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6.0 Nautolan Tentacles


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We don't have to even wait to get in game, to be shown *NO* thought has been given to the Nautolan's tentacles, as they are either sticking through the front of armours or (in the case of Bounty Hunters) seemingly feeding the rocket back-pack. This shows an incredible amount of zero thought (& laziness).


If you don't care about the look of a character on the start-up screen: How bad could things look in-game.


(edit) Hell, there are tentacles that are going through/overlapping other tentacles - How was this signed off as ok?!

Edited by Marcus_Cade
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We don't have to even wait to get in game, to be shown *NO* thought has been given to the Nautolan's tentacles, as they are either sticking through the front of armours or (in the case of Bounty Hunters) seemingly feeding the rocket back-pack. This shows an incredible amount of zero thought (& laziness).


If you don't care about the look of a character on the start-up screen: How bad could things look in-game.


(edit) Hell, there are tentacles that are going through/overlapping other tentacles - How was this signed off as ok?!


They need a re-work and the faces are much uglier than the NPCs. The eyes are TOO wideset.

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We don't have to even wait to get in game, to be shown *NO* thought has been given to the Nautolan's tentacles, as they are either sticking through the front of armours or (in the case of Bounty Hunters) seemingly feeding the rocket back-pack. This shows an incredible amount of zero thought (& laziness).


If you don't care about the look of a character on the start-up screen: How bad could things look in-game.


(edit) Hell, there are tentacles that are going through/overlapping other tentacles - How was this signed off as ok?!


Thank you! I noticed that too, it was annoying trying to find an armor set that worked around their laziness.

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They need a re-work and the faces are much uglier than the NPCs. The eyes are TOO wideset.


Yes! As someone said, stung by bees, or even meth addicts, or ugly frogs. Please re work this! This was the race I was most excited about! I won’t even play one lol. Sad

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Yes I agree to you, I am trying to gt a refund for my sub this is not what i was expecting. I want quality but here quantity and quality are not there. I want a full rework of the Nautolans and their Tentacle Physics


Voting with your wallet is the most feasible method to get their attention.

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We don't have to even wait to get in game, to be shown *NO* thought has been given to the Nautolan's tentacles, as they are either sticking through the front of armours or (in the case of Bounty Hunters) seemingly feeding the rocket back-pack. This shows an incredible amount of zero thought (& laziness).


If you don't care about the look of a character on the start-up screen: How bad could things look in-game.


(edit) Hell, there are tentacles that are going through/overlapping other tentacles - How was this signed off as ok?!




Looks like they got the same drunken interns who did the original (laughably bad) hair styles to do the Nautolan.


Why hasn't Bioware yet cottoned on to the fact that Avatar design - if done properly - will a) increase player satisfaction, b) therefore increase player retention and if also done properly c) open up customisation revenue streams.


Spent 2 hours last night trying to build a Nautolan that I would be happy to play - couldn't do it; incidentally just like Cathar actually.


All The Best

Edited by DarthSpuds
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I was excited for Nautolans even though they are not one of my top 5 wanted races. I was disappointed in the overall package tbh. Here's what bugs me about them:


- Tentacles should've had a separate slider from the faces and more variation. Some look like they are broke at weird angles while others don't quite lay correctly.


- Male faces are O.K. though not great but females fall flat and look terrible. Reminds me of the Nightborne from WoW where the NPC's look good and the playable models suck balls.


- Eyes should've had different shapes and the colors aren't that noticeable except for the yellow.


- Patterns should've been more detailed and not splotchy/smudgy looking.


Nautolan hype = B

Nautolan reality = D-

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Armour clipping is more or less guaranteed. (Try bulky chest armour on female Togruta, or in some cases even on Twi'leks of either sex.)


There's clipping with everything in this game, regardless of species/sex/body type/etc.

I'm happy they put hair physics in, even with some of the older styles. I wish they'd do the same with Twileks, Togrutas, and now Nautolans. And better than what Twileks currently have, which looks like someone letting air out of a clown balloon whenever they move.

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Spent 2 hours last night trying to build a Nautolan that I would be happy to play - couldn't do it; incidentally just like Cathar actually.


Based on my own experience, that's likely an average time which is wayyyyyyy too much effort for character creation. Granted, it would help if they didn't combine facial features with tentacles and create like 60 variations which are difficult to quickly compare. By the time I started making a second one, I had to start taking screen shots of variations just so I could compare them (something I've NEVER had to do with any other species in this game).


So, anyway, you are not alone. So far I've only made one and haven't even played the new content yet due to how much time I wasted in character creation.


In regards to clipping... it's not like this is just a problem with bulging armors and jet packs... I'm having annoying clipping issues with Bold Hellion of all armors.

Edited by red_onion
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Personally I'm ok with their tentacles.


Weirdly the very worst clipping for me occurred during the consular intro during which they wildly poke in and out of my own body at every which angle. That was disconcerting to watch.


The up in a pony tail version is super safe and works with nearly everything. I found one armor top - I think the spectre set - where the tips poke through the rim of the dangling hood.


Even the other ones with tentacles down the back seem to be fine and don't clip with the narrower trooper canons. I had expected troopers to be forced to use the pony tail tentacles but provided they don't want a big chunky canon, they're not.


Their tentacles also don't bend wildly out of shape during character animations - unlike Twi'leks - and most of them don't see you stabbing yourself with your weapon while running - again, unlike Twi'leks. I think I found one tentacle option which had that problem for dualsabers, but most were fine.

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Their tentacles also don't bend wildly out of shape during character animations -.


Sadly, not true. Maybe it depends on which head you choose which creates another dilemma.


You really need to play with variations to get anything to work.. one style works for type three body and another for type two.. and of course armors vary depending on "hair" style too.


For my type three, I settled on 41 which is one of the styles that is all towards the back and nothing hanging in the front. It works with *most* of the armors I've matched it with. At least until you enter combat, then it just looks like someone ran over my tentacles and they are bent, crooked, flat... just awful. I deleted that toon. I give up on Nautolans, I've wasted too much time trying to find working combinations. This is a massive fail.

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Sadly, not true. Maybe it depends on which head you choose which creates another dilemma.


For comparison I've mostly been playing a Twi'lek consular of late. Most of their animations involve their lekku bending very, very, very weirdly.


I jumped on the PTS briefly and tested a few different tentacles with consular animations. There's a bit of movement there - as there should be - but I didn't see anything really awful.


You really need to play with variations to get anything to work.. one style works for type three body and another for type two..


This is a criticism I recently made in another thread, but I don't see any choice of body for males.


It's 2, 2, 2 or 2. Or adolescent boy, giant or disproportionately fat guy.


I didn't bother checking out anything other than 2.


and of course armors vary depending on "hair" style too.


I specifically addressed that and with examples.


Pony tail style seems to be safe for nearly everything. I only found one chest piece it clipped with, just barely.


Even the ones with tentacles down the back manage to not clip with a lot of stowed trooper canons, which was both surprising and pleasing.


And most tentacles don't clip with a dualsaber while running. That's something which makes Twi'lek shadows unplayable for a lot of people.


Tentacles definitely potentially involve compromise. The game and its armours weren't designed with them in mind and redesigning them would be stupidly expensive.


However, there is an obvious solution.


Other races have a hood up / down option. For Nautolans that could translate into tentacles up (like the pony tail one) or down. That would give players the freedom to swing both ways as they like / need to not clip with particular armours.


For my type three, I settled on 41 which is one of the styles that is all towards the back and nothing hanging in the front. It works with *most* of the armors I've matched it with. At least until you enter combat, then it just looks like someone ran over my tentacles and they are bent, crooked, flat... just awful.


I know the one you're talking about without having to look, because I settled on 37 (a little bit of front dangle) and 39 (pony tail) myself. I didn't try your one in combat.


The ones I did try in combat didn't look anywhere near as bad as Twi'leks. Maybe that comparison is making me more generous with them than they deserve.

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While I agree the faces look rather awful, I have no idea why people expected BW to suddenly make head tentacles not clip.


What, did you think they were going to completely rework the game's models, physics and animations systems? That's pure insanity, and not lazy at all.


Lazy is them not soliciting feedback from players back when they could have actually used it...

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Lazy is them not soliciting feedback from players back when they could have actually used it...


If we're calling out "laziness", there's the obvious lack of a simple, clear complexion option which every other race has.


Clear - being nothing - would have no required no work other than adding it to the customization UI.


Its absence is very curious.

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However, there is an obvious solution.


Other races have a hood up / down option. For Nautolans that could translate into tentacles up (like the pony tail one) or down. That would give players the freedom to swing both ways as they like / need to not clip with particular armours.


That would satisfy me. It's not that I can't find combinations that work, but that I'd basically have to change the head shape every time I changed an outfit in order to minimize the issue. It just feels really sloppy to me, the way they designed this. It's certainly possible to find working combinations, but it actually takes work where usually it doesn't. The pony tail thing seems to be the best bet, but feels so limiting (but like you say, if I could turn it on/off, that would satisfy that problem for me).


While I agree the faces look rather awful, I have no idea why people expected BW to suddenly make head tentacles not clip.


I totally expected it. I didn't expect it to be this bad. I've never once complained about Togruta or Twi'lek and I have a bunch of them. Usually the clipping is minor enough that I can easily ignore it but I'm finding the Nautolans exceptionally difficult to work with.


I'm just disappointed. But at least I didn't pay to unlock this, in which case I'd be extremely disappointed.

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I'm personally annoyed by the fact that I can't find a single helmet to actually show up on the species.


Togruta are the same way, this is to be expected.


Shame really, my biggest beef with them is the mouth, which could be hidden by one of the rebreather style masks

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That would satisfy me. It's not that I can't find combinations that work, but that I'd basically have to change the head shape every time I changed an outfit in order to minimize the issue. It just feels really sloppy to me, the way they designed this.


While I think my idea of helmet off / on working as tentacles up / down should have occurred to them and is something they could implement, I wouldn't call the existing implementation sloppy.


Twi'leks already have problems with clipping to the point that two entire advanced classes - trooper and shadow - are kind of out of bounds.


In comparison, they managed to make Nautolans playable for both, albeit requiring the player to choose the right tentacles / outfits / weapon. Twi'lek players are probably envious.


Even the absence of the simple, clear complexion probably isn't sloppy. That's more likely devious.


It's certainly possible to find working combinations, but it actually takes work where usually it doesn't. The pony tail thing seems to be the best bet, but feels so limiting (but like you say, if I could turn it on/off, that would satisfy that problem for me).


Since for the past few weeks I've been mostly been playing Twi'leks and desperately trying to make male Togruta work - I failed - I'd had a lot of practice at checking things out in the preview window and expected Nautolan tentacles to pose a challenge.


They posed much less of a challenge than I expected. I seriously expected trooper to only be playable with the ponytail tentacles. I was amazed to find that several other tentacle arrangements with them hugging the back could also work without clipping.


I totally expected it. I didn't expect it to be this bad. I've never once complained about Togruta or Twi'lek and I have a bunch of them. Usually the clipping is minor enough that I can easily ignore it but I'm finding the Nautolans exceptionally difficult to work with.


We're possibly working from different bases.


I don't have any crafting characters yet so haven't bothered to looking at crafted gear. Figured at this point I'd wait til Nautolans arrived and make some be-tentacled crafters. So I'd been previewing cartel market offerings and avoiding things with lots of back or shoulder stuff. There's lots of good options. And now nearly everything I bought in preparation for Nautolans works for them.


Biosynth and Eidolon are the only two exceptions, but I expected that. I really love the look of bio-synth with Nautolan head and tentacles though and am willing to go ponytail for that.


The ponytail look is definitely less iconic than the front and back hugging tentacles but I think it still looks cool.




I'm enjoying the game more as a Nautolan and would be very happy right now if not for the complexion problem. I want to race ahead and do as much sub only stuff as I can while I can, but I'm certainly not going to pay real money to fix all of my Nautolan characters bad skin if the devs do later offer the clear complexion option they absolutely should have launched with.

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