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If there was a time for a new side story chapter. This one would be it (spoilers)


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I thought Scourge's explanation at the end of Onslaught was lacking in depth. Too much telling, not enough showing. This is definitely an important bit of lore that deserves to be fleshed out properly. A side story chapter sounds like a great, fun way to do it.
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Kira and Scourge were both JK companions -- so can we pick witch one we want to play as ? ...

that would be cool ...

( as much as I like Scourge .. Kira is the one I'd like to play -- but this is all speculation, not going to get my hopes up)

Edited by Tashia
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Kira Carsen and Scourge's battle againts Tenebre's host body? Yeah, id love to as play Scourge for that.


Bioware and disney lost the new story line that will surprise us , imagine how many death enemy resurected to life


1. Palpatine ---- he lives!!!

2. The emperor--- alive in form of valkorion and now maybe revive again

3. malgus --- revive

4. revan --- alive

5. kephess- died and ressurected


can we get new story line please ?

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I'm going to call it now because here is how i see the story going. Additionally, want to call it out since i hope they will change course and not go this route.





The Emperor host battle will happen next chapter. While fighting through his 'lair' you will come face to face with some abomination that "will destroy the galaxy or something. From here, Malgus will walk in once you land the killing blow and become the host for the latest incarnation of the Emperor. Malgus will flee and run off to some unknown area and hide while plotting his return. I suspect that will end the next storyline.


The follow up chapter will be the hunt for Malgus and merry band of motley pirate types. He will settle on some canon world gain some new force powers and resurgence to destroy the galaxy again *yawn*. At this point it would be really cool if they offered a "nah - i'm sitting this one out" option, but alas you are off to save the galaxy.

Yet. Again. It'll be KOTFE again version 2.0.





Like i said - its how i see it going, but hope it'd change.


Now in my case i thought KOTFE was great - was a change in pace of the game and unique story. KOTET I felt was rushed and attempt to close loose ends and could have been part 2 of a 3 part trilogy. The Betrayal line was easy to guess the plot, but fun the same. i think the trick for the devs would be to rotate it up or allow for diverging paths - some fight galaxy wars, some run off and play Superman, others seek out new life and new civilizations to boldly go where no one has gone before (obviously that was poking fun at another space opera).


Just my thoughts.



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