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Disappointment of a Game, READ FAST


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I sadly have to agree with almost everything you said. Especially about the pvp, so many issues. the simple fact is, you cant have a lvl 10 go up against a lvl 40 who has access to almost all their abilities, it just doesnt work.


Sadly, this really does feel like an RPG, not an MMO....


what were they thinking?

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what were they thinking?


My question is what was all the testing for? So many issues addressed during beta as they were also addressed in forums. Nothing got fixed since this games release that i can see, nothing.

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My question is what was all the testing for? So many issues addressed during beta as they were also addressed in forums. Nothing got fixed since this games release that i can see, nothing.



Guinea pigs to stress test the servers so as to avoid bad publicity at launch.

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CREDITS- Thank you to everyone who has helped the list become what it is today. Your valued input has been very appreciated and has helped this post reach great heights! As for all the fan boys, troll as much as you want, your opinions don't change anything. We all will just laugh at you, just as we have been.


"You do realize this game is just a massive cash grab, like most other failed MMO's. But this one has the label "Star Wars" on it. So watch out for the attack of the fanboi's protecting a lower tier WoW game like they protect the poor acting and bloopers in the star wars movies." -Gangbot


I waited for this game for a long time. I really tried to like it. I kept telling myself, "It will get better, it will get better." It won't. And even if some things change for the better, I am playing right now aren't I? and I want the experience to be enjoyable right now.


Note- When I compare anything to other mmo's, dont say,"Oh go back to WoW if it was so good." I'm just comparing it so you can better understand what I'm talking about, so stop QQing all over the post. Remember, to each his own. This is MY opinion, and I'm entitled to it.


I agree, you're entitled to your opinion, but so am I so please accept that I don't agree with much of what you say. Specifically....


Overall, this game is NOT an mmo. It's a single player RPG with minimum mmo content in it to call it an mmorpg, solely to make money.


Now for the original post-


-The light and dark side choices are useless. I always wanted to do different choices both dark and light, but in order for it to actual be useful (barely as it is), I have to pick either ALL dark or ALL light choices. This game was supposed to be built on how I control my destiny, yet it rewards the mainstream path and leaves variability to rot


Useless for what? I have restarted many of my characters over and over because I didn't feel like they were developing in character. The choices your character makes are what defines who they are. It's not results that are important, it's intent. I find the dark/light choices to be GREATLY valuable because I play to create a CHARACTER, not a "toon."


-No chat bubbles. Enough said. And stop commenting that it's an easy fix, because you look like an idiot. If it was an easy fix, it would have been fixed in beta, let alone now after weeks past launch


I agree, I'd like to see chat bubbles for the /Say channel (which is where most RP happens).


-The fact that there are different "instances" for everywhere and everything. If I join a group with someone, I usually have to travel to their "instance" or world pretty much to see and do stuff with them. It's pretty much an entire different server with combined chat functions. Completely destroys a big portion of the social aspect of MMO's. And even worse, you have to wait 30 minutes to switch again to a different instance. So if you switched servers to join the one your group was in for a heroic quest and then want to go back to where my friends were or even another group of people for a different quest, sorry, you have to wait 30 minutes.


Again, I agree. We have many servers AND we're still segregated into instances. I've never liked that mechanic. I find it counterimmersive and unsocial.


-PvP is broken, and cannot be repaired, at least for a year or two. Let me say it again, the pvp in this game is trash. Mixing all lvls together in warzones?! Really? Yah balance our health and the damage of our moves, but do you honestly think as a lvl 19 I have enough spells to take on even a lvl 38 who has many cc's, stuns, and pew pew moves? I pretty sure whoever thought of this system must have been on something.


-No reward for world pvp. So what's the point of even killing any of the opposing faction if I'm going to get NOTHING in return? I love world pvp, and it's fun to have epic battles with opposing faction members, but can't I at least get some valor points?!?! Even wow had honor to give for that


-The actual warzones BLOW. Ok huttball is cool at first, but gets old TOO fast. Alderaan is sooo bad. SO bad. Its small first off, and all you do is aoe and fight around three points that are 10-second walks from each other.


-Queing for pvp puts you in que for ALL the warzones. Why do I not to get to choose which warzone I want to play? Not that I would want to play any of them anyway because of how bad they are, but if I only liked one specific warzone, it would be so annoying to have to pray to be able to play it


I haven't PvPed, so I can't comment on these critisims.


-The planets r mostly small. its like if earth was a planet, the entire zone would be the size of upstate new york. you call that a planet? there are a FEW fairly sized planets, but u fly by them quickly and never see them again.



-The planets themselves, however small they are, are SO poorly designed and have no open space. The mountains and different environmental terrains make it so I follow a linear path to wherever my quest is. No openness at all. In wow, the zones were so open and I felt free to go wherever, I had breathing space. In this game, it doesn't feel real at all, feels like they wanted to use less memory space so they restriced the environment of the planets, as if they weren't small in the first place. I was hoping for more of a sandbox setting, but I got something worse that I ever thought possible for an MMO


There are limits to how much of a world can be made, but I do agree in spirit here. I'd like more freedom of movement in the worlds. For me, an MMO is largely about the setting, it's ability to immerse you in the "massive" world. This game doesn't do it too well, it's really quite linear. Very little exploring to do.


-The music. Wait, what music? There IS no music. You only hear music occasionally when you get into those harder battles with the elite NPC's and such. Other then that, you wouldn't even be able to give the music in this game a rating because there barely is any


I hear the music all the time, perhaps you turned yours off by accident? Alt+M does that, I think.


-The auction house or whatever its called is just a mess. You can't even search for anything. You have to go through a huge list of detailed options to identify EXACTLY what you are looking for before you can even type anything. If I want to see the prices for something I'm going to sell, I'm not going to spend 5 minutes going through a list to find that out


I've never had a problem with the AH.


-Operations and flashpoints are very bugged. Many bosses and mobs always glitch out out on you. So many bugs that I feel like its still beta


-The amount of bugs in general you see while questing/leveling. Like I said above, they didnt spend anytime at all to fix them even though many were reported during beta


I haven't really encountered many bugs. I've seen Satele Shan standing 3 inches tall, and I've had the enhancements in my equipment vanish, but nothing game breaking. Also remember, the game is still NEW. They will undoubtedly be ironing out bugs for years to come.


-No option for macros. This can be easily fixed as well, but who knows how long until it will be, if chat bubbles haven't even been implemented


I've never used macros in any game, but I've heard much yammering about them. People use them to afk grind themselves up to max level (not to be encouraged), or to give themselves an unfair advantage in PvP (not to be condoned). I see no problem with not allowing them.


-No search function on forums....fail




-No combat log...fail


Meh, I have little use for it, but I can agree.


-If you accidentally buy a high-level item with whatever currency you want to bring up (commendations, credits, etc), there's no confirmation button and it automatically buys it with no return back policy. It's easy to accidentally right click somehow when you are on the buying page of any store, as even I have done it a few times, and gotten myself items that are useless for me for a big toll


I've done this myself, and 99% of the time it's my own fault for not looking at what I'm buying. Still, I can see that a grace period (perhaps while the trade window is still open) would be appropriate.


-When you quit the game, it sometimes freezes up and doesnt quit. This has happened on both my high-def gaming i7 laptop and my desktop. It's a hassle to press cntrl+alt+delete and have to wait for the game to be forced quit


This one I can't explain. It takes several minutes to exit the game, alt+tab out or change to windowed mode. Should be addressed.


-Worst customer service I have EVER seen in my life. Their emails take over 5 days to respond, and the phone lines are even worse. When you call them, a MAJORITY of the time you will here, "Lines are too busy, call again later" and then it hangs up on you. ONE time I got lucky and it put me in que. Guess how long I waited? Over two hours. TWO GODDAM HOURS. No joke, after 121 minutes of leaving the phone on the speaker, I was like **** this and hung up. Didn't even get my problem solved. The reasoning for this will be explained in the next problem below, so read on


Never had a problem. my tickets are always responded to promptly.


-Ques for both getting to the game and the actual site. Wait, the actual site? Since when does a website have a que? And no, don't even think about saying, "its because a lot of people play the game," No. The servers just blow. Only ~1.5 million players currently play the game, so if your site/servers can't handle THAT, then that's just sad. Vanilla wow had ques too, but it was only about 5-10 mins MAX. And that was only for the actual game. It's so sad to even say that a website has que problem, and the fact that it's not because there are a lot of people going on it makes things worse.


-No social aspect to game. The chat is soo annoying. More in aion but also a bit in wow, you could customize your chat so you have for example, on tab for general chat, one for only regular chatting with people around you, one tab for party chat, one for guild, or you could even mix a tab to have like guild and party chat. In this, all you have is one social tab and one combat tab. The social chat is filled with the General [barrens] chat of people randomly talking about stuff, so a lot of times you miss people who try and talk to you. Its already hard enough to talk without chat bubbles, this makes it near impossible.


Agreed. Some better control over the chat window would be nice.


-When you target someone and you use a spell, it follows them wherever they go, so you cant kite people. If your a melee character and are running around say a ranged dps, they will ALWAYS hit you with the spell/attack because the character auto locks on you while your are casting/charging, so it will turn on its own in the same spot and if the enemy goes behind you, it turns around on its own. Horrible for melee characters


It's an MMO, not a FPS. That's normal.


-Some moves you have to wait until the animation is finished before you can actually do anything else. For example, if you are a sith inquisitor, you have to wait for the character to actually move his hands in a dumb motion to cast Static Barrier before I can cast another spell. In pvp and sticky pve situations, it really is the difference between life and death. Calling spells "instant casts" is a lie.


I have no problem with this, and the complaint annoys me. It's like a soldier complaining that he has to take the time to pull the pin and throw his grenade. If you want the power to activate, you have to perform the actions to do it.


-Certain/Numerous buggy things in the interface. One is when I right click on a name in the chat to whisper or do an action do, it doesn't work often times and I have to click a bunch of times before it works. It's really annoying when the general chat is going through so fast.


-Inspecting is so hard to get to, you have to right click the character, then scroll to Other Actions, and then go to the drop down list to actually get to it. Inspect is one of the most used actions from player to player, so why is it so hard to get to? People arent standing still most of the time, they are moving, so taking a long time to get to a command that only works when they are next to you is so dumb.


Never had a problem with any of this.


-Ships. No they arent YOUR own ship. You just go inside, and watch a 5 second animation of light speed to another planet, then your out. They should have had like mini games or something for ships, or allowed multiplayer capabilities. You could have even decorated the inside of your ship in different ways or had at least some sort of customization besides the unnoticed gear that you attach for space battles. Multiplayer interactions/content u know? Even runescape had player owned houses where other people could come inside and do lots of fun stuff in.


-Space combat was just another addition they added for it to look good so people buy the game, but then see it is such a joke. Its like a cheap rip off of Star Fox. You go in a linear path shooting ships. For example, if you ever played Super Smash Bros, you know when you beat the 1-player campaign part, at the end during what would be the credits, you become the gunner of a sort of ship and start shooting the names of the developers as they fly by in space? Pretty much like playable credits. THAT is even better then the space combat in this game. In the Super Smash credits game, your "ship" actually moves to different areas such as turning to a complete left or right and sometimes even doing spins, whereas the SWTOR space combat is literally going straight with minimal movement capabilities. The fact that playable credits of one game (Super Smash Bros) are so similar to the main feature of another (SWTOR) that they can be compared, is just sad in general.


Boy, you don't want me to start on space and ships...


-Crafting is HORRENDOUS. You dont even craft, your companions do. I could get max lvl stats in all my crew skills by literally standing in one spot for hours. You don't do anything, you just send your companions off to gather stuff, and then send em off again to make items out of what they gathered.


Agreed. I'd like more to do than just fight things all the time.


-Companions ALWAYS get in the way. Everytime I run into someone I need to talk to, my companion for some reason ALWAYS has to go right in front of me and block me from being able to press the character. No, I dont want to ****in talk to ur ugly face every goddam minute khem, Get the **** out of my way.




-Voice acting and visual customization: The thing they spent the most time and money on, voice acting, and its not even that great. At first, yes its pretty good, but thats only because its new and you havent seen any other mmo with this depth of voice acting. After a while though, you notice the same voices from many NPC's. Not only that, but a lot of your own replies are the same. "This is beneath me Ill do it" and corny lines like that are frequently used in the EXACT same tone. And visual customization is even worse. In aion, the customization for your characters was the best I've ever seen in my life, being able to customize almost every single small detail of your character with many options for each. It's the exact opposite in this game. The lack of physical customization has led to players seeing a lot of familiar faces in different NPC's that you interact with. Only difference is one might have a mustache while the other doesn't.


Actually, the acting has impressed me. Some better character customization might be nice though.


Now, I know in the future, SOME of these things MIGHT be fixed, probably not even fully. But like I said in the beginning, I'm playing this game now. I'm lvling and experiencing the game NOW. I don't want to wait until some of these major issues are fixed to fully enjoy the game. Sorry BioWare, you should have sticked with what you were actually good at, single player RPGs. You can have the $60 I paid for the game as a donation for actually attempting to make an mmo.


Looks like its pandas for me...peace


Ok, I apologize if my comments have been covered, but I didn't have the energy to read 53 pages on this. I just wanted to address some of what was said here.


My comments are in GREEN.

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-No chat bubbles. Enough said. And stop commenting that it's an easy fix, because you look like an idiot. If it was an easy fix, it would have been fixed in beta, let alone now after weeks past launch


Why would anyone want this? This kills immersion and is very annoying when you have tons of people standing around together chatting.

Edited by Jarazar
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Many good general points in the original post and some that are more taste-specific and merely opinion. The main difference between the screw-up that was SWG and this one is that SOE would have closed the thread and then deleted the post and banned the author by now. At least that hasn't been done here. Which is not something we could have counted upon considering the number of ex-SOE employees involved in the SWG fiasco who are now involved at BioWare (including the head screw-up during the time of the CU and NGE who is now in charge of the SWTOR project - Dallas Dickinson).


With the combined weight of ex-SOE misfits and EA's corporate takeover of Bioware, I'm frankly surprised we got a game even this good. I'll live with the negatives for awhile and see if anyone there can manage to pull this off and fix the glaring problems with this game. Many of them are simply the result of releasing an unfinished game due too early, due to the corporate pressures from the bean-counters in expensive suits at EA. They have a very limited grace period to get it right, before it becomes a WHO or AoC type failure.

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The ranting 10% of dissidents won't make a difference in Bioware's approach because, well... ranting is nothing but noise floor. They are the only ones listening to themselves which is why more and more of these threads keep popping up. They just can't get enough of themselves. Open mouth - insert pacifier.
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-The light and dark side choices are useless. I always wanted to do different choices both dark and light, but in order for it to actual be useful (barely as it is), I have to pick either ALL dark or ALL light choices. This game was supposed to be built on how I control my destiny, yet it rewards the mainstream path and leaves variability to rot


-No chat bubbles. Enough said. And stop commenting that it's an easy fix, because you look like an idiot. If it was an easy fix, it would have been fixed in beta, let alone now after weeks past launch




1. Chat bubbles are *********** annoying because it means 8 year olds can spam **** and block your view.



2. Light and Dark choices.



You're telling me, in real life, you're gonna go around killing people, then save one persons life, and everyone forgives you? The reason is that you can either be good or bad, Quit ************ about it and enjoy the game.

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This is a rare rage post that is actually funny. GJ on that OP.


And as a bonus, several of the things are very true. In particular, as a scoundrel, fighting casters/BHs is beyond irritating, despite the fact that i still manage to win virtually all the time, because of the auto follow while they cast on you. I'm accustomed to being able to run behind casters quickly and get off "doggystyle only" moves, but it's such a chore in this game. Which wouldn't be an issue if a) my best moves didn't require me to be behind my target, and b) interrupts weren't near worthless due to them triggering gcd more often than not, managing to land even less often than that, and when they do land only blocking them from casting that single move. I basically HAVE to blow a stun to get off a back blast if the player i'm fighting is any good at all.


Either remove or positional requirements from the moves or make it where casting doesn't auto-follow, preventing positional requirement moves from being possible without blowing valuable cd stuns. Things like this should be obvious in a game with pvp.


also the pets getting in the way of EVERYTHING is annoying in a hilarious way, but tolerable.

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2. Light and Dark choices.



You're telling me, in real life, you're gonna go around killing people, then save one persons life, and everyone forgives you? The reason is that you can either be good or bad, Quit ************ about it and enjoy the game.



No but it's called people do bad and good things, and in the world of fiction yeah people tend to be like "Well I guess he kinda deserved it" HOWEVER...........this is supposed to be a game of "pick what you would do in this case" but you really can't because there is no middle ground, not everyone is all goody two shoes and not everyone is a giant prat, most human beings do good things and bad things all in 1 lifetime.


Also not all of the light/dark choices involve killing, sometimes it's taking a bribe or letting someone run away.

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This post should be deleted too. When I saw him asking for chat bubbles I realized he didn't have a clue and it's likely his 1st MMO.


Useless dribble.



As I understand it, a chat bubble is a tooltip that comes up when you do "say". It is very useful in raids, or with groups or when socialising as it becomes part of the world and everyone sees it.


It is more "alerting" than raid chat for example and that is why it is commonly used - unless the raid uses Vent. Even with Vent it is part of the RP part of the game, eg cracking a joke or having a banter outside of the boring raid chat.


In WOW you can switch it on and off in your preferences. I looked for it and could not find it anywhere in SWTOR.

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Why would anyone want this? This kills immersion and is very annoying when you have tons of people standing around together chatting.


Because it is one of the little things that make an MMO. It is as "annoying" as (some examples) having too many players around and you cannot see where you are going, or having someone emoting and you can hear them on your speakers, or someone putting a train set down making stupid whistle sounds, or everyone involuntarily dancing to a tune, or blocking the mail box and you can't reach it. It is part of a living world where the players can influence your experience.


I am a hard core WOW raider, I have spent 4 hours wiping on a single boss with my guild, and I usually switch my sounds off when someone puts the toy train set down - but I am not failing to see the MMO aspects of WOW that made it what it is today and what's more important the fundamental ommissions that have killed all other MMOs since.


WoW is not great. All other MMOs are crap.

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1. Chat bubbles are *********** annoying because it means 8 year olds can spam **** and block your view.



Another proof that all you really want is a single player game with maybe some co-op. Perhaps a button to put you instantly into your own instance if too many players around you give you screen lag or annoy you in any way?


This is it. A bunch of players want a single player game. They do not know or care what an MMO should be like. In my opinion this group is as small as the group that demands full MMO features, where it is almost impossible to solo anything and progress at all. I believe there are about 10 million players that are very happy with a middle ground between SWTOR (single player with some co-op/pvp) and SWG where almost everything depended on social interactions.

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I agree about the worlds (even the large ones) feeling linear and a few other things but...


You say PvP is trash and "cannot be repaired" and yet just go on to cite the lack of bracketing as the reason? Come on. This just makes you look like a little drama queen.

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I agree about the worlds (even the large ones) feeling linear and a few other things but...


You say PvP is trash and "cannot be repaired" and yet just go on to cite the lack of bracketing as the reason? Come on. This just makes you look like a little drama queen.


There are a lot of things that make him look like a drama queen, that being one of the smaller things :p

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They didn't censor you. There are those of us who are actually trying to use this board for general issues involving the game.


All you've done is create a long-winded post reiterating well-known issues as well as personal problems YOU have with the game.


You made this post for yourself, not for the General Discussion board.




This thread is the one that can help: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=122364

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Because it is one of the little things that make an MMO. It is as "annoying" as (some examples) having too many players around and you cannot see where you are going, or having someone emoting and you can hear them on your speakers, or someone putting a train set down making stupid whistle sounds, or everyone involuntarily dancing to a tune, or blocking the mail box and you can't reach it. It is part of a living world where the players can influence your experience.


I am a hard core WOW raider, I have spent 4 hours wiping on a single boss with my guild, and I usually switch my sounds off when someone puts the toy train set down - but I am not failing to see the MMO aspects of WOW that made it what it is today and what's more important the fundamental ommissions that have killed all other MMOs since.


WoW is not great. All other MMOs are crap.


chat bubbles are one of the most useful things in mmos, the question is why would you NOT want it? it defines a while social aspect to it

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