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I Love Corso Riggs


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Even both max gear for my level, Chuck (Corso) is at least 1/3rd better tank than Crowbar (Bowdarr).


I'm on Ald right now and absolutely can't pull without Chuck.


Totally dig his accent too. But that doesn't save him from getting "Dammit Corso'd" all the tike by me. But sometimes Crowbar is just as bad.

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What originally was going to be a snarky, rather dark side-ish character has been softened by none other than Mr. Corso Riggs and his sweetness!


similar boat here, lol. i found my smuggler being nicer than i intended her to be because Corso was rubbing off on her.

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Even both max gear for my level, Chuck (Corso) is at least 1/3rd better tank than Crowbar (Bowdarr).


I'm on Ald right now and absolutely can't pull without Chuck.


Totally dig his accent too. But that doesn't save him from getting "Dammit Corso'd" all the tike by me. But sometimes Crowbar is just as bad.


No one here said they didn't curse them under their breath every once in a while! I did it all the time before harpoon shot got fixed (Can I get a hallelujah from my fellow gunslingers?!)...seriously I just about died laughing when I saw the "Dammit, Corso!" thread cause I knew exactly what it was about and that was exactly how I felt about it.

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I know, right.



I feel kinda funny cause you know, I gave him Torchy back and he's been using it ever since, so now I stand around on Illum killing mobs with Corso and this little blaster. I know he loves it, but i'm seriously contemplating giving him back a moddable blaster rifle just because...


the bigger the gun, the better.




It's not the size that matters...It's how you use it.

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Just got married to Corso. Most honest vow ever. XD


So, my boyfriend (playing a Jedi Knight) is looking at a picture of Kira that someone put in the dancer outfit you can buy from the security key vendor.


BF: Hm. Isn't that armor fully moddable?


Me: I think so...


BF: That. That is what she will be wearing all the time now.


Me: Well, that's not fair. Where's my banana hammock for Corso?


BF: Oh god no.


So, who's with me on this one? =D

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Hahah, eww. Just eww.


I'm a woman playing a Scoundrel. The MOMENT I found a customization vendor, I changed that dude's ugly-*** face.


I also made sure to drop him like a hat the second I received another companion and I've never looked back. When he was all I had, I wanted to throttle him until his ugly face turned purple each time I had to hear that annoying Texas-accent say "Now you're dumb, ugly AND dead!"




I'll join the men in the "I Hate Corso Riggs" club. The thread was entertaining, at least. :p

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i'm doing an even worse job at pacing Corso's convos the second time through than i was the first time. >_< i know why. it was that dang purple grade 1 weapon gift i sent over from my gunslinger main. had no idea it was gonna give THAT much affection. my scoundrel had his second convo before we even took off for Coruscant.



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Corso may be good looking but the Bowdaar is bigger.

Personally, I think Bowdaar looks better too. You get a choice between mutilated with bizarre hair, bizarre hair ugly black guy, Indian Fonzie or white guy with black guy hair. No matter what customization you choose he looks silly and/or ugly. At least Bowdaar looks normal for a wookie.

Edited by Game_Hermit
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Personally, I think Bowdaar looks better too. You get a choice between mutilated with bizarre hair, bizarre hair ugly black guy, Indian Fonzie or white guy with black guy hair. No matter what customization you choose he looks silly and/or ugly. At least Bowdaar looks normal for a wookie.


maybe YOU think he looks ugly, but i think Corso's default look is rather studly. especially with the trooper armor.

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Me: "Die evil Sith woman! You killed those children's mother right in front of them and laughed in their faces... O' yeah, and then you spit on them and ground your heel into their foreheads while having your evil pet bantha come over and relieve itself on the mothers corpse!...Then you stole their puppies and threw them into a fire...Pay for your crimes you embodiment of evil!"


Corso then says to me: "Hey now buddy!. That there's a lady. You treat her right, ya hear? That's the way my momma taught me to treat ladies, gaddurnit!".


It is a commendable (and imo necessary) quality for men to treat woman with the respect they deserve based on their abilities, accomplishments, and personality. It is not a commendable quality to assume every single woman in the galaxy deserves to be respected. This applies to men as well.


Corso = A brainless fart of a tool.

Edited by Scotfo
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Me: "Die evil Sith woman! You killed those children's mother right in front of them and laughed in their faces... O' yeah, and then you spit on them and ground your heel into their foreheads while having your evil pet bantha come over and relieve itself on the mothers corpse!...Then you stole their puppies and threw them into a fire...Pay for your crimes you embodiment of evil!"


Corso then says to me: "Hey now buddy!. That there's a lady. You treat her right, ya hear? That's the way my momma taught me to treat ladies, gaddurnit!".


It is a commendable (and imo necessary) quality for men to treat woman with the respect they deserve based on their abilities, accomplishments, and personality. It is not a commendable quality to assume every single woman in the galaxy deserves to be respected. This applies to men as well.


Corso = A brainless fart of a tool.


i know i said this before, but you prolly didn't read it. Corso hates sith women. he gave me 120 affection points for choosing to attack the one in Lightspring.

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i know i said this before, but you prolly didn't read it. Corso hates sith women. he gave me 120 affection points for choosing to attack the one in Lightspring.


I don't doubt that he does. I have gotten quite a few negative affection dings from not being nice to not-so-nice Sith ladies though. My smuggler is a Dark Side toon, and due to this I am always clicking the mean dialogue option (usually the 3rd option. May as well rename it the "be-a-arsehole button"). I have received countless disapproving -1 affection dings from Corso from simply being rude/mean back to a rude/mean female character. This includes some encounters with female Sith. Also, are you playing a female toon? I'm not sure about this, but Corso may have less of a problem with a female smuggler dealing out some sort of violent justice against a female Sith then a male vs female scenario. Regardless, if you like Corso then that's fine by me. Just because I think (and always will) that he's not bright and a utter tool; doesn't mean I think everybody should see him the same way I do. I only wish I could send you my Corso as well. Then he'd be off my ship at least...

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yeah, i am playing a female toon, though he's still got mad at me for being mean to other women before. i actually got -30 from him once due to me screwing over another woman, so don't complain about the -1's, lol.


if you're being a jerk on purpose, i don't see why you're complaining. you should kinda expect people to dislike you. kinda common sense. >_>

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maybe YOU think he looks ugly, but i think Corso's default look is rather studly. especially with the trooper armor.


Before I played and had only read/seen pictures of Corso (pre-weekend beta test), I was excited to get the face mods and hoped there would be a good one for me to change him into.


As soon as I *started* playing, I quickly changed my mind. After the first few conversations on old Ord Mantel, I was hooked! He's just so gosh darned cute.


On the good/bad thing-- I appreciate a good guy and like that he stays true to what he values. Yes, he has a soft spot for women which is both frustrating and endearing. But while he's good (and good guys are hard to find) he's not Good.


He will ding you for not stealing sometimes, and when I did steal from the republic for our own profit, he gave me a +120. I don't recall shooting very many women in cold blood, but I know I've done it to a few men and he gave me a lot more approval for that rather than the "turn them over" type of option.


All the companions have different ideas of what you should do and shouldn't, though I don't think we get any really "darkside" companions.

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yeah, i am playing a female toon, though he's still got mad at me for being mean to other women before. i actually got -30 from him once due to me screwing over another woman, so don't complain about the -1's, lol.


if you're being a jerk on purpose, i don't see why you're complaining. you should kinda expect people to dislike you. kinda common sense. >_>


Well of course! I have no problem with Corso throwing a huff because my character is being a jerk to a nice person. It just that, since he's a utter tool, he even gets all perturbed when my toon is a jerk to those who deserve it as well. Constantly.


I would also like to clarify that I am not being a jerk. My *character* is being a jerk...and that's why I don't feel bad for him when npc's aren't nice to him or dislike him. Now if I did something like grief another player by camping them in Ilum, then yes; that would be me being a jerk. However, simply spamming the "Jerk Button" to computer generated npc's so I can get the enough Dark Side Rank to buy Rank V vehicle from the Dark Side vendor is a completely different thing. I also never said I "only" got -1's from him, now did I? I'll also complain if I'd like to tyvm. There's some common sense right back atcha! :)


Corso is a tool. Corso is not bright. Corso is the kind of guy that would charm a gal who is attracted to his simple "farm-boy with a heart of gold" personality. Simple minded, but a straight-shooter. I mean I can totally picture him wearing over-alls and a straw hat at a country ho-down.


He'd get married, settle down, and get his wife pregnant with a bunch of wonderful squirming babies. Then five years down the line his wife would realize that he's the single most boring person in the world, and all he ever does is hang out with his buddies. He would remember her birthday and anniversary, of course, and buy her flowers (how original); but whenever she would want to try something new or go out somewhere different he would be a complete fuddy-duddy. He would just be to comfortable with his simple life to try anything new, you see.


I mean if a person enjoys the stability of a monotonous and predictable life, then Corso is quite a catch. He'd probably be very easy to manipulate as well. ;)

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You know, I thought he was kind of goofy looking at first, but he really grew on me over time.


Perhaps a bit too white knight for some girls, but I get weak in the knees for chivalry, sooooo.... ;P


I know =)


My smuggler is currently on Tatooine, playing my JK to the finish and then I will devote all my time to her. Must confess to sometimes just getting of planet to have the convo with Corso when he asks if he can court you. Aww gawd it is so sweet *sigh*


So, as soon as my JK is wrapped up, there will be plenty and plenty of smuggling going on.




And since I haven't been here in the smuggler-forum for a while. What happend? This use to be such a lighthearted and fun place. Not asking every single one like the companions that I like, but I'm a bit surprised that people come here only to complain. I'll get some beer and pie if that makes you happier. Oh well, enjoy your smuggling and keep your hat on.

Edited by SilentKitty
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