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Baby Yoda pet


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Can we have a baby yoda pet, please?

Doesn't have to be companion, vanity pet works fine.

Asking for a bounty hunter friend... :)


in all fairness it probably wouldn't happen due to the same reason we will never get a choice to be a Yoda playable race. it would be like saying can I have a baby human pet please? uh well you get the idea. even though yeah it would be cute and all to have a baby Yoda pet. but....

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And a decoration with Baby Yoda standing there drinking soup.


Maybe that species wasn't so rare in the Old Republic era?


As for getting sued, there's already an NPC in the game that looks like Yoda, so I doubt it.

Edited by Xina_LA
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Can we have a baby yoda pet, please?

Doesn't have to be companion, vanity pet works fine.

Asking for a bounty hunter friend... :)



I think we're not demanding enough here. Given the popularity of Baby Yoda I think they should make it a full fledged companion, as you could then have the little floating carriage follow you around tossing heals on you and occasionally force lifting/CCing an attacker... all of which I might add is code already in the game. Strictly speaking such a companion should not logically have a DPS or Tank mode.


Given the interest they might even be able to do something similar to Treek and have a mini-plot (at least dialogue) attached to it, to give it some personality, people would easily pay for the content at the moment.


That said I've never known an MMORPG to rush to release content like this just because it would make money and be popular. Also I suspect there might be licensing issues involved, I know for example that Cryptic has the MMO rights to Star Trek, but needs permission every time they add something, and have even had things they wanted to do (like playable android captains) shot down by the rights holders.


From what I've been hearing "The Mandolorian" was a surprise success Disney was unprepared for, and as a result they didn't even have any merch ready to go. The waiting list just to get an action figure goes until half way through next year depending on where you ask, and "Disney Store" locations around where I live have posted signs saying they won't have anything until next year for the show.


According to a regional Disney Store manager (not necessarily a reliable source) he's been being told Disney considers Star Wars sort of a failure and is preparing for the worst. It committed to three movies, and expects this new one to bomb in an epic fashion, which is why there is so little "Rise Of Skywalker" Merchandise or even "Star Wars" stuff in general right now in toy departments and other stores despite it being everywhere when other movies were made and around Christmas. Simply put their intended "new audience" might buy tickets, but won't buy anything else ( he claims "socially conscious Millennials tend not to have money" which may or may not be a real thing... the point isn't to argue about garbage like that). Simply put they expected The Mandolorian to fail, when in reality it was the closest thing to "Real Star Wars" they did, and thus there was a demand they weren't expecting.


Of course according to this guy he also seems to think EA won't renew the Star Wars license either, and Disney is afraid to develop video games. As a "damaged brand" right now he says their pattern has always been to go in big, but then get out early if they are risking losing money. He thinks they will try and maximize ticket sales on this latest movie, not produce much merch (so they won't waste money on what people have been shown not to buy) and then try and sell the damaged IP to someone else "who might be a better fit for it". At any rate according to him EA (who he claims to talk to somewhat) doesn't think Star Wars IPs can make as much money as say sports games like FIFA even if well received like the new one... thus they increasingly do not care. People might want a new KOTOR-style single player game ("Ragtag" was supposed to be in this spirit and was cancelled), but since Star Wars fans won't support microfransactions on a massive level (SW Battlefront 2) they are not caring... they wanted the SW license under the assumption that SW fanboys were bottomless open wallets.


At any rate, the point of this disconnected rambling that nobody will read, is the impression I get from discussions like that is that they were unprepared for the success of "The Mandolorian" which showed what the IP could be, and in some respects sort of wish it was a failure as it would make their path easy. They have some limited merch online, but basically have no idea what to do with it... and what's worse they apparently have their own Star Wars department fighting at least indirectly as the people doing the movies are upset their "vision" and agenda failed, while The Mandolorian succeeded. I don't follow such garbage but this guy was telling me social media is full of fights about Baby Yoda Vs. Rey, and why it's wrong to be critical of the latter but not the former, yadda, yadda. I saw some stuff about it in fleet chat too, but don't personally have a horse in that race, but I guess some of the writers do even if they overlap.


At any rate, it might require a request to do anything Baby Yoda-like or Mandolorian inspired with SWTOR and by the time executives are done slap fighting over it for six months chances are the demand might very well have faded.... that said I myself would be deeply amused by having Baby Yoda follow me around and heal/CC for me as I said, and I'd certainly buy some Cartel Coins... and right now at the height of "Yodamania" I think a lot of people would and it would be worth hiring the graphics artists and maybe even some voice people to "Treek it" and make a little story line to explain the SWTOR version.... but by the time they got it sorted chances are the bubble will have burst.


I will be shocked if we even see a Cartel Market item like a Rifle/Sniper Rifle based on the one from the show.

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Disney thinks Star Wars is sort of a failure? Ha!

Disney is sort of a failure. "The Mandalorian" proves that Star Wars is still awesome in the right hands.

Dave Filoni's hands.


Also BioWare's. Because at least for me, I enjoyed the class stories and KOTFE/KOTET better than the latest trilogy.

(Well... once they reduced the number of Skytrooper mobs and fixed a lot of bugs.)


I'd pay CC for a Jawa companion or a Baby Yoda pet. As long was it wasn't $20+ to get it.

Edited by Xina_LA
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Disney thinks Star Wars is sort of a failure? Ha!

Disney is sort of a failure. "The Mandalorian" proves that Star Wars is still awesome in the right hands.

Dave Filoni's hands.


Also BioWare's. Because at least for me, I enjoyed the class stories and KOTFE/KOTET better than the latest trilogy.

(Well... once they reduced the number of Skytrooper mobs and fixed a lot of bugs.)


I'd pay CC for a Jawa companion or a Baby Yoda pet. As long was it wasn't $20+ to get it.


To sort of defend my long post, and why I believe this I will point something out. What is a success for another company is NOT a success for Disney. Disney is not really concerned with short term success and things like initial product sales, early subscription numbers, or movie ticket sales. It is exclusively interested only in IPs that can keep rolling in truck loads of money for decades without them having to continually put much into it. For Disney it's all about the Merchandising, not about the movies. This is why there are a bunch of "Toy Story" movies, and only one "Wall-E", one moved a ton of merch, the other did not. It also looks to things like it's "Princess" line and how much the classic movies and princesses make as an example of what everything should make.


On the surface the long-term sales of toys would seem to make Star Wars a perfect fit for Disney. The problem is they did not understand the franchise, it's fans, or the realities of the current market. I do not want to start an argument about social justice because I really don't care, I'm simply going to focus on the marketing realities. Disney gambled that there were legions of young, new, fans who were heavily into activism and having a strong female hero with no weaknesses and the right demographics and messages would bring them in, in greater numbers, than the old fans, they would embrace it, make it theirs, and spend even more money than something that already made a bundle over the decades. This simply put failed whether it's because it is true those people have no money, or no actual interest, or simply the ones that did were already included in the existing fan base (which is why it was so huge to begin wtih), is beyond the context of anything I have to say. At the end of the day they did not come running to the Them Parks, did not buy 36 vaction figure variations of Rey and Kylo Ren, or otherwise support the merch. There is a lot of evidence showing these products all failed, despite moving a huge number of tickets and a one time payoff, causing Disney to take a bath on it overall. This is supposed to be why unlike any other Star Wars IP there was no heavy merchandising push for "The Mandolorian" which caught them unexpectedly with it's success, and why the stores are virtually empty of Star Wars stuff despite a successful TV show and the latest installment in the now damaged movie franchise.... go to Wal Mart, Target, etc... and you'll see what everyone else does. The same applies to things like "The Disney Store" itself where at one point there was a ton of Star Wars stuff, now it's minimal, and this is the time you'd expect a major push.... this is why I give some credit to what I was hearing. Disney does not tolerate either losing money, or not making enough money.


To sort of justify why I suspect this might be true (understand I actually know nothing) I will explain something that illustrates the pattern for those who made it through that text wall. Disney used to be heavily into MMORPGs. It had MMOs ranging from "Toon Town" to "Club Penguin' and things like "Pixie Hollow" and of course "Pirates Of The Caribbean Online". All of these MMOs were making money, and some like "Pixie Hollow" were connected to large, multi-product product chains involving everything from statuettes to action figures and direct-to-video animated movies. Disney lost money on none of them, but when they simply saw their profits fall they decided it was not worth maintaining them, and it axed all of these product lines while they were still healthy just to avoid them simply making too little money to be worthwhile. The figured the fans, and smply making some money, was not worth it. This is the true face of "The Mouse".... and everything here is easily verified. Club Penguin was the last survivor (as it made the most money for a while) but even it fell a few pennies too short and got axe-murdered by Mickey before it actually had a chance to die a proper death from fan-loss or lose money.... not making enough money safely enough is exactly why Disney quit video game development and leased the rights to EA.


The point with Star Wars is that if all evidence (and comments from people in the business are accurate) it now resembles EXACTLY the kind of product like Disney is going to cut. They always go in big, but then go running out the door early at any hint of not getting convoys of trucks loaded with money driven up to their door... or if there is not enough money on the trucks when they arrive. Disney doesn't care about the movies and how many "woke" people critically praise them, and things like that, they care about how this is going to make them truckloads of money decades after they aren't producing things, and they evaluate that by looking at merchandising. They didn't want to sell movie tickets alone (which they did well with, bar solo), they wanted to sell 20 different Rey action figures to Millennials and Generation Z who they are guessing are an untapped monetary source (I have no idea how true their overall financial state might be). They couldn't do that.... so they are likely to cut and run. The Mandolorian came along and WAS successful, if this was the first thing they did, it would have been huge for them, *BUT* it comes after their major failures and with them totally unprepared to capitalize on it which is why you can't even buy an action figure for it at Wal Mart, when up until this point there would have been Mandolorian everything months before the show arrived in preparation for the hype.... that there was not, reinforces what I was told that Disney feels the franchise is dead.... or at least not profitable enough for The Mouse.


As I said, when they are done hemming and hawing let's see if Mandolorian inspired stuff shows up in SWTOR. It might but if it does I expect them to take so long in doing it that the bubble will have burst. Simply put if they had the interest we'd have Mandolorian-everything poppping up everywhere. I shouldn't be able to walk into an underwear aisle without seeing tighty whiteys with his rifle on the front in every department store.... the fact that this is not the case shows what Disney thinks of Star Wars, and their lack of acting quickly to capitalize on the surprise success does not bode well, as it shows the executives have no faith in Star Wars even when something is finally succeeding for them.


As I said initially, I actually want a "Baby Yoda" companion, and I'd pay money for a quality product (if EA/bioware doesn't believe me, check my account, I've bought a fair amount of CC recently... I'm yer bloody potential whale here so allegedly you should listen to people like me... of course I bought this just to support the game and because you finally made a new expansion, and I hope it will encourage further actual development rather than more CC garbage... but well... now I'm suggesting a product I might buy there even if I am POed over you screwing me on a suit of Cartel armor ). That said in six months I might not care anymore... so I guess you have to race the bubble with the people like me who will pay and actually do something. :)


Also maybe an unprecedented 4th spec for BHs that can equip a rifle might help as well, since we know where the interest is coming from.... but hey, who am I to talk common sense? :)

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Disney thinks Star Wars is sort of a failure? Ha!

Disney is sort of a failure. "The Mandalorian" proves that Star Wars is still awesome in the right hands.

Dave Filoni's hands.


Also BioWare's. Because at least for me, I enjoyed the class stories and KOTFE/KOTET better than the latest trilogy.

(Well... once they reduced the number of Skytrooper mobs and fixed a lot of bugs.)


I'd pay CC for a Jawa companion or a Baby Yoda pet. As long was it wasn't $20+ to get it.



i'd pay it :3

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