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Everything posted by TheDenniR

  1. Nope the season is going to end with 7.0, which will start the preseason. If it is like 6.0 the rewards will be released at launch at Top3 two weeks later as always. The next season however has to have a patch to it for it to start, they won't do a patch which would only start the new season so I would guess that the next season starts at 7.1. The 7.2 update will most likely be: - Removing ranked - Removing TEAMranked - Replacing current Top3 with another rating bracket called Platinum (or something how am I supposed to know) - Reg filter or only arena reg queue or some other something along the lines of one of these.
  2. Nach wie vor suchen wir noch einen weiteren Heal für unsere Gruppe. Alle Infos was gelaufen wird etc sind noch aktuell.
  3. Was wir suchen: Einen ambitionierten Heiler (vzw. Söldner) und 2 DDs (vzw. ein Mara) | HC Erfahrung wäre wünschenswert, aber es geht auch ohne. Dafür wäre Klassenverständnis sehr gerne gesehen und Kritikfähigkeit bzw Motivation sich zu verbessern. Was wir machen/bieten: Aktuell sind wir am erweiterten HC/Veteran Content dran. (Dxun im Moment) Wir bieten dazu alles Standardmäßige: Voll ausgebautes Flaggschiff mit Gilden Vorteilen, TS³ Server, Mittlere Eroberung jede Woche und ein aktives Gildenleben. Raidzeiten: Mittwoch und Donnerstag von 19:55 Uhr bis 22:00 Uhr Bei Fragen oder Interesse melde dich bei mir via Ingame Mail (Auqen) oder über Discord: Auqen#0938 oder Worlds-End#2689 Hoffentlich bis bald.
  4. I'm currently playing the bounty hunter story again and notice that my character's face freezes in the sequences. It happens on both Hutta and Dromund Kaas. Restarting the game and the repair function did not help. Unfortunately, I don't know whether it is only with the hunter or with other classes as well.
  5. So I have to say the basic idea behind the event is very nice, but it is definitely missing the finishing touches. 1. The sandstorm is superfluous and especially difficult for people with less reaction time to avoid 2. The mission goals were understandable to me after the second attempt, but maybe they should be described a little more 3. On Dantooine I got stuck with the bike on some jumps. Especially with the house where you can jump directly down the cliff. I lost valuable time there 4. The skills are pretty clear, but I have to say that you should change that with blowing up the barrels, because otherwise you can get lost very quickly 5. The length of the races is okay and in itself the event is a lot of fun and I am looking forward to it
  6. I don't play on Darth Malgus, but on Tulak Hord we also have such connection problems right up to a disconnect. With these problems, the game is unplayable
  7. I must say the stronghold is nice, but it have too few windows and the hooks are placed like ****. Example: https://imgur.com/8tkFQGM and https://imgur.com/mWtqa0X These mistakes are in the rear building of the stronghold
  8. And again rip Tulak Hord server
  9. Joint on Tulak and got kicked out after 20 sec to server screen
  10. Cant join on Star Forge or Satele Shan
  11. And kicked out into server select screen....
  12. Can't que for flashpoints. Game says I have a conflicting phase, but i can't reset it and that applies to my entire account.
  13. Thank god...hopefully it will get fixed up
  14. Thanks Eric, but please can the team fix this once and for all? Or at least can you tell us what is causing this problem?
  15. Same here, standing on my stronghold and checked the GHN and than kicked from the server O.o Pls fix this!
  16. Same here. Standing on the fleet to level biochem and can't do anything!
  17. No way to play the game. Always hanging in the loadingscreen
  18. I can only agree, every time I want to invite people in my stronghold after the update, it's not possible. As AscendingSky has already written it harms massive RP community in the game which is not that big anyway, at least on the German server. And it does not only hurt the RP players but also the PvP players who like to make a PvP event on the Rishi stronghold. Pls fix this because the stronghold is the only place where Roleplayers can roleplay in peace.
  19. Damn it, stop with your RNG system and leave it as it is currently! You want to play the game for fun and it is not fun for most players ... you kill the game by yourself!
  20. Also ich hatte das vor knapp eineinhalb Monaten schon mal, dann ging es aber nach zwei Tagen und mehreren Support Tickets wieder. Jetzt hatte ich am 16.08.2019 Probleme die aber nach einiger Zeit warten weg waren und heute am 18.08.2019 habe ich seit 13 Uhr wo ich eingeloggt bin Ping Probleme. Dauerhaft 1k bis hoch zum Verbindungsabbruch und das komische ist auf den Ami Servern kann ich mit einem stabilen Ping von 100 spielen O.o
  21. Much too few credits you give, 10 million for preferential and 5 million for F2P would be more appropriate! 1 million is just too little for the current economy here in the game, I think you just have no idea.
  22. Here also the same problem, can not use any skills and meanwhile I do not even have a loading bar when I log into my character. Even after minutes of waiting nothing!
  23. On the server Tulak Hord the guild Koosai won the conquest. But I also think the devs should take a position.
  24. Since the change from Saturday to Sunday it is on Tulak Hord only. Permanently you have a high ping and only fly out of the game. The ping usually goes up to 200,000 though not otherwise.
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