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Question about Aric Jorgan romance and siding with the Empire.


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I've recently completed Kotet with my female darkside Trooper toon and kept her faithful to Aric Jorgan, her husband. I plan on making her side with the Empire on Ossus as I already have a male lightside Trooper siding with the Republic but am conflicted due to Aric Jorgan's loyalty to the Republic.


Will he end up quitting the alliance if I do so? I'm aware that Yuun leaves if you side with the Empire but I haven't heard about Aric. I'm just checking as I'd be sad to see Aric go. I loved his romance story in the vanilla story (especially his awkwardness asking my Trooper to marry him xD) and it made me appreciate him as a character a lot more.

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I've recently completed Kotet with my female darkside Trooper toon and kept her faithful to Aric Jorgan, her husband. I plan on making her side with the Empire on Ossus as I already have a male lightside Trooper siding with the Republic but am conflicted due to Aric Jorgan's loyalty to the Republic.


Will he end up quitting the alliance if I do so? I'm aware that Yuun leaves if you side with the Empire but I haven't heard about Aric. I'm just checking as I'd be sad to see Aric go. I loved his romance story in the vanilla story (especially his awkwardness asking my Trooper to marry him xD) and it made me appreciate him as a character a lot more.


Waitaminit, does Yuun actually do a cutscene where he tells you he quits, does he write you a letter or is he simply not in your line up?

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Interesting that your trooper has become the very thing that started the trooper chapter one story.

Personally I could not see Jorgan staying with your trooper storywise, but as others have said you can still reacquire Jorgan from the terminal. He may not even be removed from your list of sum unable comp's but storywise you may not get any more interaction with him, not that there was a lot after chapter 11 of KotFE.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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They're just letters. The comp can still be summoned.


I forgot that Yuun leaves. I didn't really care either way, was still reeling from Elara leaving on Iokath.


Also I can confirm that Aric doesn't leave or end the romance if you sided with the imps on a trooper romancing him.

Edited by Ardrossan
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Interesting that your trooper has become the very thing that started the trooper chapter one story.

Personally I could not see Jorgan staying with your trooper storywise, but as others have said you can still reacquire Jorgan from the terminal. He may not even be removed from your list of sum unable comp's but storywise you may not get any more interaction with him, not that there was a lot after chapter 11 of KotFE.


That's true but in his return chapter on Kotfe 'Disavowed', Aric himself seemed to be disillusioned with the Republic and says that the Republic that they once fought for "no longer exists". Also seeing as he lost his entire Havoc squad team at the ending of Kotfe Chapter 12, it seems like he isn't interested in serving in the Republic full-time anymore but at the same time doesn't want to fight against them. Of course this is just speculation we'll just have to wait until Onslaught.

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I forgot that Yuun leaves. I didn't really care either way, was still reeling from Elara leaving on Iokath.


Also I can confirm that Aric doesn't leave or end the romance if you sided with the imps on a trooper romancing him.


Thanks for confirming! And yeah I did Iokath today I was pretty sad about Elara leaving. Seems the only original Havoc Squad members I'll have left is M1-4X and Jorgan after Yuun leaves :(

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I knew from spoilers that some of your comps [including elara] would leave depending on what you did, but it didn't make it any less gut-wrenching, which kind of amazing, because up to that point it had all been pretty pointless. The most irritating thing about that storyline is that at no time can your character say 'why are we fighting? Why am I picking sides? Shouldn't you lot be vying to be on my side instead of the other way around?'
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