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You do NOT have 12 seconds to get to safety


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This is such a minor thing overall and I don't die that often on my own, so I don't see it much, but it bugs the crap out of me every time I see it.


When you use a medical probe, the thing revives you where you died and proceeds to tell you that you have 12 seconds to get to safety. This is a lie. You have roughly 8-9 seconds to get to safety because the timer starts ticking immediately and the revive animation takes roughly 3 seconds to play, during which you can't move.


So if you revive in an unsafe area, you can't move until 8-9 seconds in, giving you 8-9 seconds to get to safety. Not 12.


This is also a problem with other areas of the game sometimes, where the built-in delays relating to animations (presumably to ensure the fluidity of going from animation to animation) cause you to be unable to act while an animation plays out. For example, using Unload and having the animation continue to play after the mob is dead, with you unable to loot until it finishes. Or being unable to use an interactable because you are on some sort of invisible global cooldown or animation cooldown or something (not entirely sure which).


Locking your toon up over animations is, IIRC from some discussion I read once, what also caused a particular Sage ability to be changed, the one that now summons debris from the ground. I read that it originally acted as a stun due to the knockdown animation and was therefore changed, since the stun was not considered a fair/intended part of the ability when used against players.


Stuff like this is ridiculous. This is a game and minutiae of animation concerns should not rule over gameplay. It's neat when the animations work as intended and it's a unique and interesting experience to have them play smoothly from one to the other, but I would rather an animation look funky once in a while than have gimped gameplay.

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Stuff like this is ridiculous. This is a game and minutiae of animation concerns should not rule over gameplay. It's neat when the animations work as intended and it's a unique and interesting experience to have them play smoothly from one to the other, but I would rather an animation look funky once in a while than have gimped gameplay.


And this is why this topic is entirely subjective. You'd rather one thing, i'd rather the opposite bc i dont want a weird animation to break my immersion. Therefore it should stay as it was originally designed.

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And this is why this topic is entirely subjective. You'd rather one thing, i'd rather the opposite bc i dont want a weird animation to break my immersion. Therefore it should stay as it was originally designed.


Same. Funky animations annoy me far more than anything else does.

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This is such a minor thing overall and I don't die that often on my own, so I don't see it much, but it bugs the crap out of me every time I see it.


When you use a medical probe, the thing revives you where you died and proceeds to tell you that you have 12 seconds to get to safety. This is a lie. You have roughly 8-9 seconds to get to safety because the timer starts ticking immediately and the revive animation takes roughly 3 seconds to play, during which you can't move.


So if you revive in an unsafe area, you can't move until 8-9 seconds in, giving you 8-9 seconds to get to safety. Not 12.


This is also a problem with other areas of the game sometimes, where the built-in delays relating to animations (presumably to ensure the fluidity of going from animation to animation) cause you to be unable to act while an animation plays out. For example, using Unload and having the animation continue to play after the mob is dead, with you unable to loot until it finishes. Or being unable to use an interactable because you are on some sort of invisible global cooldown or animation cooldown or something (not entirely sure which).


Locking your toon up over animations is, IIRC from some discussion I read once, what also caused a particular Sage ability to be changed, the one that now summons debris from the ground. I read that it originally acted as a stun due to the knockdown animation and was therefore changed, since the stun was not considered a fair/intended part of the ability when used against players.


Stuff like this is ridiculous. This is a game and minutiae of animation concerns should not rule over gameplay. It's neat when the animations work as intended and it's a unique and interesting experience to have them play smoothly from one to the other, but I would rather an animation look funky once in a while than have gimped gameplay.


Play in the pvp instance and it gives you an extra 10 secs ;)

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And this is why this topic is entirely subjective. You'd rather one thing, i'd rather the opposite bc i dont want a weird animation to break my immersion. Therefore it should stay as it was originally designed.

It's not even close to "entirely subjective." In fairness, I foolishly framed it in a way that would attract responses like this, but it's really not like that at all most of the time.


The main topic of discussion isn't even a question of a choice between weird animation and sensible game mechanics. All they would have to do is make it 15 seconds, change the text to 9 seconds, or change when the countdown starts, without impacting the animation at all. And it would be more or less accurate.


Other examples I gave, like an animation continuing after you kill a mob... that IS a weird animation and IS immersion-breaking.


The only example I gave that directly relates to a tradeoff is the old Sage ability and it only relates insofar as they couldn't have it do a knockdown and not work like a stun at the same time, so they chose to change the ability instead.


The only reason I framed it the way I did at the end is because many of these types of problems would likely never exist at all if the game wasn't trying to be so particular about how animations play. The perhaps better worded takeaway is that we shouldn't have to choose between animation and gameplay. If animation is going to be such a priority, it should actually work as intended without impacting gameplay. The sage ability example shows how when cornered with a tradeoff, they can work around it by changing how something works so that we get both animation and gameplay working ok.

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And this is why this topic is entirely subjective. You'd rather one thing, i'd rather the opposite bc i dont want a weird animation to break my immersion. Therefore it should stay as it was originally designed.



Not really subjective, the op is talking about getting away from mobs. They don't need to change the animation, just change it so it doesn't lock you while doing it. That way, you can stay in your fancy animation and take a chance on dying, while the sensible people can go "**** the animation" and run like hell ;)

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It's not even close to "entirely subjective." In fairness, I foolishly framed it in a way that would attract responses like this, but it's really not like that at all most of the time.


The main topic of discussion isn't even a question of a choice between weird animation and sensible game mechanics. All they would have to do is make it 15 seconds, change the text to 9 seconds, or change when the countdown starts, without impacting the animation at all. And it would be more or less accurate.


Other examples I gave, like an animation continuing after you kill a mob... that IS a weird animation and IS immersion-breaking.


The only example I gave that directly relates to a tradeoff is the old Sage ability and it only relates insofar as they couldn't have it do a knockdown and not work like a stun at the same time, so they chose to change the ability instead.


The only reason I framed it the way I did at the end is because many of these types of problems would likely never exist at all if the game wasn't trying to be so particular about how animations play. The perhaps better worded takeaway is that we shouldn't have to choose between animation and gameplay. If animation is going to be such a priority, it should actually work as intended without impacting gameplay. The sage ability example shows how when cornered with a tradeoff, they can work around it by changing how something works so that we get both animation and gameplay working ok.


A similar case is that one of Quick Travel. Whenever i use it and my toon arrives at destination, it always has to wave (to the "transport", i guess) and if i start walking or running, it's upper body part is straight, it cant move, like if it's a piece of wood.


That looks so awkward and it annoys me quite a lot. I'd prefer for the animation to finish instead of being able to move, honestly. Same applies to the topic.


I totally get your point, it would be great if we didnt have to choose between the two, but as long as both things arent possible, i prefer it to stay the way it is now.

Edited by DeVanagloris
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The best thing about the "grace" period is it doesnt work in the new Dantooine heroics... you die there and rez then any trash mobs around still and it will immediately break you out of stealth and put you back in combat... release and run back is safest!


The anti stealth in these heroics is too anti.

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You have roughly 8-9 seconds to get to safety because the timer starts ticking immediately and the revive animation takes roughly 3 seconds to play, during which you can't move.

So, do you suggest that they change it to say "You have 8 or 9 seconds after the 2 or 3 seconds you can't move, to get to safety"?

Or maybe after the 2 or 3 seconds is over they could say "You now have 9 seconds to get to safety"?


Or is it just simpler to know that 12 seconds is the total time?

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Even 8 seconds are usually enough time to get away to safety, though. Unless you revive next to mobs with stealth detection. Then you're toast either way. :D

This has ****ed me over so many times in the past! :D It even got me on Dantooine not that long ago when I forgot it counts as stealth no immunity.

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I remember the first time I died in PvE and rezzed on the spot and my character wouldn't move for a few seconds. The next time I died, I started my own countdown and thought, who screwed up the timer on this? Probably been less that a handful of times that I couldn't make it to safety in time, but no question, they need to adjust the timer.
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Even though the time it claims to give you does not match the actual time you have due to the animation, it is enough time to fully heal up. No need to run. I have yet to meet any enemies in PVE that can see through the stealth field it gives you, even if they're stealth detecting mobs.
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There's all kinds of little weird things like this in this game. I seriously doubt they'll change them.


Watch a cooldown timer. 0 is number to Bioware. Seriously, the countdown shows 0 for a second. After the "one" second plays out, the cooldown should end. We should never see "0."


Also Entrench/Hunker down say you are immune to ALL controlling effects. Tell that to some bosses or the rakghouls that hump your face.


My point is, there's many of these little annoyances. They have other bigger fish to fry.

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