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Story is the only reason I come back.


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I want to stay and make this my home mmo, but I just can't.

The combat in this game is just so tedious bad.

FOR ME. I know people who stick with this game who love this game will say the combat is fine, but I can only speak for myself, and why I do not stay.

I am a huge Vader fan, and enjoy the Empire storyline. Since saying "combat is tedious" is not helpful. I will explain key areas where I think it is harmful.


The combat feels slow. The long global cool down, bloated skills that are dull.


Here is a example.


Level 70 elite mob took 14 seconds for me to kill as an veng jugg.not too bad right?


I cut back skills that I felt was bloat. Impale, retalation and i went big sundering assault. I tried without them three the same fight.


Took me 16 seconds. I saved a whole two seconds extra using my full kit. Mind you yes crits and rng factors into it. I was amazed that I could cut back on skills and it did not impact the game that much.


Crazy right? The problem with changing the combat in a game like this is that..it can and nine out of ten times upset your current player base because they are use to it. I am not even saying for you to do it. I'm just stating for myself, and my wife. We can't stay with this game because of the combat and skills feel that boring.


Faster GCD, make your spammable move hit much harder. Cut back on bloat and give classes themes. I love my force push and choke. They have impact. I would love for my bleed spec to play more fluid and faster.


My point is, the story is only reason I play. I wish you would fix that..but understand if you don't.

Edited by Teladis
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Yup, and sad thing is. They could make it a little bit better. Well from the warrior side.



I love force pushing people off force choking like I said. Why not cut back on some of the skills, and make rampage hit harder. Make your spammable skill hit harder. Have your bleeds chance to reset your cd on force push. And force push resets force scream. You could combo your way with less buttons but hit harder and be fancy with your skills.


Like you don't need 123123 skills that don't even bring that much of an impact.

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Same here. I hope we get Dragon Age Inquisition Gameplay one day.. I can't see any Gameplay Action much because i need to watch which Skill Icon i must click. Enemies shouldn't take so long with good Gear and give better Rewards. Most players now only stealth run to the Bosses. There are also too many useless skills with too long Cooldown.
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How long have you been around. I've been on and off since about 2012 and if you think the combat is slow you wouldn't survive back then. ( I sound like an old man reminiscing about old times on these forums. xD I do enjoy swtor still however.) Back then you would need to do every quest available and sometimes would even still need help on some of your story line bosses and side mission ones. I love the story and the combat compared to other MMO's like Lotro the combat is alot faster and imo better.
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How long have you been around. I've been on and off since about 2012 and if you think the combat is slow you wouldn't survive back then. ( I sound like an old man reminiscing about old times on these forums. xD I do enjoy swtor still however.) Back then you would need to do every quest available and sometimes would even still need help on some of your story line bosses and side mission ones. I love the story and the combat compared to other MMO's like Lotro the combat is alot faster and imo better.


I've played off and on since day one off and on. I just don't think it has improved as much as other older mmos combat. I mean wow is old as dirt, and they copy the skills from wow. (see my sig.) yet, wow at least speed its combat up some. While this game feels like it has not. (wow has its own problem though.)


I'm just saying that a revamp of combat could help this game, but also could hurt it if done poorly.

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They aren't balancing DPS around a 15 second or so fight. 2 seconds is actually quite significant if you put it in the context of a fight that you may have on a raid. Also, many more variables are involved in longer fights which add complexities to the experience. Also, many class damage abilities ramp up and build up off other abilities and the rotation actually starts to matter more.


I am not defending the combat on this game, as I have my own personal criticisms of the combat on this game. I just want to say that your reasoning and proof of how combat on this game is "tedious" or as you described irrelevant regarding what abilities you use was poorly presented.


If you think combat is too simplistic on regular mobs now, you must have missed pre-6.0 when you could kill a regular mob with one attack of any kind, lol.


I think the pace of combat on SWTOR is plenty fast enough personally, but I find more fault with the amount of CC, and reliance on making PVP complex by way of strategic use of all the plethora of DCDs. For me the PVP on this game relies far too much on movement abilities and/or immunities to CC. DPS just have far too many tools to survive now, and classes that lack CC/CC immunities (comparitavely speaking) are always considered weakest of the lot.


Anyway take care, and I hope you find a game worth investing time in. I know how it is, when you are trying to get into a game, and the problem is you just can't find the game in the first place! I am looking forward to Camelot Unchained and Pantheon. :p

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It would be great if SWTOR had a similar combat system as ESO, at the very least. There would be just enough buttons on a controller to port it to consoles too, thus bringing in more people and money. SWTOR would have done better as an action-RPG than a piano-RPG, but they decided to go full WoW clone in that regard. Funny, because SWTOR's combat system was supposedly outdated even by WoW's standards at the time of its release, even moreso now.
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It would be great if SWTOR had a similar combat system as ESO, at the very least.


I actually find EQ1 combat fun and engaging and it's the most primitive MMO graphics you can imagine. But, it's not about the graphics, it's about the gameplay and strategies used in combat and the difficulty of the fights.

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This isn't going to be popular...but I sorta feel for the devs, they are doing this push/pull between MMO experts who dream in Excel, and die hard Star Wars fans that have this unyielding vision about what the IP should be. Iv'e seen this happen for eight years (beta tester) Swtor is my main mmo, because given the competition aside from Square Enix, Bioware are the ones who listen the most I think.


Besides most of my e-friends are here, folks I use to have knock down drag out forum battles with are now good friends. I think it's all is a matter of perspective, and choice, personally I can't stomach WoW or ESO any longer and that's blasphemy to some folks.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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Same here. I hope we get Dragon Age Inquisition Gameplay one day.. I can't see any Gameplay Action much because i need to watch which Skill Icon i must click. Enemies shouldn't take so long with good Gear and give better Rewards. Most players now only stealth run to the Bosses. There are also too many useless skills with too long Cooldown.


Personally, I found DA:I's combat so dull and tedious that I still haven't gotten far into the game.


I genuinely do not understand what is so much more enjoyable about left click spamming.

Edited by jedimasterjac
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I mean they don't really have to go that far with the combat to change it 100 percent.


Movement. Add force jump and jetpacks. I've played other star wars games that have it. Feels strange not having high jump skills. (other classes could get gadgets to do it.)


One of the cool things about this game is i'm able to push mobs off the map and stuff. I love using force choke, and force push. So that is a plus.


As far as my veng jug warrior. If I was to design him to be fun. I would have assault hit three times harder, while you build up rage. Rampage hits much harder but cost rage. Force scream adds a dot uses rage. The bleeds have a chance to reset force push cooldown. Force push has a chance to reset force scream and not cost rage. Keep force charge. You stack your bleeds, wait for push procs toss players around charge and hit them with hard hitting attacks.

You can keep saber throw and combine it with hew to make saber throw do more damage when they low life.




That is all that the class really needs I feel it would keep the flavor of the spec. Cut down on the bloat and make it faster pace that it feels like each skill has an impact.

Edited by Teladis
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I guess I'm just struggling to see how each skill doesn't feel impactful.


Like, I don't mean to sound contrarian, but playing Focus Guardian was some of the most fun I've had. You've got skills that absolutely melt mobs and players.


But isn't Vengeance the DoT spec, anyways? Maybe try the Burst-y spec?

Edited by jedimasterjac
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I guess I'm just struggling to see how each skill doesn't feel impactful.


Like, I don't mean to sound contrarian, but playing Focus Guardian was some of the most fun I've had. You've got skills that absolutely melt mobs and players.


But isn't Vengeance the DoT spec, anyways? Maybe try the Burst-y spec?


The dot spec does not even feel that great. That is why I was trying to change it so that the dots had an extra perk to them.


And while I have moves that hit hard. I have others that hit almost as hard that cost no rage. It just feels weird, like building up rage for moves that hit decent, but a no rage move hits almost as hard making me question *** point of rage, if none rage moves does just as much damage.


It just does not flow well. It is bloated, and it is extra button to hit that is not needed. Combine the skills make them hit harder.

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This is a complaint i see at times and your post just confirms it once more that it is a ridiculous claim.


You are playing the bleed spec. Wich btw is my favorite. 2 seconds off a mob wich you kill in 14 seconds is HUGE! (and i doubt that is actually the difference if you know what to hit when and are properly geared) That mob has very low health. In a raid boss, that would translate into additional minutes to the fight length.

Actually you know what? I'm gonna go in-game right now and double check this ridiculous claim.


Yup! As expected your claim doesn't check out.


I tested killing a gold white maw trapper on the Hoth heroic.

With all my skills it took me 10 globals to kill him.

Without Shatter/Impale/Scream (plasma/overhead/storm) it took me 15 globals to kill one.


You are simply not correct.


Also, you cannot tell me impale doesn't have impact. If impact for you are big numbers only, then go rage.


Finally, this has NOTHING to do with combat. What you are talking about is numbers balance. Well, you see all those little numbers flying off your target? Those actually add up.


Combat is how you interact with the game. Having many skills makes for better combat cause you have more ways to interact. It is ok to me that you only play for the story (i do the same with GW2 cause i dislike the combat there), but i don't think you even know what good combat is. Spamming the same attack is not good combat. It's mind-numbing combat.


So, if this isn't your claim please explain so we can understand what exactly makes this a bad combat. Cause from tab target combat i confess this is the one i enjoy the most.

Edited by Nemmar
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It would be great if SWTOR had a similar combat system as ESO, at the very least. There would be just enough buttons on a controller to port it to consoles too, thus bringing in more people and money.

Oh god please no. ESO´s system is boring and all classes feel the same.

And the gameplay will be dumbed down with console port.

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Same here. I hope we get Dragon Age Inquisition Gameplay one day.. I can't see any Gameplay Action much because i need to watch which Skill Icon i must click. Enemies shouldn't take so long with good Gear and give better Rewards. Most players now only stealth run to the Bosses. There are also too many useless skills with too long Cooldown.

I quit DA:I because of the gameplay ...

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This is a complaint i see at times and your post just confirms it once more that it is a ridiculous claim.


You are playing the bleed spec. Wich btw is my favorite. 2 seconds off a mob wich you kill in 14 seconds is HUGE! (and i doubt that is actually the difference if you know what to hit when and are properly geared) That mob has very low health. In a raid boss, that would translate into additional minutes to the fight length.

Actually you know what? I'm gonna go in-game right now and double check this ridiculous claim.


Yup! As expected your claim doesn't check out.


I tested killing a gold white maw trapper on the Hoth heroic.

With all my skills it took me 10 globals to kill him.

Without Shatter/Impale/Scream (plasma/overhead/storm) it took me 15 globals to kill one.


You are simply not correct.


Also, you cannot tell me impale doesn't have impact. If impact for you are big numbers only, then go rage.


Finally, this has NOTHING to do with combat. What you are talking about is numbers balance. Well, you see all those little numbers flying off your target? Those actually add up.


Combat is how you interact with the game. Having many skills makes for better combat cause you have more ways to interact. It is ok to me that you only play for the story (i do the same with GW2 cause i dislike the combat there), but i don't think you even know what good combat is. Spamming the same attack is not good combat. It's mind-numbing combat.


So, if this isn't your claim please explain so we can understand what exactly makes this a bad combat. Cause from tab target combat i confess this is the one i enjoy the most.


Um, your claims about my claims is false. I already told you what was wrong with the spec, you refusal to understand does not mean I am wrong about my two cents.


14 seconds test was to show about all of my skills compare to the 16 seconds used with just a limited amount.


Second off, I just explained how the spec would work better cutting back 75 percent of the skills.


Your non rage spending moves hits just as hard as your rage one. That is bad game design.


and last but not least. The dots itself don't make a huge impact, so that is why I added a proc to them to make the game play flow better. So I pretty much design the class to still be a dot spec, take away skills that is not needed, and made the combat faster, more fluid all fo free. You welcome bioware.



To the person talking 1 button spamming. That is fine in fact, that button should build rage, and hit harder. You should feel rewarded using your skills even spammable ones.

Edited by Teladis
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What? Its one of the greatest games they've ever done.


Thats a matter of opinion. Me? I hated it. It was Boooring, Boring story, Boring EMPTY worlds, Boring Vilain...the worst LOOOT in history, crafting sucked, the specialization sucked (Others games upgrade, they downgrade)..etc .

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What? Its one of the greatest games they've ever done.

O_o graphically? Sure. Character creator? Definitely. In every other way? Worse. Man I must have written a novel's worth of posts on the subject before BioWare closed their official forums.

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