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Everything posted by Backpage

  1. No Sh*t. So how does this relate to the topic again?.
  2. Believe it or not, I forgot about them, edited them in. <:
  3. Make it so that Both factions get Bounty hunters Troopers Force Healers (Sith or Jedi) Force Warriors (Sith or Jedi) Smugglers Agent Basically make every class into both fac, people went sith because of either red lightsabers or bountyhunters.
  4. Does anyone know what type of modem would be good for gaming? Currently using a thomson tg585v2 or something. Thanks - BP
  5. Its funny because he actually has a point..
  6. Heres why. Some people like fast leveling, Some Dont. If you dont like it, Dont do quests only, Do some PvP Occasionally, If you dont like doing that, do some lower level quests, ones that dont give XP, or not much of it, and before you go 'Oh, well then i dont get anything', You dont want XP, So do the lower quests. On a more supportive note, They should add an option to the game under prefrences where you can change how fast you level or how slow.
  7. your dark/light thing affects nothing aside from social stuff you can buy, theres no intimidate options like there was in mass effect series, its basically just there because they wanted to add it for the hell of it.
  8. 'In order to gain acess to the green jedi enclave' and finally conquor corellia once and for all, you must find the enclave's final acess code' jedi master bedosh holds the code holed up inside the republic foundation musem. Hunt him down and take his code by force. Head to republic museum. When i go there, All i see is a map, No waypoints, nothing, When i come outside, it tells me its here. http://img861.imageshack.us/img861/4796/buggedquest.png
  9. Quest Dialog tells you nothing. All it tells me is that i have to deactivate them.
  10. Secondly, I'm at the part where you have to deactivate the main security level.
  11. Had a look, Nothing in there, Only the bonus quest where you break stuff.
  12. Building has only got a bonus quest inside it, Nothing else
  13. How did you get to the security generator ontop of a platform?, If you go to the objective, you end up getting there, but its above you, with no way to gain acess to it.
  14. For the quest Making History on Corellia. They placed the objective in an area that is unreachable without exploiting the 'jump exploit' Why?. I've looked around for an entire hour, 60 minutes. And i cant find a way to it. The Jumping Exploit doesnt even work at the end, it gets to an area you cant get to, so they made a quest that you cant complete. Good Job Bioware.
  15. Thanks for correcting me, English isnt my first language
  16. Say for example, You start on a PvE server, But would want to try rp-pvp, With a level 50 (For the apparal, Ability to mount, more social abilities, etc). This is currently impossible, Without making a new char. So as theres no sudgestions section, I'm gonna sudgest this here. Transfer char from A to B feature would deffo make them another 15$ from me, and most likely a few others.
  17. Eventually, Its just at the moment, they're trying to fix other glitches =).
  18. People will get bored eventually, Because they've played so long, and until new content is released, most people will be bored @ lvl 50 =p
  19. 1: Player Versus Player 2: Player Versus Everything 3: Roleplay 4. Help out friends level 5. Join a guild, Help them level. 6. Set a goal for how much cash you can make. EG. 6mil creds or something. 7. Don't come on the forums going 'LOLGAMESUCKS NOW IM LVL 50 AND I RUSHED WITHIN THE FIRST 24 DAYS, LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL'
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