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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I Love Corso Riggs


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Re: your last spoiler.... I did too... maybe I just didn't wait long enough after that cut scene...


it's just....



When someone asks you if they can Court you - and you say YES!!!!! they should actually START courting you.... ;) I've had people who can't stand me talk to me more than this guy who wants to ask for my hand.... sheesh





Yeah I felt the same way. "Here, let's have a huge conversation about the status of our relationship..." and then....NOTHING! Nothing for a long, long, long time. I was starting to think he had changed his mind. I do wish that BW had gated some of the conversations a little differently. Some of them would have fit in just fine before the end of Chapter 1.

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If you're a sawbone then Corso is easily the best tank there is for heroics content. His harpoon ability alone makes him head and shoulder above all other companions when fighting a group of elites. Using this ability my sawbone was able to duo a +4 heroic with a sage easily. It's all about using all the CC thats available to us and using Corso's harpoon to pick a mob out of a crowd.


No one else can do this.

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Wha-whaa? Let's not forget Jorgan. The man gets things done. Sure, he's a cat guy but he's got those green eyes going for him.


Ha! And here I thought the best thing about Jorgan was the sexy voice. Although I do keep expecting him to call my trooper "Spencer."

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My favorite thing about Corso, is that he approves of me flirting with the ladies. And since every female I talk to gives me the option to flirt, +15. ;)


This is even funnier playing as a female - not so much flirting, but still. Corso likes girls who like girls.


This leaves a lot of room for very entertaining developments in future expansions.

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Long weekend of heartbreak- three WHOLE DAYS of playing 6-18 hours a day and No Conversations!!


Not sure if it's the bug or not but ever since


"The Kiss"


he hasn't spoken to me besides the "Right Behind you, Captain" style responses.




It almost killed me on Alderaan when he was rhapsodizing over the view and said maybe HE would retire there after the war was over..... um... what about me????


I ditched that Prince for you, Farm Boy, and YOU are going to retire here?



I finished Chapter 1.... still nothing. Dang Dang Dang Dang.


Bowdaar and Risha are still talking to me. WTH?

/cry :(


Seriously... anyone else suspiciously missing Corso Convo? I also didn't get the 31 companion quest from Corso (listed on torhead) sending me back to Tatooine.... Please Please Please let 1.1 fix this!! I need my Corso back!


(I'm starting to wonder if he likes me TOO much (7500+) at 34ish - or he's mad that he gets killed ....er.... incapacitated....a little more than absolutely necessary.... if only I'd rolled the Scoundrel first...)


You'll be fine. Thing is, one of the next quests Corso will give you will involve killing a level 45 elite. I suggest you relax and level and try to get to 42-43 asasp. I did it at 42 solo.

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I'm awful. I totally chose almost every flirt option with Numen during the Balmorra class questline...



...until just about going too far, Corso steps in all manly "No. This is too much. I'm putting my foot down!"


I just loved it! :p:o



Though I would expect that he would loose a LOT more than one point when you flirt with someone else.


I mean, heaven forbid if I chose to...



...keep TORCHY then I'd have suffered -160 points!! :confused:


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I'm awful. I totally chose almost every flirt option with Numen during the Balmorra class questline...



...until just about going too far, Corso steps in all manly "No. This is too much. I'm putting my foot down!"


I just loved it! :p:o



Though I would expect that he would loose a LOT more than one point when you flirt with someone else.


I mean, heaven forbid if I chose to...



...keep TORCHY then I'd have suffered -160 points!! :confused:


Gods I wish I could space him with the rest of the trash. I permanently friendzoned the worthless, whiny putz and he's benched unless I want to flirt with some other NPC just to make him watch. However, keeping


is a great idea. I hope that eventually he will get the idea to hang himself or bugger off and go bother someone else.


He wants to flirt with me on my bridge and hangs out there like a stalker. I'd rather kiss the wookie. He's at least worthy.


PLEASE give us the option to kill off unwanted baggage "companions".

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Though I would expect that he would loose a LOT more than one point when you flirt with someone else.


I'm glad they're being reasonable in that department. I mean it's flirting for god's sake - something most people do - flirting isn't being unfaithful - it's flirting.


And besides, we aren't married yet. Not even very close to it.


And it's all in the line of work.

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I'd say you lose a lot more affection for flirting after you marry him, I tested it...just the once, I feel cruel otherwise...


I never flirted with ANYONE other than Corso.


Until after we were already married and

we were on that quest where we have to break into the imperial ship and you have the option to flirt with the security guard, who starts talking about giving you a strip search and then you punch him out. Corso didn't mind, he was laughing.



I probably will never flirt with anyone other than corso... until I level up my sawbones, who will **** around the galaxy until chapter 3, at which point, she'll be all about getting some action from our Ord Mantell farmboy.

Edited by silvershadows
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I hit 10k affection with Corso finally last night. Whew. I noticed after about 8k that giving him gifts wasn't giving me much affection anymore, even when it was a rank 5 blue quality weapon (I'd have gotten about 160 for that pre-8k affection, suddenly I was getting.. 26?). It ended up not being worth the money shipping out for the gifts anymore - luckily he loves it when I snottily and sarcastically shoot down any other male that tries to sleep with me.


I have a new favorite Corso quote too, thanks to one of my snotty sarcastic shoot downs:





That line had me cracking up, too. I hit 10k around level 32 or so, so I'm a very happy camper! :)

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You'll be fine. Thing is, one of the next quests Corso will give you will involve killing a level 45 elite. I suggest you relax and level and try to get to 42-43 asasp. I did it at 42 solo.


And don't wind up doing like I did - spawning the mobs for Corso's quest while on the 3rd leg of your class quest on Balmorra. I had to call in help from a guild member so I could get on with the class quest. Upside is that I got married a lot sooner... and, for the record, no one else can watch those cutscenes - I tried. :p

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I probably will never flirt with anyone other than corso... until I level up my sawbones, who will **** around the galaxy until chapter 3, at which point, she'll be all about getting some action from our Ord Mantell farmboy.


lmao! I just started a sawbones with these exact intentions. I'm also trying out the jedi knight, since I hear they have a good story and am intrigued with what I hear/see about Doc.


I'd really like to pick a class from the dark side of things, but nothing has really clicked yet.


(Also, I did flashpoints/heroics all night tonight and didn't get in any Corso time! Withdrawals!!)

Edited by sabreene
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Well, I DID really love Corso, but then we got to Quesh. We get there and he says something about "And I thought Nar Shaddaa was ugly!" which wouldn't have even been noteworthy, except.. the way he said it, he sounded EXACTLY like my step-dad. Suddenly, I can't listen to him talk anymore, because that's all I hear. So I rolled an IA, because now I'd rather have ants in my pants.
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I feel a little bad now.


I just got Risha a a full crewmember a short bit ago, and fully equipped her...and after seeing how she plows through mobs like a freaking train on crack....the dynamics of changed.


I basically feel I use Corso now for his pretty face and country voice...because I just summon him when I am doing quest conversations. I prompty pack him up when I hit the field and pull out Risha...who seems to pack a bigger gun than Corso does =]


I can't stand Risha's commentary, and the fact that she seems to dislike all my choices...where'as Corso seemed to believe I could do no wrong. =]

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And don't wind up doing like I did - spawning the mobs for Corso's quest while on the 3rd leg of your class quest on Balmorra.


i almost did that. thankfully, the class quest item i had to interact with was closer to me than Corso's thing, so i finished that up first. then i triggered the level 45 mobs...was kinda mad that those guards from the class quest just stood there watching as Corso and i got stomped flat.

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I rolled a sawbones and I'm already 5k affection at level 20 because all the Underworld Trading missions I have been running on my 50 are giving me gifts I know he'd like. :D I think I may have a problem. This time around I'm doing a lot more flirting, and esc out of conversations because a passive aggressive negative one is just not acceptable.
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I rolled a sawbones and I'm already 5k affection at level 20 because all the Underworld Trading missions I have been running on my 50 are giving me gifts I know he'd like. :D I think I may have a problem. This time around I'm doing a lot more flirting, and esc out of conversations because a passive aggressive negative one is just not acceptable.


The next couple smugglers I make are not going to use gifts at all. I made 2, one is Evanna who will basically sleep her way around the galaxy until chapter 2-3. The other is one I based on myself and plan on answering all questions with what I would answer them with and taking all actions I would myself take. The goal of the experiment with that one is to see how long it takes before Corso falls in love with ME as opposed to my smuggler. :p

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The other is one I based on myself and plan on answering all questions with what I would answer them with and taking all actions I would myself take.


Yea! I was going to do my gunslinger like this too. I kept picking options and resisting flirts early on to not upset Corso...


...But really, it just makes sense to get involved with Darmas at the first meeting :o:D


Though, I'll probably wait on this one until future patches bring in new surprises and the legacy stuff.

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