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Literally no reason to play anything but Deception Assassin


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All of the recent changes to ranked (Win threshold for top 3, 15 minute lockout and harsher rating penalty for leaving/declining a pop, etc) were all community based suggestions. I fail to see why making the assumption that the devs continue to care about our feedback is troll worthy, but to each their own.


I was just talking about class balance tbh. For the ranked improvement, they're more than welcome, altho they dealed the finishing blow on most servers because of lower population, they were needed to improve the quality of the overall ranked experience... Still, I would have liked those to occur maybe three or four seasons prior, at the time where ranked was still played by a lot more players everywhere.


And to go back to what I was talking about, and I should have precised, apologies for that, but class balance has always been a (way too) slow thing to happen with BW, and when they're trying to balance things they often completely miss the mark (like at the time in 5.0 with the mercs nerf).


I gotta respect you tho, because you're here since a bit longer than me and you've kept faith, while I personnally lost it at the end of S8 and still haven't managed to get it back. I still like the game for all of those good moments I've spent on it, but frankly I miss the old days... Maybe not the really old tho. I hated the smash monkey meta.

Edited by supertimtaf
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You know, I got beat up by a sniper the other day and didn’t care for it 1 bit. If you could just take away entrench, shield, and teleport =problem solved.


LoL, great analogy :D


On a slightly seperate note to this thread topic, but in relation to this post.


I’ve been teaching my wife to play sniper and we’ve been lvling a bit in lowbies. Man, snipers hit hard in lowbies. Much harder than any other class by a mile.


Every match Im doing 80-82k crit hits (with out fail) at lvl 26+. Even my wife has started to do them with a little coaching.

But I’ve seen no other class go above 50k. Most are 35-43k crits. Not even sins or Maras or Mercs go above 43k.


Would that suggest that snipers have an inherent 80k Crit without set bonuses or tacticals, while other classes don’t??

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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