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Not getting credits from slicing nodes on Onderon


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  • 1 year later...
The Encrypted Data Cache (Requires slicing 600) are giving 4 or 5 Grade 11 Credit Cases (item level 132) but when opening them, no credits are in them. All are just empty.


I don't think the problem is with your credit cases... the problem is with Onderon itself.


I noticed this when I tried to sell a couple 25K Credit Certificates to a vendor. I didn't get the money (or at least it didn't appear so), and later when I bought Onslaught Mission Skill from a Crew Skill Trainer there, my credit balance didn't go down either. So I went to my stronghold and opened my inventory, and the number of credits instantly changed... dramatically. I think (more experimentation may be required to confirm) your credit balance IS going up/down, but for some reason the credit balance shown in your inventory isn't being updated while you're on Onderon. This game has got some really fantastic bugs.


Short version; The Grade 11 Credit Cases you pick up from Slicing nodes on Onderon, when opened somewhere other than Onderon, will immediately give you the credits indicated.

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I don't think the problem is with your credit cases... the problem is with Onderon itself.


, but for some reason the credit balance shown in your inventory isn't being updated while you're on Onderon.


You are incorrect.


I just tested it myself (twice) and it works fine (on Onderon, or anywhere else you open cases 'sliced' from those nodes) .


So the real question is: Why are you necro'ing an out-dated thread from 2019 , from the PTS (Public Test Server) forums, that's not even a bug anymore?



This game has got some really fantastic bugs.




It sure does, but this isn't one of them.


So next time, i would suggest doing 2 things: First, try to avoid guessing. Instead, TEST on the live server. Confirm things with current evidence, rather than mere speculation. (*this applies to RL too :cool: )


And second: Unless you're actually testing for BioWare's next upcoming Patch-Update on the actual Test Server, use the proper 'bug reports' section of the forums here: https://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=417

Edited by Nee-Elder
words less "harsh"
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I just tested it myself (twice) and it works fine (on Onderon, or anywhere else you open cases 'sliced' from those nodes) .


Really, smart guy? Because I found this "ancient" thread while searching for a solution to this EXACT issue that I was having while slicing on Onderon yesterday, on the Satele Shan server.


So next time, i would suggest doing 2 things: First, try to avoid guessing. Instead, TEST on the live server. Confirm things with current evidence, rather than mere speculation.


I did test it, Pythagoras. I opened 14 cases on Onderon, with no change to my credit balance (that's why I googled the issue and found this thread) I went to my Stronghold, opened one of the cases there, and lo and behold the credit balance increased by the number of credits indicated. I returned to Onderon, opened yet another case, and surprise, surprise! My inventory credit balance didn't budge.


So here's a suggestion for you; Avoid making unfounded assumptions about whether I've done my homework.


Unless you're actually testing for BioWare's next upcoming Patch-Update on the actual Test Server, use the proper 'bug reports' section of the forums here


This is where the thread was, so this is where I replied. You have an issue with it, take it up with the OP.

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searching for a solution to this EXACT issue that I was having while slicing on Onderon yesterday,


Neither i nor anyone i've asked about this same issue (while being on Onderon) has been able to reproduce what you've been describing.


Of course, we're also not on your same server. (we're on 'Star Forge' and you didn't mention your server in your OP) .


Is it possible maybe you just experienced the dreaded *de-sync* ? (which would explain why your credits seemingly worked only after travelling to a different 'phase' )


, Pythagoras. .

Good one ^ lol


I I opened 14 cases on Onderon, with no change to my credit balance


I opened a bunch myself too , but again: all worked fine for me ( i wrote down my inventory credit balance before/after , as well as literally watched my credits tick UP as each case was opened) .


Avoid making unfounded assumptions about whether I've done my homework.


Re-read what i said. The only assumptions i made were based on your post, which was full of "i thinks" and other speculation. However, being these are the interwebs with typed words and no tone, i can totally see how my reply might've triggered you a bit.


But that certainly wasn't my intent. Sorry 'bout that.


I probably should've asked if you had any video or screenshots before/during/after what you experienced, to be the "evidence" . But i posted sorta hastily without also checking your post-history, so yeah now here we are. :cool:


You have an issue with it, take it up with the OP.


The OP isn't subbed anymore lol . But that was sorta my point, which is why it's technically against forum rules to necro nearly 2-year old threads.


This is why i had suggested you instead goto the 'Bug Reports' section here: https://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=417 .... but it's obvious now that i should've PM'd you (rather than "flame" you in public) .


Aside from that, :ph_use_the_force: and save your hostility for Ranked PVP :D

Edited by Nee-Elder
less CAPS
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Neither i nor anyone i've asked about this same issue (while being on Onderon) has been able to reproduce what you've been describing.


Is it possible maybe you just experienced the dreaded *de-sync* ? (which would explain why your credits seemingly worked only after travelling to a different 'phase' )


That is a very real possibility, since I tried it again yesterday on two different characters on Satele, and one worked fine and the other had the issue described. Like I said up above, this game has some fantastic and amazing bugs.


Good one ^ lol


Thanks. :D


Re-read what i said. The only assumptions i made were based on your post, which was full of "i thinks" and other speculation. However, being these are the interwebs with typed words and no tone, i can totally see how my reply might've triggered you a bit.


But that certainly wasn't my intent. Sorry 'bout that.


Well, I say "I think" because I don't **know**. I am only making educated guesses based on evidence I am able to gather from testing within the confined parameters of a player. It's hardly conclusive, but it's the best I can do.


Thanks for recognizing that you came off a liitle bit snarky. I hope the level of snark in my response wasn't too over the top.


The OP isn't subbed anymore lol . But that was sorta my point, which is why it's technically against forum rules to necro nearly 2-year old threads.


Necro'ing threads vs making multiple duplicate threads for the exact same subject is a message board debate that has been going on for decades, and will probably never be resolved. Both sides have merit.


As an aside, it's a two-year old thread for a two-year old bug. That sounds like a Bioware problem, not a "me problem". The fact that it's in the wrong sub-forum for a bug report IS an issue, but I wasn't going to create a new duplicate thread for something that already existed. I figured if it was that big of a deal, a moderator could move it. I've seen them do that before.


Aside from that, :ph_use_the_force: and save your hostility for Ranked PVP :D


I'm not hostile, nor "triggered" (I dislike that word). I just payback snark with snark. You're a good guy though. I think we could be friends. Unfortunately, I don't read Arbalesh, so I have no idea what you said there. :D

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That is a very real possibility, since I tried it again yesterday on two different characters on Satele, and one worked fine and the other had the issue described.


Yeah , the dreaded 'de-sync' is one of the QA-tester's greatest frustrations.


Inconsistancy & code don't really go together. (unless you count 'RNG' which is just soooooo fun! :mad: )


Necro'ing threads vs making multiple duplicate threads for the exact same subject is a message board debate that has been going on for decades, and will probably never be resolved. Both sides have merit.


Agreed. Sorta like the whole SWG vs. SWTOR debate. But i digress... ;)


I figured if it was that big of a deal, a moderator could move it. I've seen them do that before.


EVERYTHING is a "big deal" on the internet, haven't ya heard? :eek:


nor "triggered" (I dislike that word).


Yeah tbh i sorta cringed at myself after i typed it lol



You're a good guy though. I think we could be friends.


If you ever make a toon on 'Star Forge' server, feel free to look me up (bottom guild clicky in my sig )



Unfortunately, I don't read Arbalesh, so I have no idea what you said there.


It just said: "Use the Force" ( if you hover your mouse-cursor over the lettering, it should pop-up the meaning) . :csw_yoda:

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  • 1 month later...

Credit case were removed from level 10 due to complaints here on the forums saying that slicing gave away to many credit and an unfair advatage, dispite the fact that other players were making far more credits from crafting dyes, stims and gear. However gear untill you get to end game does not make much these days. Dyes still do. as do augments as exsamples.


You do now get credits from level 11. You often get a box of scrap metal, but once you open the box you do get credits as well go into you credit pile. So not all bad.

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