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If you think Marauder is weak...


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Wow takes 0 skill to play.. Alright then, lets go with that then, Link your Characters With multiple Gladiator Titles, Heroic Deathwing And Rag kills, Heroic Lich king kill from when he was current, multiple legendary weapons from when they were current, Come on, Do it, if Wow takes 0 skill then you should be able to do it


Low lvl wow takes little Skill, High end arena's and PVE content take quite a good amount of skill, to say otherwise is just plain stupid and ignorant


i actually have all thoes kills but deathwing because i quit before then i have 5 legendaries... the game took no skill... the sheer fact that you think it took skill means you will never understand that you will be the failure of your character is your fault not the class.


edit: not to mention Yogg 0 was harder then all those fights

Edited by Hizoka
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i actually have all thoes kills but deathwing because i quit before then i have 5 legendaries... the game took no skill... the sheer fact that you think it took skill means you will never understand that you will be the failure of your character is your fault not the class.


edit: not to mention Yogg 0 was harder then all those fights


Now you're being ridiculous, and even more so proving the point of the person you are trying to provide evidence against, by clearly lying about it. I wont deny you that Blizzard dev's left to work on Titan thus leaving WoW to the hands of idiots and basically destroying the game, and that it does indeed require very little skill compared to vanilla and early BC, arguably the golden age of the game.



also from your earlier comment, doesn't it go both ways? just because you got owned by a marauder spamming abilities and you had no idea what to do, doesn't make the class OP.


That said i really really think marauders need to be checked up on. Its not that the class is BROKEN (ive said this multiple times) its that the class compared to ALL THE OTHER CLASSES IN THIS GAME is weak. PVE and PVP, in a sense that in both cases survivability and lack of basic traits that other classes seem to have inherently is what is causing issues, and the more and more i think about it the more i think that bioware had not even finished this class come release.



God i hope this thread post doesn't get removed..the last reply i posted was removed because people thought i was trolling by submitting my opinion... similar to this post. here goes nothing


*clicks submit reply* *cringes*

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Now you're being ridiculous, and even more so proving the point of the person you are trying to provide evidence against, by clearly lying about it. I wont deny you that Blizzard dev's left to work on Titan thus leaving WoW to the hands of idiots and basically destroying the game, and that it does indeed require very little skill compared to vanilla and early BC, arguably the golden age of the game.



also from your earlier comment, doesn't it go both ways? just because you got owned by a marauder spamming abilities and you had no idea what to do, doesn't make the class OP.


That said i really really think marauders need to be checked up on. Its not that the class is BROKEN (ive said this multiple times) its that the class compared to ALL THE OTHER CLASSES IN THIS GAME is weak. PVE and PVP, in a sense that in both cases survivability and lack of basic traits that other classes seem to have inherently is what is causing issues, and the more and more i think about it the more i think that bioware had not even finished this class come release.



God i hope this thread post doesn't get removed..the last reply i posted was removed because people thought i was trolling by submitting my opinion... similar to this post. here goes nothing


*clicks submit reply* *cringes*

its not weak compared to everything else, its simply that it takes more skill to play it equally, that is not being under powered or broken its being different.

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You beat an elite mob with the sith warrior's best companion. Congratulations?


You obviously haven't been to areas 40+ where you pretty much HAVE to use quinn if you don't want to get steamrolled.


Having to rely on one companion just to finish your class quest is a massive oversight. The secret base in corellia is a nightmare with any other companion besides quinn.


I routinely beat elites 2 levels above my with Vette or Jaesa. Heck, I can do it pretty easily with the ranged tank too. TBH - I almost never use Quinn. Fight take too long...which is not how this spec is supposed to work. Kill things fast. THAT'S the Marauder.


40+ areas are SUPPOSED to be difficult. That was the design philosophy. Bioware did not want leveling at any point to be a simple chore. They succeeded brilliantly. Yes, it's more difficult for some specs than others...but certainly doable by any. If you HAVE TO use Quinn to survive 40+, you're doing something wrong.


2 shotted that Corellia quest with a geared Jaesa. And only died the first time because i didn't see a strong ranged mob that was kind of hiding on the other side of the wall. js.

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i actually have all thoes kills but deathwing because i quit before then i have 5 legendaries... the game took no skill... the sheer fact that you think it took skill means you will never understand that you will be the failure of your character is your fault not the class.


edit: not to mention Yogg 0 was harder then all those fights


Link to your armory then? I smell BS.


Whilst you're correct in saying Marauder in the right hands is very strong - it still has deficiencies that need addressing. Compared to some classes we are weak. I've seen players pull 400k as Marauder to see the top score be 500k + by multitudes of other classes, and by their own omission getting that score isn't that taxing whilst scoring 400k + as a Marauder requires the skill of a concert pianist.

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I posted this in a different thread, but it relates to this one a lot, so I figure I'll post it here as well since it argues with and against everything that has been said here.




Game was an obvious loss, so all I did was go around and kill people. No healer, no deaths. Wasn't even a full duration game. As you can tell my key bindings are minimal to none (although I did just setup a whole new key binding setup today because I do know it's limiting my actual skill level). We have our place as Marauders and can shine when played smart.




Another pretty good one. My friend Billymaze, the Sorcerer with 94 kills obviously has an easier time with much less effort. The difference between his class and ours is that he says he doesn't even have to try that hard where-as I feel like I am putting 110% effort to throw up a good finishing score and still become sub-par to what he can do as a Sorcerer.


Aside from Huttball (where damage/K is pretty much irrelevant since if you're actually trying to win you will be focused on the objectives rather than PvPing...and not even get rewarded for that which is stupid) I almost never die. If I do it is because I am the last man standing holding an objective or I know I am going to bring some poor fools down with me.


I love my Marauder to death, he fits my personality and what I love about how my class should feel/look. 1v1 I will kill just about anything even if they are equally skilled/geared. In Warzones though, compared to other classes, we lack utility that they have and can still perform just as well as us if not better.


TL;DR: Marauder is a solid class, even if they don't make changes to us I will still be happy. It requires much more focus and skill, I love that it has a high skill cap. Without complaining about specific things, we can still use a little love somewhere.


EDIT: AS FAR AS THE PvE PORTION OF THIS GAME GOES. STOP USING QUINN!!! Vette and Jaesa are 100% better and much faster as long as you keep gearing them up. You can tank anything that gets thrown at you while questing if you play smart and you won't even have to use medpacs.

Edited by Hellion_X
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EDIT: AS FAR AS THE PvE PORTION OF THIS GAME GOES. STOP USING QUINN!!! Vette and Jaesa are 100% better and much faster as long as you keep gearing them up. You can tank anything that gets thrown at you while questing if you play smart and you won't even have to use medpacs.


not sure about that one.


So far im doing very well in PvE as i think i have found a good balance.


Currently level 31/32 now with quinn and Anh spec and im around 1-3 levels higher than most mobs and finding it pretty good atm.


Without quinn and fighting elites just isnt good as they burn you down far too quickly, even with good gear(all orange geared).


also doing group missions without quinn is a pain as healers if they are in group NEVER heal sith marauders as they prefer to heal ofc tanks but also anoyingly snipers/other DPS classes as they believe they far better than our class...something that i find coming up a lot in flashpoints when looking for groups sadly.

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not sure about that one.


So far im doing very well in PvE as i think i have found a good balance.


Currently level 31/32 now with quinn and Anh spec and im around 1-3 levels higher than most mobs and finding it pretty good atm.


Without quinn and fighting elites just isnt good as they burn you down far too quickly, even with good gear(all orange geared).


also doing group missions without quinn is a pain as healers if they are in group NEVER heal sith marauders as they prefer to heal ofc tanks but also anoyingly snipers/other DPS classes as they believe they far better than our class...something that i find coming up a lot in flashpoints when looking for groups sadly.


You are doing something very wrong then. The ONLY time I ever brought Quinn out was when I first got him and I was so dissapointed with his heals and how sloooooooow the fights were that I never touched him again. Seriously Vette and Jaesa are DPS and do very good DPS at that. I flew all the way to 50 with no problems at all and generally rushed to new planets being 1-2 levels lower than most of the mobs. If you need a healer, then you really are not playing Marauder class correctly.


I HIGHLY suggest using Vette/Jaesa. The way I did it was by having them initiate the fight first so the mobs focus them instead of me. Then I pick them off one by one. They hardly die and if they do it's when the battle is pretty much over anyways. Try doing this instead of using the unnecessary Quinn and I promise you that you will not only find it much easier, but 100% faster too.

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You are doing something very wrong then. The ONLY time I ever brought Quinn out was when I first got him and I was so dissapointed with his heals and how sloooooooow the fights were that I never touched him again. Seriously Vette and Jaesa are DPS and do very good DPS at that. I flew all the way to 50 with no problems at all and generally rushed to new planets being 1-2 levels lower than most of the mobs. If you need a healer, then you really are not playing Marauder class correctly.


I HIGHLY suggest using Vette/Jaesa. The way I did it was by having them initiate the fight first so the mobs focus them instead of me. Then I pick them off one by one. They hardly die and if they do it's when the battle is pretty much over anyways. Try doing this instead of using the unnecessary Quinn and I promise you that you will not only find it much easier, but 100% faster too.


Can you take on a Champion higher level than you without Quinn?

I haven't used anyone else because Quinn is the only one that I've taken the time and money to gear up.. and I'm destroying groups of mobs 3-4 levels above me easily.

I know that the other companions do great dps if geared up,but I haven't done that yet.

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Can you take on a Champion higher level than you without Quinn?

I haven't used anyone else because Quinn is the only one that I've taken the time and money to gear up.. and I'm destroying groups of mobs 3-4 levels above me easily.

I know that the other companions do great dps if geared up,but I haven't done that yet.



Yeah. I even killed Baras at level 47 using Lt. Pierce. It took 3 tries, eventually had to manually use Pierce's taunt, but I got him. We just don't need healers if played smart.


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Can you take on a Champion higher level than you without Quinn?

I haven't used anyone else because Quinn is the only one that I've taken the time and money to gear up.. and I'm destroying groups of mobs 3-4 levels above me easily.

I know that the other companions do great dps if geared up,but I haven't done that yet.


only time i even use quinn is when i go to solo a heroic quest

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LEts get personal feelings out of the way.


This is the squishist class in the game by far.


This class does not requires Quinn to solo but its still 100% more efficient. If you want to have your other companions initiate combat first and split threat, that doesn't mean its more efficient.


You can manage if you are a good player, and make very good gear choices.


You will never solo/level or do anything as efficiently as most other classes. Because you pull it off with three times the effort doesn't mean your a good player or the class is great.


It isn't broken by any means, it just needs a little tweak here and there.


You weren't in the beta and you haven't played this class at a high level for multiple builds and release.


Stop acting like this is the hardest class in the world to figure out and only smart people can play it correctly.

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people want wow mode, where out in PvE NOTHING is a threat to you, this is not wow. If "challenge" is something that scares you please by all means go back to wow. DO NOT cry that the game actually takes skill to play, the class is not broken simply because you are bad at it.
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EDIT: AS FAR AS THE PvE PORTION OF THIS GAME GOES. STOP USING QUINN!!! Vette and Jaesa are 100% better and much faster as long as you keep gearing them up. You can tank anything that gets thrown at you while questing if you play smart and you won't even have to use medpacs.


I call BS on this one. Are you actually saying that you can PvE well, without using Quinn, WITHOUT having to constantly channel? Come on... Video or it didn't happen.

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I call BS on this one. Are you actually saying that you can PvE well, without using Quinn, WITHOUT having to constantly channel? Come on... Video or it didn't happen.


lots of people do it, its called playing smart and using all your abilties. Marauders do not take that much damage when you play right, the issue is most people suck more then a new hoover and just QQ the class is broken.

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lots of people do it, its called playing smart and using all your abilties. Marauders do not take that much damage when you play right, the issue is most people suck more then a new hoover and just QQ the class is broken.


Yeah yeah, I've seen a lot of these comments about "playing smart and using abilities", yet I have yet to see proof that you can level as a marauder with a DPS companion without downtime. I mean, a several minute video can't be hard to make.

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lots of people do it, its called playing smart and using all your abilties. Marauders do not take that much damage when you play right, the issue is most people suck more then a new hoover and just QQ the class is broken.


You know, I really wish people would realize that this is all just OPINIONS about the class, Some people Perceive it as underpowered, Some people Perceive it as Overpowered, Some people Perceive it as fine... But its still all just our personal Perception and Opinions.. Which means THEY ALL DON'T MATTER in the long run, Since only one opinion truly matters and that's Bioware's and they will do what they perceive is for the best of the game in the end and what we say will matter little(since once again, They are the only ones with all the #'s)


And Hizoka, Can you actually say something outside of a Variation of "you suck, L2p, Your noobs and baddies, And My opinion is right and everyone who disagrees with me in any fashion is wrong and is a baddie"

Edited by Raiden-loire
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You know, I really wish people would realize that this is all just OPINIONS about the class, Some people Perceive it as underpowered, Some people Perceive it as Overpowered, Some people Perceive it as fine... But its still all just our personal Perception and Opinions.. Which means THEY ALL DON'T MATTER in the long run, Since only one opinion truly matters and that's Bioware's and they will do what they perceive is for the best of the game in the end and what we say will matter little(since once again, They are the only ones with all the #'s)


And Hizoka, Can you actually say something outside of a Variation of "you suck, L2p, Your noobs and baddies, And My opinion is right and everyone who disagrees with me in any fashion is wrong and is a baddie"


Maybe Hizoka, in all his skill and glory, will make a video showing us how a marauder without a healer compation can chain pull mobs of all difficulties. I have no problems admitting I was wrong if he proves me so, until then I will still call BS.


It's easy to say "l2p, newb" but backing up your **** with proof and elaborate arguments is an entirely different story.

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Yeah yeah, I've seen a lot of these comments about "playing smart and using abilities", yet I have yet to see proof that you can level as a marauder with a DPS companion without downtime. I mean, a several minute video can't be hard to make.


In the other thread where I explained how I used anni , I did say you have to top up your health with a quick blast of hatred between pulls .


However, take a sequence of say , 5 double elite pulls.


With quinn, you say you can chain pull with no downtime.


With Vette, I need maybe 3 seconds of hatred to replenish health between pulls.


However, if each pull takes me, minimum 10 seconds less to kill, who is actually being most efficient?

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In the other thread where I explained how I used anni , I did say you have to top up your health with a quick blast of hatred between pulls .


However, take a sequence of say , 5 double elite pulls.


With quinn, you say you can chain pull with no downtime.


With Vette, I need maybe 3 seconds of hatred to replenish health between pulls.


However, if each pull takes me, minimum 10 seconds less to kill, who is actually being most efficient?


the guy QQing on the forums because hes not even fighting them.

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In the other thread where I explained how I used anni , I did say you have to top up your health with a quick blast of hatred between pulls .


However, take a sequence of say , 5 double elite pulls.


With quinn, you say you can chain pull with no downtime.


With Vette, I need maybe 3 seconds of hatred to replenish health between pulls.


However, if each pull takes me, minimum 10 seconds less to kill, who is actually being most efficient?


I give you that. However, what about someone who doesn't use annihilation and thus would have no healing whatsoever? How does that factor into your consideration? Some people simply might not like the anni game style. Advising such people to not use a healer companion is simply wrong.

And I do not know how about you but I take uninterrupted combat instead of having to channel after every fight, even if it is for a few seconds. And there is also the RNG factor where you might screw up or lag out and die, while with a healer you are chillin' without a problem. And I've yet to see a video that shows me the scenario you presented, chain pulling double elites of your level with only 3 sec of hatred channeling (which is like 1/5th of the HP bar). Sorry, I do not mean to sound rude but I keep my opinion until someone proves me wrong.

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the guy QQing on the forums because hes not even fighting them.


I don't know if that was directed at me but if it was than I just dunno, I guess now posting questions and opinions = QQing.


Also, how about that video of you showing us baddies your leet PvE skills? I am intrigued.

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