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My experience playing marauder (up to level 34)


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Yeah...well there are more classes which are doing better with a pocket healer when leveling up. Stealther i.e. operative but they get their healing companion way too late.


Operatives get heals of their own, though... my Lethality Op at level 16 has just as many healing abilities as my Bodyguard Merc did at level 30. Basic idea with the operative and Kaliyo seems to be the reverse of the relationship between a Juggernaut and Quinn.... but that's another thread completely. My Operative presented himself as a heal/dps class, so I was given a tank. Makes sense. My Marauder's healing abilities are negligible to the point of nonexistence, so I get a healing companion earlier than an Operative. Again, makes sense.


TL;DR: Operatives don't get healing companions until late because they are capable of filling that role themselves.

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Operatives get heals of their own, though... my Lethality Op at level 16 has just as many healing abilities as my Bodyguard Merc did at level 30. Basic idea with the operative and Kaliyo seems to be the reverse of the relationship between a Juggernaut and Quinn.... but that's another thread completely. My Operative presented himself as a heal/dps class, so I was given a tank. Makes sense. My Marauder's healing abilities are negligible to the point of nonexistence, so I get a healing companion earlier than an Operative. Again, makes sense.


TL;DR: Operatives don't get healing companions until late because they are capable of filling that role themselves.


Yes you have a healing spec and that is what most did use for leveling up, beeing a healer. But if you are going concealment your limited heal wont help much in certain situations. This class levels a bit slower in comparison to other ones. The best is if you are going lethality or healing spec at your lvl.

Edited by BobaFurz
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lol another person what is incappable of playing a class that requires skill QQing that they suck... nothing new.


tbh, for me, this is the kind of post that can make this forum a sucky one. Nothing new here either.






Actually, at that very level I started really liking the class. I was full carnage up until lvl 41, when I switched to anni. not entirely sure about it, though i'll have to figure out/look for other rotations.


But at 34, you a nice set of abilities at your disposal. I only PvE, so I wouldn't know about PvP, but I love Savage Kick and Pommel strike. I've played with a lot of other maras in heroics, and I hardly remember people ever using them. Don't know why. They do a lot of damage and cost no rage. I start most of my fights with Charge + Kick. And S. Kick is 15 secs CD, so have Crippling slash right next to it to set another kick. Plus, if it's a melee target, a slowed down enemy for 12 secs can give you a breather waiting for an ability that's on CD or waiting for a heal. No shame in running xD


Have cloak of pain up at all times. Obfuscate is your friend. I use it on the toughest targets. You'll find another good friend at 40 something, Intimidating roar


Like it's been said a lot of times, have Quinn properly geared and you shouldn't have much trouble in PvE.


I agree when you talk about the Sorcerer. I have one at level 17. I just send Khemmy in to start trouble and I alternate between heals and dps and thats' about it. "wow... this is so restful" I think when I do that xD

But that doesn't mean the mara isn't doable nor enjoyable. It's just different.

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I have found cmplete frustration in the Maurader class, enough to cancel my account even. I should not have to reroll because of their lousy balance issues. I liked playing the class but when I do a quest that is suppose to be my level and I have the best equipment and all skills up to date and ready and get my head handed to me seven times in a row, thats a broken game, its not my fault. I don't know where its broken but I know its broken. I been playing MMO's since EQ. Never have I seen such BS. As you can tell I am really annoyed at the moment. I had looked forward to this game a long time. Maybe I will try a sorcerer in my remaining time and chalk up 24 levels as a marauder a complete waste of my time...




Just so you know it WAS your fault, bai.

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