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I Love Corso Riggs


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And since I haven't been here in the smuggler-forum for a while. What happend? This use to be such a lighthearted and fun place.


Obviously it is all because you left.


On Topic: I'm thinking some of my dislike of Corso is less from his personality (though I still find him vaguely annoying at times, he's also genuinely amusing at others), and more because I spent all of Taris and Nar Shadaa waiting for someone who didn't have harpoon and silently seething at him every time he pulled an enemy out of my AoE openers. If only I had started playing after the fix I'd probably get along with Mr. Riggs much better.

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Obviously it is all because you left.


On Topic: I'm thinking some of my dislike of Corso is less from his personality (though I still find him vaguely annoying at times, he's also genuinely amusing at others), and more because I spent all of Taris and Nar Shadaa waiting for someone who didn't have harpoon and silently seething at him every time he pulled an enemy out of my AoE openers. If only I had started playing after the fix I'd probably get along with Mr. Riggs much better.



Well, that buggy mechanic can drive you insane. It works perfect for me with the harpoon but if you don't like it then that isn't so much fun. But at least now you have Bowdaar =) then life must be better right. Give Corso a beer and leave him to craft in the cantina and all is well ;)



ohh... and since I'm posting, here's something a little bit more general


We are all smugglers here and it is quite all right to like and dislike our companions, hmm, but if anyone really feels like being a hater I would direct you to to the Corso-hate-thread instead of coming here.




We would just like to have our own place to be happy at, you know =)

Edited by SilentKitty
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Well, that buggy mechanic can drive you insane. It works perfect for me with the harpoon but if you don't like it then that isn't so much fun. But at least now you have Bowdaar =) then life must be better right. Give Corso a beer and leave him to craft in the cantina and all is well ;)
Pfft. Bowdaar. I roll Risha these days. Or Guss if I'm soloing flashpoints that are close enough to my level to let things hit me now and then or with lots of basically unavoidable damage.


...Or Corso if I really need a tank 'cause he stays in range of my scrambling field, and I really need my tanks to stay in range of my scrambling field 'cause I've only used a tank once since getting Risha. And that was against the end boss of the class quest line. So they're, you know, not geared.



ohh... and since I'm posting, here's something a little bit more general


We are all smugglers here and it is quite all right to like and dislike our companions, hmm, but if anyone really feels like being a hater I would direct you to to the Corso-hate-thread instead of coming here.




We would just like to have our own place to be happy at, you know =)

Yeah that thread was funny when it was active. Someone should go poke it a few times and see if we can get the rage going again.

Edited by KryloKillian
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For those complaining about Corso's hair, I give you this:




This indeed! I referred to Mr. Riggs as "Ronon" all the way through beta because of the dreads.


I was intending to customise when I first picked up smuggler, tried a few options and then realised I'd somehow gotten attached to the default look. It's just part of who Corso is for me now, and Chess seems to like it just fine... ;)

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This indeed! I referred to Mr. Riggs as "Ronon" all the way through beta because of the dreads.


I was intending to customise when I first picked up smuggler, tried a few options and then realised I'd somehow gotten attached to the default look. It's just part of who Corso is for me now, and Chess seems to like it just fine... ;)

I hope Corso is as tough as Ronon.
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and more because I spent all of Taris and Nar Shadaa waiting for someone who didn't have harpoon and silently seething at him every time he pulled an enemy out of my AoE openers. If only I had started playing after the fix I'd probably get along with Mr. Riggs much better.

Haha! I always liked Corso, but things got a LOT better with the harpoon fix.

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I just love my GS .... like everything about her .... she's really is a hoot to play with her smart mouth and attitude. And one of the most enjoyable things about her is that adorable guy-next-door hunk called Corso Riggs she hangs out with. I'm keeping his original look btw. A few well-placed battle scars are just plain sexy, imo and I've even come to like his dreds. Don't know who did the voice, but .... yummmmmm.


It's been fun to see how many other ladies love this guy!



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I just love my GS .... like everything about her .... she's really is a hoot to play with her smart mouth and attitude. And one of the most enjoyable things about her is that adorable guy-next-door hunk called Corso Riggs she hangs out with. I'm keeping his original look btw. A few well-placed battle scars are just plain sexy, imo and I've even come to like his dreds. Don't know who did the voice, but .... yummmmmm.


It's been fun to see how many other ladies love this guy!




I love him enough I've been trying to get my husband to grow his hair into dreadlocks... it's already shoulder length COME ON JUST DO IT OMG.

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I love him enough I've been trying to get my husband to grow his hair into dreadlocks... it's already shoulder length COME ON JUST DO IT OMG.


Sounds like a plan!! Hope you talk him into it!


Meanwhile.... drooling over our Corso-Candy may cause us to invent the keyboard bib! :p


Kate, aka Captain K'Trelle-the-flirt

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...she tells him "I love you" and he replies "I Know..."



Surprised! Not quite the Farmboy response but I love it :o


the way that line was delivered just melted me into a blasted puddle. i don't usually act like this around men, even hot ones, but dang it, Corso broke me.

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I love him enough I've been trying to get my husband to grow his hair into dreadlocks... it's already shoulder length COME ON JUST DO IT OMG.



HA! See I'm in the opposite camp. I HATE dreads in real life (but on Corso, they're just hot...paradox, I know) and my husband keeps threatening to grow them so I will "think he's hot like Corso." Now every time his hair is messy he says "Leave it alone! It's my dread starts!" He's such a nerd. If only I could get him to ACT like Corso instead of wanting to LOOK like Corso...life would be good.

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I don't think the male Sith warrior is Steve Valentine (doesn't sound like him?)... and he's not listed on IMDB for TOR at all. .


Late to the party as usual, but it's not Steve Valentine doing the Sith Warrior - it's Mark Bazeley from The Body Farm amongst other things: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0063303/


I was gutted when I found out I wouldn't be able to listen to Alistair's dulcet tones for the entirety of the game, but the Sith Warrior isn't too bad; a little 'phoned in' and monotone sometimes but generally easy on the ears.


Loving Corso though, what a babe.

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the way that line was delivered just melted me into a blasted puddle. i don't usually act like this around men, even hot ones, but dang it, Corso broke me.


The fact that he says

I know.

and then adds

but it's nice to hear you say it

had me escape out about 10 times to hear it all over again.


When I finish my next smuggler I'm frapsing (with sound) the entire romance thing then stringing it together as a movie, probably interspersing footage of us actually doing his quests, like going to meet up with Rona and the whole thing in Gorinth Canyon etc.


My short story is up to 70 pages. If I don't whittle it down, it's going to turn into a novel, and then I'm going to have George Lucas up my butt.


Maybe I'll turn it into a 3-4 parter. :p

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So stupid question. Is it too late to work on the romance part with Corso? I'm already level 43, halfway through chapter 1 (about to go to Hoth), and have him at 10k affection. Nothing. Guessing I should have flirted with him every chance I got instead of once in awhile?
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When I finish my next smuggler I'm frapsing (with sound) the entire romance thing then stringing it together as a movie, probably interspersing footage of us actually doing his quests, like going to meet up with Rona and the whole thing in Gorinth Canyon etc.


you totally should.


I'm PISSED because I kept those in my mailbox so I could read them over and over, and the game deleted them after 17 days. :(


Good thing I screenshotted all 3!


thanks for the warning. i'll have to screenshot mine too before they disappear. >_<

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So stupid question. Is it too late to work on the romance part with Corso? I'm already level 43, halfway through chapter 1 (about to go to Hoth), and have him at 10k affection. Nothing. Guessing I should have flirted with him every chance I got instead of once in awhile?



You SHOULD be able to unless at some point you answered his conversations with one of the "I don't want this" answers.

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Oki... thanks for the heads up with the letters.... *EEk*


Yea i was EXTREMELY dissapointed.


I hate to compare this game to WoW cause it's totally better but...


At least in WoW, if you had a text letter, you had an option to make a physical copy of it that you could keep. They really need to implement that here so that when you get a letter from a romance quest, or hell even some of the funny/interesting ones from quest npc's that you can keep them for the sake of nostalgia.

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You SHOULD be able to unless at some point you answered his conversations with one of the "I don't want this" answers.


Yeah I've never said no or "weirdo shut up," just generic answers. But I have done the flirt a couple times already. But no smooch as of yet, and as far as the flirt of "you wanna have my babies? let's get practicing!" He just says to quit teasing and shut the door. Totally different from the responses I've seen on YouTube.


Guess I'll just have to progress more in the story line and see if that gets anywhere.


Would it make a difference if I keep giving him the courting gifts even though the affection is maxed? All he says to them is the generic "thank you."

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