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Unable to Invite Any Other Players to Strongholds


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I've posted about this before on the user-compiled 6.0 bugs thread, but I worry it's going to get lost in the shuffle and I'm honestly desperate for the devs to address what I sincerely hope is an unintended bug, because it's really hurting the RP community right now.


You can no longer invite someone to your own personal or guild strongholds (or any strongholds of other players you have a silver key for) if they do not already have a key. The Invite button still exists in the Stronghold Interface, and it will allow you to send an invite to another player, and they can accept it. However, instead of being transported to the stronghold after accepting the invite, you get this message:




I'm hoping this is actually a bug, but that in-game message makes me think otherwise. I will be keeping my fingers crossed that this issue is addressed soon, because in the meantime guilds can no longer host events at their strongholds, and social or plot RP events run in personal strongholds run into the "people don't have any more room on their keychain" issue.

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I can only agree, every time I want to invite people in my stronghold after the update, it's not possible. As AscendingSky has already written it harms massive RP community in the game which is not that big anyway, at least on the German server. And it does not only hurt the RP players but also the PvP players who like to make a PvP event on the Rishi stronghold.


Pls fix this because the stronghold is the only place where Roleplayers can roleplay in peace.

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This is a MAJOR issue for our RP community too. Several projects are based around the ability to invite people to strongholds, as the strongholds give the scenery for the RP.


Distributing keys to everyone is no option because of the stupid restriction to a low number of keys every charakter can have.

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Bumping this thread AGAIN because EA continues to be silent on this issue. People spend real money unlocking strongholds and real money to decorate them. Taking away the ability to invite people to something you spent real money on is absolutely unacceptable. This bug is incredibly harmful to the RP community as well. When is this going to be fixed? Edited by AscendingSky
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Another bump. It's been two weeks since the expansion dropped and EA refuses to even acknowledge this bug exists. At this rate I see no reason to stay subscribed, since having access to my credits to buy decorations for my strongholds (where I hold regular RP events) is really the only reason I'm still subbed. If this isn't fixed soon, I'll discontinue my subscription for the first time ever. If I can't invite people to my strongholds, there's no point in continuing to upgrade/redecorate them. Edited by AscendingSky
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Still not a peep about this.


It seems clear that EA intends to just ignore this issue. After all, Strongholds are old content, so they don't care. Also, roleplayers are considered to be cockroaches who they can't get rid of, rather than loyal subscribers who stay subscribed long after new content has turned old. If breaking strongholds can make our cockroach butts go away, good riddance! :mad:

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