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"Speaking their Language" exploration mission does not acknlowedge you as Rattataki


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I admit, this is not a big deal really, but it is still funny and also a little bit annoying.


When you talk to Officer Serik on Belsavis at the Republic Watchtower he talks about trying to learn the communication of the Rattataki prisoners in the High Security section with the help of a protocol droid. When he explains the situation to you in the beginning, the first neutral reply you get is "I've been around, but I've never heard of the Ratattaki before."

I imagine this was written and implemented ingame before BioWare made legacy a thing and allowed cross-faction species for all classes. Because it was pretty hilarious that my Rattataki sage healer said that to Officer Serik and he in turn tried to describe to me how they look and how vicious they are... :rolleyes:


I just thought in character: " No heal for you!"

Edited by Phazonfreak
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You mean Belsavis.


What interested me about this quest on imp side is that they DO acknowledge you as a rattataki. Let's be honest, legacy aside, there's very few instances where this happens. If you're playing a Rattataki agent and you go meet Darth Jadus early in the story, one of his servitors says "the rattataki must wait outside", meaning Kaliyo. AFAIK you could play a rattataki agent from launch, but they just never bothered fixing that.

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You mean Belsavis.


If you're playing a Rattataki agent and you go meet Darth Jadus early in the story, one of his servitors says "the rattataki must wait outside", meaning Kaliyo. AFAIK you could play a rattataki agent from launch, but they just never bothered fixing that.


I don't have a ratt agent, but if i did, it would be funny, if we both left...lol

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I don't have a ratt agent, but if i did, it would be funny, if we both left...lol

Unfortunately, there's no options like:


1. Both of us?


1. Which one?


1. OK, Kaliyo, you go ahead. I'll wait out here.


But in fact the non-recognition of Rattataki agents as Rattataki occurs all over the Agent story, including Kaliyo's companion story *and* Raina Temple's as well. (She mentions "the Rattataki" early on, when you first meet her.)

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Unfortunately, there's no options like:


1. Both of us?


1. Which one?


1. OK, Kaliyo, you go ahead. I'll wait out here.


But in fact the non-recognition of Rattataki agents as Rattataki occurs all over the Agent story, including Kaliyo's companion story *and* Raina Temple's as well. (She mentions "the Rattataki" early on, when you first meet her.)


It would be cool if with the next set of recordings, they added in these little pieces. No idea how much work would be involved, but if it wasn't too much, it'd be a nice piece of extra inclusion/story.

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It happens.

Try being a Cathar trooper. First off there is an npc that gives you a quest to find some stolen medicine that a Cathar stole and he will explain to you what a Cathar is. Um hello... then if you happen to be a female Cathar romancing Jorgan, he has no idea and tries to tell you about his people and how they find mates.


Or playing a pub Chiss and on Hoth some guy tells you that the men in the station probably wouldn't like having a Chiss around when talking about a defector.


Problem is they never recorded lines with unlocked races in mind so if you choose a race that is not originally for the class you choose nothing makes sense.

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