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A Constructive and mutualy beneficial change to Amplifiers.


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With the addition of Amplifiers we also received what amounts to the worst credit sink lottery I have ever seen in a game. To be blunt it is just a poorly conceived system that only serves to frustrate the majority of the player base, and is filled with broken promises made on the live streams and other statements from the Dev team.


We were told the costs to change amplifiers would reset, but they do not.


We were told they would be beneficial effects, but many of them are utterly useless yet we still have to slog through them to have a chance at getting something that actually will benefit our character.


We were told they would add to the game, and they have, they have added a great deal of frustration and annoyance. However there is a win-win where the Dev's still get their credit sink and players have far less frustration to deal with.


It is a simple and strait forward solution. When you pick up a piece of gear, armoring or mod instead of having a random amplifier applied to it on pickup the item will have an option to add an amplifier.


For Armor you would open it like you would normally to modify the piece and click where the amplifier option is. From there you would get the amplifier popup asking if you want to add an amplifier. If you select yes then you are presented with the full list of base level amplifiers to choose from. Once you select the one you want it is applied. To upgrade it you would pay the same cost one pays now (ie per reroll) to buy the next level of that amplifier. The same system would be applied to all items with amplifiers attached to them. As I said its a win-win. The credit sink will still be in place as it will cost players a decent amount of credits to max them out, but at the same time players will have a choice and be able to improve them over time. The cost to max out most would wind up being around 500K credits as it is and when you look at the total slots that does successfully pull money out of the economy.


Since the menu is already in game this would be a rather simple alteration to make and as you buy higher levels it costs a bit more, but removes the lottery of useless options and allows players to you know "Play your way." What could you possibly lose in a compromise system like this? I can tell you would gain, a less aggravated player base and a lot less vitriol.

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  • 5 months later...
Another suggestion, and this only applies to Armors, Barrels and Hilts, BUT when you get piece of Armor or modifiable gear, OR you reamp, the selections SHOULD follow the "Loot Discipline" rules. Example, if I am a Mercenary, and my Loot Discipline is set to Bodyguard, then the amplifiers that drop or I could re-amp to would only be healing amps like Medtech, Aural Rejuvenation, etc, and never the Force Harmonization. We are still spending credits, BUT have a bit more control over the RNG and only get the things we can actually use. If i want DPS like Armor Penetration, then I would just change my loot discipline to Arsenal and start grinding/re-amping. Edited by EpikHunt
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Another suggestion, and this only applies to Armors, Barrels and Hilts, BUT when you get piece of Armor or modifiable gear, OR you reamp, the selections SHOULD follow the "Loot Discipline" rules. Example, if I am a Mercenary, and my Loot Discipline is set to Bodyguard, then the amplifiers that drop or I could re-amp to would only be healing amps like Medtech, Aural Rejuvenation, etc, and never the Force Harmonization. We are still spending credits, BUT have a bit more control over the RNG and only get the things we can actually use. If i want DPS like Armor Penetration, then I would just change my loot discipline to Arsenal and start grinding/re-amping.

Except, not all classes have a healing discipline... Those healing ones do apply to self heals.


What I'd like to see though is FAIR offhand amplifiers... Either everyone should get them, or no one should... Just a pet peeve.....


I wish we could put amplifiers on CM items as well....

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At minimum we shouldn’t get rolls lower than the current amplifier per type: for example if I have selected a blue armor penetration amplifier, I cannot roll a green amplifier of the same type. This rng is absurd and boring... or allow us to buy one of our choice with 10k tech fragments as there is nothing left to buy with them (kai zekken rarely has interesting set pieces), once you are geared in 306 with set bonus, the only worthwhile thing to spend tech fragments on and only for a time is to buy lethal mods to try to get r-2, no point buying other rng things like enhancements are there are 3 types in addition to all the variations.


They initially said some players had too many credits and they wanted this to be a credit sink but it is rather only affecting players that didn’t had lots of credits and just a few toons. It has never been easier to make more billions in this game for those that already had lots of credits.

Edited by Eriamea
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