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My Two Cents.


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This is just my input on some of the new stuff.


Set bonuses - All the new ones are plain trash!!! Why add in these set bonuses with stats now instead of actual bonuses? Your justification for this is Tactical Items? It is just plain laziness and no thought process involved. Leave the 6 piece set bonus as is. I could see the class set bonuses being stats, but not the advance class/spec set bonuses.


Tactical Item - This is suppose to be something that gives us an edge in our play style, yet in actuality it is just a solo set bonus. Come on Devs, really. Once again leave set bonuses as is and let the tactical items actually be something that gives us an edge. Not just a 1 piece set bonus that should be part of actual set bonus.


New power - Great idea. With raising the level cap we all needed a new ability, but did it need to be Advance class specific? Why not make it make it advance class spec specific? I like the idea of new ability, but once again it being something for all 3 specs just screams laziness to me.


Combat Proficiencies - Once again great you raised the level cap, but yet another thing that screams laziness. Lets just spread out what they currently have. People have been at 70 for how long now? Now you want to spread it out so when this new expansion drops we are pushed back on this since you decided to lengthen it out. So hard to maybe come up with 1 or 2 more passive abilities per spec?


Utilities - Currently we have 4 tiers, this happened when we got some newer ones added. Great idea. Now with new expansion we are going back to 3 with the current utilities we have. Once again LAZY!!! Come up with some new ones.

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Some of my comments may have been a little harsh per say, being lazy or trash, but let's be honest it is trueful. I took a day to think about my comments and came up with something a little easier to swallow. Level 70 came out Dec 2016, almost 3 years ago. We have been at level 70 for almost 3 years now and you want to stretch out the disciplines. We have been playing with these disciplines for almost 3 years as is and when this new expansion comes out we have to level up to get passives that we have had for about 3 years. Come on you guys could have either added some of the new set bonuses as new passivies or come up with new ones. Now onto set bonuses. Please DO NOT change these to what is current on the PTS. The new ones are not or should be considered set bonuses. The 6 piece set gives 2 stat boosts and 1 actual bonus. How about you take the new set bonuses and make those bonuses tactical items. That way we get more tactical items and we don't lose the current set bonuses. Utilities need to stay as 4 tier system and we need some more options in each tier then. Maybe take some of the new set bonuses too and make them new utilities. Edited by BallisticKaine
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We have been at level 70 for almost 3 years now and you want to stretch out the disciplines. We have been playing with these disciplines for almost 3 years as is and when this new expansion comes out we have to level up to get passives that we have had for about 3 years. Come on you guys could have either added some of the new set bonuses as new passivies or come up with new ones.


More than likely, you'll go from lvl 70 to 75 in a day so it's not that big of a problem.


Now onto set bonuses. Please DO NOT change these to what is current on the PTS. The new ones are not or should be considered set bonuses. The 6 piece set gives 2 stat boosts and 1 actual bonus. How about you take the new set bonuses and make those bonuses tactical items. That way we get more tactical items and we don't lose the current set bonuses. Utilities need to stay as 4 tier system and we need some more options in each tier then. Maybe take some of the new set bonuses too and make them new utilities.


Here I completely agree with you. I think it just sucks to no end they are taking away 2 of our 3 set bonuses. For 7 years we have always had 3 set bonuses. Now, because they can't creatively come up with new ones, they just decided to fill those two spots with +2 stat increases. +2 stat increase is not a set bonus. We already get those from Mods, Enhancements, Armoring, Stimms, and Augments. What's worse is with some of the new (6) piece set bonus, your stuck with whatever +2 stat increase that comes with it whether you need it or not. +2 accuracy for pvp players? +2 endurance for snipers? Totally, wasted stats just to get your (6) piece bonus.


Unfortunately, were stuck with what their doing to us. Nothing is going to stop them or persuade them to change their minds.

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I wonder how those +2% set bonuses work with bolster? I was under the impression that everyone was going to have the same (best) stats no matter what with the new pvp bolster - is that not true anymore?
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I can see the strength of the 2- and 4-piece boni so long as they make a perfect stat possible where it wasn't before. With +2% accuracy you can get to exactly 110.00%, making it a very valuable bonus compared to the others.


With a breakpoint alacrity system like we have now I could also see it being useful, but as they're doing away with breakpoints every stat other than accuracy on a set will be quite underwhelming and boring set boni.

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I can see the strength of the 2- and 4-piece boni so long as they make a perfect stat possible where it wasn't before. With +2% accuracy you can get to exactly 110.00%, making it a very valuable bonus compared to the others.


With a breakpoint alacrity system like we have now I could also see it being useful, but as they're doing away with breakpoints every stat other than accuracy on a set will be quite underwhelming and boring set boni.


If 306 gear is the cap you are right, though I will always prefer to take +2% mastery and live with .20% miss chance anyways but the possibility for higher damage and healing output because mastery is the most valuable stat to add percentage boni to given we have the highest base of it (over 10K). But in likelihood 306 may be equivalent to 236 gear or so so and there is also companion 1% bonus on accuracy to in game when it goes live the whole accuracy thing may have to be rethought.


Of course if we are scaled down in operations on nim for some reason and mastery is not that high in the end than yeah the accuracy one or crit one is clearly the best if tertiary stats are not scaled

Edited by ottffsse
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