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Create troll-specs for all classes, not just sins


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If you have not noticed, it appears the assassin class has been given awesome gear sets and tacticals... and are double-tapping poor unsuspecting noobs killing them instantly in the WZs. There's even one post that claims sins hit so hard they can UNINSTALL YOUR GAME! For those of you wanting to read that, see link below!

"I got hit by an Assassin so hard it uninstalled the game..."



Now, I am not saying ANY of that stuff is true... I mean, how can a sin actually uninstall your game by hitting you excessively hard? That's impossible I am pretty sure. Right?


Anyway, point of this is I don't want sins to get nerfed! Nerfing a class only leaves it in a worse state than when it was OP'd.


Instead of complaining about what sins can do now, I'd like to propose creating troll-specs for ALL classes! That way no matter what your main is, you get to have fun too!


To get the ball rolling, here's my proposed troll-spec for the DPS class I enjoy the most, Arsenal Mercenary!




Arsenal Mercenary:



the FaceMelter Gear Set. This gear set removes the cooldown on Blazing Bolts, making this iconic ability fun to use ALL THE TIME!!!! Imagine it! Never having to wait for it to be off cooldown, constantly keeping targets snared with 70%, and doing awesome melt-worthy damage on them the whole time!


The Arsenal Master Tactic. This tactical doubles the total damage Blazing Bolts does! That's right, every hit that lands does DOUBLE the normal damage per hit of this channeled ability making this tactical perfect to couple with the FaceMelter Gear Set!




How about you guys? If you have any ideas for new gear sets and/or tacticals, add them here! Perhaps the devs will take notice and make it happen! *wink wink* Hey devs! FaceMelter Gear Set for mercs... *wink wink*


Hopefully the devs read this, and understand other classes like to have fun too. All classes in my opinion ought to have at least ONE ridiculously overpowered spec build gear set tactical combination available.

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Tactics Vanguard:


Get lost gear set. This set increases movement speed on Hold the Line by 200%, combined with stun immunity. Look at it this way, vanguard’s have been complaining for lack of defensive cooldowns for a while, so instead of actually doing that, we decided to add insane ability that would allow to kite and run from everyone however you want!


The tactics Master Tactical. This tactical removes duration timer on this ability, thus making it a permanent movement boost once activated. Just imagine, this master gear set and tactical will allow you to irritate your opponent immensely at any moment!


On more serious note, your post really brightened my mood :)

Edited by Spoloma
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Tactics Vanguard:


Get lost gear set. This set increases movement speed on Hold the Line by 200%, combined with stun immunity. Look at it this way, vanguard’s have been complaining for lack of defensive cooldowns for a while, so instead of actually doing that, we decided to add insane ability that would allow to kite and run from everyone however you want!


The tactics Master Tactical. This tactical removes duration timer on this ability, thus making it a permanent movement boost once activated. Just imagine, this master gear set and tactical will allow you to irritate your opponent immensely at any moment!


On more serious note, your post really brightened my mood :)


That's a great idea and something they ought to consider creating! A forever-kiting class, basically it would be like a Marauder on steroids what with their new improved predation!


We actually could probably consider a FaceMelter Gear Set™ for PTs too, tbh! The PT set would center around Energy Burst, or if we wanted it to be even more fun doubling the damage of Magnetic Blast would be even better!


Imagine Magnetic Blast doing double the damage it normally does...


Even better? A combination of the FaceMelter Gear Set™/Tactical and the Get Lost Gear Set or the Tactics Master Tactical. That way you could have even more fun with a boost to kiting and double damage!


Thinking on it more it would be pretty fun and trolly if PTs had endless 200% speed Hydraulics Override as you recommend. That would be fun.


However, if BW wanted to troll the players (and they love doing this too!), they could add your recommendation but then add a damage reduction factor to your gear set and tactical you made. Say they give you the Get Lost Gear Set, but it drops the PTs damage by 40%. Then, the Tactics Master Tactical also includes a 40% total damage reduction. Equipping both your tactical and gear set would drop the PTs damage to a -80% total damage or 20% of it's normal total damage.


That way if someone decided to pick both of your fantasy gear sets, they could endlessly kite but at the expense of only doing 20% total damage they normally would do without both gear set and tactical being used. (This way, BW could have their fun too, trolling the PT player! More trolling always equates to more fun.)


Glad you found the idea entertaining and decided to participate and add your own ideas for a troll-spec! As you see, together we can come up with many new and fresh ideas for BW. If only they'd listen to us. :(

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The Flash Gear Set - increases Predation bonus movement to 200% and makes its effect last until your character is defeated. Have you even wondered how is it to be the fastest man alive? Well, here's your chance to find out!


The Jumper tactical - Force Jump has no cooldown and can be used at any distance below 30m. Because walking is for losers!

Edited by Gelious
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Tactical Item Two-luck-horsedIn addition to their already awesome defense-skill arsenal, Juggernaut-DDs get one new defensive ability from every other class, usable every minute.

Also every Juggernaut attack now has a range of 35m (up from 4m) and every successfull hit (or movement forwards, backwards or sideways) lowers the cooldown of every Juggernaut defensive abilty by 5s

Edited by Dimitir
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The Flash Gear Set - increases Predation bonus movement to 200% and makes its effect last until your character is defeated. Have you even wondered how is it to be the fastest man alive? Well, here's your chance to find out!


The Jumper tactical - Force Jump has no cooldown and can be used at any distance below 30m. Because walking is for losers!


This makes me think tbh, they ought to just add 200% speed boost gear sets to ALL classes! Why limit kiting fun for only one or two classes? Totally unfair! It's not like everyone would take it, just those who really enjoy kiting and moving at 200% speed!

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Tactical Item Two-luck-horsedIn addition to their already awesome defense-skill arsenal, Juggernaut-DDs get one new defensive ability from every other class, usable every minute.

Also every Juggernaut attack now has a range of 35m (up from 4m) and every successfull hit (or movement forwards, backwards or sideways) lowers the cooldown of every Juggernaut defensive abilty by 5s


That's a good idea, too. Adding range modifiers to abilities. Hmm, makes me think... Healing sorcs should get this!




Corruption Sorcerer


The Endless Healer Gear Set: This 6 piece gear set makes it so Innervate has no cooldown!


The Always Touched Tactical: Using this tactical gives Innervate a range of 100m! This way, no matter where your friend is, as a Corruption Sorcerer, you will ALWAYS be able to land Innervate on them, no matter how far away they are! No more "STOP RUNNING OUT OF RANGE OF MY HEALS YOU DUMB TANK (or DPS!) Nothing worse than dumb pals that fail to remain in range of your heals as a healer!

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Hmmm... for my sniper toon and dear sniper friends ;)

InstaCast Set:

(2) 2% Power

(4) Makes your penetration shot to do critical on a hinder, slowed, rooted player.

(6) If you have a debuff, your ambush can be casted instantly, regarding their health, doing a critical hit.


OverPower Tactical: Whenever you are entrenched, you gain immunity to damage for 5 secs. More over, every time you land a critical hit, your entrenched cd gets reduced by 5 secs.

Edited by Ayushman
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OverPower Tactical: Whenever you are entrenched, you gain immunity to damage for 5 secs. More over, every time you land a critical hit, your entrenched cd gets reduced by 5 secs.


This has great potential! ^


I got an idea for Snipers, for a new tactical...


Double Tap Tactical: Every Ambush shot that lands is quickly followed up by a second Ambush shot .5 seconds after the first lands. This tactical is the result of intense Sniper training specifically in double tapping this one damage ability for higher chances of delivering a kill shot!

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Double Tap Tactical: Every Ambush shot that lands is quickly followed up by a second Ambush shot .5 seconds after the first lands. This tactical is the result of intense Sniper training specifically in double tapping this one damage ability for higher chances of delivering a kill shot!


LOL, I can already hear the loud rage qutting noice... :rak_03:

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The Flash Gear Set - increases Predation bonus movement to 200% and makes its effect last until your character is defeated. Have you even wondered how is it to be the fastest man alive? Well, here's your chance to find out!


The Jumper tactical - Force Jump has no cooldown and can be used at any distance below 30m. Because walking is for losers!


Lol it has always pissed me when I can't leap someone on my jugg, I hope they fix warmonger next week 15 seconds in between leaps is to long.

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It's already been explained in other threads that stealth classes can gear the fastest, so what we are seeing is geared vs not geared. So I hope other people realize this. I'd hate to see an unneeded bandwagon nerf.


PS - there are some funny troll-ish SIN tank combos with slow abilities/utilities.


Tactics Vanguard:


Get lost gear set. This set increases movement speed on Hold the Line by 200%, combined with stun immunity. Look at it this way, vanguard’s have been complaining for lack of defensive cooldowns for a while, so instead of actually doing that, we decided to add insane ability that would allow to kite and run from everyone however you want!


The tactics Master Tactical. This tactical removes duration timer on this ability, thus making it a permanent movement boost once activated. Just imagine, this master gear set and tactical will allow you to irritate your opponent immensely at any moment!


On more serious note, your post really brightened my mood :)


I.... kind of want to see this happen actually. :D

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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This makes me think tbh, they ought to just add 200% speed boost gear sets to ALL classes! Why limit kiting fun for only one or two classes? Totally unfair! It's not like everyone would take it, just those who really enjoy kiting and moving at 200% speed!


If you're thinking 200%, you still haven't seen the true potential of tacticals or set bonuses.


It should be 500% at least. Merely running should be like using a teleport ALL THE TIME!


In fact, why not create a tactical that deliberately causes de-sync for 20 seconds when activated? They may as well take advantage of de-sync, it's not like it's going anywhere...

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The Incredible Bulk tactical for juggernauts. Every time you perform smash, it sends out a massive AoE wave that obliterates everything in its path, including enemy players who aren't hiding behind a pillar. You are the new Titan 6.


The Trickster set bonus for sorcs: (2) +2% stealth detection. (4)Why stop with phase walk when you can irritate your enemies to no end? This new tactical turns force lightning into "Forced Teleport." The first use of the ability marks all targets in the reticle. The second activation teleports them to the spot of your choice. (6) If there are enemies or allies in the second reticle, they switch places instantly with the original group.

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The Incredible Bulk tactical for juggernauts. Every time you perform smash, it sends out a massive AoE wave that obliterates everything in its path, including enemy players who aren't hiding behind a pillar. You are the new Titan 6.


The Trickster set bonus for sorcs: (2) +2% stealth detection. (4)Why stop with phase walk when you can irritate your enemies to no end? This new tactical turns force lightning into "Forced Teleport." The first use of the ability marks all targets in the reticle. The second activation teleports them to the spot of your choice. (6) If there are enemies or allies in the second reticle, they switch places instantly with the original group.


You are heading down the right path, but let me modify your ideas a bit...


Jugg Tactical: The Incredible Bulk Tactical: Smash now has an AoE range of 40m hitting ALL enemies within this range!


Jugg Tactical: The Tolapumj Tactical: With this tactical, all Jugg leaps now have NO cooldown, and can be used on ANY target, even those in cover/entrenched!


The Trickster Set Bonus for Sorcs: (2) gives the Sorc the ability to see all stealth within 100m. (4) Phasewalk no longer has a cooldown! (6) If a friend or enemy is targeted with Phasewalk the sorcerer then can choose where THEY get ported to!

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For vengence jugg I propose The Useful Damage set bonus: 2 piece increases presence by 2%, 4 piece plays the hutt barge noise everytime a dot crits (to help the jugg keep track of their smash timer of course), and the 6 piece summons a 10 million hp enemy any time vengeful slam is used to passively follow the jugg around until killed. Edited by silosaridious
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Vengeance Juggernaut never gets enough love…:)


Vader’s Rage :mad::mad::mad:

2 Set Bonus – Force Choke turns into an instant cast and has a 10m AOE range Choking all within range.

4 Set Bonus – Increases the duration of Force Choke to 12 Seconds.

6 Set Bonus – Force Choke now applied a 12 second Bleed effect on all targets Choked.


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'Cause Phasewalk ain't enough

Bound to Legacy


Equip: Adds Stealth ability to your character. In addition, every Sith Assassin / Jedi Shadow grouped with you or attacking you loses his Stealth ability permanently.


"Make them pay for trying to kill you." ...Or being your sister class.


Sorcerer / Sage Tactical

Edited by black_pyros
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Where's the love for tanks?


The "You hit like a wet noodle" set

2 pieces: guard's range is removed, it now works across any distance.

4 pieces: guard now transfers the damage you would have taken as the tank into /dev/null. Making it so that guard actually does just erase 1/2 the damage of the attacker (or however much for pve).

6 pieces: guard is now an aoe that doesn't need you to actively apply it to anyone, because it's constantly on everyone!


Tactical: Because bioware likes complex systems, I think this is perfect.

The "Recursive recursion" tactical. Any benefit of guard is applied recursively. So when you guard someone, and 50% of their damage is transferred to you, and then it's applied again to the remaining 50%, leaving them with just 25%, and then applied again, and again... until they end up with 0 damage, and the tank ends up taking it all. But then when combined with the "you hit like a wet noodle" 6 piece set, that means no one takes any damage from the entire group!


As a side note, since Recursive Recursion will necessitate rounding off, that inevitably means that bioware will bug the implementation, and it will end up never rounding down to zero. Instead it will get to the "1 health point left to go" status, and then sit there infinitely halving 1 down to .5 and then rounding it back up to 1. Thus crashing the game. So that fulfills the requirement that bioware will also use this to troll players!


It's a win win!

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