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So TOXIC In Ranked Warzone Devs Need To Look Into This


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Satele Shan Server


I play pvp all the time in the Unranked Warzones and I consider myself not to bad. I am not the best but neither am I the worse player so before you say anything and attempt to blame me for lousy playing like this forum usually does, instead of using constructive criticism, keep that in mind. In addition the gear excuse does not cut it either because I am fully geared with the highest rating including augments. And Yes I do know what I am doing. Every single time I have gone into Ranked Warzone it has been extremely unpleasant due to negative bullying behaviour of other players. If they are not swearing at you with a constant stream of curse words and other forms of abusive words, then they are blaming you for some other absurd reason. Even if the team I am on wins. If It is not happening to me on the team then it is happening to another member on the same team. Either way you can't win.


Strangely enough I am finding most of the players who are in Ranked are also Imperial Players. Definitely outnumbered. There are always more imperials than pubs fighting in Ranked Warzone. I do not have a problem with that but I do not appreciate the Toxic Bullying and Abusive Behaviour that is too often displayed in Ranked Warzone. This is very discouraging to see that it is allowed to go on and I can see why people get turned off from even trying it after the initial experience. The devs really need to do something about this because it is absolutely ridiculous. It is online bullying and its nasty and its abusive. In the meantime I shall continue to report this behaviour whenever I am in Ranked Warzone because that is about all I can do atm. People are in this game to have fun, they are not in this game to get bullied and abused by other players who have to big of an ego and ruin it for everyone else!


Keep in mind I have not checked back into Ranked Warzone since about mid July, because it has been so disgusting and also since Mike Bradley July PVP Report which actually indicated there were some other abuses going on as well that resulted in suspension of accounts, no suprise there , maybe things have changed since then, but I am highly doubting it. Nuff Said. :csw_yoda:

Edited by Dowillia
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1.) Competitive gameplay isn't an excuse for people being toxic aholes.


2.) Saying you think bioware shouldn't have any say on how they deal with its toxic players is just pure insanity. They have every right to filter out the people who are unproductive and filtering those people out is not censoring.


3.)Saying he's selfish for wanting a competitive environment that has actual sportsmanship is one of the reasons why new players wont venture into ranked. Ya'll are part of the problem by pretending toxicity is no big deal and just "trash talk", yet most so called trash talking is just straight up attacking. Telling someone not to queue because "reasons" and then getting mad that ranked queue is dead is the most hilarious and the most sad thing I've ever watched in this community.


4.) Free speech protects you from government prosecution. It doesn't protect you from the consequences of being a total jerk within the private sector, nor should it.


Amen :cool:

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People play ranked for competitive gameplay. They don't play ranked to particularly coddle you and your emotions.


You don't have any say over what other people say, nor should Bioware in my opinion. If you don't like what people are saying to you, there is already a built-in tool for that: the ignore list. If they're opposite faction and you just can't handle it, turn off chat. But stop trying to censor people because they offend you. Can't you see how selfish and stupid that is?


Disclaimer: I don't even play on SS, but I'd be willing to bet anything that the vast majority of stuff said is not "bullying" or "abuse," it's just normal competitive **** talking that you'd see in any online game. Seeing posts like this time after time really makes me sick. Remember, I say all this as a liberal who believes strongly in free speech.


This is a tragically bad take. It isnt about coddling, nobody has asked to be coddled, they just expect you to not be a douche in a game. There's miles of middle ground in between as options.

Free speech has consequences, the old fire in a crowded theater argument, in this case your freedom to be an idiot results in killing the game mode. How many posts like this do we need to see before people figure out they ARE the problem.

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SR is, at its heart, competitive and competition can bring out the best...and the worst in people. It's just something that you're going to have to cope with if you want to queue and not lose sanity/heart because not everyone queues SR just for 'fun'. Of course, there are some that take trash-talk or criticism too far, and those should get reported as I have seen such players get banned (albeit temporarily) for their behavior. From my experience however, the queue is not as toxic as it was in seasons past.


I understand how unpleasant SR can be to those who are either (or both) new to SR or far from an expert in their class. Ask anyone who's at the top of the leaderboards how they started and I guarantee most of them will say they had to suffer from similar growing pains as well. If toxicity becomes too much to bear, just put the bad apples on your ignore list, ask/whisper another teammate what the instructions are and keep grinding away.


The main problem that I have with imploring the Devs to 'crack down' on toxicity is that the term is nebulous. What is toxic to one may not be considered so to someone else, making it impossible for a group of Devs to discern such behavior responsibly and reliably.

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This is a tragically bad take. It isnt about coddling, nobody has asked to be coddled, they just expect you to not be a douche in a game. There's miles of middle ground in between as options.

Free speech has consequences, the old fire in a crowded theater argument, in this case your freedom to be an idiot results in killing the game mode. How many posts like this do we need to see before people figure out they ARE the problem.


These are two totally separate arguments though. If I understand you correctly, you're saying that people being toxic in ranked is leading to less people playing it, so if the ranked players want it to grow, they should be less "toxic". That's a reasonable opinion, and it might be right, though I don't think it is.


The original poster and the other poster I replied to think that such ranked "toxicity" should be actively monitored and punished by Bioware. That is a totally different matter, and that is what I'm forcefully arguing against. Just because someone's feelings got hurt does not justify banning people. Again, if you think someone's speech is bad, the best solution is more speech, not censorship. And if banning people whose speech you don't like isn't censorship, I don't know what is.


Also, and this shouldn't need to be said but let me be clear, I am not one of the toxic people in ranked that OP was referencing. I usually don't say anything in ranked beyond calling a strat. Sometimes if someone is egregiously bad in many ranked games in a row, I'll say something tame like "stop queueing ranked until you learn how to use your dcds in regs" or something like that. Others are for more harsh, but that's up to them. And if that does lead to less people playing ranked, so be it. Censoring such people would be a far greater wrong than a dead ranked queue.

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SR is, at its heart, competitive and competition can bring out the best...and the worst in people. It's just something that you're going to have to cope with if you want to queue and not lose sanity/heart because not everyone queues SR just for 'fun'. Of course, there are some that take trash-talk or criticism too far, and those should get reported as I have seen such players get banned (albeit temporarily) for their behavior. From my experience however, the queue is not as toxic as it was in seasons past.


I understand how unpleasant SR can be to those who are either (or both) new to SR or far from an expert in their class. Ask anyone who's at the top of the leaderboards how they started and I guarantee most of them will say they had to suffer from similar growing pains as well. If toxicity becomes too much to bear, just put the bad apples on your ignore list, ask/whisper another teammate what the instructions are and keep grinding away.


The main problem that I have with imploring the Devs to 'crack down' on toxicity is that the term is nebulous. What is toxic to one may not be considered so to someone else, making it impossible for a group of Devs to discern such behavior responsibly and reliably.


Well put.

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"Toxic" messages are already against the rules of conduct as put forth by bioware...




To keep the Service a compliant, fun, fair and safe gaming environment for everyone, you may not engage in any of the following behavior:...

Harass, threaten, embarrass, or do anything to another player that is unwanted. This includes posting insulting, offensive, or abusive comments about players,


Pretty clear to me that it actually is against the rules to even insult people "a little".


Of course, bioware doesn't enforce any of it. So it might as well not exist. [Edit: well, my bad. As reported by a few other people after this message, I guess bioware DOES sometimes take action against reported people. So I guess continue reporting.]

Edited by Banderal
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Of course, bioware doesn't enforce any of it. So it might as well not exist.


Actually, as Csjbo mentioned, Bioware already does enforce it sometimes. Remember that person that kicked you from a ranked game a while back? He recently got banned for a week for constantly being an ******e to people. Another person got permabanned a while ago for being constantly racist and using the n-word a lot. So in extreme cases, Bioware is punishing people, and I'm not even a big fan of that, but as long as it's rare and takes a lot of reports, I'm okay with it.

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1. **** talking is an inherent part of online competitive gameplay. There are certainly lines that can be crossed, such as actual threats and racial slurs, but for the most part the concept of "toxicity" is vastly overrated.


2. I never said Bioware didn't have the right to do it. It's their game, they can do whatever they want. I said they shouldn't, as in, it would be a bad thing for them to do.


3. Pure nonsense. Toxicity is no big deal. Those who think it is don't belong in ranked. I never get mad that the queue is dead, because it's not dead. And if it was, I still wouldn't be mad or begging people in chat. I want people in ranked that can actually compete in ranked.


4. I'm completely aware of what the First Amendment protects and what it doesn't. I never said that it had power over Bioware, but Bioware would do well to maintain the principles of free speech as much as possible. The best counter to what you consider bad speech is good speech, not censorship.


If you think someone is acting in a "toxic" manner, by all means, call them out. Tell them why you think they're wrong. Tell everyone else why you think they're wrong. Those are the kinds of consequences one should expect if you talk trash a lot, not suspensions or bans.


I agree with JMA. Grow a thicker skin. If online toxicity hurts you, I'd hate to see you cope with any serious RL issues.


PS - BW supplies you with the tools you need to combat online toxicity: the ignore function. You don't have to read any of their chat. Additionally, you can turn off chat during matches. 🤷*♂️

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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These are two totally separate arguments though. If I understand you correctly, you're saying that people being toxic in ranked is leading to less people playing it, so if the ranked players want it to grow, they should be less "toxic". That's a reasonable opinion, and it might be right, though I don't think it is.


The original poster and the other poster I replied to think that such ranked "toxicity" should be actively monitored and punished by Bioware. That is a totally different matter, and that is what I'm forcefully arguing against. Just because someone's feelings got hurt does not justify banning people. Again, if you think someone's speech is bad, the best solution is more speech, not censorship. And if banning people whose speech you don't like isn't censorship, I don't know what is.


Also, and this shouldn't need to be said but let me be clear, I am not one of the toxic people in ranked that OP was referencing. I usually don't say anything in ranked beyond calling a strat. Sometimes if someone is egregiously bad in many ranked games in a row, I'll say something tame like "stop queueing ranked until you learn how to use your dcds in regs" or something like that. Others are for more harsh, but that's up to them. And if that does lead to less people playing ranked, so be it. Censoring such people would be a far greater wrong than a dead ranked queue.


I guarantee you, its right. Look around at the posts, many people posting that they want to theyd like to but.... toxicity. And those are just the ones that bother to post here.


It isnt censorship to ban people that violate a terms of service, they do it all the time for various reasons. Its the whole "fire in a crowded theater" argument... you have the right to free speech, but that doesnt make you immune to its consequences.


More speech achieves nothing... i speak out at someone being toxic it inevitably turns to attacking me as well. Now i dont care at all what people say to me, ive never been shy about voicing my views and i do often defend people in game that are being bullied, but the source of the problem is that toxicity, and speaking against it only begets more of it. You know this, or you should.


You may not be part of the problem, but by defending them you enable them, thus by extension, you kind of are. At minimum you are not part of the solution. People like you that have a presence here should be helping build, not tear down.


Dont trip over your social agendas here, this is a game, games have rules, not boing a jerk is the most basic of them.

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Satele Shan Server


I play pvp all the time in the Unranked Warzones and I consider myself not to bad. I am not the best but neither am I the worse player so before you say anything and attempt to blame me for lousy playing like this forum usually does, instead of using constructive criticism, keep that in mind. In addition the gear excuse does not cut it either because I am fully geared with the highest rating including augments. And Yes I do know what I am doing. Every single time I have gone into Ranked Warzone it has been extremely unpleasant due to negative bullying behaviour of other players. If they are not swearing at you with a constant stream of curse words and other forms of abusive words, then they are blaming you for some other absurd reason. Even if the team I am on wins. If It is not happening to me on the team then it is happening to another member on the same team. Either way you can't win.


Strangely enough I am finding most of the players who are in Ranked are also Imperial Players. Definitely outnumbered. There are always more imperials than pubs fighting in Ranked Warzone. I do not have a problem with that but I do not appreciate the Toxic Bullying and Abusive Behaviour that is too often displayed in Ranked Warzone. This is very discouraging to see that it is allowed to go on and I can see why people get turned off from even trying it after the initial experience. The devs really need to do something about this because it is absolutely ridiculous. It is online bullying and its nasty and its abusive. In the meantime I shall continue to report this behaviour whenever I am in Ranked Warzone because that is about all I can do atm. People are in this game to have fun, they are not in this game to get bullied and abused by other players who have to big of an ego and ruin it for everyone else!


Keep in mind I have not checked back into Ranked Warzone since about mid July, because it has been so disgusting and also since Mike Bradley July PVP Report which actually indicated there were some other abuses going on as well that resulted in suspension of accounts, no suprise there , maybe things have changed since then, but I am highly doubting it. Nuff Said. :csw_yoda:


While I totally agree with you, I can assure you that there is nothing Bioware can do about it...


It is just the nature of online player vs player and hiding behind the internet anonimity...


I've had a lot of unpleasant experiences in ranked years ago and it got a point where I still have a phobia to que despite me being a much better player than I was at the beginning. It's far less toxic than it was back then due to the population getting lower and lower with time.


Toxicity is one of the major reasons why people avoid ranked which is sad.. If we had more people queing everyone would get games for their own bracket/ skill level.


Some players where and are absolute cancer. You don't want to know the extremes they are willing to go in order to hurt you IF you let them.


All that you can do is let it go, use ignore function, turn off chat... Accept the fact that whenever you que and make mistakes there is a chance that someone might flame you. thi

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I guarantee you, its right. Look around at the posts, many people posting that they want to theyd like to but.... toxicity. And those are just the ones that bother to post here.


We have very different interpretations of those posts though. Many of the people complaining about "toxicity" in ranked queued a handful of times, got globaled, got flamed, then come to the forums to complain. Such people should not be taken seriously. Again, if people are queueing for ranked and stop queueing due to what they perceive as "toxicity," ranked isn't for them.


So, so many of the people, I'd hazard a guess at 90%+, that complain about ranked "toxicity" on these forums don't even play ranked. As someone that queues ranked almost every day, I'm telling you that there is no "toxicity" problem in ranked. The vast majority of games there is very little said in chat. Sometimes there is mild trash talking. Occasionally there are ******es that insult people. There is no crazy harassment or threats or anything rising to a level of concern.


It isnt censorship to ban people that violate a terms of service, they do it all the time for various reasons. Its the whole "fire in a crowded theater" argument... you have the right to free speech, but that doesnt make you immune to its consequences.


Of course it's censorship to ban people from speaking, for their speech...that is the purest form of censorship. Again, Bioware can do it if they want to, but let's not pretend. As for the fire in a crowded theater, that is an exception to free speech, meaning it's not protected speech because it's incitement. But anyway, as I've said before, yes, if you say stupid or offensive things, you can potentially face consequences for it, but that doesn't mean every consequence is appropriate. Should we put people to death for toxicity? Obviously not. We shouldn't ban them either; we should shame them, if anything.


More speech achieves nothing... i speak out at someone being toxic it inevitably turns to attacking me as well. Now i dont care at all what people say to me, ive never been shy about voicing my views and i do often defend people in game that are being bullied, but the source of the problem is that toxicity, and speaking against it only begets more of it. You know this, or you should.


If you don't like what someone is saying, you have a few options. One is to completely ignore them. Another is to speak out against them. You want to silence such people. In my opinion, the consequences of silencing speech we don't like is far, far worse than whatever problem you think that speech is causing.


You may not be part of the problem, but by defending them you enable them, thus by extension, you kind of are. At minimum you are not part of the solution. People like you that have a presence here should be helping build, not tear down.


I'm happy to defend and enable people in this circumstance. And I've said before, I don't think perceived "toxicity" is an actual problem. There are some people in the ranked community that are truly vile people that I don't like. But I hope that they remain free to express themselves however they chose. I'm not a hypocrite in that respect. I believe in actual free speech in all circumstances, not just when it's convenient or when you agree with what people are saying.


Dont trip over your social agendas here, this is a game, games have rules, not boing a jerk is the most basic of them.


That's a rather silly rule. If there were no jerks, online games would get boring fast. And I've never heard a single justification for enhanced censorship in games other than to protect peoples' feelings. That's not a good enough reason to silence people.

Edited by JediMasterAlex
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We have very different interpretations of those posts though. Many of the people complaining about "toxicity" in ranked queued a handful of times, got globaled, got flamed, then come to the forums to complain. Such people should not be taken seriously. Again, if people are queueing for ranked and stop queueing due to what they perceive as "toxicity," ranked isn't for them.


So, so many of the people, I'd hazard a guess at 90%+, that complain about ranked "toxicity" on these forums don't even play ranked. As someone that queues ranked almost every day, I'm telling you that there is no "toxicity" problem in ranked. The vast majority of games there is very little said in chat. Sometimes there is mild trash talking. Occasionally there are ******es that insult people. There is no crazy harassment or threats or anything rising to a level of concern.


Of course it's censorship to ban people from speaking, for their speech...that is the purest form of censorship. Again, Bioware can do it if they want to, but let's not pretend. As for the fire in a crowded theater, that is an exception to free speech, meaning it's not protected speech because it's incitement. But anyway, as I've said before, yes, if you say stupid or offensive things, you can potentially face consequences for it, but that doesn't mean every consequence is appropriate. Should we put people to death for toxicity? Obviously not. We shouldn't ban them either; we should shame them, if anything.




If you don't like what someone is saying, you have a few options. One is to completely ignore them. Another is to speak out against them. You want to silence such people. In my opinion, the consequences of silencing speech we don't like is far, far worse than whatever problem you think that speech is causing.




I'm happy to defend and enable people in this circumstance. And I've said before, I don't think perceived "toxicity" is an actual problem. There are some people in the ranked community that are truly vile people that I don't like. But I hope that they remain free to express themselves however they chose. I'm not a hypocrite in that respect. I believe in actual free speech in all circumstances, not just when it's convenient or when you agree with what people are saying.




That's a rather silly rule. If there were no jerks, online games would get boring fast. And I've never heard a single justification for enhanced censorship in games other than to protect peoples' feelings. That's not a good enough reason to silence people.


It has nothing to do with protecting peoples feeling, jesus h man come on... being a jerk in any situation generally gets you told to not be a jerk, thats just life, hiding behind censorship to protect being a jerk while complaining about protecting other peoples feeling when they were the wronged is just quality agenda.

Your taking a silly position here in my opinion and well just have to agree to disagree.

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If you don't like what someone is saying, you have a few options. One is to completely ignore them. Another is to speak out against them. You want to silence such people. In my opinion, the consequences of silencing speech we don't like is far, far worse than whatever problem you think that speech is causing.


I'm not a huge fan of "toxic" chat messages, but I'm not going to argue that. I just want to say...


There is another option too. Engage them. Get them to help you.


Now, before you laugh too hard... :p There was an old player here who went by the handle "DomiSoto" (somewhat famous for the old "pvp a day" thread), and I saw her do exactly this over and over. She would get flamed by someone, and the next thing I saw she was dueling them and getting instruction. It was, to me, very impressive actually.


That was in "regs", so maybe "ranked toxicity" is different, but I doubt it. I suspect that most players would take a few minutes to try to help if asked politely.

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I'm not a huge fan of "toxic" chat messages, but I'm not going to argue that. I just want to say...


There is another option too. Engage them. Get them to help you.


Now, before you laugh too hard... :p There was an old player here who went by the handle "DomiSoto" (somewhat famous for the old "pvp a day" thread), and I saw her do exactly this over and over. She would get flamed by someone, and the next thing I saw she was dueling them and getting instruction. It was, to me, very impressive actually.


That was in "regs", so maybe "ranked toxicity" is different, but I doubt it. I suspect that most players would take a few minutes to try to help if asked politely.


This is why it's important to differentiate between 'toxic' comments made by someone immediately after a loss because of tilt, which they would hope no one take personally......with 'toxic' comments made by someone who is a flat-out jerk, with total apathy towards their intended target. The former can definitely be engaged with constructively (albeit right after a rough loss may not be the best time) and the latter usually isn't, therefore should be ignored.

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"Toxic" messages are already against the rules of conduct as put forth by bioware...






Pretty clear to me that it actually is against the rules to even insult people "a little".


Of course, bioware doesn't enforce any of it. So it might as well not exist.

they enforce it a little. I think you have to report it, usually a few ppl need to report. [rhymes with katana] has been banned quite a bit. mind you, we're talking about 1-day bans. but they do ban for verbal abuse. I only know about him b/c he's mentioned it in twitch chat. kinda comical how light the actions are, but they do take them for just words (not hacking).

Edited by foxmob
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PS - BW supplies you with the tools you need to combat online toxicity: the ignore function. You don't have to read any of their chat. Additionally, you can turn off chat during matches. 🤷*♂️


can't ignore ppl in SR. need to see strats. imo.

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they enforce it a little. I think you have to report it, usually a few ppl need to report. [rhymes with katana] has been banned quite a bit. mind you, we're talking about 1-day bans. but they do ban for verbal abuse. I only know about him b/c he's mentioned it in twitch chat. kinda comical how light the actions are, but they do take them for just words (not hacking).


Yeah, he was my main gripe and my perception that bioware did nothing about him vote kicking me from ranked (which actively prevents me from playing content, which is WAY against the terms of service). I quit the game completely for about a month... Glad to hear I was wrong about that (from you, and I saw JMA's post too earlier in this thread). I should edit my snarky original post. Still not a harsh enough penalty for that behavior in my opinion, but since it happened to me, of course my opinion is a bit slanted.


And, btw, according to my "friends" list, his/her name doesn't rhyme with katana anymore. It now rhymes with Tuna I guess? :p

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For the most part I am of the opinion of just letting the insults flow in ranked, just about anything is tolerated in the verbal/written regard. Its supposed to be at least a somewhat competitive environment where tensions are allowed to rise. There are in theory no victims and only volunteers.


Words can surely hurt, but if you shield yourself constantly from hurtful words you tend to just make yourself more susceptible to them in the long run. Sometimes insults thrown at you are just harsh truths, which in that case perhaps consider what is being said.


The only thing I ever found intolerable about the ranked community is how some tended to get triggered to the extent that they would DOX or DDOS... although that era is seemingly in the past. Having your home office DDOSed for a day for just being better at the game or unlikable/hated for whatever reason is fun stuff

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And, btw, according to my "friends" list, his/her name doesn't rhyme with katana anymore. It now rhymes with Tuna I guess? :p


Yeah, he changes his name every now and then. Always confused me why some people do that.


Words can surely hurt, but if you shield yourself constantly from hurtful words you tend to just make yourself more susceptible to them in the long run. Sometimes insults thrown at you are just harsh truths, which in that case perhaps consider what is being said.



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PVP in general is toxic, the difference in SR is that you have all these "self proclaimed best ever" kids.

When the match is lost, there's always one kid who will point the finger at someone and blame that person for losing the match/elo.


With experienced ppl and players, doing SR or TR, there isn't much or at all, curse words and what not.

I've been in pretty chilled TR teams in S9, even random one's with random ppl that I've never played before.


SR on the other hand, as dps I had good exp, sure, someone will always get blamed and cursed for this and that and 90% of the time, the cursing is done by some kid who got mom slapped earlier in the day, so he goes online and trying to bullie ppl, 'cause his pee pee in RL is non existant and he prolly gets slaped by everyone. :D


I just laugh tbh when I beat someone in WZ and get a whispered insult. I don't even block them, I just ignore them, letting them know that they don't even exist in my universe. :D


That pisses them off the most. :p

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1.) Competitive gameplay isn't an excuse for people being toxic aholes.


2.) Saying you think bioware shouldn't have any say on how they deal with its toxic players is just pure insanity. They have every right to filter out the people who are unproductive and filtering those people out is not censoring.


3.)Saying he's selfish for wanting a competitive environment that has actual sportsmanship is one of the reasons why new players wont venture into ranked. Ya'll are part of the problem by pretending toxicity is no big deal and just "trash talk", yet most so called trash talking is just straight up attacking. Telling someone not to queue because "reasons" and then getting mad that ranked queue is dead is the most hilarious and the most sad thing I've ever watched in this community.


4.) Free speech protects you from government prosecution. It doesn't protect you from the consequences of being a total jerk within the private sector, nor should it.


I did sports my whole life (even now) and, honestly, they always taught as sportmanship -You are competing with yourself, not others- so I try to apply that on my life in general, no exceptions. Sometimes we are all triggered with some guy who gets globalled or mat farmers, but I agree: the level of toxicity is really insane. What I do is imagine fat nerds angry cause they lose and I laugh.

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Satele Shan Server


I play PVP all the time in the Unranked Warzones and I consider myself not to bad. I am not the best but neither am I the worse player so before you say anything and attempt to blame me for lousy playing like this forum usually does, instead of using constructive criticism, keep that in mind. In addition, the gear excuse does not cut it either because I am fully geared with the highest rating including augments. And Yes I do know what I am doing. Every single time I have gone into Ranked Warzone it has been extremely unpleasant due to negative bullying behavior of other players. If they are not swearing at you with a constant stream of curse words and other forms of abusive words, then they are blaming you for some other absurd reason. Even if the team I am on wins. If It is not happening to me on the team then it is happening to another member on the same team. Either way, you can't win.


Strangely enough, I am finding most of the players who are in Ranked are also Imperial Players. Definitely outnumbered. There are always more imperials than pubs fighting in Ranked Warzone. I do not have a problem with that but I do not appreciate the Toxic Bullying and Abusive Behaviour that is too often displayed in Ranked Warzone. This is very discouraging to see that it is allowed to go on and I can see why people get turned off from even trying it after the initial experience. The devs really need to do something about this because it is absolutely ridiculous. It is online bullying and its nasty and its abusive. In the meantime, I shall continue to report this behavior whenever I am in Ranked Warzone because that is about all I can do atm. People are in this game to have fun, they are not in this game to get bullied and abused by other players who have too big of an ego and ruin it for everyone else!


Keep in mind I have not checked back into Ranked Warzone since about mid July, because it has been so disgusting and also since Mike Bradley July PVP Report which actually indicated there were some other abuses going on as well that resulted in suspension of accounts, no surprise there, maybe things have changed since then, but I am highly doubting it. Nuff Said. :csw_yoda:


Sadly friend as much as it sucks unless they are deliberately targeting you and harrassing you even after the Ranked instances is finished then no sadly there is not much you can do about it as Freedom of speech even online is somewhat still a big thing. My best option for you would to just turn off chat or ignore that individual as this is what those functions are for. Unless it clearly violates the terms of agreement with SWTOR otherwise not much can be done.

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