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Lack of rewards is NOT the reason for lack of open world PVP


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Think back to any MMO that had epic open world PVP. Think back to when it was truly great.


Now, of all those epic world PVP moments.....how often was a reward involved?


The lack of Server Forums is contributing a lot more to lack of open world PVP than lack of "rewards". PVP thrives on conflict, egos and calling each other out. It makes people want to go out and put the big talking dudes in their place.


That's the first big reason Open World PVP isn't so great.


The other is that the faction zones are seperated way too much. There's not enough "forcing" people to run into each other by having overlapping quest areas. You need more than just Ilum for this.


Rewards are just a terrible incentive to get World PVP to happen. They can certainly help, but what you often end up with when the system encourages people to win, is the faction sides begin "trading" the objectives for faster gains. WoW saw this with Tol Barad. People weren't trying to win it on defense, because it was actually WAY better for them to win it, then lose it so they could get the rewards again.


We've also seen this trading of objectives between factions already happening on some servers.


So you can't put all the blame on a lack of rewards. Rewards can be as big a deterrent to real open world PVP as anything else. There is more to it than just not enough reward.

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I have engaged every enemy I've seen while leveling to 50, which amounts to 4 or 5. That's just scary on a "full" server. I strongly agree with the quest zones not overlapping enough.


On another note, the only zone where it's directly dumb to engage enemies is Ilum atm, since republic is so much fewer then us imperials that I don't wanna scare them off so I can't recap objectives. Well designed pvp zone.

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Even with Open World PvP you need incentive. I like that incentive to be asset destruction of opposing guilds cities; ala Shadowbane. I would love to see BioWare create planets that guilds could build cities on and then have guild conflicts.


But it needs to be a large area, not just some zone like Ilum or Outlaw’s Den.

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Even with Open World PvP you need incentive. I like that incentive to be asset destruction of opposing guilds cities; ala Shadowbane. I would love to see BioWare create planets that guilds could build cities on and then have guild conflicts.


But it needs to be a large area, not just some zone like Ilum or Outlaw’s Den.


The larger the pvp area, the harder it is to find players to PVP against in said area =)

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For open world pvp to be anything more than stealthers harassing people that are trying to quest, you need objectives, such as capturing and holding a fortress, or hot points with above average rewards, such as an open non-instanced dungeon, or a high reward quest hub. If you don't have those, open world pvp is just code for stealthers ganking lowbies while they try to accomplish something.

DAoC had it down with fortress capturing and the Darkness Falls dungeon which was controlled by whoever had the most fortresses. It really gave you a reason to get out there and kick some rear.

Edited by Skyrat
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