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darth sidious vs revan


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I was on face book few days ago and there was this pic saying who would win sidious or revan i picked revan and said Revan duh he survived how many centuries emperor vitiates prisoner and how strong has he come becides if he can release himself from the emperors controll he is more power full to defeat sidious and as of history the ancient sith are more power full then the rule of 2 sith. but the other guy said There is no single reliable quote saying ancient sith are more powerful. On the other side there are official quotes saying otherwise. Sidious is more powerful than Vitiate to whom Revan lost twice. id like your guys thoughts on this its been bugging me.:wea_03:
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I was on face book few days ago and there was this pic saying who would win sidious or revan i picked revan and said Revan duh he survived how many centuries emperor vitiates prisoner and how strong has he come becides if he can release himself from the emperors controll he is more power full to defeat sidious and as of history the ancient sith are more power full then the rule of 2 sith. but the other guy said There is no single reliable quote saying ancient sith are more powerful. On the other side there are official quotes saying otherwise. Sidious is more powerful than Vitiate to whom Revan lost twice. id like your guys thoughts on this its been bugging me.:wea_03:


You missed out a few things. Revan would not of survived for as long as he had being locked up having the emperor twisting his mind with his darkness without Meetra in her spirit form offering of herself to sustain Revan for those centuries before he was freed. Even before this Revan may have had some measure of force power but he failed to defeat the much more powerful emperor twice. Being a survivor doesn't equal to being more powerful and he had help along the way the whole time, so he wasn't even remotely certain he was that powerful.


Sidious on the other hand had a blinding weakness of his own, a lack of concern in regards to what others do around him. only when he is focused on something he forgets his place just to make a point which makes him vulnerable to outside threats. Despite all his power, I'm virtually certain if Anakin hadn't interrupted Mace Windu, the emperor would of been killed by his own force powers reflected off that lightsaber quite handily, it speaks volumes how much Sidious cared for himself and others around him to see all that happening just to get at Anakin, to make a point.


If Revan and Sidious fought each other without distractions and allies, i'm certain Revan would of been a decent challenge, especially considering how Nyriss attempted to electrocute Scourge and Meetra and Revan took that energy and reflected it back at Nyriss. So electrocuting Revan wouldn't be an option, it would come down to a lightsaber duel and Revan was just as capable as Sidious in a lightsaber fight, but Revan wasn't entirely purged of his humanity along the way, so he would be thinking about sparing Sidious, and that would be something Sidious could capitalise on, especially if he could take Revan by surprise which Sidious has managed before.

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True sidious is strong but so is revan it took jedi and sith to combine forces to even get close to revan to defeat him yes he did get defeated by his light side self but u gotta take in account the jedi sith combining forces to even corner him but sidious on the other hand was to bizzy gloating his victory to even notice his apprentice darth vader grabbing him and throwing him of the edge sidious didnt live as long as revan had sidious might be a master at force lightning but revan is a tactical genious who was both strong in light and dark side.
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Sidious, not even a question.


Not a very compelling argument, seeing as you never made one.




If we ignore the reborn Emperor comic nonsense (always a good idea I think), I would give the edge to Revan.


Palpatine comes from a time where there was no open conflict between Jedi and Sith. Despite his power, he has very little experience fighting other Force Users.


Revan on the other hand, has been fighting other FUs for many years, both Jedi and Sith. He has an intimate knowledge of both light and dark and the only single FU who could best him was Vitiate, who makes Palpy look like a chump.

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Not a very compelling argument, seeing as you never made one.


Anybody who knows Darth Sidious' Legends lore knows he is extremely powerful. Revan already had issues with Tenebrae, and Sidious is arguably on Tenebrae's level if not higher.


If we ignore the reborn Emperor comic nonsense (always a good idea I think), I would give the edge to Revan.


I actually happen to love the Dark Empire comic book series. So no, I won't ignore. Especially because regardless of our own feelings in regards to it it is part of Legends lore, so if we have to make a comprehensive list of a character's abilities and shortcoming, we need to include that. Same thing with Revan and the Revan novel, regardless of whether or not we like it (And I do happen to enjoy it) excluding it from an an analysis on Revan's abilities would also be pointless.


Palpatine comes from a time where there was no open conflict between Jedi and Sith. Despite his power, he has very little experience fighting other Force Users.


Perhaps, but he still has been described as an master of all lightsaber forms. So he's still an expert duelist even at his old age.


Revan on the other hand, has been fighting other FUs for many years, both Jedi and Sith. He has an intimate knowledge of both light and dark and the only single FU who could best him was Vitiate, who makes Palpy look like a chump.


I'm not saying Revan is going to down in the first 5 seconds but Sidious might have an edge over him due to both his extreme power in the Force and his lightsaber dueling skills. Again, Revan had issues with Tenebrae and Legends Darth Sidious is on that level of power if not higher. The only "version" of Revan I see standing a chance against Darth Sidious would be Revan Reborn, as he's extremely powerful and needed a full strike team to defeat him.

Edited by FlameYOL
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True but he might have been a great saber master and a pro at force lightning but revan was a tactical genious a saber master and a master of the light and dark side of the force revan had split himself into 2 forms the light side of him as a ghost and the dark side of him stuck in revan's armor it took palpatines apprentice to kill palpatine but it took revans light side self tto give into death + revan spent hundreds of years being tortured by the immortal emperor . Edited by Skulltexgaming
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True but he might have been a great saber master and a pro at force lightning but revan was a tactical genious a saber master and a master of the light and dark side of the force revan had split himself into 2 forms the light side of him as a ghost and the dark side of him stuck in revan's armor it took palpatines apprentice to kill palpatine but it took revans light side self tto give into death + revan spent hundreds of years being tortured by the immortal emperor .


seems i'm wasting my time here.

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You missed out a few things. Revan would not of survived for as long as he had being locked up having the emperor twisting his mind with his darkness without Meetra in her spirit form offering of herself to sustain Revan for those centuries before he was freed. Even before this Revan may have had some measure of force power but he failed to defeat the much more powerful emperor twice. Being a survivor doesn't equal to being more powerful and he had help along the way the whole time, so he wasn't even remotely certain he was that powerful.


Sidious on the other hand had a blinding weakness of his own, a lack of concern in regards to what others do around him. only when he is focused on something he forgets his place just to make a point which makes him vulnerable to outside threats. Despite all his power, I'm virtually certain if Anakin hadn't interrupted Mace Windu, the emperor would of been killed by his own force powers reflected off that lightsaber quite handily, it speaks volumes how much Sidious cared for himself and others around him to see all that happening just to get at Anakin, to make a point.


If Revan and Sidious fought each other without distractions and allies, i'm certain Revan would of been a decent challenge, especially considering how Nyriss attempted to electrocute Scourge and Meetra and Revan took that energy and reflected it back at Nyriss. So electrocuting Revan wouldn't be an option, it would come down to a lightsaber duel and Revan was just as capable as Sidious in a lightsaber fight, but Revan wasn't entirely purged of his humanity along the way, so he would be thinking about sparing Sidious, and that would be something Sidious could capitalise on, especially if he could take Revan by surprise which Sidious has managed before.

The sparing angle is interesting. Seems like that could depend on when Sidious runs into Revan in his character timeline. Revan at the height of the Mandalorian Wars probably wouldn't spare Sidious if he perceived him as a threat. Redeemed Revan might, which would probably get him killed. Though Revan did seem to have a pretty good sense of how much of a threat somebody is, humanity or no, and tended to prefer tactical decisions that were "for the greater good."


So if he emerged victor in combat, I think the likelihood is that he would end it, then and there. Though given the possibility of Sidious having clones and the like, it could turn into a more drawn-out conflict.

Edited by Rolodome
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Sidious wouldn't fight Revan at all. Sidious was focused on gaining power through political machinations. He was elected through the normal and legitimate legal processes, first as a Senator for Naboo and then the Supreme Chancellor. Sidious was perfectly content to manipulate events from the shadows for several decades to see his carefully concocted plan through to fruition. Revan was focused on gaining power through military force and was a much more focused on immediate results. While Revan was a brilliant tactician and strategist she was not presented as a figure who was willing to sit back and let events play out for a decade.


So one would imagine that Revan would gain power only to lose it 20 years later when Sidious's plan came to fruition.


And yes, Revan was very clearly a girl. That nonsense book contradicts KOTOR the game and completely fails to understand the character.

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Well, this is a Tricky question. I've been turning this over since the thread started. Revan is a Fighter, perhaps *The Fighter, but Sidious is also very capable with a Light Sabre and his Lightning seems to be his specialty. I think IF Revan could rush in forcing Sidious to defend himself with his own Light Sabre Revan would win that, I'm fairly sure. However if there was a break or Sidious started first with his Lightning it could be over for Revan, pretty quick too. Revan would have to stay "In your Face with a Light Sabre" on Sidious never giving him a chance to cast the Lightning. All in all, it's a coin toss. As long as Revan didn't *Stop* for Humanity reasons (as stated earlier) (Like Hollywood Hero's always do), he would win, its that Pause that Sidious likes to use; just kill him and be done with it. Probably Revan, but maybe not.
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I don't understand the "Sideous is the most powerful force user ever" position. He was an expert manipulator but not exactly the most skilled duelist or force user in Star Wars. His rise to power only involved using combat twice. He murdered his master in his sleep rather than risk a fight and the rest was from the shadows until Mace Windu and Yoda. And even then he was outmatched in combat by Mace Windu and he was terrified of having to face Yoda in combat and only beat him by using the environment to his advantage; when face to face Yoda had him. And as for the conception of Anakin wasn't that his more powerful master?

Always been very over hyped in my eyes. Revan is also overhyper imo but he has still achieved verything through combat and force power against other force users and some of the strongest of his time.

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