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So TOXIC In Ranked Warzone Devs Need To Look Into This


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It means that you are satisfied with less than you deserve in case of PvP.


- no Proper elo System

- no x-server

- just Arena ranked no other competetive modes (e.g. 8v8 solo and grp queue)

- game needs proper balancing (not just once in 2 years)

- no real punishment for traders and hackers


List goes on....


Sorry but everyone who thinks pvp is fine how it is... is either a Trader or completely retarded.


Amen to that...

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It means that you are satisfied with less than you deserve in case of PvP.


- no Proper elo System

- no x-server

- just Arena ranked no other competetive modes (e.g. 8v8 solo and grp queue)

- game needs proper balancing (not just once in 2 years)

- no real punishment for traders and hackers


List goes on....


Sorry but everyone who thinks pvp is fine how it is... is either a Trader or completely retarded.


I completely agree that pvp in this game could use major improvements. I'm not at all satisfied with how pvp is. I'm only talking about one particular issue in this thread, which is "toxicity" in pvp, which I maintain is a non-issue.

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They couldn’t hurt the present state of ranked if they tried. It’s never been at a lower point I would surmise. They need to flip the entire sandbox over and start over.


Ranked score system doesn’t reflect the best, therefore the entire score system is broken. They need to implement a wins/losses scoring system and stop pretending any form of ranked provides players with any mode of competitive PVP.


The lack of balance of the classes as well as the inability to properly police all the cheaters and match manipulations are reason enough to ditch ELO.


The ELO scoring is what drives the toxicity and garbage some players dump on others in the ranked meta, and due to the money involved buying/selling titles etc., well, the shenanigans will never end.






Make the ELO go away, and most of the toxicity will go away too.

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They couldn’t hurt the present state of ranked if they tried. It’s never been at a lower point I would surmise. They need to flip the entire sandbox over and start over.


As I've said before, I'm not opposed to exploring alternatives to elo. But I also always feel it necessary to point out that while ranked has serious problems, it's not nearly as bad as you describe. I have fun playing ranked every day. There are still plenty of other people playing ranked on a regular basis. I don't know what your "lowest point" statement is based on.

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Do you actually play solo ranked, or just read about it on the forums? I'm guessing the latter. I play solo ranked virtually every day. It's the least "toxic" pvp of any game I've ever played. It's really not a problem.


Im guessing you missed the part about people who quit or no longer play being a reference to myself.

I used to, i no longer do.

That having been said it isnt hard to see whats going on on streams and other places with the slightest amount of actually listening or reading genchat.

Denying it exist is classic ostrich syndrome.

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Im guessing you missed the part about people who quit or no longer play being a reference to myself.

I used to, i no longer do.

That having been said it isnt hard to see whats going on on streams and other places with the slightest amount of actually listening or reading genchat.

Denying it exist is classic ostrich syndrome.


Big dilemma for people. Who to believe. On the one hand you have someone who is clearly totally jaded about solo ranked, doesn't play it at all anymore, probably barely played it before, and only gleans vague information from "streams" and "other places". On the other hand you have someone who actually plays solo ranked every day. Seems like a really close call.

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I have fun playing ranked every day. There are still plenty of other people playing ranked on a regular basis. I don't know what your "lowest point" statement is based on.


There are people that enjoy eating **** sandwiches too. That doesn’t prove that **** sandwiches taste good.


Also my statement is based on population numbers of the game and overall impressions expressed about ranked by other members of this games community. The negative comments far outweigh the positive comments so I feel confident writing that ranked has never been lower.


There was a time when not only ranked but PVP in general was a really popular activity on this game. Maybe that was before you started playing, I don’t know.


I guess if you are fairly new to SWTOR, then perhaps you have little to compare the present state of ranked to, and if that’s the case that’s too bad.


The game was better, PVP was better, and even ranked was better in the past. Numbers reflect this statement, btw. :o

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overall impressions expressed about ranked by other members of this games community. The negative comments far outweigh the positive comments so I feel confident writing that ranked has never been lower.


In other words, you have no basis whatsoever for what you're saying. The vast majority of people with negative comments about ranked are people like yourself that don't even play ranked. It's ridiculous.


There was a time when not only ranked but PVP in general was a really popular activity on this game. Maybe that was before you started playing, I don’t know.


I guess if you are fairly new to SWTOR, then perhaps you have little to compare the present state of ranked to, and if that’s the case that’s too bad.


The game was better, PVP was better, and even ranked was better in the past. Numbers reflect this statement, btw. :o


I played ranked back in season 1 when it was at its most popular (then I quit the game for 4 years and came back in early 2018). It was just as "toxic" then as it is now. Furthermore, the population numbers overall were much higher, so of course there was more ranked participation. You would need to be able to prove that there are less people playing ranked now relative to the population as a whole. And obviously you can't do that. So it's another utterly baseless assertion.

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In other words, you have no basis whatsoever for what you're saying. The vast majority of people with negative comments about ranked are people like yourself that don't even play ranked. It's ridiculous.




I played ranked back in season 1 when it was at its most popular (then I quit the game for 4 years and came back in early 2018). It was just as "toxic" then as it is now. Furthermore, the population numbers overall were much higher, so of course there was more ranked participation. You would need to be able to prove that there are less people playing ranked now relative to the population as a whole. And obviously you can't do that. So it's another utterly baseless assertion.


I don’t have to ‘prove’ anything. The game and its present condition of low population and incessant complaints revolving around ranked paint a picture that’s hard to miss.


It doesn’t help burying ones head in the sand pretending it’s not bad, when it is indeed bad. Everyone knows ranked is in an abysmal state nothing has changed on that front for years now and it only gets worse as time goes on.


It’s time they flip the sandbox over and make a new sand castle. What harm would be done? If anything something *new* would draw more interest than continuing down the same proven path of failure.

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I don’t have to ‘prove’ anything. The game and its present condition of low population and incessant complaints revolving around ranked paint a picture that’s hard to miss.


It doesn’t help burying ones head in the sand pretending it’s not bad, when it is indeed bad. Everyone knows ranked is in an abysmal state nothing has changed on that front for years now and it only gets worse as time goes on.


Posting things like this is so irresponsible. People come onto these forums and read posts like yours saying "everyone knows ranked sucks" and some probably believe it. It's amazing that you have yet to address my fundamental and undeniable point that the vast majority of people complaining about ranked don't even play ranked. You clearly have no clue whatsoever what is actually happening in ranked. You should be ashamed to post such blatant falsehoods just because you're pushing for an agenda to change ranked.


It’s time they flip the sandbox over and make a new sand castle. What harm would be done? If anything something *new* would draw more interest than continuing down the same proven path of failure.


You can advocate for something new without engaging in hyperbole and pushing misinformation regarding its current state. Solo ranked isn't failing. That's just in your own head.

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Posting things like this is so irresponsible. You can advocate for something new without engaging in hyperbole and pushing misinformation regarding its current state. Solo ranked isn't failing. That's just in your own head.


This isn’t serious business we discussing, it’s a failing mode of PVP on a game. Ranked does indeed suck, my opinion of course. I shouldn’t have to clarify this part, btw.


Typically people can read what others write and determine it’s an opinion not a fact. If it’s “irresponsible” expressing an opinion then I suppose we all are irresponsible pretty much every day on a continuous basis.


Clearly we have different opinions on what “failure” means. If someone has a low standard or are easily amused and enjoy compromised “competitive” PVP matches, I can see how they’d enjoy ranked on this game.


Honestly I don’t hold the class imbalances against SWTOR, because it’s impossible to balance perfectly on games with PVP, at least I never seen a perfectly balanced PVP game.


My biggest issue with ranked ELO scoring on SWTOR is it doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do, which is give a fairly accurate picture of player skill represented by a ranked number.


Why does ranked ELO fail to properly rank players by skill? BW is incapable of stopping the cheating, wintrading, shenanigans in ranked. Because of this lapse, in many cases a player’s skill has little to do with their ELO score seeing it’s determined by many other factors not including the actual skill of the player.


I have no agenda, I just want this game to do something effective that makes the game fun again, for me. I imagine many others feel the way I feel, too.


If they came out saying “hey guys we are reworking class abilities to change up the power paradigm and make things interesting!” Or, “we are gutting the ranked scoring system to try something new that more accurately reflects success in PVP for each player!” If they said either of these things, I’d log in to play.


Until something monumentally changes, I have no reason to log in, ever again. I guess I hope something happens that draws me back, that’s my own “agenda” as you say. :p

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I agree. But solo ranked is the one part of swtor that is for more than just casuals. You are also right that its pvp is not nearly on the level of non-mmo pvp in terms of skill required and popularity (comparing it to wow seems fair though, that's just a population difference really). It's also significantly less "toxic" than those other games.


they're comparable in that they're both mmorpg's with pvp. however, population is far from the only difference, but it's certainly significant. the engine in swtor doesn't do pvp. it just doesn't. you can't just lose someone to desyc for 2-5s. you can't have dead zones go live and stay there for years (ffs! that's not even an exaggeration!). you can't have seasons with no standardized lengths. back to population: you can't have the same 5 competitive players begging at least 3 more casuals to queue just to get a pop and call it "competitive pvp" as if that means anything. you just can't. I'm in the queue every day too. I can count on one hand the number of matches that pop each night that don't have anyone worse than me in them. ME. and you know damn well that I'm not good. there really is no comparison between swtor and wow ranked other than swtor ranked is, like the rest of the game, a half-baked afterthought that doesn't even pop w/o some fool running around in unaug'd 230s getting global'd and causing the 5 "serious" players to pop an aneurysm.


edit: from streams, I'll say DM looks more competitive than my experience on SF. SS did for a while. but now it looks the same. not naming names, but you know there's a handful of regulars who are absolutely terrible (worse than me) and then new random named globals every night. it's really really hard to take this game's pvp seriously. I get wanting it to be more, but it just isn't, and I don't think it ever will be. we're certainly much closer to the end than the beginning of this game.

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Ranked does indeed suck, my opinion of course. I shouldn’t have to clarify this part, btw.


You said:

Everyone knows ranked is in an abysmal state

You stated that as a fact, not your opinion. As you say, it's easy to determine, and just as easy to determine it's false in this case.


If someone has a low standard or are easily amused and enjoy compromised “competitive” PVP matches, I can see how they’d enjoy ranked on this game.


Wow, how toxic.


My biggest issue with ranked ELO scoring on SWTOR is it doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do, which is give a fairly accurate picture of player skill represented by a ranked number.


It does do that, just imperfectly. If you play enough games, your rating will be relatively accurate.


Why does ranked ELO fail to properly rank players by skill? BW is incapable of stopping the cheating, wintrading, shenanigans in ranked. Because of this lapse, in many cases a player’s skill has little to do with their ELO score seeing it’s determined by many other factors not including the actual skill of the player.


Wintrading is really only a problem for the top 3. It happens only in a tiny minority of solo ranked games. Generally, there is some degree of luck involved. That's why your rating really only means anything if you play a certain amount of games. The more games you play, the less those other factors matter.


I have no agenda, I just want this game to do something effective that makes the game fun again, for me. I imagine many others feel the way I feel, too.


Your agenda is that you want ranked changed from an elo system to a points system. People can easily look at your post history where most of your posts having anything to do with ranked mention it.


If they came out saying “hey guys we are reworking class abilities to change up the power paradigm and make things interesting!” Or, “we are gutting the ranked scoring system to try something new that more accurately reflects success in PVP for each player!” If they said either of these things, I’d log in to play.


Until something monumentally changes, I have no reason to log in, ever again. I guess I hope something happens that draws me back, that’s my own “agenda” as you say. :p


Your personal problems with the game has nothing to do with the actual state of affairs in ranked. You've read a few posts on the forums and filled the rest in in your head, yet you don't actually know anything about what happens in ranked. People should understand that your opinion is therefore worth very little on this topic.

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they're comparable in that they're both mmorpg's with pvp. however, population is far from the only difference, but it's certainly significant. the engine in swtor doesn't do pvp. it just doesn't. you can't just lose someone to desyc for 2-5s. you can't have dead zones go live and stay there for years (ffs! that's not even an exaggeration!). you can't have seasons with no standardized lengths. back to population: you can't have the same 5 competitive players begging at least 3 more casuals to queue just to get a pop and call it "competitive pvp" as if that means anything. you just can't. I'm in the queue every day too. I can count on one hand the number of matches that pop each night that don't have anyone worse than me in them. ME. and you know damn well that I'm not good. there really is no comparison between swtor and wow ranked other than swtor ranked is, like the rest of the game, a half-baked afterthought that doesn't even pop w/o some fool running around in unaug'd 230s getting global'd and causing the 5 "serious" players to pop an aneurysm.


While I generally disagree, at least this kind of criticism is based on actually playing the game. I have seen you in the queue a lot lately (I've been playing more on a few alts lately rather than my main btw). Also, I've never actually played wow, so I can't comment on that in detail.


Ranked certainly has its issues, and no one disputes that swtor ranked's biggest problem is a lack of population. Hopefully Bioware will take some steps to change how ranked works to encourage more people to queue. Yet even with those problems, it's still competitive pvp. The phrase "competitive pvp" doesn't imply that's it's perfect or as good as every other game.


Also, just speaking for myself, I've never begged in chat for more people to queue, so you shouldn't paint with too broad a brush on that.

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Also, just speaking for myself, I've never begged in chat for more people to queue, so you shouldn't paint with too broad a brush on that.


He’s right, people constantly are begging on fleet for any random to queue for ranked, even happened months ago when I was playing. Just another sign of the abysmal state ranked is in right now and has been for years. :(

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Also, just speaking for myself, I've never begged in chat for more people to queue, so you shouldn't paint with too broad a brush on that.


it goes something like this...


"is solo popping?"


"I'm in queue."


"me too. anyone else?"


"yeah. me."


"any tanks/heals?"


"not sure."


wait around 20 minutes. then a pop. oh oh look. a merc who pops reflect as he runs across corellia mid while he's guarded "healing" one team while another team has the merc who gets out healed by his concealment op. that's not just one game every night. I'm not Cease, raging about high level mistakes here. I'm talking about the sorc who pops barrier at 80% (that really was last night!) and the next round, he did it at 90%! these aren't isolated occurrences.


there are intense games with good players (I'm calling good better than me. it's not a very high bar). i've been in really intense matches, and I've seen some on stream. those are rare. more regularly, the matches are decided in spawn when you look at the comps. oh, we have this guy on the team? L. oh, that guy's on their team? W. there always seems to be at least one (last night there were 2-3) players on one team that makes you /facepalm and ask htf did these ppl land the same team in this group of 8?

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Big dilemma for people. Who to believe. On the one hand you have someone who is clearly totally jaded about solo ranked, doesn't play it at all anymore, probably barely played it before, and only gleans vague information from "streams" and "other places". On the other hand you have someone who actually plays solo ranked every day. Seems like a really close call.


Im not asking anyone to believe me, im voicing my opinion based on past experience and current observation.

You are trying to convince people that something literally everyone knows exists doesnt.

Not really much of a dilemma.

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wait around 20 minutes. then a pop. oh oh look. a merc who pops reflect as he runs across corellia mid while he's guarded "healing" one team while another team has the merc who gets out healed by his concealment op. that's not just one game every night. I'm not Cease, raging about high level mistakes here. I'm talking about the sorc who pops barrier at 80% (that really was last night!) and the next round, he did it at 90%! these aren't isolated occurrences.


there are intense games with good players (I'm calling good better than me. it's not a very high bar). i've been in really intense matches, and I've seen some on stream. those are rare. more regularly, the matches are decided in spawn when you look at the comps. oh, we have this guy on the team? L. oh, that guy's on their team? W. there always seems to be at least one (last night there were 2-3) players on one team that makes you /facepalm and ask htf did these ppl land the same team in this group of 8?


Believe me, I understand these frustrations all too well. Sometimes the queue actually gets bugged where it doesn't pop even though there are clearly still enough people queueing. There's a thread discussing it somewhere.


And I'll say this in terms of the "you can tell who's going to win by looking at the teams." Sometimes that's true, but people are wrong about that all the time. I know there are games that I think are lost for sure that I sometimes win to my amazement.


Just the other day, someone on my team said "it's over, they have 2 maras and 2 mercs, we lose" (we had I believe a jugg, a sin, and 2 sages). I told him, "try anyway, you never know." And lo and behold, we won the match (you may have been one of the mercs, I don't remember). The point is, things aren't as predetermined as they may seem.


literally everyone



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Im not asking anyone to believe me, im voicing my opinion based on past experience and current observation.

You are trying to convince people that something literally everyone knows exists doesnt.

Not really much of a dilemma.


Nah you just imagining ranked being a dumpster fire. It’s all in your head. :p How anyone can defend it and proclaim the biggest issue with ranked is a low population is beyond me.


Obviously something caused the game to regress to a low population, pretty sure there’s a direct correlation between population and bad gameplay which is what PVP and especially solo ranked has been for years. PVE and other facets probably suffer from the same thing, I can’t comment seeing I only ever PVP’d.


I guess as long as people enjoy ranked as is, like some in this thread admit then it will just remain the same, just as the pattern of more and more players taking exodus will continue, too.

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Nah you just imagining ranked being a dumpster fire. It’s all in your head. :p How anyone can defend it and proclaim the biggest issue with ranked is a low population is beyond me.


Neither of you play ranked. Posting about something you know nothing about, and acting self-righteous about it at the same time, is simply insane. Seriously, you should be ashamed of yourselves for spreading misinformation. Leave the criticism to those of us that actually play the game. Notice that I'm happy to engage with Foxmob's posts on this topic, even if I don't agree with him, because he actually plays ranked.


Obviously something caused the game to regress to a low population, pretty sure there’s a direct correlation between population and bad gameplay which is what PVP and especially solo ranked has been for years. PVE and other facets probably suffer from the same thing, I can’t comment seeing I only ever PVP’d.


I guess as long as people enjoy ranked as is, like some in this thread admit then it will just remain the same, just as the pattern of more and more players taking exodus will continue, too.


Ranked has always been a small part of the playerbase. Suggesting that somehow problems in ranked has led to the overall population to shrink is obviously backwards.

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Just the other day, someone on my team said "it's over, they have 2 maras and 2 mercs, we lose" (we had I believe a jugg, a sin, and 2 sages). I told him, "try anyway, you never know." And lo and behold, we won the match (you may have been one of the mercs, I don't remember). The point is, things aren't as predetermined as they may seem.






yeah. I was in that (canyon, I think?). when I came back and tried to yolo, I was getting **** on. now, I'm usually the last merc (of the three) they go for (most of the server top 10 don't play the class regularly). that said, I could've told you exactly what was going to happen in that match based on the names on my team. you play the queue for a few weeks, and you know 90% of the W/L as soon as you phase into spawn. the only reason the queue is alive at all is because there's a chance you won't have the same bad name next to you the next game. otherwise, it's the same sorry state as group ranked.


there are times I'm genuinely surprised, like when there are a couple good maras on the other team or when I see a concealment who I know will just occupy me the whole round until my dcds go away and I die. so when my team wins those (and I survive!), I'm surprised. but those occasions are rare, and it's usually because the other team had a hard carry that I didn't know about. they're really aren't good games. the one I'm thinking of is where the other team was all stealth (1 conceal, 1 leath, 1 madness [i think?], and 1 shadow). I had one or two stealth on my team. I recognized the ops on the other team. one of them regularly makes my life hell. so I was surprised we pulled that out. but man...those games are really really rare. and again, it came down to a terrible shadow.


honestly, more than half the games any given night over the past month have been decided by which team has the worst bad player. every so often the rng gods will grant you a game based on class comp alone.


all of that said, the games are far more entertaining than regs, where ppl generally don't play the maps, derping around with numbers or just generally being horrible at what they're doing. and none of it is at all useful to prepare for ranked, cuz you can derp around and feel successful. you'd be much better off watching streams than playing regs, tbh. and having the rating thing to try to push up is something to keep you coming back to the game (regardless of how good/bad you are). but...it isn't serious. I can't take it seriously. I can't have King Leonidas as my healer run in from spawn with a guard on and popping reflect and even be mad. the population of this game is casual/rp-ish. that's the IP. look around. even in NiM ops, nobody can 16m the one "new" op for lvl 70, and a new xpack is weeks away. grp ranked has been devoid of competitive teams for months, and solo has to beg players to queue to get pops, and half the time when they get them, it's bad b/c you don't get 8 players of reasonably high skill.

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I could've told you exactly what was going to happen in that match based on the names on my team. you play the queue for a few weeks, and you know 90% of the W/L as soon as you phase into spawn.


I bet if we were to actually measure it, you would be right far less than 90%. Some of your losses might be a self-fulfilling prophecy because you're not trying as hard if you think you're going to lose. Haven't you ever won games with Kilsall on your team? My experience is that it's much more unpredictable than you're suggesting, but our perceptions clearly don't match up.


but...it isn't serious. I can't take it seriously. I can't have King Leonidas as my healer run in from spawn with a guard on and popping reflect and even be mad. the population of this game is casual/rp-ish. that's the IP.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You can play Overwatch or CS:GO, games that takes a lot of skill to be good at and have established e-sports scenes, and still find reasons to say it's not "serious" and that you can't take it seriously because of all the problems they have. I just don't find that way of thinking persuasive at all. Obviously it's up to you how you view it, but that doesn't make it the only way.

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Neither of you play ranked. Posting about something you know nothing about, and acting self-righteous about it at the same time, is simply insane. Seriously, you should be ashamed of yourselves for spreading misinformation. Leave the criticism to those of us that actually play the game. Notice that I'm happy to engage with Foxmob's posts on this topic, even if I don't agree with him, because he actually plays ranked.




Ranked has always been a small part of the playerbase. Suggesting that somehow problems in ranked has led to the overall population to shrink is obviously backwards.


Yeah, I never played ranked. Ever. Nothing has changed in years, my experience from years ago would sound exactly the same as it is now, or when I played ranked 5-6 months ago.


It doesn’t hurt my feelings that you happily engage someone else, and unhappily engage me. Haha. :p


Regarding population it’s like a rusty boat. As time goes on, if the boat gets no updates the rust only grows worse, and people begin to distrust the boat, leaving the boat to find other boats that are safer and not rusting.


The game is presently a rusting boat, that is only getting small patches for all the rusty holes forming in its hull.


If BW refuses to make fairly significant changes to not only ranked, but other facets of the game these parts of the game will continue to rust till they completely fall to pieces ending with even less population than it has now.


Hopefully they add some relevant changes to the game with 6.0.

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I bet if we were to actually measure it, you would be right far less than 90%. Some of your losses might be a self-fulfilling prophecy because you're not trying as hard if you think you're going to lose. Haven't you ever won games with Kilsall on your team? My experience is that it's much more unpredictable than you're suggesting, but our perceptions clearly don't match up.


that's the thing though. it's not that his team wins. it's that there was someone(s) worse on the other team. I've played 3v4 where I'm the 3 and I just wish he was there just for the 10-20s he would occupy the other team, and my team would have won. but if that 4v4 really did exist, sure. I could feel good about myself for having pulled it out with him on my team, but those are also sh**ty sh**ty games. I don't want to play with ppl who wipe the floor with me, and I don't want to play with ppl I wipe the floor with. but there's no way to get players even close to my ability to fill a 4v4 most of the time. and even if there are, they'll be scattered across the other 1 or 2 games being played because they're needed to balance out the elo among other higher and lower rated players. as I said before and about our debate over grp vs solo, I cannot take solo seriously. it's a bunch of half-arsed games. you can find fun in it, but it's not anything like pulling a high rating in any other pvp I can think of, not even wow.

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If BW refuses to make fairly significant changes to not only ranked, but other facets of the game these parts of the game will continue to rust till they completely fall to pieces ending with even less population than it has now.


Hopefully they add some relevant changes to the game with 6.0.


I've always agreed with this part. There's no question that there are many improvements they can make to the game to draw in more people.


but it's not anything like pulling a high rating in any other pvp I can think of, not even wow.


Have you ever played CS:GO at a high rating (was LEM when I played regularly a while ago) and had that guy that always runs to the wrong site and is 2-13 by the end of the round? Have you ever played Overwatch at a high rating (was in master most seasons when I played it a lot) and had that dps moira constantly frontlining and not healing? Because I have. Maybe such things are a bit less frequent, because people are generally closer in skill, but it's still not that much different from swtor ranked in my opinion.

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