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If you think Marauder is weak...


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I give you that. However, what about someone who doesn't use annihilation and thus would have no healing whatsoever? How does that factor into your consideration? Some people simply might not like the anni game style. Advising such people to not use a healer companion is simply wrong.

And I do not know how about you but I take uninterrupted combat instead of having to channel after every fight, even if it is for a few seconds. And there is also the RNG factor where you might screw up or lag out and die, while with a healer you are chillin' without a problem. And I've yet to see a video that shows me the scenario you presented, chain pulling double elites of your level with only 3 sec of hatred channeling (which is like 1/5th of the HP bar). Sorry, I do not mean to sound rude but I keep my opinion until someone proves me wrong.


to be honest even though I am saying the class is totally fine (some fine tuning maybe) - ur right - only Anni can run without a healing comp and stil be efficient - the other trees do lack survivability and ur better off with quinn , that is true - doesnt mean its impossible to run without quinn - its just more efficient as carn or rage - but if your Anni you dont need quinn


And btw its possible to chain pull 2 elites and stil come out on top without even using hatred and using vette(done it myself) - however I am Anni specced

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to be honest even though I am saying the class is totally fine (some fine tuning maybe) - ur right - only Anni can run without a healing comp and stil be efficient - the other trees do lack survivability and ur better off with quinn , that is true - doesnt mean its impossible to run without quinn - its just more efficient as carn or rage - but if your Anni you dont need quinn


And btw its possible to chain pull 2 elites and stil come out on top without even using hatred and using vette(done it myself) - however I am Anni specced


Maybe, but I imagine it would require silly amounts of micro to swap agro and frankly putting so much more effort into something as grinding mobs for that bit more of killling speed isn't worth it, at least not for me. I find that with Quinn, I can has easymode and not worry. Does that make me a bad player?

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It is quite simple. I don't know why everyone makes this out to be more complicated than it really is.


This game is balanced very well. All dps specs do pretty much equal dps at 50. Marauder can certainly "beastmode engage".


It is simply the squishiest class, dies a lot faster than any other class, and it is the worst soloer.


You can still get to 50 easily and do all the content. Your simply not going to get their as fast or half-afk like some other classes.


The QQ'ers can get over it and the elitists can shut up.


Every mmo is going to have a class poor at soloing, it happens to be us.

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It is quite simple. I don't know why everyone makes this out to be more complicated than it really is.


This game is balanced very well. All dps specs do pretty much equal dps at 50. Marauder can certainly "beastmode engage".


It is simply the squishiest class, dies a lot faster than any other class, and it is the worst soloer.


You can still get to 50 easily and do all the content. Your simply not going to get their as fast or half-afk like some other classes.


The QQ'ers can get over it and the elitists can shut up.


Every mmo is going to have a class poor at soloing, it happens to be us.


The worst soloer?

Poor at soloing?


I'm 42 and have had ZERO issues soloing. And I'm doing quests 2-3 levels above me.

If killing elites 2-3 levels above me is poor soloing, then I want to hear your definition of awesome soloing.

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The worst soloer?

Poor at soloing?


I'm 42 and have had ZERO issues soloing. And I'm doing quests 2-3 levels above me.

If killing elites 2-3 levels above me is poor soloing, then I want to hear your definition of awesome soloing.


troll detected


I'd like to see you do missions 2-3 levels above you in Voss and Corellia, for laughs

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The worst soloer?

Poor at soloing?


I'm 42 and have had ZERO issues soloing. And I'm doing quests 2-3 levels above me.

If killing elites 2-3 levels above me is poor soloing, then I want to hear your definition of awesome soloing.


Awesome soloing is killing 100+ mobs at a time with your Titan in Forge of gods while your boxed buffers collect the loot (oh sweet sweet L2 times) :)

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troll detected


I'd like to see you do missions 2-3 levels above you in Voss and Corellia, for laughs


Reading comprehension fail detected.

I'm 42 and haven't got to those planets yet.

When I was in my 20's you guys laughed and said wait until I get in my 30's...

when I was in my 30's you guys rolled your eyes and said wait until I get into my 40's

Now that I'm in my 40's you same people are telling me to wait until I get higher level.

Now tell me.... who are the trolls?????

Just because some people can faceroll this class through content and you can't, doesn't mean that it's not possible.

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Reading comprehension fail detected.

I'm 42 and haven't got to those planets yet.

When I was in my 20's you guys laughed and said wait until I get in my 30's...

when I was in my 30's you guys rolled your eyes and said wait until I get into my 40's

Now that I'm in my 40's you same people are telling me to wait until I get higher level.

Now tell me.... who are the trolls?????

Just because some people can faceroll this class through content and you can't, doesn't mean that it's not possible.



LMAO is all I got to say about this troll.



When you get to the big boy areas let us know.

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you're the one I'm referring to,

you told me to let you know when I'm in my 40's and still facerolling through mobs.



You are not in the areas that give the most problems. I think that you will say anything just to make yourself not look bad.



Done messing with trolls. Time to do dailies /yawn

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I have to agree with the OP, the whiners need to give it a rest. I used to see the same tears back in the early, early days of WoW when I was enjoying my frenzy warrior. "Dude, warriors suck! MS build is the only valid spec! We can't solo!" Did any of you play EQ? Warriors couldn't solo for $#!+ yet people didn't have their AOE cry spells up. Serious, folks, warriors in general aren't a solo class. Accept it or move on.


Let's face it, no matter the class there will always be a large percentage of players crying about how badly it sucks. Just use another class or go back to using the Paladin in WoW.

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I have to agree with the OP, the whiners need to give it a rest. I used to see the same tears back in the early, early days of WoW when I was enjoying my frenzy warrior. "Dude, warriors suck! MS build is the only valid spec! We can't solo!" Serious, folks, warriors are a solo class. Did any of you play EQ? Warriors couldn't solo for $#!+ yet people didn't have their AOE cry spells up.


Let's face it, no matter the class there will always be a large percentage of players crying about how badly it sucks. Just use another class or go back to using the Paladin in WoW.


No, YOU go back to WoW!

I don't care about your fantasy games or what you played. I wan't the glitches and bugs to be fixed so I can use the damn skills as they say on their tooltips!

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No, YOU go back to WoW!

I don't care about your fantasy games or what you played. I wan't the glitches and bugs to be fixed so I can use the damn skills as they say on their tooltips!

Kid, I quit WoW less than a year after it launched out of sheer boredom. If you don't like the game you can take your ****** to a Computer Science class and apply for a job at Bioware.

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You are not in the areas that give the most problems. I think that you will say anything just to make yourself not look bad.



Done messing with trolls. Time to do dailies /yawn


So, when he hits 50 and is STILL facerolling through mobs what will you say?


Oh, I have a super secret area where the mobs are harder than everywhere else that marauders can't faceroll but other classes can? Cause this is what it is starting to seem like you are doing Mr. Troll.

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What glitches and bugs?

Haven't encountered any at all in PvE


I've encountered one for example. Pop ravage, animation starts but no damage happens, a fraction of second later it gets interrupted and ravage is not on CD so you can use it again. Works the second time you trigger it.

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Kid, I quit WoW less than a year after it launched out of sheer boredom. If you don't like the game you can take your ****** to a Computer Science class and apply for a job at Bioware.


You clearly show you came from WoW lol

forum warrior level 80 :rolleyes:

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You clearly show you came from WoW lol

forum warrior level 80 :rolleyes:

No, I show that I played it for a while. Now I know what your problem is with this game. You just can't read the talent descriptions. Perhaps you should revisit kindergarten?


So, when he hits 50 and is STILL facerolling through mobs what will you say?


Oh, I have a super secret area where the mobs are harder than everywhere else that marauders can't faceroll but other classes can? Cause this is what it is starting to seem like you are doing Mr. Troll.


I remember back in the 80's and 90's when video games were hard. Now if a 10 year old gets frustrated people get their panties in a bunch and petition the PTA to nerf the difficulty. Sorry kids, easy mode == boring. Grow the f. up.

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troll detected


I'd like to see you do missions 2-3 levels above you in Voss and Corellia, for laughs


Ive just finished Voss, and now gone back to hoth and finished the bonuses, hitting 48 on the last couple of hoth missions.


I was 2 levels below at the start, and one at the end of Voss, did it all solo with Vette.


Including the avatar of sel makor- he was +1 level to me, and given its probably the hardest fight we have in the game whilst levelling, I'd view it as a plus 2 levels.


Me , Vette, both in all orange gear with at level mods. Took me two goes , because the first time the aoe's caught me by surprise, and I hadnt really read up on it barring people were having trouble with it.

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I've encountered one for example. Pop ravage, animation starts but no damage happens, a fraction of second later it gets interrupted and ravage is not on CD so you can use it again. Works the second time you trigger it.


That one seems to happen if the target has a shield up I noticed.

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I don't know if that was directed at me but if it was than I just dunno, I guess now posting questions and opinions = QQing.


Also, how about that video of you showing us baddies your leet PvE skills? I am intrigued.


Honestly, I've got a vanguard, marauder, operative (healer) and gunslinger. The gunslinger was the direct replacement for the marauder and it's so insanely good compared to marauder it isn't even funny. Without DPS meter or log it is hard to say for sure but the numbers I put out of my gunslinger make it hard to believe the marauder can compete with that and the gunslinger just owns face in PVP with flashbang, leg shot and dirty kick. With Sabo tree the bleeds and 18 second slow is just ridiculous for stomping level 50 marauders at level 22. If the marauder uses their escape skill to get out of the 30% speed reduction to avoid being kited they're on cooldown and I still have 3 CC's to use to line up sabo charges and aimed shots with.

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