with exactly those character traits will remain. And who in their right mind would want to be in a guild like that to start with.


It also doesn’t stop people from forming their own guilds and own social rules. If you find a guild is banning you for no reason or being unreasonable, reach out to others in your situation or friends you made in the guild and see if they will help you form another guild.


All of this sort of guild drama is why I won’t be in a public guild anymore. But I understand the appeal if it can be run right and have the right people and the only way you can have the right people is to keep the wrong people out.

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Honestly, i dont know you or your guild, but if you have the need to ban 200+ people, they might not be the problem, just sayin.


Kind of depends. Most trolls have multiple accounts and will do their very best to keep trolling if they can find away. Just the other day a troll admitted on these forums they have hundreds of accounts to troll on (I can’t say the name or hint because apparently even hinting is breaking the ToS these days).

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How on earth are you needing to ban so many unique accounts? Just actually filter out people you recruit.


Apparently this guy is using his guild ban list preemptively to ban people who never joined. Blindly handing out guild bans to "fleet chat trolls" so their alts are preemptively banned from joining in the unlikely event one of their alts request to join at any future date.


It's also super handy for blocking the frequent trolls seen in fleet chat as you can ban them even though they are not in guild so that later on when they switch to an alt and try to get a ginvite they are automatically denied.


He's using his guild bans to run a fleet chat blacklist

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Apparently this guy is using his guild ban list preemptively to ban people who never joined. Blindly handing out guild bans to "fleet chat trolls" so their alts are preemptively banned from joining in the unlikely event one of their alts request to join at any future date.


He's using his guild bans to run a fleet chat blacklist


And how is that a bad thing? Maybe they don’t want those sorts of people in the guild?

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And how is that a bad thing? Maybe they don’t want those sorts of people in the guild?


It's very miss or miss, not even a possible hit. Those guild ban slots are wasted on a legacy name with no intention of joining, Highly unlikely probability that they'd even request to join in any future.

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I still don’t see the problem?

first problem is limits. even if the limit was increased to 1000, this guild would still run up against this wall and ask the devs for more ban slots. At this point you're not running a guild, you're running a chat blacklist and punishing players the only way possible, via denial of membership, or any arbitrary punitive measure the unsuspecting fleet chatter did not sign up to receive. This guild admin's got a grudge against loose lipped fleet chatters and wants to punish them anyway anyhow.


There's no way to run a chat blacklist effectively because the legacy name is hidden when the ban is applied. When a fleet chatter is having their fun and a ban is applied, there's no way to remember the infraction for any sort of appeal or even for a replacing the name off the banlist to make way for a more heinous user to take his place.


Guild banlist vs. chat blacklist. Using the feature for its intended purpose, protecting the guild from returning problem users. Versus maintaining a blacklist to keep up a vendetta against fleet chatters. It's a silence tactic and this game would be very dull without the colorful characters in fleet chat. Most people in a guild, or I should say any normal person in a guild is usually in their best behavior and doesn't want to incur infractions. Therefore their fleet chat persona (wild and rowdy) is not the same persona their alt seeking a guild would be. (subordinate, respectful to guild rules)


Anyway. without complication, that guy is running a chat blacklist and not using his guild ban list properly as the devs intended. That's why he's up against limits.




I highly doubt a regular guild regularly using the feature as intended has run up against 185 problem cases that 100% deserve a legacy ban. Most people are passive and never talk.


That's some Scorched Earth way of running a guild gig to dwindle population.


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So your friend role plays as a troll and then gets upset when people don't want him in their guild for being a troll :rolleyes:


There are different types of trolling. One type of trolling is when people who post trash into chat to create a bad reaction. And one type is people who have a weird, even gross sense of humor, but everyone knows they are trolling for the laughs, and usually people join in and have a laugh. My friend is someone who makes people laugh and the only time I've gotten upset with him, is when I have to wait for him for some group content. For his sense of humor? Never. Knowing him, I can safely say that you may have overreacted banning him for "just in case".


Of course you can do whatever you want in your own guild, but it's possible that some people troll you on purpose (in the bad sense of the word), if they feel they have been treated unfairly. Banning people preemptively might cause a reaction like that.


I'm in three large and a few medium size guilds myself, and they rarely have to ban people. They also don't have problems with same people trying to sneak in later over and over again for some reason. I don't know why that is, but might have something to do with people skills.

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If you got banned, why would you try and sneak back in on another character to begin with?


Just to explain to you the situation, in the past when the game was in maintanacne mode and had much less active guilds (at least on EU servers), the OPs guild was the biggest and most active one. There were others, but they were kind of befriended so if you were unwanted by that guild, none would take you.


This guild was very active in a way that they for example organized events for achievements like "50 ppl in Stronghold" or PVP kills on planets, Planetary defences kills and most importantly Conquest achievements. The problem with conquest achievements was that when a new planet came this guild conquered it the week it was there and so if you werent in that guild you would have to wait for weeks to get it again and maybe not even get it. At that time the biggest guilds knew that people would enter the guilds for these achievements like BBB guild on US servers who would kick people on last day of conquest that joined that week :)


Besides this there were things that were hard to accomplish like killing the walker on Yavin IV many times, Nightmare pilgrim WBs, which you had to kill 3x for a speeder (when you kill him you get a weekly lockout buff, so you get this done in 3 weeks the soonest). All this was very hard due to level sync. Lastly there were the Dark vs Light events where you had to kill the DvL world bosses. On the DM server this guild was litteraly hunting this, they had officers who had toons on all spawn locations and just summoned the group. There was a 1 hour window for it, simply put you had very little chance to get this if you werent in the guild.


Nevertheless that was quite some time ago, now we have a completely different situation. Thanks to Keith the game is up and running with many QoL improvements and there are many many more people and guilds around to do this stuff with. So currently I cannot really imagine why people would insist on joining this guild now even though they have been kicked. I myself have managed to get everything I need myself, without the need of this guild so if I could do it, others can too.


Lastly, the way this guild works is kinda creepy, you may go and take a look at their website, the forums and how they track the people they dont like. The CIA is a kindergarden compared to them. I can send you their list of unwanted people and the notes they have on them, its nuts.


In the end, as it was mentioned many innocent people are affected on this. With all this kicking and banning they have hurt many innocent players by kicking and banning them from their guild just because they thought they are a specific player. So you kick 1 and then also kick another 10 cause you think its that person. Then these 10 people hate this 1 guy cause they were kicked cause of him. Its just all wrong. The power lies also in masses as when the GM says to report a guy then the whole guild reports him, even though they do not even know why, they just do it cause the GM said so. I am kinda surprised people want to get back to that guild in these times when there are so many other options.

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This is the thesis to his manifesto against fleet chatters



We don't just use the list for keeping trolls from sneaking back in, we also use it proactively. A lot of trolls seem to think that their behaviour should only be counted on a per-character basis. To me that is garbage and it's the player behind the keyboard. Three nights ago I watched one person randomly insulting pretty much anyone who wrote in fleet chat. Various insults to trigger a response like telling them what size of ***** they are banging their mom's *** with, stating that people from certain countries deserve to be wiped out with coronavirus etc. Two nights ago it was someone ranting for over an hour about how all gays should be castrated and burned etc. Both of those players were added to the list. They were not in guild with those characters but now they can never join. An added bonus is that if they did have other characters in the guild then those are removed.


Why would we ever want people like that in our guild? Trash is trash regardless of the character they hide behind.



The in-game ban list helps us keep our guild free of these kinds of undesirables. We've been a guild in this game that has run without breaks for ~8 years now and our existing methods of screening people and removing trouble makers clearly works or we wouldn't still be here. The in-game ban list is a great extra utility to have which we use alongside our current methods. I am not asking for the functionality to be changed or the bugs with it to be fixed. I just want the limit increased or removed. Keep in mind that when this feature was added there was no mention of a limit although we all suspected there would be one.


Moving forwards, if the limit was increased and actually stated in advance then we would use the in-game feature more sparingly and definitely with better notes for each entry :)


Your jurisdiction as a guild admin only starts after someone has joined the organization you administer.


If you think otherwise, you're running a service that's not a guild.

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Your jurisdiction as a guild admin only starts after someone has joined the organization you administer.


If you think otherwise, you're running a service that's not a guild.


This makes no sense to me. The people you let into your guild represent it; they wear the name, and so they reflect on your quality of guild.


How someone behaves in chat before they join you is a pretty strong indicator of how they'll act beforehand.


There's nothing wrong with filtering people before they join you.

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Your jurisdiction as a guild admin only starts after someone has joined the organization you administer.


If you think otherwise, you're running a service that's not a guild.

This makes no sense to me. The people you let into your guild represent it; they wear the name, and so they reflect on your quality of guild.


How someone behaves in chat before they join you is a pretty strong indicator of how they'll act beforehand.


There's nothing wrong with filtering people before they join you.

You just answered it yourself.

At that point, you're concerned with running a recruitment filter service, NOT a guild.



To me, action should only be taken AFTER joining.


"we've previously identified you as a problem character, we're banning you legacy-wide from our guild. There's no chance for appeal"


Preemptive banning is avoiding a person to person interaction. it's antisocial and brings up that point about lacking people skills.


I'm in three large and a few medium size guilds myself, and they rarely have to ban people. They also don't have problems with same people trying to sneak in later over and over again for some reason. I don't know why that is, but might have something to do with people skills.


you're using guild tools run a more effective recruitment filter service (blindly), not using those tools to run a guild.


That's a wrong we see in this topic.


Guild ban list is being used as an aid in recruitment denial process


Guild ban list is false advertising. False use of the tool in this sense

Guild ban list is being used as an aid in recruitment denial process, that's different than a guild ban list's purpose

Edited by Falensawino
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Kind of depends. Most trolls have multiple accounts and will do their very best to keep trolling if they can find away. Just the other day a troll admitted on these forums they have hundreds of accounts to troll on (I can’t say the name or hint because apparently even hinting is breaking the ToS these days).


If true, all i can say is, lol

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I log on with general chat disabled, even vicinity from time to time. It is my choice to exclude those that write in a very bad way and I am happy to not encounter them in the guild.


If this is true, how can you even see what they're saying to know you should ban them?


Or you mean you're happy that the officers ban people for you so you don't have to see it?

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There's no way to run a chat blacklist effectively because the legacy name is hidden when the ban is applied. When a fleet chatter is having their fun and a ban is applied, there's no way to remember the infraction for any sort of appeal or even for a replacing the name off the banlist to make way for a more heinous user to take his place.

The entry in the ban list shows the character name and legacy name. You can also add a note. I already admitted I was a bit lazy with the notes as I tagged most as "Troll" and I also said if the limit was increased then I would make more meaningful notes for easy reference. I already went back to update some as in "Troll: Chat", "Troll: PvP Spoiler", "Troll: GSF Suicider", "Guild Bank Thief", etc.


maintaining a blacklist to keep up a vendetta against fleet chatters. It's a silence tactic and this game would be very dull without the colorful characters in fleet chat.

You should make a separate thread to have the personal ignore lists and the ability to close chat removed from game since you feel so strongly about trolls having the right to force their "colorful characters" on others.


Most people in a guild, or I should say any normal person in a guild is usually in their best behavior and doesn't want to incur infractions. Therefore their fleet chat persona (wild and rowdy) is not the same persona their alt seeking a guild would be. (subordinate, respectful to guild rules)

I already stated my point of view on this. I hold the player at fault, not the pixels they hide behind. Why should someone who went out of their way to cause anguish to our server community be allowed to benefit from being in our guild. There are plenty of other guilds they can join that don't care about having trolls join them.


that guy is running a chat blacklist and not using his guild ban list properly as the devs intended.

The button says "Guild Bans". Not "Guild Bans For XYZ Reason Only". It's a utility for guild admin to use as they choose.


Just to explain to you the situation, in the past when the game was in maintanacne mode and had much less active guilds (at least on EU servers), the OPs guild was the biggest and most active one. There were others, but they were kind of befriended so if you were unwanted by that guild, none would take you.

You made yourself a pariah from guilds on the server with your own actions.


At that time the biggest guilds knew that people would enter the guilds for these achievements like BBB guild on US servers who would kick people on last day of conquest that joined that week :)

You attempt to link us to them because you know the negative reactions that will invoke and then make a play on words. My guild has never had a habit of kicking people out at the end of the week.


Lastly, the way this guild works is kinda creepy, you may go and take a look at their website, the forums and how they track the people they dont like. The CIA is a kindergarden compared to them. I can send you their list of unwanted people and the notes they have on them, its nuts.

We've made no secret about our ban list. I've written about it in this thread myself. Many guilds do this for people that cause problems. It is private in our officer forum as it's an admin document and once someone is kicked there is no need to rub salt in by making it public.


You only keep bringing this up because you are trying to bait me into posting details about what you did so the thread either gets removed or I'll get a forum infraction for naming and shaming.


Okay, does nobody find it strange that this GM has gotten random members to come in just to say "We need to ban more people?"

I've not asked nor forced anyone to post in here although I did link the thread in our Discord after the first reply as I knew guild members would be amused at the irony of a certain banned someone posting here :) That was almost a week ago and I haven't posted it since. It's the fact he keeps bumping the thread that draws more attention to it.


Your jurisdiction as a guild admin only starts after someone has joined the organization you administer. If you think otherwise, you're running a service that's not a guild.

Being a guild leader is a role of responsibility and running our guilds is a service. It's up to each guild leader to decide how seriously they want to take that and how they want to shape their guild but it's the players that make the guild what it is and if they did not like how the leadership handles things then they would leave. My personal philosophy is simply that I want my guild members to be happy and to have a safe environment to enjoy themselves. Over the 8+ years I've been running the guild I have observed that the vast majority of people are able to have a good time without the need to spoil the game for other players. We're not some zerg guild desperate for people to join us to boost our numbers so why would we let just anyone through the front door.


Look, everyone has their own way of doing things. I'm not forcing my guild's methods of handling trolls on anybody. All I've asked is for a certain in-game limit to be increased. No new features or bug fixes.


Dear producers, please significantly increase the limit so we can continue to keep out the trolls.

Edited by UlaVii
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