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Jumping for datachrons is to hard!


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wait...someone spent FOUR HOURS attempting to get a datacron?


sigh. there is no hope for some individuals.


I just read your sig mate.

Classic, because its so true.

I get atleast 1 infraction per week . Seems like eveyone is so soft these days they cry about spilt milk and its getting beyond a joke treading on eggshells all the time.


If i want to tell someone they are bad, let me , dont report me because im a meany that hurt your feeling. There there, run back to mum and tell her i was typing mean ( but true ) stuff too you...

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Do people like this irritate anyone else.

Its because of people like this that arnt good gamers that our games are being dumbed down for these days.


Ive gotten every datacron on all the planets im up 2 so far without breaking so much as a sweat.

The ones you have to jump for have been the best so far, ESPECIALLY the one on nar shadaa where u climb the boxes, then the pipes onto another level, more pipes onto the canvas....


L2P or go away and stop getting our games dumbed down


This.... omg this.


These jumping puzzles are not that hard. If you suck at video games get better or quit.


OP is likely 10 years old.... which is another discussion altogether.

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I felt the datacrons where too easy to get on the first planets, but when I got to Nar Shaddaa I was really happy to find that there was some skill involved in getting them (since finding them, if you're not into exploring, is easy with youtube).

It was fun on Tatooine, there was about 10 of us on that baloon, 1 didn't make the first jump, and 5-6 failed the jump for the second datacron, there was a lot of swearing around; I'm afraid to think of the nightmare it could be to get that dc on a pvp server :D.

Anyway, it's true that the jumping is a little glitchy sometimes (often the character moves forward instead of jumping forward), I needed 3 tries to get the kiosk one on NS, because my char became stuck inside it and as soon as I moved the char fell off through the kiosk, hard is hard, glitchy is glitchy.

Edited by DuskD
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I'll admit that I am terrible at this kind of jumps as well. That one on Nar Shaddaa with the slot machine took me around 55 tries and the one on Tatooine in Mos Ila with all the rooftops took me over 30 tries as well, I actually logged off in frustration and the next morning I got it in the first go.


Still, when I got them I was a lot more happy than the people that got them easily and I would not change a thing. :)

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Probably the biggest thing is...You don't need to get the datacron.

They are simply nice little bonuses for those that want to look for them. If they are ruining your game because some are too hard for you to get too, then forget about them and move on. Do you really need that extra +2 endurance? No, you don't. It will not break your character.


Besides, very few of the datacrons require any kind of jumping skill. Most are just a matter of finding. If it is too much trouble for you, let it go. Don't let your obsessive/compulsive tenancies take over.

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wait...someone spent FOUR HOURS attempting to get a datacron?


sigh. there is no hope for some individuals.


That is so true! There is no hope for all the people that can´t get their point across

in any ohter way than being rude, smerk and so full of themself!


I´ve gotten all the datachrons on Taris and Coruscant so i´m not that bad at it. I just don´t see the point/fun in trying 50 times to get one of those suckers. I don´t mind grinding in other ways that also would be time consuming, to get them. So it would be nice to have some options. Or not have the jumping so damn supersensitive for the slightest error(that´s not even visionable for the player when he tries to put he´s character in alignment for a jump)


But...it seems that one cannot say ones point of view here without getting stomped on and called a nerf-winer!


I wouldnt call a slight adjustment to how sensitive the game is "jumpingwise" a nerf no. Not when one has actually seen how hard and carefully we who don´t appreciate the sensivity of jumpng, are trying.


At least some other alternative type of grinding to get the datachrons would be nice!


And no i´m not ten years old like some other smerk poster hinted. But english is not my first language and when i post in forums i write pretty fast and don´t have time to properly articulate myself.

And i´m not that frustrated, just a bit annoyed about some of the jumping.:o

Edited by commander_ingvar
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As others have said the fact that you have to jump for the datacrons is not an issue, it's that jump is so horribly unresponsive and buggy.


There are times when I will jump and it won't register for a second (and I don't normally lag as I have my graphics turned down) or it just doesn't work. I've tried jumping just in place to test it and it works about 85% of the time. I have NEVER played a game with jump mechanics that were that poor before.


The funny thing is that the jump mechanics on my boyfriend's computer are 10x better than mine and our computers are almost identical but my graphics are turned down all the way and his aren't (this is when we are running on the exact same internet). There have been several times that we've had to swap computers just because there was no way I was going to be able to jump to some of those datacrons on my own computer. I don't understand why there is such this huge difference but that may be why some people are having issues and others aren't.


Also, someone else mentioned that different character models seem to have an effect on your chances and I agree. My boyfriend's jedi male, that is bigger than my little female smuggler, was having an easier time making the jumps even when doing them on the same computer. Part of that was because some of the things he could almost walk across on his jedi, my smuggler was so small that I was falling through the cracks and get stuck. I guess us with small toons will just have to live with that.


I don't want them to make the datacrons EASIER to get to, I just want jump to work when I press my spacebar. Is that too much to ask for?

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The thing is, in most games I actually like these jumping games. I've always been very good at jumping to funny places, getting out of the world, and so forth in the past. It is literally just this game that I have a problem with it in.


If they can get jump to work correctly then by all means leave them where they are, make them crazier even. But if jump is going to continue to be this messed up whenever you are trying to jump from a standing still position (it works perfectly fine if you can be running into it) then that needs to be taken into account with the holocron placements. Making sure that you have enough room to get a little running start would be a decent compromise if they can't get jump working better but still want to involve it in getting them. About 3-4 feet is all you need and it works fine. It's just the standing still jumps that are so messed up.


I should note that I fall under the small female toon catagory also

Edited by Yargnit
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  • 1 year later...
Just be patient, it gets easier with practice.


The hell it does. I'm level 42. I have gotten all the datacrons so far, and it still takes me 20-30 tries for the idiotic jumping ones, like Strength +3 on Nar Shaddaa. I wouldn't mind so much, if it wasn't because the controls just don't work for jumping puzzles like these. It's infuriating. And there are no golden rules. Some jumps you need the speed off, some jumps you need it on. Some jumps you'll fail if you are an inch too far to the left or right. I'm starting to simply skip the ones where one fall means I have to do it all over again from the beginning. I don't have the time or patience for that crap.

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Some datacrons are difficult to get. Some you can spend so much time failing over and over again that you walk away and declare it all a "complete waste of time".

However it is not a "game stopper" - just don't collect it. There are plenty of other people in the game who haven't done them, you will join them.


I have collected all but 4 on my main character. I haven't yet had the chance to run the fleet one and the one that requires 2 on Taris I'm yet to do because I know it will take me a while to master and I cannot expect someone else to just stand there for the same amount of time "firing me up" to the roof only to see me fall down once more.


Please, stop asking the devs to make this game easier.

"I feel at a disadvantage when I hit level 50"

Here, have a complete set of Tionese armour that single handidly ruins the economy and market for all lvl 22 items from numerous crafting professions and destroying what small market they already had.

"I don't like the way I get beaten in WZ's"

Well it's obviously not your lack of ability so here, have a free full-set of PvP armour which is the same level that many had to spend ages working for. We'll even make the next tier nice and eacy (about a week) to get and make the final tier hardly worth bothering with.

"I know XP gain is fast (level a character to 50 in a couple of weeks) but we want it faster"

Here, have some XP bonus packs....


Datacrons is one of the few areas that still takes time, still takes patience and not "everyone under the sun" has them. Please don't take this area away as well.

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I couldn't get the datacron on tatooine yesterday.


Instead of complaining about it, I went and found other ones for another set I could use. Everything worked out fine.


Theres a datacron on tatooine ? Must have missed it

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The issue is not that some of these datacrons are hard to get. They are suppose to be, otherwise what's the point, right?


The issue is that jumping and character control itself is not responsive enough. For example if you try to jump and press a directional key too fast, your character just shuffles forward and falls off the ledge. Which is understandably frustrating, especially when it happens on the last jump.


It takes a while to get a hang of jumping in this game, as it's not as responsive as in other games. Just be patient, it gets easier with practice.

I have to agree with this. I don't mind the jumping. I don't even mind falling down 50 feet and start all over again because of a bad timed jump. However, it's frustrating when a well-timed jump simply doesn't register. Datacron platforming is also the only part of the game where I actually notice the effects of lag. Some datacrons, like the Justicar and the Works one on Coruscant, I simply can't/won't do during peak-hours. I save those for the quiet hours in the morning instead, when there's a better chance for my jumps to actually register.

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I have collected all but 4 on my main character. I haven't yet had the chance to run the fleet one and the one that requires 2 on Taris I'm yet to do because I know it will take me a while to master and I cannot expect someone else to just stand there for the same amount of time "firing me up" to the roof only to see me fall down once more.

The two-men datacron on taris is actually surprisingly easy. When I go there, I usually stick around for half an hour to push the button for other people passing by. The mistake I regularly see, is that people try to jump from the beam right onto the platform with the datacron. While that jump is possible and it looks real pro, it's actually very tricky because of the overhanging ceiling and the risk of the jump not registering. It's much easier to first let yourself fall onto the other platform, and jump to the datacron platfom from there. The gap between the platforms is at most 3 quarters of the distance you can jump with sprint active, so even without sprint you have some margin for error.

Edited by AsheraII
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So far the only datacron I haven't been able to get is the Strength one on Nar Shaddaa. Either my avatar is too small or I suddenly lost all sense of keyboard skills, because I kept falling no matter how I timed it, where I jumped from and with sprint on and off. After 20-30 tries, I just don't think it's worth it anymore.
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A few rules for datacron jumping

1) Most jumps are designed to be done with runspeed buffs OFF. There are a few where it increases the safety margin but none that I know of where you -need- to sprint.

2) Jumping is a bit finicky but not as much as people think. Most often the problem is not the timing but the slope of the surface you are jumping off from. If it slopes DOWN in the direction you are jumping then you are most likely to make a weird little hop and then fall off. if it is horizontal or slopes UP in the direction you are jumping then you are likely to make a succesful jump. In the later case you may lose some distance. When jumping from narrow spots sprinting should always be turned off since you will be moving a long way forwards before the game starts to move you upwards.

3) The clip box is a bit .. odd. When you jump the game will use a box that has only passing resemblance to your size to determine if you hit something. If you hit something it will stop further movement in that direction (meaning you can't jump over a match stick if you are standing too close to it). Usually it will also cause you to bounce off that obstacle. Not only you will be unable to jump over the matchstick, you will be made to jump backwards. This is particularly tricky when being forced to jump close to a wall. If there is a slight projection off the wall, or you are jumping (a little) too much towards the wall the game will bounce you off the wall and off the landing spot.

4) For female characters it appears the bounding box is even more odd than it is for male characters, meaning they have a slightly harder time making certain jumps (but they can still do it).

5) Bring a friend. Not only is it good motivation, it also is necessary for several datacrons AND if you fall into the rancor pit at least you have company (from somebody else besides the rancor that is).

6) practice jumping in situations where failure is not so frustrating, to get a feel for how far you can jump and how far back you have to stand to be able to jump onto something. By the time you have to replicate the trick in cloud city you will have a better clue on where exactly to make your jump and will not waste quite as much time falling down 6 miles.

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