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Which masochist thought up the amplifier system?


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Have any players actually looked to see what these are about on PTS?


Here's how I got gear from the PTS vendors, before and after I looked at the Amplifiers.



Went to vendor and looked at set bonus for my Lightning Sorc. Found a 4 piece I liked, Found a 2 piece i liked, random 7th. Implants/Earpiece/relics/saber/generator.

Went to mod vendor. Got accuracy up to 110% and started filling out the rest.


Then I noticed amplifier stats.

"Weapon mastery"

"Armstech Expertise"

"Armormech mastory"

"Armor Penetration"

"Bargaining" something or other

"Protective Coating" (negative % numbers so far)


Belts/Bracers can have 3 stats straight from the vendors.

I thought, ok, the amplifier stats must be part of the armor skin.



1 stat from the armoring, 1 stat from the mod, 1 stat from the enhancement, 1 stat from the skin.


Oh...each piece of that puzzle has several possible amplifier stats. Different from the other pieces.



Armoring = amplifier stat a/b/c/d

Mod = amplifier stat e/f/g

Enhancement = amplifier stat h/i/j/k

Skin = amplifier l/m/n


But it isn't done yet.


each of those amplifer stats have varying VALUES.



This is VERY similar to the random resource generation system from Star Wars Galaxies...for those who know what that means.

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Have any players actually looked to see what these are about on PTS?


Here's how I got gear from the PTS vendors, before and after I looked at the Amplifiers.



Went to vendor and looked at set bonus for my Lightning Sorc. Found a 4 piece I liked, Found a 2 piece i liked, random 7th. Implants/Earpiece/relics/saber/generator.

Went to mod vendor. Got accuracy up to 110% and started filling out the rest.


Then I noticed amplifier stats.

"Weapon mastery"

"Armstech Expertise"

"Armormech mastory"

"Armor Penetration"

"Bargaining" something or other

"Protective Coating" (negative % numbers so far)


Belts/Bracers can have 3 stats straight from the vendors.

I thought, ok, the amplifier stats must be part of the armor skin.



1 stat from the armoring, 1 stat from the mod, 1 stat from the enhancement, 1 stat from the skin.


Oh...each piece of that puzzle has several possible amplifier stats. Different from the other pieces.



Armoring = amplifier stat a/b/c/d

Mod = amplifier stat e/f/g

Enhancement = amplifier stat h/i/j/k

Skin = amplifier l/m/n


But it isn't done yet.


each of those amplifer stats have varying VALUES.



This is VERY similar to the random resource generation system from Star Wars Galaxies...for those who know what that means.


This sounds ALLOT like RNG gears from those Mobile gatcha games where substats are always random and can have High rolls and low rolls on those sub stats...


Pls no just no...

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It doesnt work yet I think.


At least I haven't seen any life stealing. Not as in dealing damage and not in receiving healing.

I haven't seen any other amps working but that might be because we don't know what it exactly does.


(@bioware: If you want us to test it please elaborate what it actually is that we need to test ;) )

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(@bioware: If you want us to test it please elaborate what it actually is that we need to test ;) )


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=966750 generally states what to test and what is not implemented yet, including:



[*]Amplifiers are not implemented. If you see them appear anywhere expect that it is fully placeholder and not implemented.


Edited by Elracor
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Well, placeholder or not...place holder for the names/stats, or for the entire system?


While the names of the amplifies are confusing at the moment, at least some of them, it's more the system that I was referring to.


Right now, every time you buy one of these from the vendor, you get a random stat from the group, and a random value associated with that stat:


Armorings (and I think hilts/barrels fall here too):

Armor Penetration up to 1.5% ?

Weapon Expertise up to 15% ?

Force Harmonization up to +15 ?

Force Sensitivity up to +15% ?



Bargain Hunting "down" to -15% ?

Durable Coating "down" to -15 ?

Armormech Expert (forgot to write down notes on values)

Armstech Expert (forgot to write down notes on values)



Life Stealing up to 1.5% ?

Featherweight "down" to -15% ?



Armormech Potency up to 3%?

Armstech Potency up to 3%?

Adventuring Bounty up to 1.5%?



Oh, I was also wrong. the Class set bonus skins don't have an amplifier built in. Only one set on the General Armor vendor has a built in (random stat & random value when you "buy" it from the vendor) amplifier slot at the expense of a normal set bonus.

Edited by Darev
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Have any players actually looked to see what these are about on PTS?


Here's how I got gear from the PTS vendors, before and after I looked at the Amplifiers.



Went to vendor and looked at set bonus for my Lightning Sorc. Found a 4 piece I liked, Found a 2 piece i liked, random 7th. Implants/Earpiece/relics/saber/generator.

Went to mod vendor. Got accuracy up to 110% and started filling out the rest.


Then I noticed amplifier stats.

"Weapon mastery"

"Armstech Expertise"

"Armormech mastory"

"Armor Penetration"

"Bargaining" something or other

"Protective Coating" (negative % numbers so far)


Belts/Bracers can have 3 stats straight from the vendors.

I thought, ok, the amplifier stats must be part of the armor skin.



1 stat from the armoring, 1 stat from the mod, 1 stat from the enhancement, 1 stat from the skin.


Oh...each piece of that puzzle has several possible amplifier stats. Different from the other pieces.



Armoring = amplifier stat a/b/c/d

Mod = amplifier stat e/f/g

Enhancement = amplifier stat h/i/j/k

Skin = amplifier l/m/n


But it isn't done yet.


each of those amplifer stats have varying VALUES.



This is VERY similar to the random resource generation system from Star Wars Galaxies...for those who know what that means.


Something tells me I am going to be taking another long break after 6.0 launch.

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Jesus so many people just like to whine and whine they do. Until it is even implemented how about you just pretend it's not there. They literally said it's a place holder. I wouldn't be surprised if all your gear said +100% to Whining. Just wait until they actually put it in and then you can ***** to your hearts content about how you hate change.
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Ohhh, is that how the amps will work? I didn't realize that each one you buy from the vendor will have a different random factor. I'm ok with this part being random as it will give me something to casually grind when I burn through all the content and max a toon in a month.


Are you sure Amps are working now? Whenever I go to edit them I only see some weird dropdown menu and the option to remove them, but not to put any in. It was pretty late at night when I first tooled around on the amps, though, so I could be completely misunderstanding.


I played the mobile game SWGOH for a couple years, and they had a mod system and the ability to slice/alter certain stats and items. https://gaming-fans.com/star-wars-goh/swgoh-101/swgoh-101-comprehensive-mod-guide/


This is a min/maxers dream come true :D The great thing is that casuals, RP'ers, collectors, and decorators can completely ignore such a system.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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Exactly there will be a credit fee to re-roll each amp. However each re-roll of the same amp will cost more and more credits each time you roll that specific amp. However there will be a period of time where the cost will reset. If the cost resets in 24 hours or a week they have not said yet. Edited by Leadplayer
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Have any players actually looked to see what these are about on PTS?


Here's how I got gear from the PTS vendors, before and after I looked at the Amplifiers.



Went to vendor and looked at set bonus for my Lightning Sorc. Found a 4 piece I liked, Found a 2 piece i liked, random 7th. Implants/Earpiece/relics/saber/generator.

Went to mod vendor. Got accuracy up to 110% and started filling out the rest.


Then I noticed amplifier stats.

"Weapon mastery"

"Armstech Expertise"

"Armormech mastory"

"Armor Penetration"

"Bargaining" something or other

"Protective Coating" (negative % numbers so far)


Belts/Bracers can have 3 stats straight from the vendors.

I thought, ok, the amplifier stats must be part of the armor skin.



1 stat from the armoring, 1 stat from the mod, 1 stat from the enhancement, 1 stat from the skin.


Oh...each piece of that puzzle has several possible amplifier stats. Different from the other pieces.



Armoring = amplifier stat a/b/c/d

Mod = amplifier stat e/f/g

Enhancement = amplifier stat h/i/j/k

Skin = amplifier l/m/n


But it isn't done yet.


each of those amplifer stats have varying VALUES.



This is VERY similar to the random resource generation system from Star Wars Galaxies...for those who know what that means.


Wow, ur one of the originals here, and also from SWG like me. Oh yeah, i definitely noticed all the mods/ and amplifiers that the set bonuses have, i t looks like they don't have all the sets and Tacticals and Amplifiers on PTS from what i hear.


From what i heard from the Devs on the streams, they said that we would be able to have Gear that will have only Amplifiers for what we saw on Crafting, to Combat varied Amplifiers doing different kinds of bonuses.


In build 2 i hope we can finally get a good look at these new sets so we get a clearer picture. From what the Devs also said we can mix and match them for crafting, combat, healing, etc.


Now if we could just get Entertainers in Cantina's and Image Designers, etc,etc .

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Exactly there will be a credit fee to re-roll each amp. However each re-roll of the same amp will cost more and more credits each time you roll that specific amp. However there will be a period of time where the cost will reset. If the cost resets in 24 hours or a week they have not said yet.


In their Livestream they said that the credit fee rises until it reaches an unknown Cap, then it resets... Don't know if they changed it up since then.

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