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Marrying Lana Beniko (potential spoilers)


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So, I've completed KOTET while in a relationship with Lana, and even kissed her before my final battle. But, when everything ended, she and Theron were chatting and I was left hanging. A bit more research claimed I needed to complete the Nothemar Conspiracy before anything could happen, and I have since completed that on Vet mode with 3 of my mates. Still nothing. Am I missing something? The ONLY reason I leveled this character was to marry Lana and live happily ever after, but so far, it has been hoop, after hoop, after hoop. Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated.:rak_02:
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You have to play the story to marry Lana, completing the FP while not advancing the traitor arc story will not give you the cutscene to propose to Lana.


So after KOTET, you need to play the i think it's called "Fractured Alliance", which is Iokath (i think you need to start this from you ship's terminal), then play through the Umbara, Copero and then Nathema FPs that advance the story (if i'm not mistaken it's called "solo" version), and at the end of the traitor arc, you should have the option to ask Lana to marry your character.


If you have skiped directly from the end of KOTET to Ossus whithout doing the traitor arc you'll not be able to propose though.

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You have to play the story to marry Lana, completing the FP while not advancing the traitor arc story will not give you the cutscene to propose to Lana.


If you have skiped directly from the end of KOTET to Ossus whithout doing the traitor arc you'll not be able to propose though.


Thankfully I have not yet moved on from Iokath. I had a sneaking suspicion there was a different path I would need to take. I think the only problem I may run into is not being able to complete Iokath with the Guardian Droid scaling bug where they take almost no damage, and I get 1 shot lol. Thanks for letting me know I am not crazy, I am just impatient.

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then play through the Umbara, Copero and then Nathema FPs that advance the story (if i'm not mistaken it's called "solo" version)

This is correct. You play [sOLO] to advance the story, and [sTORY] if you just want to run through the FP solo.


Indeed, [sOLO] of each of them is only available if you have the story open to that FP. If you want to run the FP again, play [sTORY], and you'll see that cinematics are missing and / or the traitor is replaced with an anonymous masked figure.

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  • 11 months later...
You have to play the story to marry Lana, completing the FP while not advancing the traitor arc story will not give you the cutscene to propose to Lana.


So after KOTET, you need to play the i think it's called "Fractured Alliance", which is Iokath (i think you need to start this from you ship's terminal), then play through the Umbara, Copero and then Nathema FPs that advance the story (if i'm not mistaken it's called "solo" version), and at the end of the traitor arc, you should have the option to ask Lana to marry your character.


If you have skiped directly from the end of KOTET to Ossus whithout doing the traitor arc you'll not be able to propose though.



So I played knights of the fallen empire, and never got a flirt conversation with Lana, do I still get to marry her

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If you didn't lock in the romance in chapter 9 I think it is then no.

This is correct. (Well, strictly speaking none of has been able to actually *marry* her yet, because all we've seen so far is Lana accepting when our character proposes to her, but locking in that romance in Chapter IX is required.)

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None of it really matters any how ! By the end of KotET all interactions are so brief and virtually non-existent that companions are little more than window dressing.


Sorry !


BTW.. it should be noted that the instructions provided are correct. There are a couple of critical opportunities (one of which) is not clearly understood and usually results in a missed opportunity. This has been an issue since it was released and nothing has been done to rectify the situation since it's release.

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The only character that actually gets a wedding is female jedi knight when she marries "Doc". There is actually a brief video of the marriage ceremony. No one else ever actually gets a ceremony.

The Warrior and Vette go off-camera to get married in one of the very late conversations, and the F!Smuggler officiates a "ship's captain" marriage between herself and Corso(1). And of course both DSJ and Quinn The Betrayer refer to your character as, respectively, "husband" or "wife" in the mails they send after the conversation trail is complete, implying that you *did* marry the relevant one of them.


And of course the M!Agent does propose to The Anarchist, although again there's no actual ceremony.


But yeah, most of the character/romancee combinations are just shacked up together (rules be danmed), and most of the few with proposals don't actually marry on-screen.


(1) No, it's not a big formal thing, with flowers and bridesmaids and all, but it's very appropriate to the story.

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I don't know about the Star Wars galaxy but on hr planet Earth ship captains being authorized to marry people is a myth.


Malta, Bermuda and the Bahamas are three countries/territories that permit captains of ships registered in their jurisdictions to perform marriages at sea. Others exist but I am not going to do a full listing here.

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