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Everything posted by Skulltexgaming

  1. True but he might have been a great saber master and a pro at force lightning but revan was a tactical genious a saber master and a master of the light and dark side of the force revan had split himself into 2 forms the light side of him as a ghost and the dark side of him stuck in revan's armor it took palpatines apprentice to kill palpatine but it took revans light side self tto give into death + revan spent hundreds of years being tortured by the immortal emperor .
  2. True sidious is strong but so is revan it took jedi and sith to combine forces to even get close to revan to defeat him yes he did get defeated by his light side self but u gotta take in account the jedi sith combining forces to even corner him but sidious on the other hand was to bizzy gloating his victory to even notice his apprentice darth vader grabbing him and throwing him of the edge sidious didnt live as long as revan had sidious might be a master at force lightning but revan is a tactical genious who was both strong in light and dark side.
  3. I was on face book few days ago and there was this pic saying who would win sidious or revan i picked revan and said Revan duh he survived how many centuries emperor vitiates prisoner and how strong has he come becides if he can release himself from the emperors controll he is more power full to defeat sidious and as of history the ancient sith are more power full then the rule of 2 sith. but the other guy said There is no single reliable quote saying ancient sith are more powerful. On the other side there are official quotes saying otherwise. Sidious is more powerful than Vitiate to whom Revan lost twice. id like your guys thoughts on this its been bugging me.
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