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Republic vs Sith going forward. Warning: SPOILERS


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For those of us who made choices to at the end of Onslaught that we regret, (to rejoin the Republic or Sith or remain "neutral") please make sure there are options to reverse these changes as the story moves forward.


For example, I made the choice to rejoin the Republic on my consular. Why? Because she's Light 5, the freaking Barsenthor of the Jedi Order, and Gnost-Dural started going off on responsibilities to future generations of jedi, etc. But you know what, from the moment I was forced to make that choice on-the-spot, without any further consideration or discussion, (like that would happen) and especially after seeing Lana's reaction, I feel all sorts of awful about it, not only because I'm not sure it was the best choice for my consular, but more because of how much it affects those that actually stood with her when the Republic turned their back on her, (a jedi she most definitely is, and will always be, but "jedi" does not have to equal "belongs to the Republic").


So, as the story progresses, please make sure that that's not a reversible choice, just as it would be "I-fictional-L." You don't have to give us the ability to revert choices or start back from when the choices were made, (since it isn't a single-player game anyway, can't reload saves, unfortunately) but if, for example, my people in the Alliance are starting to feel like the Republic is just not the place for them, let me pull the Alliance back out, not just say "Adios, Muchachos" like I already had to to some of the Imperial-leaning members the Alliance already, (who, again, stood with me in the Alliance when the Republic did not, so I owe them much more than simply a hand-wave and "off you go." Or, when the Republic wanted me to kill those silencer ships, I could tell Aygo to tell him to go pound sand and go save the civilians because we weren't in the Republic. Once back in the Republic, if I'm forced to effectively go kill those silencer ships and let the civilians die because of some chain-of-command thing, I want the option to yank the Alliance back out and once again tell Aygo to get the civilians.


TLDR - Let us fix errors in galaxy-spanning-levels-of-momentous choices forced on us in 2 seconds in the future, please.



And yes, I know most choices in this game have had absolutely no effects on the game going forward, but since they seem to be pushing for more effects as time goes on, (first with Koth and then the tv interview thing) they should be letting us change the kind of choices that we would be able to in-universe, (i.e. I wouldn't be able to revert the choice to rejoin the Republic or not, since that's in the past, but I would be able to decide that it really wasn't working out for us after rejoining, so could decide to take the Alliance back out, of course with any consequences for that second action - i.e. maybe some of the more Republic-leaning members of the Alliance would now be irked since they liked being in the Republic again, so they would stay in the Republic and not come back out with me the second time, etc).

Edited by Elisande
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Lana was ok with joining the Republic for my Jedi Knight. Her reaction perhaps is based on earlier choices you made. However, I was annoyed I had to decide right then. I would have preferred not having to answer right away. Leave it as a cliff hanger of sorts to be answered in a follow-up adventure to be published later. Let me talk to my command crew to get their opinion of the matter as well the people on Odessen.


However, there is precedent you can redo your answer in a hypothetical future game. At the end of Iokath you are given the choice of supporting Republic or Empire despite what you chose in the beginning, thus you can choose differently to end the story. In the beginning of Onslaught you are given the choice again, also allowing you to change your mind from what you chose previously.

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Your post is full of confusion. It’s like you’re still not sure what to do for your Jedi. I think you have to step away and understand who your Jedi truly is and that’s what led you to make your initial choice.


Jedi are in fact tied to the Republic and have been since not long after the Republic was formed and that has been thousands upon thousands of years at this point. The Jedi basically became who we know them as in the game due to the Republic based off of Legends lore. Bringing peace and justice to the Galaxy is one of their chief ideals and that is inherently related to and bound to the ideals of the Republic. The Jedi Order if it remained true to its code would not separate itself from these core ideals and bonds. Any deviation would not be taken lightly either based on the history of the Jedi since the Order and the Council were established.


If the JK or JC chose not to support the Republic and not to return to the Republic or the Order it would likely be a clean break, no blurred lines there. The JK/JC wouldn’t be a Jedi anymore. Because being a Jedi means you’re a part of the Jedi Order. 🤷*♂️

Edited by Sindol
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I don't think, that you should change your mind too often. But i would instead design a new system to replay the main story. You could reset your character to a previous phase of the main story, and get a "story played" mark. While this mark active you can't get reward for story missions. Mark would only removed once you reached the point of the main story where you chose to reset. Or you could only reset at the end, and mark only removed at the end of it.


As for rejoining the Republic. Yeah i felt a bit bad about chosing that for my JC. I chose to remain independent, but only after that i realized, that my JC is the republic pro character. Though i would be surprised, if we couldn't rejoin later.

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If the JK or JC chose not to support the Republic and not to return to the Republic or the Order it would likely be a clean break, no blurred lines there. The JK/JC wouldn’t be a Jedi anymore. Because being a Jedi means you’re a part of the Jedi Order. 🤷*♂️

That's how i understood it too.

When my JK rejected the Chancellor's offer and decided to stay as an independant ally of the Republic and not a part of it, Gnost-Dural clearly said that even if my JK was not a Jedi anymore, her opinion on things would still be appreciated or something along those lines.

So clearly when rejecting the offer to rejoin the Republic, you're not considered a Jedi anymore, which is fine by me as i didn't see my JK as a Jedi anymore anyways.

Edited by Goreshaga
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That's how i understood it too.

When my JK rejected the Chancellor's offer and decided to stay as an independant ally of the Republic and not a part of it, Gnost-Dural clearly said that even if my JK was not a Jedi anymore, her opinion on things would still be appreciated or something along those lines.

So clearly when rejecting the offer to rejoin the Republic, you're not considered a Jedi anymore, which is fine by me as i didn't see my JK as a Jedi anymore anyways.


Since when does Gnost Dural has the right to decide who is an jedi and who is not? What gives him the authority?

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Since when does Gnost Dural has the right to decide who is an jedi and who is not? What gives him the authority?

Right now he seems to be the closest thing to a leader of the Jedi Order.

Then, the Chancellor's offer clearly states that if you take it, you have to go back to the Jedi if you were a Jedi before, so if you reject the offer, you pretty much states you don't want to be a Jedi anymore.

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Not that it's terribly important as apparently there are folks who would disagree, but I'd be among those who believe that one's status as a jedi, (or sith) or not is defined by one's relation with the Force, (i.e. a light-sided or dark-sided force user) not membership in some random organization, (i.e. Republic or Empire).*


At most, Gnost-Dural -might- be able to say whether you were formally a member of the Jedi Order, (not sure, tbh, especially since there is no jedi order at that point, as he says, and I'd be hesitant to accept that a single person's opinion would be "law," as it were - hence why there was always a council vs a single jedi in charge) but even being part of the Jedi Order isn't the definining characteristic of whether one is or isn't a jedi.


I'd say Ben Kenobi was a jedi his entire life, but was only a member of the Republic, (and the Jedi Order) at most through his 30's. Jolee Bindo was still a jedi despite no longer being a member of the Jedi Order, (even if a "gray" jedi). Satele Shan was certainly still a jedi even after her leaving both the Order and the Republic.


As I said, the content of this post isn't really important, I suppose. Again, the purpose of the original post was simply to ask the writers to think about providing a way, as a part of future story, of solving how unrealistic it was to have to make such universe-affecting choices in 2 seconds without being able to discuss it with others and weigh out the pros and cons, (and/or to provide a way to "replay" the choice, as mentioned above, as an acceptable game-mechanics variant) not to have a "who is or isn't jedi" debate.**




* Not going into the whole midichlorians thing, even if it would back me up, as that was a fundamental error in direction, so I just pretend it didn't happen. ;P


** Even if I am somewhat personally surprised to see people think that jedi or sith status is related to anything other than Force affinity, (and/or midichlorians, if you're willing to go there) but hey, I'm sure there are also people out there who think Han didn't shoot first, so... ;P

Edited by Elisande
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Being Force sensitive doesn’t make you a Jedi. The Jedi Order is a faction. Jedi is a title for someone that accepts their beliefs, philosophies, ideals, and way of life.


Your logic on midichlorians is completely in error. Canon and Legends will support this. You don’t have to take my word for it, there’s plenty of material you can read on the subject.


In context to the story and choices. It’s relevant because you can’t have your cake and eat it too. You can’t turn your back on the Republic and Jedi when they need you and still be a member of the Republic or a Jedi Knight...


If I want to be a Republic Trooper I have to show up and do my job. It’s no different for a Jedi...


Self-imposed exiles and mysterious disappearances are a thing for Jedi, but this is not the same as CHOOSING to remain the Commander and still be a Jedi Knight it Republic Army Major. It’s just not feasible.

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I don't think, that it matters what the commander is called at this point. (S)he is the most powerful person alive. Jedi, or Sith. These titles are no longer relevant. Even if he is not a member of the dark council everyone in the Empire knows, that the Commander could kill any sith. Not just the council members, but the Emperor/Empress as well. Choosing to show-off, and taking that seat as SI is just a pointless charade.


Same goes for jedi. Everyone knows, that the Outlander outclass every jedi in the Order. Maybe even all jedi combined.


What truly matters is the Alliance's military for political power. But there are no doubts on personal power, and i doubt that anyone would dare to go against the Outlander face to face.

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