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I Love Corso Riggs


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I'm actually pretty sure Corso's scars are from the savrip's on ord mantell. Has to be something with huge claws to get him across the face and the throat (yes he has scarring on his throat as well).


I'm on the same page here, as he did tell the Captain he partook in drunken play with farm animals back home.


I'd like to think they were something silly that he can look back on and laugh on how clumsy he was rather than something tragic with the Separatists.

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I'm actually pretty sure Corso's scars are from the savrip's on ord mantell. Has to be something with huge claws to get him across the face and the throat (yes he has scarring on his throat as well).


Personally I find the scars sexy and only wish Bioware had put something in where he told you where he got them. Maybe in the future!


i always assumed he got those scars when he served in the Peace Corps, but the mauling by animal would make sense too. no wonder taking down those savrips was so easy when i brought Corso along. he's fought those suckers before.

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Corso's the best romanceable character in the whole game! :cool:

Reminds me a bit of Carth Onassi whom I adored. They're using some of Carth's sound bites during fights, which makes it perfect. ^^


He kissed my smuggler during their last conversation. Since then I raised his affection to 10.000 but nothing more happens - he just doesn't want to talk to her anymore. Anyone an idea what went wrong? :(

Edited by Linn
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I thought there was supposed to be a marriage option? My Jedi Knight got a proposal from Doc and I thought that was possible for any romance in the game?


I guess I misunderstood your last post. He does propose, but some of those romances won't open until you reach a certain point in your class missions (usually in the middle of chap 3).

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Oh FFS, Tinypic ate my image. Here it is again, customization 5: http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/2465/screenshot2012021022303.jpg


I agree that Corso's original look is butt-ugly because of the dreadlocks.



I find original corso to be adorable. Now I just need him to grow the dreads down to the middle of his back, shadows fall style.

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Decided to make another Corso Riggs wallpaper since a lot of people seem to prefer his other customization.


Customization 2 Corso Riggs Wallpaper


I personally love his dreads, but I might be biased since I have dreads myself :p


Love it!! His dreads and scars are truly unique. I could not find them in the character creation when making a male toon.

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Love it!! His dreads and scars are truly unique. I could not find them in the character creation when making a male toon.


His dread ponytail is there, but Corso's unique feature is in having a dread either side of his face combined with it. Those scars are really nice too; tastefully noticeable, but not in your face.

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Hey all, new smuggler here, and I love Corso so far! There's just one little thing that bothers me about him.....*** is with his neck? o.O Did someone try to slit his throat once or something? Is he some sort of near-human alien dude with dreds and neck ridges? I can't stop looking at it, and it doesn't matter what skin he has on, the weirdo scar/ridges are there. Theories?


Corso was originally designed as a non-human, albeit NEAR human, race called the Kiffar. I've heard they changed him to full human just prior to release. My original playthrough on the Beta, he still had the clan-marking tattoos of the Kiffar. As it is now, I tend to take the scars as a kind of tribal marking, thing, similar to a tattoo or brand, of sorts.

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After what happened with my BH and Torian (got his affection high and then got all his conversations over in like 20 minutes), I've decided to take it slow with Corso to really savor te romance. My smuggler is level 26 and just last night, Corso asked if he could court me. My husband was laughing at how pleased and happy I was.
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After what happened with my BH and Torian (got his affection high and then got all his conversations over in like 20 minutes), I've decided to take it slow with Corso to really savor te romance. My smuggler is level 26 and just last night, Corso asked if he could court me. My husband was laughing at how pleased and happy I was.



I'm doing Torian's romance now. Not to take away from Corso but Torian's damn hot too, lol. And I love Mandalorians - know way too much about them so it's just perfect.


On the other hand I found myself staring at Corso again last night. Sigh.

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